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6583859 No.6583859[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do people with more gods have more tolerance?

>> No.6583866

Not necessarily. The ancient Greeks had tons of gods, but that didn't stop them from executing Socrates for heresy.

>> No.6583868

Cringe thread?

>> No.6583869

I have like 60 gods, and I still think OP is a faggot.

>> No.6583880

Taleb is a god you fucking plebs
To think he's being serious in those tweets is a joke, Sam Harris(whose first language and I bet only is english) can't even detect sarcasm...he is a charlatan, having read his 'seminal' works

>> No.6583882

He was corrupting the youth tbh.

>> No.6583885

Holy shit look at Taleb's pic. He's pepe.

>> No.6583887

But that would mean that Hindus are the most tolerant people in the world, and that Buddhists are worse than Nazis.

>> No.6583891

Consider suicide

>> No.6583892

Sam fucking Harris insulting Taleb...I weep for humanity.
This is what happens when dumb prols buy into meme philosophy and pseudointelligence

>> No.6583894

Even though I'm a Saxon neo-pagan, I must disagree with the dune coon. Muslims are the least tolerant people and they have more gods than the non-religious.

>> No.6583897

Hindus are pretty fucking tolerant. I mean, you have people in hinduism worshipping Vishnu as a supreme deity, and you have others who worship as the ultimate god Shiva (or a number of other gods). And they still call each other hindus, even though their respective pantheons pretty much demote the others gods.

That's pretty fucking tolerant, if you ask me.

>> No.6583898

He is indeed.

John Gray is also quite a Pepe thinker. Particularly 'Straw Dogs'.

>> No.6583902
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Have a read at Talebs wikipedia page please, clearly you have never read his books and you are misinformed.

>> No.6583905

I'm sorry but since you identified yourself as neo-pagan, I'm not sure whether I can give any value to your opinion.

>> No.6583907
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>> No.6583908
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>Sam Harris criticising anyones intellect

>> No.6583909

I bet you have read none of Harris work, just like the rest of lit who shits on him simply because he's popular. .

Whatever though, you can keep being ignorant and he can keep making some of the most important contributions to 21st century science and philosophy.

>> No.6583910

If they're so tolerant how come they're all rapists?

>> No.6583911

What's wrong with being a neo-pagan?

>> No.6583913

We're talking about religious tolerance, not of someone's virginity. Go back to your leftist hugbox.

>> No.6583916

>look at me guise I like Arabs, I'm so tolerant and left wing!!

>> No.6583917

I haven't got any hemlock on me.

>> No.6583918

I believe in tons of gods and one God. I'm tolerant of anything but protestants.

>> No.6583919

Didn't you read what I said? I have read the end of faith and the moral landscape
I have also read Taleb though
To even compare them is laughable

>> No.6583922

I'm not left wing, neither is Taleb

>> No.6583923

If they're so tolerant how come they can't tolerate muslims?

>> No.6583924

Well, probably inherently nothing, it's just that I've never met a neo-pagan which I could respect (and a lot of those where you have to go: "please, just don't"). It's a question of experience really.

>> No.6583925
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You're tolerant of Muslims?

>> No.6583927

It's a meme religion m8.

>> No.6583928

No, it's a generalisation. It's illogical and intolerant.

>> No.6583929

Why not?

>> No.6583930

Those are Sikhs not Hindus you fucking moron

>> No.6583932

Who is Taleb? Harris is far more well known

>> No.6583933

They just seem to be very violent and dogmatic.

>> No.6583934

There's a lot of muslims in India. I don't know - there might be issues between the muslim and hindu communities, I haven't looked into that. If so, feel free to enlighten me.

>> No.6583935

>thinking you can contribute to science and philosophy at the same time
harrisfags are unbelievable

>> No.6583937

Indian muslim here. There are quite a lot of Hindu nationalists nowadays; the number has risen suddenly and quickly post-independence.

>> No.6583938

very few are. no more than any other abrahamic religion really. it's just the media making a big deal about it. they all go through their phases. besides. islam is a real religion. protestantism is husk of a religion with made up ideas.

>> No.6583940

It's a meme to worship the gods of your people? I'll tell the Hindus their religion is a meme, too.
>there might be issues between the muslim and hindu communities
You think?

>> No.6583941

I don't see how it's illogical. So far, 100% of the neopagans I've come in contact with were barely sufferable or worse. I didn't say you must be a sperglord if you're a neopagan, I said I'm unsure.

It was more of a joke, anyway. You are more than welcome to try to change my current outlook.

>> No.6583942

Surely this is a joke?

>> No.6583943

>Indian muslim here.

Pls move to Bangladesh/Pakistan. You are ruining the good parts of India.

>> No.6583945

I'm pretty sure Islam is just as made up as Protestantism. But Islam was created amongst violence and intolerance, grew through war and conquering, and fought with every other group of people they came across and still do to this day. They have always been at war, they're just violent.

>> No.6583946

>It's a meme to worship the gods of your people?
>m-muh heritage!

>> No.6583947

I don't know buddy, you tell me

>> No.6583950

cos there are not many women and many men. Think /r9k/ but on a country scale, women have fewer rights and you KNOW that it's entirely possible you will never see sweet pussy in your life.
cultural bullshit

>> No.6583951
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>The president of the United States has claimed, on more than one occasion, to be in dialogue with God. If he said that he was talking to God through his hairdryer, this would precipitate a national emergency. I fail to see how the addition of a hairdryer makes the claim more ridiculous or offensive.

>> No.6583953

lol do you even know what meme means?

>> No.6583955

>it's just the media making a big deal about it

Let me fucking guess. You're American. You've probably never even met a muslim in your entire suburban life. Just shut the fuck up, man.

>> No.6583956

Are non-whites allowed to accept the heritage? For example, are Jews allowed to have cultural heritage? Is it only white men who can't be proud?
You are basing your ideas of me from a small selection of neo-pagans, who probably don't even have the same beliefs as me. It's only really the Norse neo-pagans who are annoying.

>> No.6583957

literally r/atheism tier

>> No.6583960

the christians had their share of violence to. because christianity and islam exist only to convert people. they aren't stand alone religions. each views itself as a correction of a past religion and thus a correction on the world. they feel that if you don't convert then you're going to hell. they don't exist for traditions sake alone. the need to evanglize is what has cause all the problems with christianity and islam.

>> No.6583965

Okay, but why do you have to justify Islam against Christianity? I don't like either of those, so saying 'b-b-but da christians dun it too' isn't a good argument.

>> No.6583968

Yeah focus on his atheism quotes not the other stuff that's gotten him high acclaim

>There is a sense in which all cognition can be said to be motivated. One is motivated to understand the world, to be in touch with reality, to remove doubt, etc. Alternately one might say that motivation is an aspect of cognition itself. Nevertheless, motives like wanting to find the truth, not wanting to be mistaken, etc., tend to align with epistemic goals in a way that many other commitments do not. As we have begun to see, all reasoning may be inextricable from emotion. But if a person's primary motivation in holding a belief is to hue to a positive state of mind, to mitigate feelings of anxiety, embarrassment, or guilt for instance. This is precisely what we mean by phrases like "wishful thinking", and "self-deception". Such a person will of necessity be less responsive to valid chains of evidence and argument that run counter to the beliefs he is seeking to maintain. To point out non-epistemic motives in an others view of the world, therefore, is always a criticism, as it serves to cast doubt on a persons connection to the world as it is.

>> No.6583971

Because characterizing Islam specifically as the religion of violence is unfair.


>> No.6583977

It's not unfair, really. Christianity, particularly northern European protestantism, is fairly benign in the 21st century. Islam wouldn't be so bad if the leaders would actually denounce acts of terror, but they can't because that would contradict the third fan-fiction in the desert trilogy.

>> No.6583978

this reads like a middle school essay and his point is common sense

>> No.6583981

protestantism is a feel good cult. it's the shit end of christianity. the only thing they could ever agree on is hating gays and televanglizing

>> No.6583984

>being this much of a cuck for Islam

Typical American.

>> No.6583985

Mhmm he got international acclaim by writing middle school essays. Just fuck off

>> No.6583987

I've never really seen that here in Norway, to be honest. It's a good thing for Christianity to end, though, Islam should end, too.

>> No.6583988

telling me to fuck off isn't very epistemic of you bud

>> No.6583989

He's objectively right. Did you even start with the Greeks?

>> No.6583998

Consider suicide

>> No.6584000

as much as I agree. if a religion changes it's values because of popular vote than are morals written by god or people. I'm not saying they're right but they should stand for their beliefs otherwise it's empty if everyone became polytheistic should christiabity change it's view? no, the people should find a new religion.

>> No.6584003

Gods don't exist, morality is a social construct.

>> No.6584009

That's because Norway is basically secular and was never one of the big Christian countries. You're the most Scandinavian Scandinavians.
Norway yes

>> No.6584010

perhaps. but they don't see it that way.

>> No.6584014

>G..g..guys I was just joking!

Top kek, Harris exposing hacks on the daily these days.

>> No.6584015

Because they're blinded by dogma.
Then which northern European protestant country is like that?

>> No.6584016

>this one American catholic diaspora who's butthurt about protestantism but is totally fine with Islam


>> No.6584034

I can't even begin to labour at how retarded you must be.

>> No.6584040

Dude what the fuck are you talking about? Greek society was one of most enlightened in history, do you honestly think they executed someone for no good reason?

>> No.6584047

>Greek society was one of most enlightened in history
How so?

>> No.6584063

They arguably invented mathematics, philosophy and science as we know them today. They were also the first to properly record history.

You should have learned all of this at school though.

>> No.6584069

>They arguably invented mathematics
Not at all.
>and science as we know them today
Not in the slightest.
>They were also the first to properly record history.
Define 'properly'.

>> No.6584102

/lit/ where do i start with Taleb?

>> No.6584103

Who were the first philosophers then?

>> No.6584105

good one!

>> No.6584108

Black Swan, wherein he nonchalantly predicted the financial crash of 2008/09

>> No.6584117

The indians if you want to get technical.

>> No.6584118

Why is Sam Harris so stupid?

>> No.6584121

Some un-named long dead man who made it his business to ask awkward questions was the first philosopher.

Thinkers emerge amongst all social groups, and broadly speaking they can all be called Philosophers in the greek sense.

And complex society does not begin with the greeks.

And Enlightened?

What in Zeus's name are you talking about?

Warmongering, slave-making and endless asinine civil strife are the events which comprize the majority of Greek history.

Whatever your definition of "Enlightenment" is, I think you'd better check it.

>> No.6584124

Thats not a good comparison mate

Technically only Stan is wrong, not Sam

>> No.6584125

the greeks 'properly recorded' history

ok bud

>> No.6584150

explains why they're so badass

>> No.6584154

> no one in this shitstorm bothering to notice that Greek orthodoxy is monotheistic.

>> No.6584167

thanks man.
he seems interesting

>> No.6584174
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>two self-regarding mediocrities having a slapfight on twitter

>> No.6584201


>Some un-named long dead man

Why does it have to be a MAN you shitlord

>> No.6584210
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>> No.6584219

Sam Harris could very well know he is creating this reaction and is enjoying (or appropriating himself falsely with some random "joy" word game) his increase in book sales.

>> No.6584243


>(or appropriating himself falsely with some random "joy" word game)

Are you trying to be as obnoxious as possible?

>> No.6584257

>good parts of India
There are none. I might just move to your cunt.

>> No.6584270

WOMEN can be MEN too, you trans-sexist dogfucker. ;^)

>> No.6584368
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>making some of the most important contributions to 21st century science and philosophy.
