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/lit/ - Literature

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6576166 No.6576166 [Reply] [Original]

If Christianity is so stupid, how come the Bible is still relevant?

>> No.6576174 [SPOILER] 
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people are still stupid

>> No.6576187


This mostly. Bible = paranoid fantasies, and people are apparently still paranoid about all types of stuff, which they throw on a pile and then call the End Times

>> No.6576197

Ha ha! This thread is so comical. I can almost believe it's a troll.

>> No.6576205

I don't just call mudslimes and kikes sandniggers, recently I've started to call all christain denominations sandniggers as well. It gets them really riled up and they can't even say anything about it. They just get madder and madder and I just keep calling them sandniggers because it's true.

Fucking sandniggers.

>> No.6576207
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xd ebin

>> No.6576267
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If Hellenism is so stupid, how come the illiad/Odyssey is still relevant?

>> No.6576280

>how come the illiad/Odyssey is still relevant?
they aren't, college boy

>> No.6576288
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>> No.6576922

A really solid marketing campaign.

>> No.6576929

Because if god doesn't exist our constitution is all wrong.

>> No.6577144

don't imply so hard next time

>> No.6577577

>the foundation for pretty much the entirety of western thought
>If Christianity is so stupid,

>> No.6577776

>not the Greeks

>> No.6577786

It's "relevant" in the sense that Christfags won't shut up about it. Any meme is "relevant" when it's constantly being talked about. I've got nothing against religion in general but Christfags are obnoxious twats with their nonstop proselytizing and general attention whoring.

>> No.6577796

The Bible transcends Christianity.

>> No.6577827

Because of the old testament.

>> No.6577833



You're mistaking someone being influenced by something, with them merely *claiming* to be influenced by it.

>> No.6577887

Because Christianity was the dominant cultural influence in western society during the period when most literary works of worth were written.

If you don't have a functional knowledge of the Bible, you won't be able to understand the symbolism in most literature written before the 20th century.

>> No.6577898

If /lit/ is about books, why does this thread exist?

>> No.6577912

Because religious books have the most fanatical fanboys. It's the Batman of books

>> No.6577926

>Christianity being the foundation of western thought

Looks like someone needs to start with the Greeks. Fucking christposters

>> No.6578551
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>there are still atheists

>> No.6579981

Christianity absorbed the greeks and improved upon them. Aristotle was far from representing greek thought, anyway, and he is by far the kost genius thinker in history.

>> No.6580126
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Please go back to /pol/

>> No.6580131
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When will they learn?

>> No.6580134

The Qur'an is more relevant today

>> No.6580136
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No, Athens and Rome invented the West, and then Christianity took credit for it, while nearly destroying it

>Aristotle was far from representing greek thought
>a Greek philosopher somehow didn't represent Greek philosophy
>christfags suffer from this much cognitive dissonance

>> No.6580142
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In Europe maybe.

>> No.6580145

Christianity isn't stupid although there are plenty of stupid Christians.

The Bible will always be relevant. There isn't a single book that has had more impact on western civ period.

>> No.6580151

One thinker doesn't represent an entire thinker; that is like saying Kant represents all of German though, which is obviously an idiotic statement.

Christianity did save the western tradition to an extent by preserving classical manuscripts and the Latin language after the fall of Rome.

>> No.6580169

Christians had a huge impact on the scientific revolution. Don't hate the playa hate the game.

Galileo, Copernicus, Newton, Bacon and many more cornerstones of the sci revolution were Christians, baby.

>> No.6580194


Newton was a particularly ardent Christian too.

>> No.6580209

>Christians had a huge impact on the scientific revolution.

Yes, Christians, not Christianity. The Bible is completely useless when you want to do some scientific research

>> No.6580213

kekking initiated

>> No.6580219

>adding nothing to thread

pick 2

>> No.6580227

Newton was downright fanatic christian u bitch niqqa

>> No.6580230
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>Newton was downright fanatic christian u bitch niqqa

>> No.6580294

>Because religious books have the most fanatical fanboys. It's the Sonic of books.


>> No.6580310

people have done more good in the name of God and Christianity than atheists have ever done

>> No.6580314

>implying atheists have ever done anything

>> No.6580321

not really

>> No.6580361

Christianity 'saved' the western tradition by playing a hand in the collapse of pagan Europe, which is Rome. You don't save someone if you are part of the reason why they were in trouble in the first place

No, people who happen to be christians (at a time where mostly everyone is) contributed to scientific revolution. Nobody used their faith to do anything scientific. Lebinz didnt invented calculus by thinking "God exist coz there is something instead of nothing, therefore Calculus!"

>> No.6580369

>Christianity 'saved' the western tradition by playing a hand in the collapse of pagan Europe, which is Rome
lol arabs saved western tradition, like it or not, these goat-buggering degenerates is where your Aristotle comes from

>> No.6580411


Kind of true.

But... Origin, Justinian, Tertullian.

Geopolitical space was different back then. Perhaps East and West is an anachronistic conceptual apparatus.

>> No.6580467

>No, people who happen to be christians (at a time where mostly everyone is) contributed to scientific revolution.

back then, many of those guys thought science was one of the way's to reveal God in the natural world.

>"God exist coz there is something instead of nothing, therefore Calculus!"

you're an idiot who sets up strawmen then argues against yourself.

>> No.6580530

>back then, many of those guys thought science was one of the way's to reveal God in the natural world.

But that thought did not interfere or influence with how they did science. They didn't do it coz of Christianity made them. They did out of their own curiosity. You are using their religion to claim credit for their achievement, not the individual qualities that they possessed

>you're an idiot who sets up strawmen then argues against yourself.
How is claiming that Lebinz didn't invent calculus coz of his theism and love for God a strawman? It is meant to point out that people can do separate things (doing science/maths and being a Christian) without one influencing the other. The implication of your original post

>Christians had a huge impact on the scientific revolution

suggest otherwise

>What is the Republic?

>> No.6580597

>But that thought did not interfere or influence with how they did science.

oh but it did. God inspired scientific exploration for sure.

>How is claiming that Lebinz didn't invent calculus coz of his theism and love for God a strawman?

because you're putting words in my mouth and misrepresenting my point and also by trying to invalidate it emotionally by being a wise ass.

>> No.6580695

>God inspired scientific exploration for sure.
Sigh, fucking christposters. Using Christianity to claim credit for other people's achievements is a new low even for sure.

>you're putting words in my mouth and misrepresenting my point and also by trying to invalidate it emotionally by being a wise ass.
No dumbass, I already made a statement "Nobody used their faith to do anything scientific" and used Lebinz to back it up. It didn't alter your original position "Christians had a huge impact on the scientific revolution", simply refuting it with the Lebinz portion. If i only replied with the Lebinz portion, maybe you can make the case for me using a strawman but I already explain the details in the post that you replied to, the portion which you are conveniently forgetting.

>nvalidate it emotionally by being a wise ass.
Not the genius that made statements like

>God inspired scientific exploration for sure.
>Don't hate the playa hate the game.
>many more cornerstones of the sci revolution were Christians, baby.

With a dash of holier-than-thou to go with it