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6587028 No.6587028 [Reply] [Original]

What books or manifestos would you nominate to be entered into an Official Nutjob Trilogy?

>Manson In His Own Words
>Industrial Society and Its Future
>My Dark Twisted World

>> No.6587136
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>> No.6587161

Incarnations of Burned Children

Some fucked up shit man.

>> No.6587284

Industrial Society and Its Future was written by an extremely intelligent man. You can't deny it.

>> No.6587291

>Went to Berkeley

I can deny it

>> No.6587302
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There already is one.

>> No.6587305
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>> No.6587357

The Old Testament
The New Testament
The Quran

>> No.6587407


>> No.6587409


>> No.6587419
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Zettels Traum maybe? But Schmidt was more autistic rather than insane.

>> No.6587501

So what? His concept of the liberal front is pulled out of his ass and it should, at best, be read as a cautionary tale.
Keep in mind that while he was a genius mathematician, he was also schizophrenic and sent letter-bombs to airports.

>> No.6587513

Industrial Society and Its Future is pure genius and anyone who says different is a pleb.

>> No.6587537

>an intelligent man wrote something
>therefore it isn't part of the nutjob trilogy

Nigga that ain't smart.

>> No.6587548

>but it was written by a mathematician!
Pure bullshit. I really doubt he was a good mathematician. He maybe had good grades, but that doesn't mean he was a good mathfag.
>all leftists are like this
>leftism is like this, I know it because I met 50 leftists and they were all like this
>leftism shits society because all leftists I may me, who represent all leftist from all history, want to do it
>modern technology will ruin society
Yeah, pure genius.

>> No.6587556



>> No.6587562


nice ad-hominems there.

what he did or didn't do has no relevance to the truth of his beliefs. Nor does any supposed mental illness, which were all delivered by court appointed psychologists who are incapable of understanding that rejecting society is a perfectly valid life choice.

>> No.6587574

Has any publisher ever released a print version of it?

>> No.6587584

I'm >>6587501. To Teddy's credit, he is a top-tier mathfag.
I've seen * Kaczynski citations at least four times in my pure math textbook.
He could've been up there with the greats if he hadn't gone full nutso.
That wasn't ad-hom, anon. I told you what I had against him. I wasn't using an insult as an argument, I was tacking it onto an argument. The initial poster said
>Industrial Society and Its Future was written by an extremely intelligent man. You can't deny it.
which I interpreted as
>Industrial Society was written by a genius and so the work itself is genius
In retrospect, I was probably wrong making assumptions.
> who are incapable of understanding that rejecting society is a perfectly valid life choice
I can sympathize with that belief. I was disappointed to learn that it's actually illegal to ditch the grid in my state.
Leaving society without a second notice, isolating yourself in a cabin in the woods, writing a manifesto against the evolution of the populous, and then proceeding to mail out explosives to heavily populated areas makes it pretty obvious that he was a bit insane in the membrane.

>> No.6587586


It was on the fucking front page of the NYT and several other papers.

>> No.6587604


not at all. He started the bombings because there were some industrial developments that encroached on areas he liked hiking in around his cabin, and then he started see planes flying over his cabin, sometimes so closely that he could feel his cabin shake slightly. That's one of the reasons he hated airlines so much.

Ted was getting revenge. The bombings were his way of expressing the fact that he'd had enough of industrial society and what it had done to him.

>> No.6587616

And you think that enacting his revenge by killing uninvolved citizens is something a sane person would do?

>> No.6587618

He didn't study at UC Berkeley, he was a professor there.

>> No.6587660


I wouldn't say uninvolved, he specifically targeted people directly involved in the industrial/technology sectors, including a lobbyist for the forestry industry, several university professors involved in STEM disciplines, and Boeing. He wanted revenge on the abstract concept of industrial progress, and he took the most direct route to that, attacking the drones of industrial progress.

Ted is a sane individual, he simply possesses a radically different perspective on existence and society than pretty much everyone else. If you hate industrial society so much that you view it as evil incarnate, it seems logical that the people who carry this system forwards are evil themselves.

That's why you can never trust court appointed psychologists. They exist in a narrow sphere that's very biased and laden with values (egalitarianism/liberalism) and social conformism.

>> No.6587727

There are no uninvolved civilians. The masses who support ever pervading invasion are the target here: their fear, and their shortcomings are the key to succesful warfare against their masters, not direct attack.

The government will move against you no matter what you will do; is pre-emptive strike that unethical of a concept?

>> No.6587747

Industrial Society and its Future is of a much higher quality than the other 2,
in my humble opinion.

>> No.6587759


>> No.6587819

>illegal to ditch the grid
If this fact alone wont convince people that the government doesnt give a flying fuck about "freedom" then I dont know what would. Jefferson would vomit.

>> No.6587863
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>start with the greeks
>lit advocates being a Luddite
why am I not surprised? thank christ you people arn't in charge of anything important.

>> No.6587870


>> No.6587876

The Lightning and the Sun

>> No.6588097

Tbh I think your comment holds some legitimacy regarding the Quran. Kind of hard to think Muhammad wasn't at least a little weird. Him going off to meditate alone in a cave, him receiving verses from god being described often in violent ways, whether it's something consistent with a heat stroke, him imaging an angel coming and violently demanding he listens, the way he would murmur and flutter his eyes. His total disregard for his own life when acting on his religion, yet also him expressing great anxiety and his attempts to commit suicide. His attraction to a child I will not name, him dying of sickness, his old age, his frequent fasting and neglect of sleep. SOMETHING was up with him

>> No.6588099
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>> No.6589057

The Nutjob Tetralogy
>My Dark Twisted World
>Dorner Manifesto
>SCUM Manifesto

Supplementary materials:
>Ricardo Lopez tapes

Industrial Society and Its Future is not, in itself, a nutjob work.

>> No.6589096

Why not make it a quintology by adding
>For my legionaries

>> No.6589139

It is true that sanity is typically measured in a social context, and that psychology/psychiatry have grown more focused on attempting to iron out any behavior that society deems mal-adaptive or untoward, but thinking you can significantly change society by killing a few people is short-sighted and extremely immature.

>> No.6589283


Ted never had grandiose delusions of bringing down industrial society singlehandedly. He was just really angry and had way too much time on his hands. Is it immoral what he did? Yes. But it wasn't insanity.