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/lit/ - Literature

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6585771 No.6585771 [Reply] [Original]

What's your novel about /lit/?

>> No.6585992

About a lonely, rich, spoiled-as-a-child man in his 40s who decides to become generous/philanthropic in an attempt to make his life meaningful. Doing so, he stumbles upon a hot, intense, playful but devilish woman (younger) who visits care centers and such in order to profit herself (has own donation organisation that is actually a fraud), with whom he falls in love. All's a honeymoon until her plan meets its end and she takes his house, car, bank account, company etc. and then abandons him.
Not sure whether to make the guy suicide or realize what a new life he's being given
Also, the chick's name would be Lucy :^)

Nah, I'm joking. I just thought this shit up. r8 honest; might work for a cheap novel, no?

>> No.6586021

6.74/10 sounds like a Hitchcock movie.

>> No.6586038


A magic realism story about The Devil's Footprint incident.

>> No.6586074

A story of a young man undergoing the process of individuation, set in a bizzare semi-magical post-apocalyptic world where societies have regressed into forms resembling those of ancient history (city states, tribes, nomadic tribes, etc...).

>> No.6586095

>young man

Ugh, I bet he's white too...

>> No.6586128

Yeah well, I'm not sure if I could write well about the struggle of a african american genderfluid otherkin against the oppression of the cis-scum post-apocalyptic barbarian hordes, without being marginalizing or culturally appropriating. In all seriousness though, this is my debut and I'm gonna be happy if I finish the novel at all, and if it doesn't fit your agenda then I'm sorry about that but I really couldn't give a fuck.

>> No.6586194

Pulpy genre fiction about the often short isolated lives of rival syndicate privateers on Jupiter's moon ganymede.

Long segments of Semi-autistic protagonist pottering round on her retrofitted fishing boat nervously checking radar and broadcast frequencies for enemy contact, interspersed with short lethal and unglamorous skirmishes between armed skimmer craft piloted by expendable contractors dosed up on go-pills.

The basic premise is you get to know her, before her inevitable stupid mistake induced death.

Cheap clinical heartstring tugging perhaps, but I'm just shooting for a self-published ebook release so I can write whatever the fuck I like.

And what i like, (to speak in trope for the sake of brevity) is a good "Shoot the shaggy dog story".

A nice pointless downer ending, as empty and senseless as any real death.

Fuck you, it's my book.

>> No.6586202

It's a collection of short stories about gay couples and robots and ghosts and alcoholics and dreams and shit,
It's garbage.

>> No.6586203

Garbage or not, there's a way to spin that and make it saleable.

>> No.6586255

Sound bretty catchy, mate. Good luck.

>> No.6586286

Ta for the encouragement mate.

Now I just have to live up to the full potential of the idea.

>> No.6586310

Its about four kids who wake up in a world of monsters, themselves becoming animal-like, after an evening playing baseball. Its about being handicapped and lonely, and i am putting a lot of effort in it being as comfy as possible. It will also have illustrations.

>> No.6586326

Please be about a two-legged horse

>> No.6586340

Its about the trials which the modern generation face, living in a age, not defined by social or political movements, but by the reflective nature induced by modern media

>> No.6586350

I like illustrations.

Thankfully I have artsy friends IRL who could knock up some decent, if stylized illustrations for my work on publishing.

Comfy is always good, we talking full furry here?

Losing mental faculties as they regress into bestial forms?

How ya gonna swing this?

>> No.6586352
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My novel is a sci-fi action story. It's like TAKEN but with space-marines, secret agents and a mysterious alien race.

I've been making about $20 bucks a day off it on Amazon...which is kinda neat. It gets 5 star reviews and is 600 pages long.

I don't know how to market it, I think it could sell a lot more if people knew about it :(

>> No.6586379

Currently working on several projects:

- A short story cycle that surrounds a particular town in upstate New York that chronicles the people there. The short stories tackle themes like poverty, domestic violence, addiction, and broken dreams. Currently editing the stories now so that I can submit.

- Sketching out a novel that deals with a couple that meets in college, but are idealists and have particular political views. As they graduate, the guy moves back home to work within organizations that improve the lives of the less fortunate. The girl decides to carry on her education, and studies abroad for a year Egypt right about the time the Arab Spring ignites. She is swept up in the revolution and falls in love with political activist, meanwhile the guy becomes consumed by the plight of the people in his town/county. They begin to become disillusioned with each others political aims, believing the other is misguided. The novel will explore themes national identity, political fervor, love, and the ambition of youth.

- Lastly, just developing an idea for another book that loosely follows the development of a (my) family in upstate NY (obviously where I'm from) over several generations, and illustrates how America changes over time, and the economic and social challenges that are presented before them.

>> No.6586396

buy ads anon

>> No.6586404

There is actually a bit of "sci fi" here, less sci more fi into how they go to this world. Their minds don't regress, their animal features are just physical exharcebations of their personalities. Its comfy in a "sad yet dreamy" way I guess. And this handicapness isn't general but circumscript to the main figure, who is basically charlie brown.

>> No.6586409

Link pls? I am really curious what sort of stuff you can make $20 a day with. I hope I don't sound like a dick, I honestly mean it (btw how many pages/day?). Thanks man.

>> No.6586418

Serious question: why does the character need to be a white man?

There are two sexes and four major race/ethnic groups in the US (white/black/Asian/Hispanic). Out of the eight possibilities, why does he need to be the most common one?

What does it add?

>> No.6586420

A Hoopoe morphs back into Tereus who proceeds to rape many whores in modern day Philadelphia.

>> No.6586422

Why does the character need to have something to do with the US?

Why do the ethnicities and variety of the setting have to resemble those of the US?

What does it add?

>> No.6586429

It's about a futuristic amusement park where dinosaurs are brought to life through advanced cloning techniques. I call it Billy and the Cloneasaurus.

>> No.6586439

Pretty much what this guy >>6586422 said.

Also, so far I haven't said ANYWHERE in the novel (or here) that he is white, and I don't plan on doing so. Actually, now I think I might do it, just to spite idiots like you.

"And the warm glow of the rising sun shed light on his alabaster skin, which stretched over his features resembling those of caucasian heroes of the past. With a faint smile on his lips, he squinted his eyes and said:
"Fuck niggers."

>> No.6586490

It's about America and the way we all live now. Smartphones, the internet, etc. My characters do what we all do- spend hours online, watch Netflix, smoke weed. In the meantime, it'll be an allegory of our nations' birth and will project where its headed. If it comes out on paper anything like what it is in my head it'll be the literary event of the century.

>> No.6586558

A qt trap who provokes men into sexually assaulting him, and then kills them. He does this after being abused while he was younger. The novel explores the tension between his desire for revenge, massive homolust, guilt surrounding his sexuality and abuse.

>> No.6586576


It's about a man who discovers the plague psoriasis on his ass is really the doings of miniature butt pirates, thinking something along the lines of Jonathan Swift, he videotapes them one night and after they become aware to the existence of one another the man swears not to threaten to destroy them and in return the butt pirates take him on a journey throughout his own ass which is a hollow Earth type adventure.

>> No.6586583
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It's the sensitive bildungsroman of a young man who is obsessed with empty rooms / abandoned buildings and whose life falls apart from inaction.

It is to be told in an episodic, seemingly interchangeably arranged way, like Kafka's The Trial.

It's borne out of a deep-rooted fear of who I am and where my life is headed.

>> No.6586599

Oh and there will be themes of surveillance: watching and being watched.

>> No.6586601

I'm interested in your first idea, the short story cycle. Have you read Winesburg, Ohio or The Women of Brewster Place

>> No.6586607

Sounds boring. I'd rather just browse 4chan.

>> No.6586613

Sounds like Paul Auster's "Moon Palace"

>> No.6586621 [DELETED] 

Because writing any other type of character is if you would a white man is forcing racial diversity for the sake of racial diversity.

>> No.6586635

Never read anything of his. I'll check it out though

>> No.6586636

That short story cycle was certainly inspired by Anderson's Winesburg, Ohio and Steinbeck's The Long Valley. But thanks for your recommendation. I'll certainly check out The Women of Brewster Place.

>> No.6586640

Why would he be anything else? You said it yourself, whites are the ethnic majority. The author is probably writing from the experience of a white man.
Having to shoehorn in diversity for diversity's sake is the opposite of equality.

>> No.6586643

The protagonist overcomes hardships to find out who he really is.

>> No.6586649


You mean Infinite Jest?

>> No.6586659

Human aesthetics, fat acceptance bullshit, vanity and why you should keep active and workout instead of living like an american.

Also I never saw a novel like this before.

>> No.6586666

Probably because it sounds like what an insufferable blowhard would write.

>> No.6586668
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>why you should keep active and workout instead of living like an american.
You hear that, Obama?
Sounds like some third-worlder's jealous of our freedom.

>> No.6586673

I'm about to go to bed but I'd be interested in hearing your instinctive reaction to the following synopsis of the novel I'm currently writing:

It focuses on two brothers who share a small apartment in a relatively poor area. They spend their nights driving around and calling the cops on parties and generally being disruptive and expressing their resentment at a society they feel has rejected them (by making them unemployed). The older brother is a NEET who justifies his being unemployed while the younger is anxious and guilt-ridden at his failure to find work and takes a string of shitty jobs to help pay the rent for their apartment which is being raised again by a guy in the area who has something of a monopoly over property in the area and whose new post-divorce girlfriend is high maintenance. One of the main aspects of the story is that the town is experiencing what is essentially a "wave" of suicides by young unemployed men, which are being investigated by the chief of a poorly funded and overworked police force (largely because of the unemployment and resultant drug, violence etc-related crimes). This police officer is also the one who gets called to break up a party being thrown by the manager of a regional call centre early on in the novel, whose wife is having something of a menopausal crises in which she becomes obsessed with a writer of erotic fiction recommended to her by her friend (the ex-wife of the property dude), and we eventually discover that the writer is the NEET older brother who, despite being a virgin and having no job is convinced that his theoretical understanding of women is immense, something he attempts to prove when a young woman joins the welfare office where he goes each week to effectively sign on, a welfare office that is becomes even more overrun with unemployed folk when this girl (who - the joke goes - is the only young girl who has not already fled the town or had a child at her age, and is therefore the most and perhaps only eligible girl left for these guys to go after) arrives and explains that the reason she hasn't left the town or found a job is because her father (property guy) is immensely protective of her and does not want her moving to the city where she will no doubt fall in with a crowd of public school girls with oral fixations whose natural virtue has been corroded by artistic sensibilities. One of the younger brother's jobs is as a charity worker trying to get people to donate to a mental health charity dealing specifically with depressed young unemployed people and the girl gets the same job from the welfare office and they become somewhat close despite the older brother and the welfare office adviser and a local lothario who is something of a ladies man and old-timer at the welfare office trying to woo her (The older brother will probably be enraged by his brother's perceived abandonment of him for the sake of this girl, and / or will try and make her into a webcam model or something for the

>> No.6586687


You mean Infinite Jest?

>> No.6586699

When blacks learn to read there will be more books about them.

>> No.6586701

/lit/ is really going full tumblr now.

Daily reminder that sharing stupid ideas won't get you any hipster pussy. Especially if you are a fatass.

>> No.6586702

Penises, flopping into each other. I'm currently on page 3056.

>> No.6586708

I know it is bait but why you don't show us how a nigger voice would expand the frontiers of literature instead of writing the same shit white boys wrote and adding muh prejudice?

>> No.6586711
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>> No.6586712

/lit/ is going full /pol/

you can tell from the awful, under-baked, polemic trash ideas that float around for stories. Only difference between them and faggy white knights is that they never hope to be loved or laid in the first place.

>> No.6586718


>> No.6586729

/lit/ is going full facebook

Reminder that just because your girlfriend liked your "novel", doesn't mean Bloom and Co. are going to put it in the Western canon.

>> No.6586732

>/lit/ is going full /pol/
But that's wrong. The spike in pro-feminist threads and tripfags disagree with you.
>fags never hoped to get laid >>:)
We're all homosexuals here. Harpies hold no power over us.

>> No.6586734
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fatties dont read serious lit. prove me wrong.

>> No.6586738

sake of keeping up the rent payments since the younger brother's jobs obviously aren't making him any real money and the older brother's erotica, after so long spent without female contact, has become so disturbed that pretty much all of the female readers except the dissatisfied wife of the call centre manager is still digging it). Anyway what is essential is that the deaths of the young men aren't clearly ruled out as a suicide but that other characters (I don't want to make it into literary cluedo, though) are implicated as potential killers, including the call centre manager who has a history of cracking down on people trying to form a workers union of those in the industry (something the older brother, forced to return to the call centre having quit in disgust previously and become a contented NEET, tries to do), and the welfare office manager stressed by rising targets to hit (i.e. getting people into work) and a rising rate of people applying for welfare and the girl contributing to this growing crowd of people, and the father of the girl slash property guy who is obviously majorly hostile to anyone he perceived to be making a move on her, maybe even the police chief himself who is portrayed as a sort of frontiersman in a Deadwood-esque town, the thing here being that despite these people being candidates it's still true that these guys have plenty of reasons to off themselves. But anyway the ending is designed so that the younger brother and the girl are being chased (perhaps into a church) by someone they realize is the welfare office manager, while the older brother arrives there also being pursued by the call centre manager who has discovered that the leaflets being distributed to his workers calling for a union to end the one-way-wall that is the current state of the power structure of the company is in fact the older brother, while his wife, grossly in heat when she finds out the author of the books she has been rubbing herself silly over is in fact a resident of her town is searching for him that night having finally decided to leave her husband, and the police chief (who breaks up a party in the first act at the request of the two brothers) thinks some kind of illegal gathering is taking place at wherever this showdown is going in and storms in and finds evidence of guilt on the faces of everyone but the two brothers and the girl, who are finally justified (at least in this scene) for their stubborn conviction that the world is against them (in terms of fucking them with high rents, shitty or non-existent jobs, and other things covered) The older brother also feeds laxitive-laden bread to a bunch of birds while accompanying his brother to a job interview and they sit and watch as suited office workers enjoying the spoils of their complicity with an unjust system are dealt some sort of vicarious justice.

>> No.6586745

/lit/ is going full LiveJournal

Reminder that just because your local hugbox doesn't mind your shitposting, doesn't mean that legitimate intellectuals will.

>> No.6586746

rest is here: >>6586738

Sorry for the long posts it's just I'm making a real effort to plot this thing while trying not to have anything be superfluous or irrelevant to the central narrative.

>> No.6586762

B1 sounds like a morally bankrupt Ignatius Reilly. Seems long and convoluted enough, I dig that, but the ending is too Broom of the System. Is there a more solid ending that isn't written in your posts, or will it just end with them feeling justified?

>> No.6586765

Good example.

>> No.6586776


>> No.6586796

A guy that has a shitty job then one day he blows up and see how capitalism is bad for us

>> No.6586804

I've read both Confederacy of Dunces and BotS and it's pretty weird (and impressive) you've spotted the influence, BotS in particular really hit home when I read it about a year and a half ago, and I read CoD quite recently and found it humorous, despite generally being easily unimpressed with conspicuously "comedic" novels. I don't want anything to be really "wrapped up" at the ending, which is why I'm leaving the whole suicide thing open (I feel the arrival of Myrna Sminkoff and her whole role in CoD is somewhat strange and I imagine it was probably one of the things Gottlieb had issues with. Broom of the System has a rather open ending no? I mean Gramma doesn't appear (or does she :^) ) although many of the implications of the novel become sort of unavoidable at that point). I haven't reached writing the ending so what I've written is my idea of what it will look like. I feel having them all gather will justify the range of characters and my decision not to focus on just the brothers (who are nonetheless the two focused on most throughout) and is something of a humorous reference to the fact the older brother particularly feels that society is structured to specifically degrade (via the jobs on offer) or otherwise dismiss him (for remaining virtuous: he sees himself as too innocent for this world and says he is a paradigm of Christianity barring the lack of a dog collar and religious belief) but that although we can pretty much see that his persecution complex is about as logical as Travis Bickle's he still feels himself (and his bro) to be justified at last.

>> No.6586810

Also when I say that I read CoD quite recently I have to point out for the sake of not seeming like a fraud that I've been working on this thing for quite a while before reading it, and if anything CoD has given me confidence that it can really work, especially with the range of characters and the lack of a single, scene-by-scene plot etc.

>> No.6586847


>> No.6586951

I'd take that journey

>> No.6586961

Reminder this SJW boogeyman bullshit is the point behind Fahrenheit 451. Bradbury didn't want to be forced into writing books about women and niggers, so he imagined a world where "muh representation" made it so books just stopped happening

>> No.6586962

A thirty-something guy with a family who gets laid off from his work and has to try to find a new job as a working class semi-skilled laborer in contemporary America. It's related to a novel I was working on for a while, but decided to scrap it and start this instead. I haven't figured out the specifics yet, specifically I'm not sure what the job he got laid off from should be.

I just don't know if there is any market for working class social realism in literary fiction.

>> No.6586963

bout a poor elf that was taught how to use magic/combat shit by i havent decided who yet
he uses these powers to later try and take out the biggest military power on the planet, but his idea of retribution eventually develops into him wanting control over it as well. He slowly becomes insane and later finds out the reason his parents werent around was because one of them was a god

>inb4 percy jackson/edge because muh demigods

>> No.6586965

I'd buy a copy.

>> No.6586976

It's about how transexuals are actually mentally unstable, and the concept of transitioning is applied as an extreme form of body modification, ushering a somewhat literal "trans"-human world. The man character is given prosthetic breasts and constantly complains about how he didn't ask for this

>> No.6586980
File: 494 KB, 500x259, u wot m8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real talk, thought it was going to be a shitpost about The Dark Knight Rises until I looked at the spoilers.

>> No.6586994

I was going to see how far I could get ripping off Krasznahorkai's novels and scripts before people realize that my surname is Hungarian as well.

Similarly, I'm planning on writing several short stories and novellas inspired heavily by the atmosphere of Harold Pinter's plays. I have the same last name, though oddly mine is because of Hungarian ancestry and his is from Polish. I don't know about him, but I'm supposed to have an accent over my "e" which makes the name more Hungarian

>> No.6587002

I'd read it. Honestly it could probably be really popular if you water it down into a YA book, but we'd all hate you for that. Definitely post on here if you finish it. I'd read the shit out of that.

>> No.6587006

I'm pretty sure this is the exact plot of The Welkening.

>> No.6587033

I have vague ideas for sketches of a story about a handful of edgy, disaffected youths who somehow become pawns in a conspiracy that may or may not be masterminded by a system that's definitely not a ripoff of the MGS2 version of the Patriots, except spawned from the Talmudic teachings of medieval Jews instead of the Founding Fathers. The ending will be a ripoff of NGE's "Congratulations" because DFW's Broom of the System and Hesse's Siddhartha had similar enough endings, so I feel it's permissible. Well, except for the fact that my idea revolves around stealing others' ideas. This would either be a short story or a longer piece spread throughout an entirely unrelated novel for ebin pomo reasons. I'll think of something better

>> No.6587076

Tell me more! oh man I'd really like to read this. I'm writing a story about a AI sattelite in the orbits of Europa having a existencial crisis while dying over and over in the simulations it makes to get the job done

>> No.6587314

1. Very realistic post apocalypse, basically modern people in a prehistoric mindset more or less. Follows two main characters a man and a woman both in early 20s as they travel through the south eastern US looking for a habitable community. Cormac McCarthy is a heavy influence for this, The Road and Suttree mainly.

2. A historical novel taking place in mid 1800's america, the main character meets a lot of people and tries a lot of stuff trying to find out what to do with himself and then the civil war starts and after seeing the carnage during the first battle he is in he runs away on a mental escape while his body moves along.

>> No.6587421
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>TAKEN but with space marines
>I don't know who you are, if you are looking for ransom I have no money, but what I do have are a particular set of skills. Skills I have acquired during my very long service to the Emperor. Skills that make me a nightmare for Xenos like you. . .
Link it I want to look at it.

>> No.6587440
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Irony upon irony upon irony upon irony

>> No.6587597

Fornication. I write fantasy.

>> No.6587603


>> No.6587620

A teenage boy who becomes a camwhore to make up for the lack of intimacy in his life

Based on a true story

>> No.6587655

>Also, the chick's name would be Lucy :^)
Where's Ricardo?

>> No.6587661

Me too, mine is about a martian universe where i can live out my power fantasies

>> No.6587665


It's about an anthropomorphic rock.

The rock is falling to it's inevitable death, and must face the reality of its situation, meditate on its own life, and embrace the unstoppable onset of it's mortality.

>> No.6587671

The entire story takes place in a day, and it has two protagonists.

The central event is a date rape and how it is experienced by the perpetrator and the victim. It goes through the aftermath for both, and the events that lead to the rape.

>> No.6587683
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It's genre fiction, so ya...I gave up trying to write literature, I just can't...not yet anyway.

>> No.6587709
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>Chaos Tactics
Sorry looks like I picked the wrong Space Marines
There's nothing wrong with genre fiction, despite what /lit/ says. I'm writing genre fiction too. And if I wasn't so tired I'd actually do what the thread says I'm supposed to do and actually tell you about it.
Genre fiction is like a cheeseburger, it's not the greatest 7 star meal from some guy in Dubai with the absolute artistic perfection of flavor combinations and aesthetics and scents. But it's a nice cheeseburger, it tastes familiar, if it's a good one with a lot of passion in it it'll satisfy you for the entire day, and we all want a cheeseburger every now and then. (Am I helping yet)
Plus the last author that revealed himself to me on /lit/ was Brandon Carbaugh, and I thought Deep Sounding was really good.
I'll check this out.

>> No.6587713


>> No.6587724

My novel is a science fiction story about a teenage girl who goes through a trans-dimensional portal to another world, thus, become a trans in the process. Now in her new world she must not only deal with being a unknown species, but also with the knowledge that once she comes back to her planet earth nothing will be the same because of her trans-sexual nature.

>> No.6587726

Nice cover.

>> No.6587736

>What is your novel concerning the 4chan board /lit/?
Comma pls.

>> No.6587740 [DELETED] 


Ya, everyone likes a good burger now and then.

I was told in genre fiction its important to have a series going if you wanna sell well. I think I should've released two books at once instead of just one. But I didn't want to wait :/



>> No.6587756

A Sam Hyde clone who falls in love with an accomplished, graceful woman who befriends him and even sleeps with him but will not love him.

>> No.6587760



>> No.6587763


Nice quads

>> No.6587786

cocks, many many monstrous cocks

>> No.6587795

>not writing a novel about /lit/

>> No.6587858

Also the entire thing will be in alternating chapters of dialogue and graphic sex poetry

>> No.6587954

Hey thanks a lot. I had a quick browse through the sample. $20 bucks a day is pretty great, considering you sell the book for only four bucks. Do you have any tips on how to get published/recognized on Amazon? Did you do like any promos or stuff?

>> No.6587994


I ran a free promo for one day. It got a lot of downloads which helped me get reviews.

Amazon takes 30% so I only make $2 bucks a sale. But it's also in Kindle Unlimited, so when people download it for free I still make money, which is nice.

If I could do it again I would split the book in two and release both at once. Set one to perma free, that way it would get a lot more exposure which would funnel traffic to the second book.

I'm gonna try that with my next book, instead of one big 600 page novel I'll chop it up.

>> No.6587998

I'm writing about a cripplingly depressed drug addict who dreams about suicide and its consequences while turning down and mucking up any and all opportunities presented to him. In the end he kills himself with an opiate overdose and in his last moments realising he forgot to delete the weird porn on his computer desktop.
It's not quite full length, more short and bitter.
my autobiography

>> No.6588005

Hmmm, I suppose that is a good idea, since as far as I know, most space operas (and other genre fic novels) like this usually opt for ~300 pages. It's the ideal size for a beach reading on a two weeks holiday.

Thanks, this gave me a lot of motivation to work on my book, $20 bucks a day is a nice incentive.

>> No.6588011

A world rebuilding itself and it's inhabitants. Multiple POVs that all converge at the end.

>> No.6588020

>$20 bucks a day is a nice incentive.

If you want a real incentive check out this chick's blog. She wrote a sci-fi romance: first month made like $3000, and over 4 months she made $12,000. And her strategy is on point.


her books: http://www.amazon.com/Ruby-Lionsdrake/e/B00P2NEY6G/ref=dp_byline_cont_ebooks_1

If you want to make money, Romance & Erotica are the big genres. I have some short erotica (10,000 words) that sell okay. They're really easy to write, just get nice covers and find a hot niche

>> No.6588035

Yeah, I'm not just gonna whore myself out dude. Jk, I dunno, maybe one day I will go write erotica and see if I can make anything good out of that. It actually might be an interesting genre to work on. But right now I think I'll stick to what I'm working on. I only have 4,000 words, so it's still a long way to go, good thing is that I have a lot of narrative planned out so it's really now only about getting over the kiddie's writing block and getting used to writing writing regularly.

>> No.6588058

The main character, a heroin addict with aids, finds a magic Katana that will make him immortal when it's wetted by the blood of 666 innocent children.

>> No.6588138

Thanks man

>> No.6588179

Underappreciated post

>> No.6588194

Have you read Nabokov's Laughter in the dark, somewhat similar

>> No.6588196

Would reads so far

>> No.6588214

>all this sci-fi

Please leave

>> No.6588224

No, fuck off.

>> No.6588228

>hmm, I feel like writing a story
>what should I write about?
>Aha, I've got it!
>"Early in the twenty-first century something remarkably happened. The people of Earth awoke to discover that over 30,000,000 humans had emigrated to the stars aboard five massive starshipts"

This is literally the thought process of a pleb.

>> No.6588236

Its about to go into the trash.

>> No.6588240

What part of 'fuck off' didn't you understand?

>> No.6588241

>tfw my idea is so bad no one even bothers insulting me

>> No.6588250

All shit, you will never be part of the canon.


A unique and inevitable masterpiece detailing scenes without connecting cause and effect. The plot doesn't matter because I'm not a plebeian, steal if you want, you'll never write it as well as me.

>> No.6588269

Time traveling suicide samurai from the future go back to WW2 Germany to protect Hitler from getting assassinated by Anne Frank who got pulled into the future by the Jews and then send back to kill Hitler.
Time traveling plot twist shenanigans ensue.

>> No.6588275

The latter part is a little tricky to understand

>> No.6588277




>> No.6588289
File: 41 KB, 614x632, bumbamboozled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simply ebin.

Talk shit all you want m8, but don't except any handouts when I'm drowning in the money of 15 year old dweebs.

>> No.6589013

Did you do some advertisment? Or social media, post in other forums?

>> No.6589051


>> No.6589390

lel, didn't even know this existed (author of the 1st post)

>> No.6590129

Actually a contemporary novel about a white middle class man would be refreshing

>> No.6590231

Four ongoing projects for while I'm still enjoying the leisure of the college fraternity/summer internship lifestyle:

>novel about a bureaucratic genius who runs an elaborate drug operation as an undergraduate in a socially experimental state university during a time of socio-political transition and economic uncertainty
>play about a late twenties high school history teacher and struggling poet who teeters the line between suicide and perseverance as he attempts to truly inspire his students while balancing two sexual relationships (one with an obsessive counselor and another with a 16 year old student) and a science teacher who seems to be the only one who can see his mental decline
>future series about a civilization 1000 years after an apocalyptic event, struggling to return to their former glory without destroying themselves again
>a TV pilot about a MIT-bound senior who wins the lottery grand prize on his first and only purchase, who delays college for a single year , during which he plans to spend 95% of his winnings on various projects; the focus is on his three townie friends: a budding magnate and con artist who scammed and blackmailed his way to owning several properties, which he uses to front a minordrug operation; an anxious but seemingly normal girl attending community college who prefers guys' company and falls in love obsessively; and a multi-instrumentalist who lacks the constitution to obtain a college degree, and despite gaining national attention, remains in poverty due to his drug and gambling problems

I don't know why I even posted these.

>> No.6590362

I'm toying with the idea of writing the sequel with her killer as the protagonist.

Also this idea that some syndicates recycle the brains of pilots who die under contract into drone control systems that retain damaged fragments of their original personality.

Their logic being that since the pilot died under contract they are still owed service, and as such can extract this service from them by droning them.

Not sure if I want the first protagonist's recovered brain to haunt her killer as an eerily persistent drone adversary, or just let her haunt him psychologically.

>> No.6590373



>> No.6590379

a new system that allows suicidal people to take on the terminal illnesses of not suicidal people. the process involves some interaction between the two people
over the course of the process, the suicidal person and the terminally ill person fall in love

>> No.6590383


Whatever, struggles are struggles, I'm white writing about a black south african.

>> No.6591087

2nd and 4th seem interesting enough to me.

>> No.6591144

thanks, I really just started on the first and third, I have more specific outlines but they aren't as firm as the second and fourth, which I'm about half way through (haven't written anything but motes for the other two)

>> No.6591171

I'm working on a sequence of edgy, lelrandom Bizarro fiction short stories and none of you can stop me

>> No.6591227

is the Bizarro thing still going on? it seemed for a second there like it was about to really take off, but I don't feel like it ever did.

>> No.6591229

So who does the girl end up with?

>> No.6591721

It's a novel-in-stories about an incipient nuclear apocalypse.

>> No.6592190

A cover up for a Has Science Gone Too Far experiment falls apart because of a leak by an employee. It follows the legal department of the lab trying to prove that they operated within the bounds of the law, the prosecutors on the case, and a group of moralfags and hippies rioting outside of the lab. Eventually it hits the trial, where both sides of the case pull out their biggest guns and the reader finally learns all of the details of the experiment. I'm trying to write it in a way that makes it sound less like blowharding and more like an actual moral struggle between all sides.

>> No.6592237
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I'm trying to write a short story of a Computer's dream inspired by Ulysses type stream of consciousness. .

>> No.6592268

"Pained winces soon turned to clenched teeth and determined grunts as concern gave way to frustration."

Is that a shitty sentence, /lit/?

>> No.6592295

cut "pained" and "determined", they're basically useless adjectives. "clenched teeth" is cliché. adding "as concern gave way to frustration" at the end is over-explaining what you just tried to demonstrate visually... it's telling what you just showed. "soon" is unnecessary. honestly depending on context "Winces turned to grunts" might be a better sentence, but "winces" isn't really a good word for something displaying "concern"

>> No.6592304

A Doctor and Police-man from mexico-city searching the world (in order: Liberia, Somalia, Dubai, Iran, India, China, Egypt, Israel. For the snake that the Doctor claims killed Donald Dorf: the protagonist who Doctor allowed to commit suicide. Highly surreal socio-political commentary on what globalism can't homogenize.

>> No.6592312

magic realism Künstlerroman loosely based on the Perseus myth

>> No.6592323

Thank you. I'm drunk and shouldn't be writing rihgt now. The context is a girl pushing her way through a thicket and getting her hair caught on branches and thorns tearing at her.

>> No.6592325

I wrote a western.

>> No.6592332

On second draft. Haunted house story. Half set in present day where a black woman inherits the house and has a series of spooks leading up to her killing her boyfriend who's possessed, other half is set in 1860 when the house was part of a plantation and that plot line leads up to the slaves killing all the white masters.

>> No.6592333

Also I don't know what the hell is with me and trying to over-explain. The "telling what I just showed/will show" is an awful habit that seems to sneak its way in when I'm not paying attention.

>> No.6592348

"a wince became a grunt, clenched teeth resigned in frustration"

>> No.6592384

A half Ojibwe man raised in a prairie town by his white grandparents becomes a drifter after they pass away a few months apart from one another. Visibly native, he must navigate a society that seeks to exclude him and after tracking down his mother on an Ojibwe reserve, he's shunned from that society as well because he is half white. He must reconcile his lack of inherent belonging with the racially charged narrative society wants to impose on him.

The main themes will be loneliness, the experience of the other, rejection and eventually self-reliance.

>> No.6592385

sjw bullshit about being a first gen american born to immigrant parents from mehico. everyone dies.

>> No.6592411

my novel is about the American pastoral, the American dream re-defined by the announcement of a war that is about start. At the same time people are becoming disillusioned with their unfulfilled lives, cheap living, 24/7 opportunity of being marketed to, and the erosion of the masculine ideal etc..

>> No.6592416

oh and the protagonist is a nomadic lonely salesman who I am tempted to have die in the end as a tragic hero.

>> No.6592418

literally the most garbage cliché shit ITT

>> No.6592433
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A young woman living as an expat in Tokyo descends into a surreal version of the Shinjuku underworld in order to get revenge on her abusive father, who has followed her abroad and started to kill any men she shows interest in. She dresses up in a luchador mask and dispatches people for the yakuza, while simultaneously working on her musical masterpiece, an album based on this narrative, with her best friends, a drug-addled English DJ and a young Japanese woman who writes fawning ballads about Pol Pot and Adolf Hitler.

>> No.6592436

you just don't have the capacity to appreciate something like this in order to derive any novel sense out of it.

>> No.6592437

Love it.

>> No.6592897

An urban fantasy about two warring, magical factions. One are werepeople who can strengthen their own bodies, but become more animalistic as they do so; and the other wield more classical magic, but lose all physical feeling and some emotions as they grow stronger. Both types have complete control over whether or not to increase their powers, and they both consider eachother inhuman for opposite reasons.

The main character has the powers of both (I know, I know) and ends up getting embroiled in the war after his sister joins one of the factions and leaves without a trace. In the end he's forced to join the opposite faction, and has to decide which is more important: his old family, or his new one.

It's genre fiction and there's lots of fighting. You can laugh if you want.

>> No.6592899

It's about a Jewish wedding and it's going to be great

>> No.6593085

I want to read that, dude.

>> No.6593162

Three guys who do nota do much, bit exchange conversations with eaxh other all the time, sharing Monologues and dialogues, sometimes foolish futile things, bit often overlaping philosophical themes. Onde of them is an extreme nihilist/pessimista and the other is an optimist/fatalist. The third guy is a stoic realista in the middle of tjis spectrum where the other are the extremes, and se ser their povs on different issues.

>> No.6593167
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Typying on phone, corrector in pt-br, fucked everything up

>> No.6593204



A pretty simple work. I have only recently started developing the concept, but insofar as I have gotten with it-the struggles that the physically impaired face every day, in this case a recently blinded blind man. Nothing ludicrous, but the simple things in day to day existence and how it slowly eats away at his life and, inevitably, his mind. I hope to develop the prose throughout the novel, an idea that I have been kicking about is the prose becoming more and more stream of consciousness and Joyce-esque towards the end, maybe adding in subtle hints throughout. Might be a shit idea, but maybe I will finally get published. If not, feel free to steal the idea and make it something decent.

>> No.6593249

Its about 23 year old guy who starts a journey because of realization of the mundane everyday life. His parents are completely ordinary. The world is consist of people with powers like magic. The continent where he lives are controlled mostly by families with great powerful magic. Though poeple with powers and those who have not live with harmony. There is still diffulties of not having powers.He starts his journey with savings he earned while working for 4 years. He goes around the continent. During his journeys he experiences and discovers many things.Along his his quest he had to fight villains using only his wit and the enviroment in fighting ,slowly Picks up party memebers. As he gets close to his party, he drops hints as to why he really started his journey, and who the main villain is his deep connection with eachother. The villain is a beam spamming faggot like Goku but not planet destroying level. He uses all reasources and allies he gained to defeat Him. The turn outs to be an important figure in the politics of world. His defeat causes major disruption in th e world. .To sleepy write more in detail.[/spoiler] I'm only doings this because I'm shit on my English and needs to practice..

>> No.6593269


sounds bretty gud and unique, keep working on that, anon!

>> No.6593283

Link us up brah.

>> No.6593342

Extremely autistic person falls in love with a girl in a pay-to-talk chat room on a pornography website. He travels to a convention "she" says she'll be at, turns out she doesn't know he exists, embarrasses himself. The person behind the chat room is actually just some dude getting paid to talk and pose as this porn star. The autistic person finds this out through a confrontation with the man behind the screen name. Autistic person commits suicide because he fell in love with a man who couldn't give 2 shits.

>> No.6593383

It's a story about how modern society denies its inevitable destruction when trees and plantlife starts to grow aggressively for no apparent reason throughout all civilisation on Earth, disrupting communications, tearing down construction, ripping through pipelines and infrastructure. The novel is told through the viewpoints of several characters in Stockholm whose storylines converge. It's mostly gonna be comedy and satire with some psychological and sociological statements behind it.

>> No.6593388

You look to have built a premise that propels your character upon a surreal plot, but then you waste it by having him commit suicide.
Having never known the worth in what exists between people and having lost the worth that he finds in himself, you could have the autist go anywhere, and do anything. You would have him commit suicide, an abrupt and cliche'd end? How disappointing.

>> No.6593398

Based on a true story?

>> No.6593401

Ok Tao

>> No.6593405
File: 10 KB, 194x225, é ou não é.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/lit/ pretentious as fuck, calls DFW and Pychon memes.
>/lit/ despises genre fiction
>/lit/ has complex discussions about philosophical themes
>What you writing about /lit/?
>Bunch of fantasy sci-fi shit


>> No.6593429
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I'm a fan of movies where people just talk to each other a lot and little action happens, like in dialogue-driven plots. My story is about three guys who go around their crime-ridden city, into a not very pleasant part of town but yet possible to make a living, discussing random themes, some extremely futile, but often falling into philosophical matters treated in a way an average person would understand and be able to express verbally to other average people. One of the guys is an extreme pessimist and a nihilist, who thinks there is no reason for anything to happen and that the world is a mess of random happenings. The other is an optimist and a fatalist, who believes everything happens for a reason and that in the end everything will be ok. The third guy is a new acquittance to them, and is a stoic realist, who positions himself in the exact middle of the spectrum where the others are the extremes. We see many different topics through their diverging point of views.

>> No.6593510

>analysis of maternal maternal in Latino culture
>The transgender paradox
>Dostoevsky in the modern world
And then a fictional piece.
It involves a high school student in an strictly atheist society.

>> No.6593514

>infinite jest
>2015 edition

>> No.6593519

fuck, i meant maternal matyrdom

>> No.6593584

It's like V. but set exclusively in 2015 New York and a lot less coherent.

>> No.6593606

This is the next fifty shades.

>> No.6593625

Thank you, seriously. I haven't gotten there yet, and I think you're absolutely right, it is a bit of a cop-out ending. Back to the drawing board.

>> No.6593948

my story is in three parts

the first part is a bunch of short events, with shifting perspectives for each chapter. it takes place in a shrinking school district, whose student population is forcing the state to cut funding and close buildings. the characters are all the janitors working throughout the district. each has their own back story and perspective, but they are all ultimately dealing with the same things; the meaning of their small lives and the threat of losing their job as the schools close. its meant to be funny.

the second part is a fictional story within the larger fictional story. one of the janitors is a lunatic and a vietnam vet. in the main story, he talks about having a great idea for a movie that would earn him millions of dollars so he would never have to throw out another bag of garbage. the story is about a time traveling plumber that hits his head under a sink. his concussion sends his through the ages and he confronts his ancestors in biblical times, as cavemen, etc. he also confronts himself in vietnam and travels to the future to see his death.

the third part is a glossary describing all the origins of nicknames and local jargon used by the janitorial staff. each name is like a short story itself and is acts almost like a prequel to the first part, explaining the history and relationships among the staff before the looming threat of drastic budget and position cuts becomes apparent

>> No.6593982

i had another thing i was working on, but its actually more like a comic book type thing. or maybe you would just say it has illustrations? not sure what you would call it..

its a story about a man that falls asleep at the wheel and crashes his car in the middle of the night into a snow bank. its clear from the beginning that he is going to die there as the snow blocks his tail pipe and the exhaust will ensure he never wakes up. the story is him slipping into sleep at the wheel, followed by the surreal dream he has before dying. the dream sums up his fears and loves and introduces more about him as it goes on.

maybe cliche but its my own version of enter the void or eternal sunshine of the spotless mind

>> No.6594013

I've written a little for a story that's a day in the life of an up beat guy at a college surrounded by awful people. The entire story will be him trying to justify the shitty behavior of his toxic friends, and in doing so his own choice to be around them. The climax is a guy who the main character has been trying to look out for and accommodate, but who's leaving the school due to hating all of his peers, tears into him about being a dead behind the eyes doormat. In the end of the story the narrator sits down in the living room of his apartment without any lights on and just stares at his shoes unable to muster the energy to do anything else.

>> No.6594015

A socially awkward men who works a boring job and likes to imagine what the public transport users' life is like. When being confronted with a new job offer which makes him have to be more social, he goes nuts and his furniture starts talking with him.

>> No.6594021


The end looks like the ending of "Passion According to GH" by Clarice Lispector.

>> No.6594026


Sounds interesting, and at least to me it has a Kafka-esque atmosphere to it.

>> No.6594030

you dumbass, F451 was about how television was believed to be killing literacy

>> No.6594102

It's about a man with bright prospects who starts a swift decline after a series of outlandish "bad luck" events, until eventual homelessness and suicide. It's a comedy.

>> No.6594119

About a ship that (literally) disappears, which annoys the gods because things like that aren't supposed to happen. They resurrect a member of the drowned crew (the protagonist) and the god of the unwarranted possesses him to go investigating. Along the way we meet a wacky bunch of characters like the imprisoned rapist/historian Don Peder, the poodle Schoppy who is enslaved by will, a trepanist forever haunted by the suicide of her former trepanist-lover Dubbert Las, and so on.

The plot thickens when we discover that the god of the unwarranted has his own motives (the end of the world, of course), but we also realize that his is the story/journey of the hero and that the desire for the end of the world is largely justified by its immense cruelty. The god ultimately fails, and our protagonist ends up swimming against the stream up the river Time to stop the ship from ever sinking. He finds the ship, but in moral confusion chooses to pull it out of the world. This is how the ship originally sank (now sinks), and the crew (including the protagonist, who falls through the timegap in the process) drowns - we're back at the start. It is all a slightly stupid metaphor for the characters of the text being unable to escape the will of their gods (author?), and the hermenautic circle.

There is almost no description of areas, setting, looks etc. Just pure plot in slightly-obfuscated language. Also a continuous introduction of new concepts and historical events, often mimicking those of "actual" history, but with more or less interesting twists (word war 1, for example, started with an overflowing advance in spirituality that could not be controlled with the simple technology of the times). I'm trying to echo myth-logic, which I think is more interesting that dream logic (which again is more interesting than everyday logic). It is thoroughly unserious.

>> No.6594129


Yeah, it's a pretty unknown book.

>> No.6594176

It's about a delusional guy who thinks that there's a conspiracy of strangers setting out to ruin his life through gang-stalking and his futile attempts to convince those around him of it. It's also about a network of delusional people who are persecuting him in the way he thinks, and their efforts to do so undetected by anyone but him.

>> No.6594240

God gets annoyed at this obnoxious militant atheist academic, and attempts to smite him repeatedly. However, all the attempts have unforeseen consequences which benefit the atheist greatly and make him more pleased with his life and reinforce his worldview. God starts to become depressed at his failure and starts to lose faith in himself. But then a very special fire and brimstone Christian hatemonger dies and goes to heaven (it's Fred Phelps), and he decides he needs to train up God to his good old jealous smiting Old Testament self and get his groove back. God learns a lot from the guy and finally manages to smite him, overcome his self doubts and ask Becky to Heaven Prom.

Subplot about Jesus running Heaven and trying to modernise it from the small, family-values organisation his father established to a slick efficient corporation suited for today's global village. His only problems? He's aiding and abetted by a hot young succubus intern on exchange with the Hell office who he has a thing for, AND still lives with his puritanical mother and stupid step father who wants him to take over his carpentry business.

>> No.6594245

This sounds really great.

>> No.6594331


>> No.6594333

He's lying.

>> No.6594340
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>> No.6594378


I'm not actually, though it'll probably be pretty short. It's essentially just for practice, as straight comedy fiction is pretty much the hardest genre to actually sell.

>> No.6594676

A modern magical realist novel about the people working at a Southern Californian Halloween maze event modeled off of Knott's Scary Farm. Lots of interlinking stories, maybe fifteen or so main characters.

>> No.6594684

7/10 would buy in a thrift store based on blurb alone

>> No.6594808

A short story or novella about a second generation Cuban immigrant and a relationship with a man in her job and he screws her over financially and emotionally. Might get erotic, not sure. Hope to sell it as shitty generic escapist fiction. Will probably be riddled with inaccuracies and cliches but whatever

>> No.6594826
File: 24 KB, 640x360, oedipus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A neurotic music nerd who supports himself by working in a nursing home, a job introduced to him by his junky friend, and prostituting himself to rich old women.

Aside from his junky friend (who jumps from scam to scam like a parasitic venture capitalist) and the women he sleeps with, his only friend is an equally lonely ex-professor of religion who was fired for sleeping with several of his students and now spends his time smoking hash in a cheap hookah bar.

Most of the book is him going on autistic rants about mass media, avant-garde rock music, modern sexuality, spirituality, and alienation. One of his rich sugar mamas dies leaving him with a small fortune, so he decides to take a vacation. While bar hopping he argues with a group of lesbian bikers about Foucault and Taoism while professing that homosexuality is a political mythos which alienates people from their own sexuality. He's stabbed. He's taken to a small local hospital where he spends his recovery thinking about his first love and his failure to preform when it came time to loose his virginity. In an old hotel he listens to Wagner and smokes opium and thinks about the sublime. He then visits an old client who lives in a nearby village and they talk about life. When he returns home, he's subjected to questioning by the police about his junky friend, who'd taken a gun and opened fire on a crowded street. The police accuse our protagonist of being involved in terrorism, while the protag assumes that it must have been done as some sort of sick joke. To cheer him up, his ex-professor friend takes him to visit a prostitute. The prostitute has been reading a book about MKULTRA and discusses it in some detail with the protagonist, who questions whether or not his friend had been brainwashed into his shooting spree. The book closes on a conversation with the professor about the place of religion in modern society, and he expresses a deep pessimism towards mans salvation on earth.

The twist being the theme of the book is really capitalism.

>> No.6594866


How self deprecating. You must be a real writer XD.

What are your short stories actually about?

>> No.6594905


Congrats. I respect anyone who has finished a novel, and I'm glad you're experiencing some small success.

Cover looks pretty good, though very 90s sci - fi (that font). I don't like the title, but who gives a shit what I think, and it isn't like you can change it anyway.

I don't know how amazon publishing works, but I'm assuming you wrote this blurb.

>The Terra Wars are over but for retired interstellar soldier John Carn it seems like conflict never ends.

What does that mean? PTSD? Is he still active in "cleaning up" after the war?

>The quiet life doesn't last long once his former mercenary connections request assistance on a new Xeno mission. But after he declines their offer they raise the stakes by threatening his family.

"The quiet life" seems in contradiction with "the conflict never ends."

>While being hounded for secret codes John has to race against time to not only save his loved ones but earth as well.

>CHAOS TACTICS is the story of intergalactic turmoil about to test the sanity and grit of a hardened veteran.

3.5/10. If you can edit this, I recommend you do so. Small changes can make it so much better.

Reading this blurb does not make me want to read the book. The premise sounds interesting enough, but the blurb is just poorly written. I would assume that the book was poorly written as well.

Sorry for the wall of text. I'm procrastinating the editing I should be doing. XD

>> No.6594922
File: 69 KB, 500x417, 1431744763230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But what I really want to know is, would anyone even bother reading this? I'm very inspired by Huysmans' ability to pull rants about art into violently passionate prose and it would mostly revolve around a few erudite topics which act as a metaphor/angle for discussing the modern condition.

I'd also bring up several /pol/ style conspiracies not because I authentically believe in them, but because I think linking obscure literary/philosophical circles to modern decadence through wisps of political espionage and occultism is kinda funny.

I like it.

>> No.6594951

Sounds like it couldn't be promising. Just don't be surprised if people compare it to Death of a Salesman, going off of that premise.

>> No.6594956


tacking onto my own post. I doubt you even give a fuck but I'm bored enough to have a go at how I would begin to write this blurb, using only the information in your current blurb.

Interstellar soldier John Carn retired from (military organization) as (rank) when The Terra Wars were finally resolved in (Date/Time Period/Year/Whatever you use). When his former mercenary connections request his assistance on a new Xeno mission, John declines. Unwilling to take no for an answer, the mercenaries threaten the lives of John's family.

Begrudgingly, John Carn is thrust back into a world that he just escaped, only now the stakes are even higher.

I would give the above blurb a 5.5 or 6/10. It removes some awkward wording, and takes out the reference to secret codes, which comes out of no where and is way too vague in my opinion.

Do whatever you want with this, or completely ignore it. I'm on stimulants so this was fun.

Now, back to the editing I get paid to do.

>> No.6594962

I've had similar themes in some of my previous works before. Sounds promising! Definitely keep us posted on here in the future.

>> No.6594965

>asians ever being considered barbarous

lol PC fags dont into history.

>> No.6594987


In my opinion, you shouldn't really be thinking about the market, unless writing is your day job.

Secondly, it sounds interesting to me. There are a number of potentially poignant themes to explore.

Getting laid off is a HUGE fear in Corporate America, especially for younger people with young families.

How does his wife feel about it? Is she working? Is she making enough to support both of them? For how long?

What about the kid(s)? How old are they? Do they have any understanding what Dad's going through? Are they sympathetic? Bitchy teenagers?

Has this guy worked as a laborer before? Will he be making less money than he made before? Huge adjustments in workplace culture and financial status.

How long does it take him to find work? His wife starts off supportive, maybe remains supportive. Maybe if it's been a little while since he's had work she can't help but see him as lazy, even though she knows it's not true.

He probably fucking hates himself, blames himself, etc. How does he stay positive in this new environment?

etc. etc. etc.

>> No.6594996


> one elf with magic powers

> biggest military power ON THE PLANET

Gonna be hard to do that, assuming that the military can use magic as well. Without an army, or being extremely clever, he couldn't conceivably do this .

Good luck, friend.

>> No.6595004


This could be incredibly interesting, raw, and emotional. Please write it well.

>> No.6595033


2nd is interesting as fuck

4th isn't believable. Why the fuck would he just blow his winnings? For giggles? Is he just a nihilistic 2smart4society faggot?

>> No.6595044

>$20 a day
I assume you're doing other work on top of this? That's certainly not bad, but it seems a bit slim to have as your only source of income.

>> No.6595055


>a bit slim

that's like 600 bucks a month, friend. I can pretty much guarantee that isn't his only income, unless he lives with 5 roommates in Bumfuck, Missouri, eats nothing more than oatmeal, ramen, and eggs, saves nothing, and just prays he doesn't need to go to the doctor.

>> No.6595101

Settle down, honkey.

>> No.6595221

A very bare-bones version, as the book often shifts perspectives often to explore the setting and the intrigue that ties together a large cast of characters. Started out as an exercise in building believable characters in an inherently silly and fantastical cyberpunk setting.

It's basically a pulpy dystopian future where the protag is a lazy nearly-friendless loser who can't get along with his blue-collar peers but is tied to his mining job due to the companies malevolent insurance bureaucracy. Having almost no one to bond with and thinking himself disliked by the only people he interacts with, his life is one of drunkenness and self-imposed isolation, wherefore he slowly slips into violent tendencies and eventually murder with a small group of others, which becomes a compulsion he feels little remorse towards.

Explores the themes of self-disclosure, isolation, self-serving political hypocrisy, destructiveness of secret-keeping, the role of corporations, revenge, and the consequences of ones actions, especially if they're violent.

>> No.6595248


>4th isn't believable

>> No.6595249

you need deep social commentary
I bet you don't even know what prose is
nobody here is putting the money where the mouth is !

>> No.6595295

He worked hard to get into MIT and he really doesn't care about money; he ends up giving his parents 20% of the winnings (because they've worked all their lives and he wants to see them out of the lower class)

>> No.6595879

my book features a bard as a main supporting character. would it be overboard to print small sheet music for his parts? they aren't tolkien-length or -frequency or anything

>> No.6595888

Well first of all it's not fantasy shit like everyone in this thread

>> No.6595898

>tfw no one comments on your idea

I'm pretty sure the piece in question was published during colonial times actually, I'm sure they knew what they where talking about.

>> No.6596276
File: 24 KB, 500x500, harold bloom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6596380

I'm sorry are you serious? This is shit

>> No.6596657

Fuck, I'll give this a go. The most recent one I've written.

Young, alcoholic, disillusioned, and recently divorced (without ever really being married) author goes to New York to attempt to get novel published. Meets enigmatic manic pixie on the plane and becomes obsessed with finding her again because maybe this is exactly what he needs. While in New York, he stays with a deeply fucked up and broke artist friend known for throwing infamously batshit insane, drugged out, and property damage filled parties in his Brooklyn apartment on a bi-weekly basis as a form of escapism for a racially diverse cast of other fucked up and broke artist friends, only to face reality shitfaced and trainwrecked the next day. Everybody chainsmokes like its a b/w noir flick and proceeds to take their art with their sex a la frenchfags. Rinse and repeat. The narrator happens to meet same manic pixie woman at one such party, as she by chance runs in the same circles (of course), and distinctly non manic pixie shit happens as his entire naively cynical world view gets hardcore subverted.

Long story short, he doesn't get his shit published, the apartment and nearly everything in it burns down as a result of a particularly wild party, the innocent stoner of the cast overdoses on hardcore shit and lands in the hospital, others lose their entire bodies of art and ruin their love lives, the local hobo who is also the metaphor for God injures himself while rescuing the enchanted objects the protagonists forgot the importance of because they were too busy being useless escapists, and everyone feels guilty about everything. Bad shit happens to bad people, even worse shit happens to the comparatively good people, nobody is completely innocent, but they all come out of it better people because it takes next level destruction to finally understand the problem with destructive living.

Mostly about the self-destructive nature of an artistic lifestyle and the consequences of it, both in the short and long-term. Full of heavy handed references to literature, subverting the common tropes of YA lit, strong symbolic motifs throughout, and discussion of the inherit pointlessness of life, why life still matters despite that, escapism, spirituality, the worth of art, addiction, the corruption of relationships in the modern day, personal identity, and what is wrong with aesthetic for the sake of aesthetic.

tl;dr what the fuck is wrong with us these days because if society has determined to live by naive tumblr logic, the consequences of the consequences of that kind of living will doom us all.

Would read, y/n?

>> No.6596659

A fantasy epic. A young boy is obsessed on having a perfect adventure -i mean as in batshit obsessed- and the oportunity presents itself when a dragon attacks his village and asks for a treasure. He goes to a journey, battles, wars, wizards, etc etc ensue but he fucks up everything. Then add some cheap nihilism and an ontological mystery, some badass scenes and fucked up romance and you have it.

>> No.6596675

would read the fuck out of. for real. you've already written it? can you post a sample?

>what is wrong with aesthetic for the sake of aesthetic
this is exactly what i want to write about too

>> No.6596694

Andrea Camilleri already did this.

Noice, i guess. Depending on how well is written i would forget about it after a week or never forget reading it.

Too little info.

I dig this. Ill check it out if i can.

I like the second idea as long as it doesnt spoonfeed that much.

Clever girl.

Would guilty read.

10/10 masterpiece.

Sounds like a disguised self-help book.

I like fantasy.

I like. Both of them, but the second sounds more original.

I might continue giving appreciations later.

>> No.6596716

First men on Mars.

Slight alternate history, as in my story, the shit in Crimea escalated to a second cold war between Russia and the states. This is after that; the two superpowers are working together again, but there's still tensions.

All hell breaks loose once they go beneath the red planet's surface

>> No.6596740

10/10 would read to my daughter

>> No.6596747

Yeah that actually sounds really interesting.