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659243 No.659243 [Reply] [Original]

Just finished reading Haunted by Chuck Palahniuk. Great stories, and fairly disturbing in a few places, but not really scary. Anybody ever read a horror anthology that genuinely frightened them?

>> No.659249

i hated this book so much

i only enjoyed maybe 3 stories

>> No.659252
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>> No.659256

Chuck Hockeypuck: Riding the same trick for his entire writing career.

To his credit, he picked a target audience too stupid to notice.

>> No.659259

I hated that book.

>> No.659261

Okay, yeah, Guts was way over-hyped. 73 people fainted hearing it... I kind of laughed.

>> No.659271

They fainted because he asked them to hold their breath. IT'S THE FIRST LINE OF THE STORY.

Also, Haunted sucked ass.

>> No.659277

Haunted was fucking terrible, although Choke was good for a few laughs.

>> No.659285

I can't stand when people talk about Guts. That story has no fucking character, it's just one long buildup to a hideous image, and I can tell Chuck spent more time on getting a perfect description of torn-out intestines than he's ever done on a character. I'll give that he has a knack for imagery and can pace a piece well, but it's all squick and no resonance.

>> No.659291

interesting fact, i read this story years ago in the first copy of penthouse that i ever got my hands on. i think it is where it first appeared. jenna jameson drank her own piss in that one. after that, my fapping relationship with chuck palayneuk faded fast.

>> No.659309


Yeah, I remember hearing about Guts years ago in a high school locker room, so I'm not surprised it was published in Penthouse. I learned later that the story is adapted from a true story, and that Chuck had met the guy and used the idea.

>> No.659330
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omg, ur rite!

>> No.659331

i heard that he goes to parties and tells outrageous stories to see if people believe they are true...

>> No.659350


I agree completely.

>> No.659355

Got bored of this book after reading Guts because the other short stories were kind of boring. Should I give it another chance?

>> No.659719


>> No.660067

I read this a while ago and i can't remember much about it except the guy with the pool drain, i thought it was funny and not scary.