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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 117 KB, 500x589, girls-500-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6577013 No.6577013 [Reply] [Original]

>dating a really cute girl
>she has a wonderful heart, super kind and cheerful
>intelligent when it comes to computers and her job
>but no street smarts at all
>can't get around town by herself, gets lost easily, very gullible
>her favorite books: "Dan Brown's Inferno" and J.R Ward's Vampire romance stuff

is she repairable? I tried getting her to read some more intelligent things to expand her mind but she says they are too dry/weird...any suggestions?

So far she didn't like: Flowers for Algernon, Candide, Kafka on the Shore or Dune

>> No.6577024

How is Dune considered too weird when she likes fuckin Dan Brown
Arent conspiracies usually weird?

>> No.6577026

Why have we been having so many gf advice threads lately?

>> No.6577027
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>she has a wonderful heart, super kind and cheerful
>wonders why she doesn't get the same superficial kick out of being a "patrician" as you do

>> No.6577029

> stacked v. flat
it's almost as if she's just rubbing them in her face

>> No.6577033


she said Candide didn't make any sense and was weird.
She said Dune had too many weird sci-fi things she couldn't imagine.

>> No.6577037

>>can't get around town by herself, gets lost easily, very gullible
well that obviously indicates she doesn't have any sort of intelligence or imagination, or that a very standard element of the human psyche in her is broken.
don't try.

>> No.6577041

that describes most millenials tbh

>> No.6577048

pretending to read in public to get noticed is starting to work.

>> No.6577052

>no street smarts
What, you live in the ghetto?

>> No.6577057

Try Earthsea

>> No.6577080

>intelligent when it comes to computers and her job
>but no street smarts at all
Sounds like she can't do anything outside her STEM career

>> No.6577102


>> No.6577113

Is this a new meme?

>> No.6577149

>Improving your Girlfriend

How do you 'improve' a person /lit/? What is the goal?

>> No.6577188
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Stop trying to make her into someone with patrician grade autism and do as the picture directs.

>> No.6577211


by making them better than they were yesterday.

>> No.6577231

That's a tautology, what is 'better'? Being more in line with your arbitrary conceptions?

>> No.6577244


>what is better

depends on the category they are weak at. If they need to be more fit/strong then improving their strength makes them better, so being able to squat 200lbs instead of 100lbs...being able to run 2 miles instead of 1. Being able to do 20push ups instead of 5...etc

It's not complicated.

>> No.6577256

That's a person who is completely self-centered on his body; as an instrument of action is good to keep it healthy but that is enough, it can only attain true existence as a source of action towards an objective external goal.

>> No.6577262

>associating with women


>> No.6577264

>That's a person who is completely self-centered on his body

improving one category does not exclude others. People can have multiple goals and values.

the point was just an example anyway, the category you self-improve on can be anything...

>> No.6577274

Yes, but then the body itself is not the ultimate End, just the immediate externality that will translate later in something else more durable, a deed.

>> No.6577277

god I hate the ones that are so utterly dependent on the GPSs to get anywhere and everywhere, every single time.
they're just so fucking lazy in everything that they don't want to tire their minds at all to remember the route

>> No.6577282

E.g. a person who works out in order to run a marathon, or to be firefighter: the body is a medium to something else more definite.

>> No.6577288
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do you have to have an external goal for it to really
>attain true existence as a source of action
can it just be worthwhile to improve something for its own sake?

>> No.6577291
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u talk like a fag

>> No.6577295

>improve something for its own sake?

It's masturbation to be honest.

>> No.6577297
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How do I get a qt shy gf if I'm a boring awkward coward, /lit/?

>> No.6577300

You don't.

>> No.6577321

this guy is an idiot
there are plenty of boring retards with girls. i don't see why the internet thinks it's hard to get a girl. if you can say your name without stuttering, have no deformities, and hang out with girls, you will get gf.

>> No.6577323

>so being able to squat 200lbs instead of 100lbs
This can go on as infinitum with literally anything, you retard

>> No.6577327
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>if I'm a boring awkward coward

awkward is fine and can be a benefit if you turn it into goofy/funny...

boring and coward are problems.
You shouldn't think of yourself as boring if you are doing what you love and find interesting...do stuff that excites you, and communicate that excitement to others---it doesn't matter what it is, really.

For the coward part watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mAlzPgXb6rE

and internalize it ^

>> No.6577334

>This can go on as infinitum with literally anything, you retard

that isn't a problem, that's actually cool, you goose fart.

>> No.6577343

no, it has a softening effect by showing they know it may be an unpopular opinion

>> No.6577352

I have a deformity but you can't see it when I have my shirt on
No, it's the bad kind of awkward. As in I can get past the introductions and initial smalltalk but cannot sustain the conversation at all and often say things that are inappropriate, then realize what I just said and cringe. It's more insidious than not being able to introduce myself and ask how they're doing

>> No.6577357

I recommend Game of Thrones.

>> No.6577359

James Joyce had it figured out with Nora, love her plebness.

>> No.6577362

so does every millennial in existence, which is probably what you are. and if you have your shirt off you are in anyway so that doesn't matter.

>> No.6577363

Is your gf Leibniz?

>> No.6577369

/int/ meme.

>> No.6577375


she actually told me about Leibniz and calculus last week, can't remember what her point was but she likes him

>> No.6577390

Right, I just realized how generic my awkwardness sounded when I described it like that. Trust me, all of my friends constantly give me shit for being awkward. I have a reputation for it. I'm also a scrawny nerd with terrible posture and glasses

>> No.6577402

You should probably realize that there are a few parts of your personality that are painfully undesirable to her, and feel good about what is right.

I swear some people.

>> No.6577406

>I'm also a scrawny nerd with terrible posture and glasses

hit the gym
squat every day. deadlift 3x a week.
There's no excuse not to.
it'll fix your posture, your walk, your presence, and your confidence.

>> No.6577419

I already squat and diddylift but my persistance is terrible and I never eat enough. Literally only 10lbs of gains in one year, as of last week. Posture still bad due to deformity

>> No.6577435

Changing your girlfriend is possible, but involves a subtle psychological effort. You have to understand what she is now, and why she is that way. Like a lot of young girls these days (and guys), she's likely a creature of affect. The easiest (but also possibly the most dangerous) way of getting people like this into literature or art is to indirectly teach them the conceit of somebody who likes that kind of thing, the "power" it grants you, ie the detached sarcasm, the elitism, etc. Now, I'm sure you know these are superficial aspects of a madeup personality that really has nothing to do with literature, but that's the level that they're operating on, so it's the easiest way to reel them in.

The important part will be to actually get her to change her behavior while she changes her identity. It will be very easy for her to start buying books and reblogging pictures of books and developing a sarcastic persona, but you have to make sure she is also actually reading books. So you'll have to implement painfully short reading sessions (she's an amateur) while you're with her. Say 15-20 mins. MAX. Then reinforce it with sex (hopefully you can make her cum, because associating her orgasm with literature will do amazing things for this process) afterwards or by taking her out somewhere or generally doing something nice for her. Don't make it obvious that you're "rewarding" her for reading, though. Just make it seem normal, like it has nothing to do with that. If you aren't careful, though, you'll just create another snobby "intellectual" bitch who doesn't even read.

>> No.6577437

the pitfalls of such helpful and easily accessible tools such as GPS etc etc is that it seems to atrophy the part of the brain that would usually handle that kind of work -- not literally (I don't think) but how would you develop it if you never had the need to? I think it can handicap someone who can be considered intelligent otherwise

>> No.6577438

none of that shit matters
human interaction is fundamentally awkward
caring about awkardness is for teenagers and women
try getting busy enough in life that you don't have time to feel awkward

>> No.6577443

>Posture still bad due to deformity

go to bed Kierkegaard

>> No.6577446


you gotta eat more...it's not hard, just put more food in your mouth, more often.


kierkegaard had a hunch back but still seduced a cutie...

>> No.6577450

... Girlfriend :/

>> No.6577459
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Nah I'm not a knight of faith I'm too non committal to make the leap of faith
Besides even Kierk had young qt grill in love with him, I'm not sure if any girls know I exist. Not that I'm bitter, I'm just low key

>> No.6577491

Stop defacing pictures with your Japanese shit

>> No.6577511

fucking normies

>> No.6577522
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>> No.6577563

I'm too lazy to eat. I can literally sit in front of my computer or TV for hours at a time without getting up, even if I'm slightly hungry. I also work out fairly often so I'm operating at on a caloric deficit most days
Most kids have grown out of their awkward phase by university

>> No.6577566

>Most kids have grown out of their awkward phase by university

>> No.6577594

Well my peers are pulling pussy left and right, getting invited to way more shit than me, etc Even if they're awkward, they're significantly less awkward than me.

>> No.6577610

I've never been invited to a single social function other than family and I don't even care

>> No.6577623


"But if millennials are going to keep sowing their wild oats into middle age, another recent study suggests they’ll need to up their game: less than 7% of 20-somethings have sex 2-5 times per week, according to data from online dating service Match, and 49% of people in their 20s have not had sex at all in the past year. Even more shocking? The study says one in three 20-somethings have never had sex at all."

>> No.6577624

>I'm too lazy to eat

You know "working out" isn't just at the gym, the kitchen is just as important.

I don't get how guys can push themselves hard at the gym and then just eat like shit, not eat enough, etc...

>> No.6577641

>we are the last generation of america

>> No.6577650

Right, maybe my friends are just experts at the game. Pretty doubtful though. If they're not smashing sorority sluts they have a gf putting on the reg
Yeah I dunno man, I've been working on my habits but the lifestyle change is hard, like the morbidly obese learning not to eat. Like hitting the gym, sometimes I'll eat a lot for a week, but fall out of the habit for a week or two. I can't keep it up, I have no momentum.

>> No.6577682

Alright OP, you have an obvious problem. Your girlfriend is dumb. This may be hard to come to terms with, but if you don't like having a dumb girlfriend, end it now.

As far as fixing her is concerned, you've already tried most of the books I'd recommend to give her. Try the simplest /lit/ book you can think of. An easy Vonnegut maybe. Or even better, a Gaiman book. (Not American Gods.)

The only other ones I can think of to try are some easy /lit/core short story collections. Short stories may pique her interest in more literary techniques, while being short and easy to read.

Good luck OP.

>> No.6577694

Nah, I'm just an unlucky "normie"
I barely ever try to find a girlfriend anyway.

University has been essential to meet new people though.

>> No.6577704

This post is super underrated.

Sex as a tool OP. Women do it all the time. It works.

>> No.6577708


>that glorious, magnificent feel when you realize that you love your girlfriend regardless of her interests
>tfw your gf is into similar stuff as you when it comes to film, music, literature
>tfw she's not nearly so obsessive and essentially idiotic about these ultimately irrelevant interests
>tfw you might be capable of being a successful human being that can attain happiness by virtue of valuing more than anything in this world someone who is fundamentally different from you
>tfw feels
>tfw new Destroyer song

>> No.6577718

Also, yes. I am absolutely advocating using underhanded psychological manipulation tactics to get your gf to read more.

>> No.6577723

>Your girlfriend is dumb. This may be hard to come to terms with, but if you don't like having a dumb girlfriend

i dont think intelligence is so simple and binary.


are you trying to show off or implying something?

>> No.6577724



>> No.6577729

Fuck you and your mother.

>> No.6577736


>come to internet messaging board because you don't have enough friends to talk to about things
>rip into everyone and spew hatred
>shit on all of the people who are probably out there similar to you

sometimes I just don't understand us

>> No.6577737

Alright, fair enough. She isn't dumb. I still think trying short stories is a stroke of brilliance.

>> No.6577738

Because no qt gf

>> No.6577741

>I still think trying short stories is a stroke of brilliance.

yep, will try this asap

>> No.6577742

Is it pectus excavatum by chance? I have it. They say its not bad if you bulk up. Personally I never mention it until im already dating the girl, if they get disgusted then theyre a superficial piece of shit so fuck em

>> No.6577746
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>Because no qt gf

Actually most people on /lit/ DON'T WANT a gf...which might shock you

>> No.6577747


You guys are idiotic cunts. Hey, guess what guys? If you try to change something fundamental about the person you're with, you're changing who that person is. That might sound trite but it's the things that we like/have an interest in that make us who we are. If you go in there to "fix" that person then you're changing who they are you thick fuck. Stop being an asshole. I hope she leaves you to find someone who isn't a complete loser.

>> No.6577749

Speak for yourself pal.

>> No.6577753


>according to data from online dating service Match

How the fuck is this supposed to be a representative sample

People who get laid all the time are far less likely to use online dating services

>> No.6577758

So we're assholes and manipulative cunts. It's for her own good.

>> No.6577762

Yeah that's it. Mine is pretty severe, I'll never look aesthetic without a shirt on. I've never had a gf so it hasn't really affected anything yet besides the posture. I don't think I'll even be able to take my shirt off if I somehow do miraculously get a gf, my chest is pretty hideous.

>> No.6577764


>taste in books is something fundamental that never changes through time...

is that why you still read children's books?

>> No.6577770


WHOA HO HO BRO GOOD POINT. Let me guess. You've never been in a serious relationship right? And Infinite Jest is your favourite book of all time right? Am I close?

Stop being a cunt, realize that taste in things means nothing when it comes down to being what kind of a person you are.

>> No.6577775

Stop trying to get people to be nice on 4chan. Do you have any idea how pointless that is?

>> No.6577777


I do. It's only when I've had a few drinks that I wish this place was a bit nicer. The hostility on here is just so counter intuitive it's ridiculous.

>> No.6577779


>> No.6577783

Fair enough, fair enough. Also, nice gets.

>> No.6577785

If you don't have a qt literary gf for me get the fuck out my face

>> No.6577794


>tfw qt gf's favourite books are Blindness, Underworld, and Madame Bovary

maybe if you guys weren't so filled with hate you might be able to find someone. I hope you do anyway.

>> No.6577806

I don't have an angry or mean bone in my body, anon

>> No.6577810
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does reading/drawing hentai count as literary?

>> No.6577812

qt3.14, intelligent and literary gfs always had a trade off. For example, ex of mine was perfect except for the bipolar disorder and threats on my life.

>> No.6577820

No but it's hot as hell anyway.

>> No.6577822
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I don't really care what she reads as long as she is traditional, knows how to cook and clean and take care of children.

>> No.6577830

Mystery solved, she's really Leibniz after a Sex change. Unrepairable

>> No.6577831


My gf has bipolar disorder too. It's manageable though. I mean she can go from ebullient to extremely melancholic and depressed within minutes but it's mostly a matter of learning how to handle the outbursts when they come. It is kinda fucked up seeing someone run the entire gamut of emotions due to no external stimulus within a matter of seconds though.

>> No.6577835

Close enough
Crazy chicks turn me on
I'm into chicks with daddy issues way more than I'd like to admit. Or any type of issue, my protector/father/provider conplex is fucking raging

>> No.6577845

There's nothing quite as pathetic and obnoxious as a person who prides himself in being able to perform a task that machines can do better.

You sound like one of those fedora wearing types who use fountain pens and turn in hand-written essays in college instead of using Work like a normal person.

>> No.6577855

I dealt with it for two years. I really did love her, but when it was bubbly to suicidal instantly for two years, I couldn't take it anymore. I told her she needed help and then she threatened to kill me, then herself. Add on top of that my own depression and anxiety, I nearly had a mental breakdown.

>> No.6577862


Sounds like she had a stronger case of it than my gf. I understand though. I didn't have all that much respect for psychology as a discipline until I saw that some people are really just fighting against pretty severe mental limitations that interfere with their ability to exist on a daily basis.

>> No.6577866

I thought I didn't want one for the longest time, but at almost 23 years old, being single is getting boring

>> No.6577877

It still depresses me to think about, because I was very nearly going to propose. I thought I could help her. I couldn't.

>> No.6577889

>infecting your progeny with psychological disorders


>> No.6577899

We never planned on kids, though I wanted a daughter.

>> No.6577911


>> No.6577919

I hate my last name, so whatever. It sounds like someone threw up halfway through saying it. I've been thinking about changing it to honor a favorite obscure author of mine, but I feel like that would be dumb.

>> No.6577927
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daughters > sons

girls are cute and cuddly, and you can kiss them and be affectionate no matter how old they get.

sons are ugly and get into trouble, plus they'll eventually want to cuck you and steal your wife.

>> No.6577935


>> No.6577938

Daughters won't avenge your death or carry the family name
I'm planning on having at least three sons

>> No.6577952

Nah man. Having three sons will split your kingdom, have one and he'll kill you and take the throne. The best thing is to have a daughter and marry her to a wealthy and powerful man to secure your own power.

>> No.6577955

>ayy lemme tell you to stop being a cunt while being cuntish
>ayy lmao

i agree w/you tho, i dislike it when people try to convince their SO to like all the things they like

i also wish 4chan were a nicer place ;_; love u anon

>> No.6577962

Get your gf a best friend who is into literature that's not you.
Find someone you like that comes from the same town she came from or has the same weird hobbies she has always felt alone doing.
Then next step could be introducing literature through something she knows already: music or films or whatever. Make her watch films about authors and writers and adapted screenplays.
Then comes the part where you steer her gently toward something like a book club, still without you. This creates the illusion she's doing it on her own.
Then you could take a romantic vacation somewhere she likes where there's a book festival for a few days, what a coincidence!

>A close friend other than you.
>Introducing the medium through others
>Regular practice activity
>Have a short term/long term system of rewards (sex, dates, eat out, vacation..)
>be patient

This is basically propaganda. This same system works for getting her to ask for anal.(find one of your common friends that likes it, make her accidentally watch some softcore solo porn of a woman inserting dildo in a female friendly way, have her read a particular column of stupid sex magazines, or articles about how it was done in ancient times)
Pace yourself and results will come.

I'm pretty sure someone talented enough could have his gf buy him a diamond and propose.

>> No.6577964

>Problems only shitty dads have

>> No.6577969

>Make her watch films about authors and writers and adapted screenplays.

shit that's a good idea
should watch that woody allen movie Midnight in paris

>> No.6577984

That gives me a great idea. Watch movies based off books with her OP, then if she liked it have her read the book.

>> No.6577990

I say this after going out with a girl who likes the /lit/ hits (post modern fiction, criterion films, contemporary philosophy): talking to someone about smart shit is more disappointing than you'd think.

Find a grad program if you want a chance at good /lit/ conversation.

>> No.6578001

Dayum look at that hos titties
Why not just try to step her reading up in increments for example, have her read K.J. Bishops The Etched City in place of the vampire
ones. Instead of Dan Brown have her read books like Samaritan by Richard Price, or Motherless Brooklyn by Lethem , etc. Take it slow

>> No.6578114
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Boys don't go to bed I've got too many feels pent up for this thread to end on such an anti-climactic note

>> No.6578124
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I'm here for you anon.

>> No.6578125

Yfw I prefer the left

>> No.6578129
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all these girlfriend threads

>> No.6578131
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>> No.6578132
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tell us about your cutie anon...what's the problem?

>> No.6578135

She told all her friends he has a small dick.

>> No.6578144


>> No.6578152

This happened to a friend of mine, and it was well into the point of the relationship in which all her friends were all his friends too.
I try to keep in touch so he doesn't do anything crazy.

>> No.6578159
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I'm too scared to ask girls out.

>> No.6578165

Think of it this way, the worst that could happen is they say no. The best thing that could happen is you find the girl of your dreams. A fair risk, in my opinion.

>> No.6578187

why is my post the first one to point out that OP and anyone like him shouldn't push their hobbies onto their gf

my gf doesn't try to make me get into musicals, let alone expect me to know and talk about everything including high level stuff.

>> No.6578191
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>my gf

>> No.6578192

If you read the damn thread, you'd see that's already been discussed.

This is now a /lit/ feels thread.

>> No.6578197

That's really dumb. The worst thing that can happen is that she says yes, anon gets very exited and prepares for days for this: buys clothes, gets a hair cut, he's just being unable to read or write because every moment he slows down he thinks about her and the things they'll do. And then the night comes, he waits for her for 30 minutes and sends a txt, she says she completely forgot but she'll be there as soon as she can. She gets there an hour late, and clearly isn't into it but anon tries to hold his anger, which turned into sadness in the wait, and does his best. And it just isn't enough, he really can't make her happy in anyway, it's his fault and he knows it. A few days later he'd try to get another date with her and she'd invent some excuse. He wouldn't blame her. For the following months he'd remember her, or more likely how he imagined thing will go. All the cool stuff he would say, the smiles they would exchange, just the nice feeling of being with someone. Eventually he'd forget even that, leaving only a feeling in the back of his head that he just can't do it.

>> No.6578199

Jesus Christ....

>> No.6578203
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>> No.6578204
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>mfw my gf has a better taste than me in everything

>> No.6578205

>tfw don't even have girls to ask out because all I'm really interested in is reading and thought and art and politics in a way that gets exasperated when the other person genuinely seems to do it only for image or lacks obvious intensity

>> No.6578210

It's just that you aren't going after guys. If you did you'd notice how exactly the same happens.

>> No.6578213

>person isn't a fanatical lunatic sharing my passions
>get pissed off when they act like a normal human

>> No.6578225

I'm already a bit more accepting of men in romantic notions, given that all I care about at this point is of being with someone with a certain affective intensity.

Just might have to go for it

>> No.6578230


>> No.6578231

Get ready to find just as much shit under the apearance of maturity or knowledge. Even when you find someone who's sincerely dedicating his life to his field when you start scratching on a personal level you start to find how much of it is just showing off and trying to be alpha or just compensating shitty insecurities. Exactly the same as women but exchange daddy issues for... well, other types of daddy issues.

>> No.6578238

I'd normally call you a faggot, but I respect that kind of open mindedness.

>> No.6578239

We know from Marx the only real things people care about are social status and wealth, it shouldn't surprise you.

>> No.6578243

>social status and wealth
>real things

u havin a giggle m8?

>> No.6578251

The last time I asked a girl out she said yes, we dated for like 9 months, and then she broke up with me and revealed she never actually liked me. It would've been better if she'd just said no.

>> No.6578253


Also know that guys in general will get into you much quicker and much more intensely. It can be uncomfortable if you're slower.

>> No.6578262
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had fun for 9months though, and if it wasn't fun for you, you should've broke it off earlier.

>> No.6578266

maybe she got off on the lie.

>> No.6578268

This is /lit/. You might be looking for /adv/, anon.

>> No.6578269

She could've been lying about never having liked you to hurt your feelings. It's very likely she did like you at first then slowly grew to hate you.

>> No.6578275

Am I autistic if I don't like the idea of dating a girl who has few shared interests? I've turned down sex several times because I was doing stuff with girls I found boring, and I thought it would be shitty to try to bang someone I can't stand. This has made me celibate for the past 2 years though

>> No.6578277

You aren't autistic, everyone else in this thread is. Try to get out more though. Two years is a long time.

>> No.6578284

>I've turned down sex several times because I was doing stuff with girls I found boring, and I thought it would be shitty to try to bang someone I can't stand.

maybe that's not why you did it, maybe the real reason you aren't getting laid is your fault.

people are great at self-deception.

>> No.6578286

>my protector/father/provider conplex is fucking raging
ayy mah nigga!

>> No.6578289

There are degrees. I wouldn't want to be with someone that I can't look at without wanting to leave the room and do something else. But just sharing interests can be too little for something to work, I hate a lot of people in /lit/ for example. Ideally it should be someone you enjoy having around, whether it is for hobbies or just personality doesn't matter.

>> No.6578292

I can't even go 2 months celibate without feeling psychotic. Can't imagine. Plenty of women just want to sleep with someone for one night.

>> No.6578298

It's a pretty big blow to your confidence, especially when you already have self-esteem issues (and when that's your first and only relationship).

I think it's more that she gave me a chance but even after she realized she wasn't going to ever be into me she was too unassertive to say anything and just kept going along with it.

>> No.6578301

Your left or their left. These things are important.

>> No.6578306

That sucks man. Wasn't there any hints that it wasn't going well? Bad sex, lack of affection, anything?

>> No.6578311

>It's a pretty big blow to your confidence, especially when you already have self-esteem issues (and when that's your first and only relationship).

it's a great thing though, you can learn a lot from it. Like you were drawing your confidence externally not internally, so immediately that's something u should've worked on

break ups are pretty cool like that, either the other person had problems or you need self-improvement

>> No.6578317

Well I meant I would be in a girl's bed and have no interest in proceeding, so we'd just make out for several hours while I try to avoid putting it in, so as to preserve my patrician dignity lel
But seriously, I just seem to attract girls based on my sense of humor or something, and I'd rather hear about them than have to entertain them with my own thoughts
I hang out with people quite frequently. I just don't like any of my friends, except when I'm drunk

>> No.6578318

Alright maybe you are slightly autistic. You have had girls DTF and then just threw it away?

>> No.6578331

There were, but at the time I chalked it up to it being the first relationship for either of us (despite being in our twenties) and cultural differences.

It's not like I didn't already realize I had these issues, though yes the breakup probably inspired me to do more work on myself. Still took me a couple years to get therapy and meds for my social anxiety.

>> No.6578334

I mean, I never threw away girls I'd consider 'my type.' It was mostly always fatter girls, which I'd say is very excusable but whatever

>> No.6578337

Well I'm sorry dude. Best of luck to you.

>> No.6578342

>found out gf was cheating
>talk to her dad about it
>he kicks her out
>she has no savings
>apologizes to me and wants to move in with me
>block her number and warned her i would call the police if she tried to contact me again

feels excellent

>> No.6578357

Thanks man. I'm pretty hopeful now that I'm getting treatment for my shit.

>> No.6578402

you should get back at her by sleeping with her dad.

>> No.6578514


what author did you have in mind?

>> No.6578523

Seconding this notion

>> No.6578597

No man. Compartmentalize. Yes, find FRIENDS to relate to. Find stupid, perhaps borderline retarded, happy and caring, sexual SO. The notion that we're supposed to be gayly "completed" by some other person whom we are supposed to love aaaalll of our lives, be our support and our intellectual..... so on, so forth... come on.

>> No.6578605

obv she's into STEM and likes the juicy "who invented calc" gossip
>lol waz it newton or leibnizz lol

>> No.6578608

what if Marxism and phenomenology excite me?

should I still tell the qts about my excitement?

>> No.6578611


Frank Yang does that, he tells his chicks about Kant and Schopenhauer, weird art shit... and it seems to work for him

>> No.6578765

He's also unnaturally aesthetic

>> No.6578860

Only good advice in this thread.

Why are you fucking faggots trying to make your girlfriend "patrician" ? You just mean by that formula that you want to make a feminine clone of you, with the same "superior tastes" and "patrician-ness".
>has a wonderful heart, super kind and cheerful
>intelligent in her field
You'd probably go mad if she tried to get you into computer science instead of reading things you like.
Accept them how they are you fucking faggots, complementarity is the key, not equality.

>> No.6578870
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>You'd probably go mad if she tried to get you into computer science instead of reading things you like.

hmm I never thought of it like that...

>> No.6578894
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>I tried getting her to read some more intelligent things to expand her mind but she says they are too dry/weird...any suggestions?
I start the indoctrination about five minutes into foreplay.
Just shortly feel between her legs to check if she's ready for the unique one.

>> No.6578947

Leibniz is one of the most /lit/ characters in mankind ever. He held correspondence with so many influential people in his time. Leibniz has left an archive in Hannover which hasn't been completely indexed by now. It's just huge.

His work on calculus was influential. He and Newton made it possible that mankind made a huge leap considering mathematics. Calculus has become a very applicable branch of mathematics. Probably the most applicable if you don't consider basic math. Today wanna be STEM fags talk about who first discovered calculus. However, this doesn't matter. They both followed different approaches as they wanted to solve different kind of problems using calculus. They were doing the math required to solve mathematical problems of their time.

>> No.6579267
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>I just don't like any of my friends, except when I'm drunk
that's called the literary life.

>> No.6579268

>There were, but at the time I chalked it up to it being the first relationship for either of us (despite being in our twenties) and cultural differences.
Are you me? Is this something that happens because of books? Are we the products of the same circumstances in different parts of the globe?
I managed to make mine last a full year but besides that it's pretty much the same.

>> No.6579272

really dude just leave her. If she wasn't cultured as a young adolescent, she won't be.

You've got a better chance of educating your family pet.

>> No.6579277
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>nudder fukin tredd
>de rid nevur indz

>> No.6579279
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>Marxism and phenomenology
I'd touch your dick while you talk about that.

>> No.6579284

>trying to change people
You're making a mistake, anon. Recommending high culture books can only go so far, you can't change the way she feels about them. If you like her, isn't that what counts?

>> No.6579306

>not giving her the Greeks as solid books to start the literary journey
Absolutely plebeian (and disgusting).

>> No.6579340

>a girl made this picture
>alone in her house

>> No.6579371


a dude made it after buying/borrowing/stealing panties so he could make a funny joke on an imageboard

>> No.6579528

>Improving your Girlfriend
>is she repairable

She's a person, not your toy or car. Start by paying some respect. If you ask strangers on fucking 4chan for help on changing a person, I find it extremely doubtful that there's any substance in your relationship.

>> No.6579547
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>Anon, I can't find my favorite lingerie since the last laundry. Did you see it anywhere?
>Kay, hun' ... See you tomorrow morning ...

>> No.6579581



protip: women, even the dumbest of the dumbshits, believe themselves to be intellectually superior via womens intuition.

women only ever settle. you arn't even what she really wants. no man can be. but you're a pale imitation of her fantasy so you'll do for the moment.

the reason that you can't "improve" her, is because she already believes herself to be superior and you to be a silly faggot autist. why would she debase herself?

>> No.6579636
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It's how my girls panties come off after petting. I'd say at the 5 minutes mark is a stage where girls turn off their brain and are very receptive. Debatable to what extend that helps of bringing /lit/ into the picture.
And to be honest, even my Stirner talk with her is at the moment limited to veganism and the arguably weak mantra of 'do whatever you like, as long as it doesn't harm anyone'.

>> No.6579849

Good fucking luck, bro. My gf is attending the top poli-sci PhD program in the country, was a fulbright scholar, and was my school's only nomination for the Rhoades and Marshall scholarships the year we graduated. She speaks three languages.

She has some of the most pleb tastes I've ever seen. The only books she reads are grocery store-tier Michael Connelly whodoneits, and she also sings the praises of Dan Brown and says the DaVinci Code is the best written book she's ever read.

Same thing with movies and music. She only watches simple Pixar cartoons or political science documentaries. She literally cannot follow anything more complicated than Frozen. When we watched Children of Men I had to explain the movie every step of the way or she would be completely bewildered. Same thing with the Usual Suspects, and even then she didn't understand the plot twist at all and thought that Kevin Spacey was Redfoot.

She only listens to top 40 country hits and nothing else.

I've tried to help this, but it's been an abject failure. All the movies went over her head even though I chose simple ones, and the only author I've successfully converted her to was Murakami. Everything else I've tried was too complicated or she had trouble following it.

What I'm saying OP is that people are who they are. You can't turn someone into something that they are not. if you got her in high school maybe you can work something out. But you're probably going to have to deal with dating a pleb, or break it off.

>> No.6579990
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/r9k/ crossboard offensive

>> No.6580002

what's wrong with her back? is that hyperlordosis? more like ultralordosis, am i wright?

>> No.6580005

need to get out of my cave, never thought people like that existed. PhD and the wizard of oz is too complex for her??

>> No.6580010
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>> No.6580011

You're ghey

>> No.6580028

Maybe you just showed her stuff she didn't like.
I don't disagree with your point but I completely refuse that someone could not be able to follow usual suspects, not to mention that she can follow da vinci code.
your gf is taking the piss anon, she says it's hard so she doesn't have to tell you she doesn't like your shit.

>> No.6580034 [DELETED] 
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Or maybe some pople just rarely leaves the house, dick.

>> No.6580199
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>Even more shocking? The study says one in three 20-somethings have never had sex at all.


>> No.6580228

I'd honestly she just not like it. That plot twist is so obvious, and the who movie hinges on it. Like, she likes dumb mystery crap so I thought she would like that movie. We watch through to the end, with me explaining everything every step of the way, and then there's that ending scene where it all comes together. He gets in the cab and rides away.

There's a beat of silence, the she turns to me and says "so he was redfoot?"

I tell her he is Keyser Some and she says she didn't get it at all. Then I try to explain how the scene tells you and she gets upset and storms off.

I don't think she was talking the piss. I fucking wish she was.

>> No.6580232

Dan Brown's Inferno is good but Dante's Inferno is some real dank stuff!!

>> No.6580257

My gf has more patrician taste than me but still has no street smarts. i often feel like i have to be her dad sometimes. she reads a stack of books taller than her every month but couldn't park a car properly to save her life

>> No.6580266


>capitalizing end

get real nigga

>> No.6580273

I'll never understand why /lit/ is so infested with robots from /r9k/.

>> No.6580287
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>too close to home
>too near the bone

>> No.6580439
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anon i'm so sorry

>> No.6580460
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That's why we have to embrace the smug, live is a mistake and i'm gonna pity you deluded optimists

>> No.6580472

It is because these threads aren't immediately fucking destroyed.

>> No.6580480

anything you "get her into" will just be stuff she goes along with to appease you and will swiftly forget about it when you in inevitably break up

>> No.6580938

>street smarts
lmao bro

>> No.6580952

Well no surprise, most of those books suck. I can't believe you recommended Dune to a woman. Are you trying to scare her away?

>> No.6581037

this tbh

>> No.6581060

what the fuck is "street smarts"?

do you memorize all the street names or something?

>> No.6581066

/lit/ was created because people from /r9k/ begged for it

>> No.6581069

It stands for to be honest and it's not exactly new or a meme

>> No.6581078

That's bullshit.

>> No.6581148

how do I become normie

>> No.6581171


>> No.6581252
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you misunderstand how people interact with their environment. the brightest humans are the most likely to be drawn in by pop music and pop lit. it makes sense to them because it's media created by people like them.

I have to call on the subgenius maxim here, THE ONLY TRUE PATH TO ENLIGHTENMENT IS BRAIN DAMAGE.

the whole point of brave new world was to mock us, the intellectuals. bernard is broken. that is all. all his alpha friends are perfect. they enjoy the orgy porgy and soma because that is exactly the world that makes them happy. bernard has a skewed perspective and so looks to torture himself and drama llama constantly. he cannot be happy so he seeks out experiences that don't fit the norm. not because he is better, but because he is defective.

you either need to accept this fact that there is something wrong with you that leads us to seek out this super esoteric antiquated hobby.

how many books can you seriously name published in the last 10 years that were actually quality? at the beginning of the last century there was Tolkien, james joyce, pinecone and CS Lewis, then there was frank herbert and ellis these were the popular fiction of their time. today popular fiction is twilight and 50 shades. you are literally living in the past, quixotic. you've failed to adapt to the modern world.

but I understand anons. I too have invested a large part of my life in this so I can't throw it away. I make up excuses like a drug addict, it's habbitual behaviour that is not profitable or useful in anyway. I'm not a diplomat or an officer, what the fuck does it matter if i know anything about war? I'm not a psychiatrist, what the fuck does it matter if I know so much about ethnography and psychoanalysis? it is pure masturbatory pleasure and you anons need to accept that you are the weirdos, not the plebs.

>> No.6581295

>what the fuck is "street smarts"

something you don't have apparently.

>> No.6581297

a spook tbh

>> No.6581299

i'm sorry, anon

>> No.6581302

You can't make a girl like classics. Find a girl who likes classics.

>> No.6581358
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tl;dr version

>> No.6581362

4chan makes you belive that improving yourself will eventualy make you happy.

And here I am, reading obscure books, watching obscure films and listening to obscure music, not being able to relate to 99% of my peers. I look down on people who don't work out or who don't have a taste.

The sad thing is, I don't feel better about myself, just worse about others.

>> No.6581377


>not being able to relate to 99% of my peers

that's not due to the obscure content you consumed, but due to your own stupidity.

>> No.6581386

You are doing it wrong.

>> No.6581388

At least you're authentic. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I pretended I thought guardians of the galaxy was the greatest movie ever just for the sake of a few shallow friends.

>> No.6581434

I'm not socially retarded if this is what you're implying.
Please elaborate.

>> No.6581482

Not him but I can enjoy small chit chat with people who were thrown into certain circumstances that don't necessarily allow for cultivating a sense of distinction. It's people who can and do try to and obviously only do it out of need for that distinction that gross me out--College students, urban 20 year olds, cultivated almost spinsters.

>> No.6581507

You say this as if obscurity is a property inherently connected to artistic merit. Or for that matter as if improving one's taste in art somehow inherently advances them outside of the potential to connect with other with similarly developed taste.

>> No.6581654

I agree, my post was unclear.
Obscure art obviously isn't inherently more valuable, but I've experienced that you end-up in obscurity by being open to experiments and following what you like.

>> No.6581688

It's scary how much I relate to this post.
I used to have people to discuss music and movies I watched with.
Now everytime I mention artists, bands or movies I just get confused stares.