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/lit/ - Literature

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6589172 No.6589172 [Reply] [Original]

Warren Buffett said that everyone should read 500 pages a day.

Have you met Buffett's expectations?

pic related: sexy warren

>> No.6589176


That's literally impossible unless you're a rainman type faggot or just have absolutely zero obligations.

>> No.6589185

or you frequently work with documents

>> No.6589191

Sure... If those documents are all memes and shitposts. I'm a law student, and if I read 500 pages a day I would understand and retain absolutely none of it.

>> No.6589195

if that's true then you attend a shit tier university my man

>> No.6589200


Okay, find yourself a ~500 textbook on law and read all of it in a day. Just try it.

>> No.6589204

i think you are just illiterate

>> No.6589206


>> No.6589211

I think the most I read in a day was a hundred pages, and that was a fucking chore.

>> No.6589226

read it several times

I can't go as far as 500, but I read 80 this morning and may read 80 tonight after lectures

>> No.6589232

plus I'm not sleeping tonight, so there's a bit of extra time.

>> No.6589242

I read between 100 and 200 pages a day.
500 pages seems excessive but I suppose if I took no breaks for several hours I could manage it.

>> No.6589256

80 + 80 = 160

That's pretty fucking far from 500...

>> No.6589275

How fast do you fucking people read? I'd need to read from the moment I woke up to the moment I went to bed to get to 500 pages a day.

You sound like you read a page a minute or some shit. Do you even comprehend any of what you read or do you just speed across the words so you can say that, technically, you read them?

>> No.6589290

Pretty fucking easy when you're a massively wealthy investor who can pay himself to read all day if he wants. Not as easy for the rest of them. I'm happy with anywhere between 20 and 200 a day (http://theweek.com/articles/460783/warren-buffett-formula-how-smarter):

Warren Buffett says, "I just sit in my office and read all day."

What does that mean? He estimates that he spends 80 percent of his working day reading and thinking.

"You could hardly find a partnership in which two people settle on reading more hours of the day than in ours," Charlie Munger commented.

When asked how to get smarter, Buffett once held up stacks of paper and said he "read 500 pages like this every day. That's how knowledge builds up, like compound interest."

>> No.6589293

believe it or not some people can actually read, anon-kun

>> No.6589301

Thats like 20 hours of reading for me.

>> No.6589308

>tfw can barely manage 100 pgs of pleb shit like fiction

>> No.6589321

As effective in making you smarter as watching "scientific" crap on tv all day long.

>> No.6589327

Does reading hentai count?

>> No.6589337

This is honestly one of the most annoying boards on this entire website. Nothing but Christians and faggots with superiority complexes because they've read a lot of shitty fiction and philosophy.

I don't even know why I come here.

>> No.6589341

Stalin read 500 pages a day and he was quite an achiever. Teddy Roosevelt probably was somewhere near this as well, even during presidency.

>> No.6589346

buddy the reason why people here can read 500 pages a day is because they have read thousands of books and are good at reading

you are the one with the superiority complex here, maybe >>>/r/books would be a better fit for you

>> No.6589381

thank you for doing the math

>> No.6589389
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>> No.6589395

I don't have the attention span to read fifty pages in one sitting. I just couldn't do it.

>> No.6589401

dude, you're good at math!

>> No.6589417

>shitty fiction and philosophy.

M8, say you don't read but don't brag about it. You're not mr. down-to-earth utilitarian who has no time for arts and thinking just because you're in a cubicle writing TPS reports.

>> No.6589421
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>maybe >>>/r/books would be a better fit for you
nothing there

>> No.6589449 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6589454
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>> No.6589458

>read it several times

If you want to retain something you divide it into chunks and do spaced repetition. Any other technique is objectively, demonstrably inferior. 500 pages is not a reasonable chunk.

>> No.6589460


How do people like him and Musk do that? I know Musk used to read like 2 books a day. Fuckin how? I usually read a little over 100 pages of varying books but that's because I'm basically NEET. How would you do that if you had a demanding job?

>> No.6589463

>ention span to read fifty pages in one sitting. I just couldn't do it.
That's my minimum in each sitting. I try to do it a couple times a day.
Weekends and time off from school are godsend. I read 300 pages doing it yesterday.

>> No.6589466

>how can people lift so much weight? I went to the gym once and I almost destroyed my arms lifting less than half of that!
>how can you run for more than an hour? 15 minutes and I'm exhausted!

>> No.6589476


>> No.6589481

I do not read 500 pages a day,
I said I may be able to do so.
I read about 200 pages a day.

>> No.6589484

Get good. Don't sound the words out when you read.

>> No.6589497


Fair point, but still, how would one do that if they had a job where they couldn't read at work? Say a typical 9-5, you've got roughly 5-6 straight hours of reading over 100 pages an hour.


I don't subvocalize anymore, but I still hover around the 1 minute per page mark (more if it's some dense philosophical shit). Maybe I'm just too slow a reader, but damn

>> No.6589501

if you're a student there is no excuse for you not to read 500 pages

>> No.6589504

Plato said that reading is degenerate because it weakens your memory and gives you the false impression that you're wise.

>> No.6589510

1 minute per page isn't bad. That's a normal reading speed. There are some "advanced techniques" out there, but I'm not sure how learnable they are. To be honest, I think it's talent at a certain point. Also, you probably don't have as much reading time as them. Even with 60 pages/hr, if you read for 9 hours a day, you'll hit Buffett's goal and will probably get through a book or so.

>> No.6589514

>tfw shit tier memory
>tfw Plato was right
Freshman me should have listened.

>> No.6589515

>Warren Buffett said that everyone should read 500 pages a week

>> No.6589519
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pathetically just 30 pages today, I still have a few more hours but I doubt I'd even reach 100.

The anon included the time aspect of the issue. Someone who runs 40k dedicates a considerable amount of his time training for that, just because yo eventually can't do it it doesn't mean you eventually can do it in a magically short amount of time.

>> No.6589520

>this anti-subvocalization pseudoscience crap again

Maybe you'd get more reading done if you stopped trying to workshop clever reading strategies and just read.

>> No.6589535

one page of chinese cartoons counts as 0.001 page of a random novel and 0.00000000001 page of highbrow lit.

>> No.6589541


>> No.6589543

The amount of words you'd read from /lit/ and/or the internet in general and the amount of time it'd take to read words or pages from proper literature are probably equal to each other, you have no excuse to not be reading right now.

>> No.6589544

There is no way someone like Warren Buffett reads 500 pages a day.

I mean, his father was a congressman, he was probably relatively well off for this time period, and not only that he had connections in stock brokerage.

>> No.6589549

Buffet never said he did or that anyone should. See >>6589515 500 pages a week seems relatively light, however.

>> No.6589561
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I'm taking a break. if you follow the exercise analogy you'd assume that you need to relax to hit peak again. /lit/ is my reading cardio.

>> No.6589567

500 pages a week with a demanding job that includes having to deal with people (even out of work hours) and reading work related material when away from the office, like congressman, is a lot.
Unless he counts skimming through laws as reading, but he would get to the thousands a week with that logic.

>> No.6589591

Yeah, it isn't even possible, unless you are staying up on caffeine or something. Depending on the reading material 100 pages is the max. No one is going to read The Wealth of Nation's in one day and comprehend it, for example--unless you already understood the concepts and were speed-reading for some reason.

>> No.6589599

As long you're taking the job to fully comprehend the material at-hand, I count reading work material as reading. Mind you, I know most people don't do this, but still; as long as you're somewhat serious about it, it counts.

>> No.6589612

I can't lift weights most people find trivial, but that doesn't mean those weights are unliftable.

>> No.6589622

That's two decent sized books a week. What kind of garbage are you reading that you don't have to re-read passages or contemplate concepts?

Lol. You guys reading children's stories? There is NO WAY IN HELL you are reading 1000 word pages with complex concepts in 1 minute. If you aren't comprehending what you read, you might as well go watch a movie or something equally pleb.

>> No.6589629

Are you fucking serious m8? You can't even get through college if you can't handle a book or two a week.

>> No.6589636

I am an advanced reader. Your claim is garbage. All speed reading techniques are garbage. If the author wrote 90% of the words as superfluous nonsense, he's a bad author, period.

All claims of speed-reading are really claims on speed thinking and comprehension. You are not going to comprehend 500 pages of complex material in one day--period.

>> No.6589648

It probably possible, but not recommended to read 500 pages a day. Speed means fuck all when you aren't actually comprehending what you're reading. If you're reading a book about trivia or facts about animals, maybe 500 is reasonable. Buf if you're reading a philosophically work, you proabably won't understand it.

>> No.6589658

That's different. You and I both know retards can get through college. All college students do is skim for the material that will be on the test. How many college students really understand, say, The Wealth of Nation's? Do you really think there are that many macro economics geniuses out there?

>> No.6589660

You forgot to count that Soviets liked to lie.

>> No.6589682

Many books are not fine literature where every word matters. Oftentimes, words and concepts are repeated to improve comprehension. It will often be the case that books are indeed full of superfluous information.

...Are you retarded? This isn't even asking for a book a day, which is a difficult feat for even very fast readers. This is something that's asked of a vast swath of the population. Are you really suggesting some sort of vast conspiracy to hide the fact that nobody really reads?

>> No.6589701

Oh my god

Jump off a cliff please.

>> No.6589706
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>I am an advanced reader
lad if you can't read 500 pages a day you aren't even a novice reader

>> No.6589708


>> No.6589712

>Are you really suggesting some sort of vast conspiracy to hide the fact that nobody really reads?

No; I'm trying to say that most people don't understand complex reading material--at least any more than superficially. Taking WoN as an example again, how many people have read it? Many of course. How many can extrapolate the concepts and actually apply them? Very few. What's the point of reading if you can't take the concepts with you?

>> No.6589719

Enjoy The Cat in the Hat, bro!

>> No.6589730

i'm serious, unless you are reading nonfiction that requires you to take notes and memorize concepts there is no excuse for a university graduate to be illiterate

>> No.6589731

>anyone who doesn't read 500 pages a day is illiterate

>> No.6589739

i don't read 500 pages a day because i have a 12hr job but it's piss easy to do if you are in a position like buffet is

>> No.6589752

So, you're calling Buffet an idiot then? He's arguing for a considerably lighter reading load than 500 in a day.

>> No.6589795

Why not 500 pages a week. That would make a lot of sense, right?

Also, if we consider 40 to 60 pages per hour. it gives a range of 15 to 8h per day.
This is not sustainable by any mean.

>> No.6589803

That is exactly what Buffet s arguing for, OP misquoted him. See >>6589515

>> No.6589810
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I don't think the issue here is the reading rate or actual insufficient time, but poor time allocation. College people have 10-12 hours of free time a time, three to five hours of classes and the rest for sleeping. While the free time includes socializing, chores and sports, one would still realistically have 6-7 hours of nothing a day but it is wasted so easily on 4chan..

>> No.6589813

He was talking about companies' annual reports. If you read 500 pages of that shit a day you're wasting your life. Unless you're trying to make as much money as possible to give it to effective charities.

>> No.6589821

no he is literate, unlike you

>> No.6589826

>15 to 8h per day.
you know some people work, right?

>> No.6589836

Even if you only read for 5 hours a day at a rate of a page a minute that's 300 pages already. All it takes is a little effort. If you don't read at least five hours a day you belong on reddit or /b/ not /lit/

>> No.6589851

>if I can't do it, surely no one can!
>no one has more ability than me!
I am going to go out on a limb and say you're not as bright as you think you are. One of my porffessors reads 500 pages a day easily. He said it took years of practice and he never watches tv and barely uses the internet though.

>> No.6589864

>Even if you only read for 5 hours a day

>> No.6589884


Yeah, sure, I can spend 7 hours a day just reading.
It's not like I have things to do.

>> No.6589906

I'm going to go out on a limb and say you aren't as bright as you think you are! If you could process complex information 5x faster than I could and understand the concepts, you would be at the head of a think tank somewhere making millions of dollars.

It takes very few good books to understand a concept, if you are intelligent. You can extrapolate the concepts to other areas as well once you've learned them, depending on the situation.

You are missing the forests for the trees. If you aren't juxtaposing the information with previously acquired information to connect the dots, you are doing it wrong. If you can't understand the complex universal concept behind an example, you are doing it wrong. You aren't understanding SHIT, if you are reading 500 pages a day. If you are, stop reading fiction and kid's books.

>> No.6589912
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slow reader here, my daily average is 30, though i can sometimes read over 100 if i'm really interested.

500 is impossible for me.

>> No.6589921

>I have things to do.
>browses/posts on 4chan


>> No.6589922

Perhaps I could if I didn't sleep. 350 pages a day would be possible if I read eating/shitting. Fucking envy the people who read faster

>> No.6589934

Again, your point is that since you can't do it and you haven't met anyone that can do it no one can do it. Great argument.

>> No.6590107

Buffett's life doesn't seem like it's wasted...

>> No.6590122
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>Buffett's life doesn't seem like it's wasted

>> No.6590127


>10-12 hours a day of free time

Nigga, you're forgetting the studying part. Cut that down to 4-5 or so

>> No.6590169

I can read 200 pages in 4 hours could read 500 a day but it gives me nausea reading fast for so long.

>> No.6590172

this, neo-/lit/ is so awful

>> No.6590178

says the man posting maymays on the shitty literature subforum of an imageboard dedicated to the discussion of japanese cartoons

>> No.6590184

when reading bourdieu, durkheim, baudrillard, stuff on that level.. i usually average 20 pages per hour. is that very bad?

>> No.6590190
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>life doesn't seem like it's wasted

>> No.6590198

No, that's perfect. Plus you should be actively taking notes and engaging with the text.

>> No.6590223

Yeah I am. Okay great, that makes me feel a bit better

>> No.6590515
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He's correct also you should start with his favorite book of all time Katharine Graham's personal history

>> No.6590669

This. I laugh when acquaintances who work 40 hours a week, and it's especially common in those with kids, criticize others who try to put a couple hours a day of their own time into more productive efforts, claiming that they themselves could only wish that they had the free time to do that, as if working and keeping a family is a 120+ hour a week endeavour. They sure find the time to watch TV and other trash though.

>> No.6590696

>he meant read alot
>hurr durr 500 this 500 that

>> No.6590735


What kinds of notes?

>> No.6591105
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>OP says 500 a day
>Buffett actually said 500 a week
>/lit/ tries to argue the possibility and effectiveness of 500 pages a day

>> No.6591164
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>is that very bad?
It depends of your background. Usually when you go to related lectures you can read much faster since is the teacher's job to chew it out for you. Knowing the key concepts helps a lot.
If you're on your own, in may take more than 20 pages an hour because to fully grasp the text you will need to check references here and there, you will need to spend time not only looking for references but also making research to find out the references first (this is, knowing not only what texts are related and may have influence upon what you're reading, but to filter the bad ones, that's also the teacher's job)

>> No.6591333

>a page a minute

>> No.6591536
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>mfw those documents ARE memes and shitposts

git cultured fags

>> No.6591544

General summaries, outlining arguments, points of (dis)agreement, etc.

Think of those kinds of nonfictional works as conversations with a friend.

>> No.6592568

>i-it's s-soviet propaganda!

>> No.6592577

So you are poor then? What are you doing here?

>> No.6592580

>Nothing but Christians
*tips fedoras

>> No.6592581

Plato was a faggot.

>> No.6592584


>> No.6592596

This strategy coupled with a large amount of notes pretty much sums up how I go about reading. Sure it cuts back a little on my quantity of pages read throughout the day, but I fucking understand what I'm reading. Of course ways to approach a book and the amount that you can reasonably digest in a day differ wildly from text to text.

>> No.6592636

>poor people getting lifestyle advice from rich people
>shigidigi in 2015

>> No.6592638

are you a handyman?

>> No.6594065

oh my lol


>> No.6594113

That's a lot, are you neet?

>> No.6594546

My daily commute totals 3-4 hours and if I'm not tired I can do around 300 pages. I'm usually tired though.

I can kind of see where he's coming from, but I think he's including reading while you're at work which a lot of us don't.

>> No.6594565
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