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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 2.44 MB, 320x240, cultural_enrichment.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6591460 No.6591460 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/, I am writing a novel from the perspective of a blind man and, though it may seem somewhat silly, am going to start wearing a blindfold constantly, learn brail and how to properly use a walking stick while also speaking to several blind people I know about what it is like and so on. Have any of you tried this 'method-writing', as it were? Do you think it will reap any rewards?

pic unrelated

>> No.6591473

Immersing yourself into the meaning of the work that you're writing is the only way to go about it.

What kind of book is it going to be?

>> No.6591491

>am going to start wearing a blindfold constantly, learn brail and how to properly use a walking stick while also speaking to several blind people I know

keep us posted

>> No.6591501

You should kill yourself so that you can write a book about suicide.

>> No.6591505

it'll be a memoir. At first I had ideas about a trilogy where a blind man discovers his hidden past and tries to save himself as he goes slowly mad. Then I thought that people should know the plight of blind people, so I decided to give them some attention

>> No.6591531


A pretty simple work. I have only recently started developing the concept, but insofar as I have gotten with it-the struggles that the physically impaired face every day, in this case a recently blinded blind man. Nothing ludicrous, but the simple things in day to day existence and how it slowly eats away at his life and, inevitably, his mind. I hope to develop the prose throughout the novel, an idea that I have been kicking about is the prose becoming more and more stream of consciousness and Joyce-esque towards the end, maybe adding in subtle hints throughout. Might be a shit idea, but maybe I will finally get published. If not, feel free to steal the idea and make it something decent.

Not me.

>> No.6591548
File: 35 KB, 310x475, blindness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you read this, OP?

>> No.6591563


No, why? Have I come up with an idea someone already has?
>tfw will never be published since all the good ideas have already been taken

>> No.6591573

When Dustin Hoffman was involved with the movie Marathon Man, his character was depicted as looking like he had stayed awake for three nights. Dustin, being a method actor, decided to stay up for three nights in real life in order for it to look more realistic. When he came to the set, Laurence Olivier (An actor some consider one of the greatest in the world) asked him why he looked so tired and Dustin told him. Then Olivier pauses for a moment, then makes the famous statement, "Try acting, dear boy...it's much easier."

>> No.6591576

I haven't read it yet, it's in my backlog.
Supposedly the author uses various original literary techniques to convey the experience of blindness, so I thought it would interest you.

>> No.6591579

Idea's are old hat, execution is the important factor in writing.

>> No.6591589


Alright, I don't think I will pick it up unil after, though. I appreciate that every writer is and should be influenced by those who came before, but I want the work to be original and now am curious as to how are depictions compare.

>> No.6591596


Until and our*. Pardon.

>> No.6591602


Ease is not the point. If corners are cut then why even bother? I am sure Dustin performed spectacularly in his understanding of the sleep deprived psyche.

>> No.6591608

I'm really disturbed someone took the time to make that .webm.

This dump is fucking creepy, if you think about it.

>> No.6591614

>This dump is fucking creepy
How is it creepy? It's just some shitty webm made by some retarded 14 year old from krautchan.

>> No.6591615
File: 107 KB, 740x339, 1430443680785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>/int/ memes

>> No.6591676

/int/ is almost as bad as /pol/ for believing in spooks
>muh countries relevancy
>muh culture
>muh abstract living zone's abstract concept rating is better than your abstract living zone's abstract concept rating and therefore I give myself abstract value and assign you abstract inferiority