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/lit/ - Literature

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6569902 No.6569902[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw my mom replied to a somewhat hostile email with "Ignatius would speak to his mother like that!"

Are your parents patrician, /lit/?

Have they ever told you they remind you of a character?

>> No.6569920

Don't be disrespectful to your mother, boy.

>> No.6569921

No, my dad literally compared the Hornblower novels to the works of Shakespeare.

>> No.6569928
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if your own mum is calling you ignatius it's time to stop being such a sorry edgeking

>> No.6569936

When my father finished reading Blood Meridian he asked me why didn't they just shoot the judge if they were so scared of him.

His favorite book is Without Remorse by Tom Clancy.

>> No.6569980

ITT: Misogynists

Ugh. And yes, before you ask, I AM a woman

>> No.6569986

My father keeps comparing people to Mugridge, the miserable and detestable cook from London's Seawolf.

>> No.6569988

ooh, how elektral

>> No.6569989

you sound like a terrible person / you best be trolling

>> No.6569999


>you best be trolling

I don't know it's a close call who knows. Retard.

>> No.6570003

WTF are you talking about?

And yes I AM a woman too.

>> No.6570008

Wait, are you guys implying there are posters on /lit/ who are not little girls?

>> No.6570009

Based Dad

>> No.6570021

>you will never adventure with your dad

>> No.6570027

Best dad

>> No.6570030

Little girls don't have parents? Don't be silly.

My mom's pretty Patrician. Reads a lot, not shit mommy-porn either. Speaks German, English, French and Russian. Favourite author is Nabokov.
I'm not even half as Patrician as my mom, fuck.
Then again she hasn't had to work in like 20 years.

>> No.6570039

>Little girls don't have parents? Don't be silly.
I was refering to >>6569980 and >>6570003, not the OP.

>> No.6570092

My dad never fails to compare a movie he likes to the shit in the Golden Bough and Hero with 1000 faces.

>> No.6570098

My dad is patrician as fuck keep reccomending me more and more russians

<tfw he recomended lermontov and shokolov

mum also reads a shitton but more modern classicsso i dont really pay attention

>> No.6570117

The Judge never dies.

>> No.6570159
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>Dad is proud that he does not read
>Mother only reads books about Jesus
>25 yo Sister only reads books about Jesus or Vampires

>> No.6570160

Wish I had patrician parents

>mfw born into poverty
>parents badly educated
>father never finshed elementary
>start reading as kid
>get beaten up by him for not playing football with friends
>this happens more than once
>be 18
>i hate books because of my father
>i move out
>find a job
>meet a cute girl who likes reading
>make out
>she recommends me some books
>get membership in a library
>start reading again
>enjoy it
>suddenly shaking, expecting to be beaten up again
>cry myself to sleep
>took me months to try again

22 now, reading bretty regularly, fuck serbia

>> No.6570180
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Godspeed anon

>> No.6570192

How horrifying.
Good on you that you still found your love for reading.

>> No.6570218

Your mom sounds like a cunt.

she fuckable?

>> No.6570230

Your lucky, patricians can be a mixed bag, that was even true in roman times.

>Dad is high ranking officer in the military.
>Second Job is CEO of a hospital.

>Mom is a professor at a college.
>Phd in Nursing

>Together they made over half a million a year.
>Raised us like we were poor, because that's how my dad grew up.
>Lived in a 100 year old farm house with siding falling off.
>Dad spends all his money on his other house......oh, and it turns out he had another family too. My cunt half sisters he spoiled.
>I drove a chevette to high school. Both my sisters had new bmws.

>Top it all off, the only thing my dad reads is modern war novels.
>Mom reads YA.

>> No.6570237

Not really, I just read books about memes and depressed young men

>> No.6570253

>Be nine

>Dad is an educated neo-fascist with BPD

>Beats me and my mother for any god damn reason

>Nearly drowns me in the bath at six months because "Babies can swim instinctually"

>Forces my hands into unnatural and painful positions when I write because "there is only one correct way"

>Insists on forcing me to use running bike mounts while I'm still learning to ride

>forces me to learn algebra, and makes me practice for hours on end

>Full on punches me in the chest, stomach and face repeatedly when I fuck up at any of these activities

I'd rather have had a good father than a clever one.

That man scarred me in ways that I can't even begin to comprehend.

One day, I will kill him for the things he did to my mother.

>> No.6570261

"Lives of Cucks", by O.P. Fag, Jr.

>> No.6570264

My mother always called me Pierrot whenever I was feeling down.

>> No.6570277

Not much of a solution you got going on, there. What about lit though?

>> No.6570288 [DELETED] 

My father told him I remind him of Descartes, I wonder why, maybe it's because of appearance.

>> No.6570301

My father told me I remind him of Descartes, I wonder why, maybe it's because of appearance.

>> No.6570309

My mom's read Pynchon, does that count?

>> No.6570311

>neo-fascist violent cunt

>> No.6570319

He deserves nothing less, he has not been punished enough.

All his books were classics or technical manuals, but he never bothered introducing me to them.

I preferred my mum's horror novels; she had a large collection of varying quality, from Dracula and Frankenstein to stuff like "The Rats" by James Herbert.

Or she did have them until he made her throw them all away.

She still took me to the library every week though.

Never judged or disparaged the books I chose, and she let me figure out what I was interested in for myself.

Arguably my less intellectual parent was the one who encouraged me to explore my potential, as opposed to trying to mould me into something I could never become.

Everything my father touched turned to hate, I can't even look at an algebra problem without getting angry, even as a grown man.

Basically, having an intellectual parent who attempts to foist knowledge you are entirely unprepared for on you, can be worse than having a less intellectual parent who actually understands how to teach a child.

>> No.6570333


>> No.6570334

Oh he was.

He was nearly a socialist when he was younger, and he chose a university where such schools of thought proliferated.

The things he saw there made him flip his perspective 180, and he came out a fascist.

Mostly it was the self-destructive masochistic all-pervasiveness of "white guilt", and the effects of affirmative action promoting incompetents into positions of power that disillusioned him.

He was a clever man, but not a wise one.

>> No.6570571
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No one in my family reads. If they did it would probably be pleb shit like murder mysteries or sports autobiographies.

>> No.6570611

My parents are patrician. Taught me to read and write at age three, showed me all kinds of great stuff. Introduced me to everything from Homer to Shakespeare to Asimov and Rushdie while I was still in single digit ages. Gave me logic puzzles and foundations of mathematics before I was in school, leading me to eventually take multivariate calculus, linear algebra and number theory in high school. Had massive bookshelves filled with Pynchon, Joyce, Nabokov, etc. I remember watching great films with them as a child as well, to the point where my favorite film as a child was The Discrete Charm of the Bourgeoisie.

But they were never pretentious and never tried to force me into anything. I didn't realize as a kid just how lucky I was and am to have the family I do.

>> No.6570702


>> No.6570874
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Mother never went to college and I don't think I have ever seen her read a book.

Dad tried to be a poet, but he hasn't written one poem since he was 20. He read quite a lot of books but I think most of them were just technical manuals or anything related to poetry. He has a disdain for 'western' literature and poetry though so he only knows a select few Latin american poets. Also became a Buddhist for a spell.

Eventually I out read him in poetry too though. He didn't know jackshit about Borges, which surprised me because that seemed to be his specialty and I wanted to get some recommendations from him.

He's an ass anyway so I could care less.

>> No.6571160

Mom's an English major, likes paradise lost and brave new world and things of that speed, mostly 20th century realist novels

Dad's a redneck

Grandma recced me Trotsky and Kierkegaard lay time we had a conversation

>> No.6571171

Borges isn't really known for his poetry though boss, I do find out ridiculous that even people I come across who have read the basic Marquez and maybe a few other spanish magical realists never have a clue who he is

>> No.6571214

My dad is the person who taught me how to love literature. He and I have a huge-ass book collection that we keep in his home, I go there sometimes to leave books that I bought or to lend some that he got himself.

That being said, he loves to use book quotes, characters or situations to explain how he's feeling or what he thinks about something. Most recent occurrence I can remember was him saying that he hates and loves my mother (they've recently divorced) like Ahab hated and loved the Whale. He laughed afterwards, which makes me believe he was not only expressing his feelings about the divorce but also calling my mom fat. My old man is pretty fucking shrewd.

>> No.6571217
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>> No.6571224

post pics fo your mom

>> No.6571228
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>> No.6571232

No. My parents are idiots.

>> No.6571241

i want to be your mom when i grow up.

>> No.6571242

On which side of the family is your grandma?

>> No.6571244

>not only expressing his feelings about the divorce but also calling my mom fat

>> No.6571245

My dad compared me to Don Quixote once. I wasn't sure go to take it.

>> No.6571249

pics or gtfo

>> No.6571254

I should stop posting from my phone

>> No.6571260

It's a gentler way of calling you an Ignatius.

Don is the very picture of a modern neo-reactionary, with all the "who said chivalry was dead" stuff and attacking windmills. He is deluded by the notion of chivalry in the same way that neo-reactionaries long for the return of bourgeois values.

>> No.6571269
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>everyone has the same mom
Fuck off privileged children, my mom was a piece of shit

>> No.6571282


>Join a gym and do some hard work out.
>Learn to fight (enroll in classes of some effective fighting style).
>Prepare yourself.
>Next time your father try to beat you or your mother you take him to a room and beat his ass so hard he will never forget.
>Tell him then to fuck off out of the house and warn him that, should he go to the police, you are going to tell the same authorities he has called about the constant abuses you and your mother suffered for several years.
>Make sure neither you nor your mom want to ever see his face again, only in the court to solve the divorce legal procedures.

>> No.6571283

My parents have too good jobs to be educated.
Being /lit/erate is the privilege of the deprecated prawn beings turning sand corns in the deep sea.

>> No.6571288

>dad had a mediocre taste and died 20 years ago
>mom has the worst taste one can imagine
>only sibling hasn't read a single book in her lifetime
yeah, at least I don't feel like shit for sitting on 4chan 6hours a day

>> No.6571320
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My faher has no education whatsoever and my mother only finished secondary school. Neither of them read.

But luckily my mother encouraged me to read and bought me books like Treasure Island and The Famous Five.

>> No.6571336

Mom doesn't read. Dad reads "How To Be The Best Manager/Businessman, 2015 edition"

>> No.6571345

My uncle has a masters in theology. When I stayed at his home for a little while he gave me three books to read: Shakespeare's complete works, Herman Melville's complete works, and the New Jerome Biblical commentary.

Impressed me anyway.

>> No.6571387

>Father doesn't think reading is worth his time
>Mother sometimes reads YA-tier garbage
>I don't talk much with my brother but I can't imagine he has read something since primary school
My whole family isn't especially bright, to be honest (not to say that I'm necessarily a genius), so maybe that's why noone reads. I'm the first, to my knowledge, to go to a university.
I wonder sometimes where the 'smartness' or ability to learn would come from if none of my relatives posses it, or at least not to my knowledge.

>> No.6571424

>Dad thinks I'm some sort of degenerate radical for having views left of Conservatism
>Dad says his favorite book is On The Road but later admits to not having read it
>Mom doesn't read actively but has read some of the classics
>Older brother reads shitty YA fiction with his girlfriend

>> No.6571434

Most of the people poasting, their parents are total proles.

>> No.6571954
File: 152 KB, 645x886, 35-zach-galifianakis-1287761879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad news, chump. http://splitsider.com/2012/05/zach-galifianakis-set-to-star-in-confederacy-of-dunces-if-it-finally-gets-made/

>> No.6571963

Thanks for the lie.

>> No.6572007

What a mean dad, forcing you to learn algebra

>> No.6572014

There are good and bad methods of teaching and learning. What anon describes is the latter.

>> No.6572026


>> No.6572069

I'm okay with this. He gets cast in dumb films. With a good script I'm sure he would be fine.

>> No.6572088


Not him, but I don't really sense any deception in his post. In fact, in your disbelief you're implying that having such traits are far-fetched––which they're not (relatively)––therefore validating your pleb-hood unequivocally.

Step your game up, bro.

>> No.6572369


>> No.6572439
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Mom related

>> No.6572464
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>Raised us like we were poor, because that's how my dad grew up.

>> No.6572476

>educated neo-fascist
Oh god.

>> No.6572500

>Raised us like we were poor
>I drove a chevette to high school

>> No.6572507

reading popular books /=/ patrician

>> No.6572511
