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658127 No.658127 [Reply] [Original]

$8.50 at the thrift store this morning.

Post your good finds.

>> No.658133


>> No.658136

J.S. Mill's 'On Liberty' for 16 Australian Dollars

>> No.658137

I bought a first edition of The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich and some Greek history book from about 100 years ago for $2 each at an antique store once. I'd post a pic, but they're at my parents' house, which is 12 hours away.

>> No.658142

Complete goethe, 5 volumes, 1,50 €.
Downsides: German typeset, political comments (thirties edition), "Ausgabe letzter Hand" (most of the texts were revised by the author and differ substantially from the very first version...)

>> No.658149


The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, valuable book? I saw it at a thrift store for 2$ was thinking whether or not to get it.

>> No.658162


>> No.658165

By all means do so. 'Tis worth owning, more so for $2.

>> No.658169

I don't know that it's valuable, but I thought $2 was a good deal.

>> No.658170


Isn't that the one where Hitler complains about youtube videos?

>> No.658172
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Found these in a used-furniture store in my town, 1€ each.
from top to bottom:
Divine Comedy (with historic comments on side)
Fontane - Effi Briest
In Cold Blood
Storm - Der Schimmelreiter
Doyle - Hounds of Baskerville, Sign of the Four, Study in Scarlett
Hemingway - Old Man and the Sea and other stories
+ an old neurology and psychiatry textbook

>> No.658177
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That, right there, is a real man's keyboard.

>> No.658182


>> No.658184

Very nice. I wish I had more sexy hardcovers.

OP here, thank you kind anon.

>> No.658186

Holy shit, I don't even...
Never seen this layout, what nationality is it?

>> No.658189

American. It's the Dvorak layout for supafast typing.

>> No.658193


>> No.658214

Dvorak's nice, but isn't it a pain in the ass whenever you have to go back to a QWERTY layout on some other computer?

>> No.658217

Well, it was the orgasmic mechanical switches and sturdy construction I was referring to, not the layout, but Dvorak's a cool idea at least. How long did it take you to get proficient?

>> No.658222

My laptop is QWERTY so I manage with both.

Still learning.

>> No.658226


An actually readable book? I never read history books, I assume that they're dry as hell. And I wouldnt want to own it if i would read it.

>> No.658265
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hah, was about to post this thread. Went to a fleamarket this weekend, and then my local library branch had a fundraising sale of books that people donated to be sold. Me and the woman got this lot (51 books in total) for maybe 55 bucks.

>> No.658278

Your wife has terrible taste in books.

>> No.658283

how do you know the shit ones aren't mine?

>> No.658309

Hehe I thought i was unusual in that I seem to never be happier than when i'm digging through the stacks of used books at a bookstore or swap meet(what we call a flea market here). Am I also unique that I often have a hard time finding space on my shelf for my new finds?
Ive recently I spent a few dollars on a copy of Don Quixote and a section of funky 100year old books.

>> No.658494

Damn, there's a lot of shit on that pile....
Keepers: Hornby, King, Niffenegger, Russian short novels, the prince, Huxley, Joyce, Bradbury, Asimov, Camus, Salinger.
That's aproximately 1 in 3, good job...

>> No.658506

Picked up a copy of Manuel Puig's "The Buenos Aires Affair" today in a second-hand store for £3.

Awesome find as I've been wanting to read it for a while but it has been out of print.

>> No.658919


congratulations, you have successfully identified the authors commonly agreed upon to be "good srs literature"

>> No.658924

Dude you got ripped the fuck off.

>> No.659237
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Sorry for the truly awful webcam quality.

I got this copy of Les Miserables from a library sale - for $1. It's huge (See my thumb for comparison) and full of illustrations. I'd post more pics, but the camera is too awful to show anything. It also smells heavenly...

>> No.659288

Holy crap do I feel bad for you people. You need to look online for book sales in your area- libraries/universities/communities/etc. You can pick up paperbacks for $0.50 and hardcovers for a dollar, and if you go towards the end of the sale they often have something like filling a giant paperbag of books of your choice for $5 a bag. My dad and I usually make these kind of trips as a father-daughter bonding kind of thing, and then gleefully put them in our particular piles when we get home.

>> No.659328

Reposting this. So far it's been my best haul. All the books and the bookcase for a total of 15 bucks iirc.

Got a box of about 20 books for free a few months ago but don't have pics. All of them have been excellent so far.

>> No.659333
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uh, the pic

>> No.659356
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Tonight's haul. I got The Hobbit for 40.00. Normally Half-Price gouges a bit for Easton Press books so I was glad to see on in decent shape, of interest to me and at normal market value.

>> No.659400
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>>659237 here again. Sorry again for the bad quality.

Here's one of my best deals - a 12-volume set of the history of Greece by George Grote for $20 - again, from a library sale. I'm a big history buff so this was a big haul for me.

>> No.660273

Most of the books I've bought are $1 on half price books clearence racks. For the last few years I've become %90+ library reader though.

>> No.661104

whoa these prices seem insane. thrift stores i go to are usually full of great books & at bargain prices. the best (least of the great selection however) has 5 books for a dollar, hardcovers included. other favorite is in a bigger area and has paperbacks for a quarter and hc for 50 cents.

>> No.661135

Lunchtime today, six dollars each. Feels good:

On Politics: A Carnival of Buncombe, H. L. Mencken
Treatise on the Gods, Mencken again
The Chant of Jimmie Blacksmith, Tom Keneally
Threepenny Novel, Bertolt Brecht
Flashman's Lady, George M. Fraser

If you're an Ausfag and in Lismore (Northern NSW) sometime, check out Uncle Peter's Books.

>> No.661146


Ten Days That Shook the World, excellent.

>> No.661215

I get almost all my books second hand, but I usually just buy from Amazon, so nothing particularly exciting happens. Sigh.

>> No.661228

H t t P : / / ❽ ➇ . 8 o . ❷ 1 . 1 ➁ / W I L L n o t S t o P U n T i L t h e I L l E g a L S i t e ❹ c h a N I s g o N E F r O m t h E i n t E r N e T c O M P L e T E l Y A n D f O R E V e r

>> No.663160

the complete works of William Shakespeare for $2.

>> No.663169

Complete Works of Edgar Allen Poe.
I got it in a Branson, Missouri antique shop.
Hardback, really old, great condition, $5.

It was a good day.

>> No.663173
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99 cents. >.>

>> No.663177

I definitely approve of pretty much EVERYTHING you've got there.

>> No.663445
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That modern library edition of Gibbon is worth about $50

I've NEVER seen one with dustjackets in that clean condition outside of a used bookstore, and I go to thrift shops and library sales semi-professionally. Cherish it and get some dust jacket covers for christ's sakes.

Not books exactly, but I got these seven book case roleplaying and war games at the library bookstore yesterday. All complete, unplayed condition $5.00 for all. I was happy to get them, since there are several avaricious book dealers who go there at opening every day and rape the shelves for the best books.

I've posted some of my other finds here in the past.

>> No.663452
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$.25 brand new, all in one.

>> No.663477

Seriously? I paid like $20 for that, shit...

>> No.663482

The estate I got them all from was offering literally thousands of books, all on the same general vein, at 1 buck for 5 books. I was in heaven.

>> No.663495

I found the Reader's Digest hardback version of "A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court" a long time ago in a thrift store for 25 cents. Shit's awesome, it has full-color illustrations and an article from when the book was written.

>> No.663518


dat hardcover

>> No.663523

Brave New World, Lolita, An American Tragedy, and Catcher in the Rye for $1 from my friend's mom.

>> No.663550

>Stranger Than Fiction
You lucky bastard

>> No.663568

I posted here before about finding an advance readers copy of The Book Thief in the dumpster behind the local thrift shop in almost perfect condition, not being impressed with it and throwing it away. That's a c-note down the drain. Oh well...

>> No.663610

dat sum Italo Calvino?