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/lit/ - Literature

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6563949 No.6563949[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>ex was moderately attractive, loved to read excellent books, but was insecure, clingy and suicidal
>still loved him
>he starts getting passive aggressive all the time
>then starts getting agressive aggressive and yelling at me all the time
>leave him even though he threatens to kill himself (he didn't)
>personally depressed for months until I start dating again
>new bf
>very attractive
>very social, upbeat and caring
>hardly reads at all and it takes all his effort to not tune out when I talk about books

How common is this? Are there many guys who are upbeat, attractive and not crazy who like to read? Is there a correlation between reading and being weird?

>> No.6563960

Go back to your Chad. We want none of your kind around these parts.

>> No.6563980


>> No.6564014

... how did you make it this far without ever hearing the phrase "ignorance is bliss"? Are all women this retarded? Is this just bait?

>> No.6564026

Do you go to school in the mountains?

>> No.6564028

What makes you think OP is a woman?

>> No.6564029

I've heard plenty of platitudes in my time,...really....but thanks for your effort to contribute to the collection. gold star for ya

>> No.6564033
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>> No.6564035

>women r stoopid
>le John Green face

>> No.6564038

What books do you consider excellent?

>> No.6564040
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I don't know OP go read the biographies of some famous authors and then consider your question further.

>> No.6564044

>tfw no /lit/ gf

>> No.6564047

Uh oh.

Are you my ex, OP?

You know I browse /lit/, goddamnit.

>> No.6564051

Reading is by and large a solitary practice
It's gonna attract people who are by and large to some extent mentally :self-involved:. So yeah I think there's a correlation between readers and weirdos. This is applicable to both sexes because really gender does not matter in this regard

>> No.6564056

Pilgrim's Progress, Crime and Punishment, The Devil's Dictionary, A Tale of a Tub

>> No.6564057

>literally a sample size of two
>hurrrr are all men lik diz?

>> No.6564058

what was your ex's name, OP? an initial?

>> No.6564059

hi, paul

>> No.6564064

Embarrassing. Truly a response a woman would give.

>> No.6564065

kek I thought this too. I think this would describe a lot of /lit/ posters failed relationships

>tfw becoming the underground man

>> No.6564066

A thinking man, assuming he didn't think of himself as crazy, would know that not all thinking men are crazy, because he knows that he himself is not crazy. However, a woman, who is an outsider to this group, is more quick to make sweeping generalizations as done in the OP, therefore making it reasonably deducible that OP is female.

By "reading," OP probably reads that series about cat warriors, so I don't think it's any great loss that she doesn't understand how thinking men work.

>> No.6564067

>read daily
>am man
>have stable gf and long term relationship

Not to turn this into my personal blog, but I think that reading more and more has turned me from my destructive tendencies. I started to feel satisfied with myself, happy to be cultivating my mind.

My late teens were an intellectual dark age filled with distraction. It was then when I most clearly fitted your first bf's profile.

>> No.6564069 [SPOILER] 
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Those are good books though.

>> No.6564070

Would you info dump my shit if I am?

truly a a response a man would give.

>> No.6564073

how old are you now?

>> No.6564074

>Would you info dump my shit if I am?

No, I just need to kill the curiosity or outside chance of it being me. It could be.

Though you're probably right. iktfb

>> No.6564078

Only crime and punishment

Fuck off with your basic taste, pleb

>> No.6564079

>implying it is possible for a man to not tune out when a woman is talking

>> No.6564086

hey, rachel

>> No.6564088

Wow, what are the chances!

>> No.6564090


>> No.6564091

He doesn't at all, though, he's really interested when I'm talking about just about anything but philosophy or literature.

>> No.6564095
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>Responds to me calmly
>Gets aggressive with the woman or gay man
le misogyny meme is real

>> No.6564101

How new are you?

>> No.6564108

>tfw you dumped me for a basic bitch

as annoying as i was, at least i impressed you

enjoy Normal McGuy, "I Like To Have Fun" Enthusiast

i think he wants to take you to the avengers this weekend

>> No.6564112
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>not liking based Bierce
>not appreciating how dank pilgrims progress is

>> No.6564115
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About a year man
sum1 can't handle the may-mays

>> No.6564116

Not again, I hope.

>> No.6564117


>he's really interested when I'm talking


>> No.6564118

how could you be with such a pleb?

>> No.6564120

Enjoy talking -- and subsequently repeating the same conversation to multiple people -- about drinking at those parties

>> No.6564124

>one year
>thinks he's well-versed in /lit/ maymay history

>> No.6564125

Sorry, I have better things to read than those hacks.

>> No.6564127

well what's your SO like?

>> No.6564131

top kek

>> No.6564133

they're not GOAT but they are excellent.

>> No.6564137

damn women are boring

>> No.6564140


>> No.6564147

>Never says that he is well versed
>Poster constructs straw-man anyway
I don't need to be an oldfag to know that you're a stupid, angry man.

>> No.6564148
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>never had a relationship with a woman
>reading all day and spending my money on more books.


>> No.6564150

They're out there. It's a matter of finding of them.

>> No.6564151

this is /lit/ who cares about her fucking boyfrind

>> No.6564152

De Beauvoir even recognizes this
Why do you think Woolf hated working class women

>> No.6564156
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>with pleb tastes
>dumps pleb boyfriend
>gets megapleb normie boyfriend
>shitposts on /lit/

>> No.6564160


they've been passive witnesses for most of recorded history. give them time.

>> No.6564161

Beauvoir didn't hate working class women, she hated "the wives of rich men" as the stupidest people. She thought working class women just didn't have the right opportunities and were boring because of that.

>> No.6564168

I'm going to have to steal this meme now I hope you realize.

>> No.6564171

>Beauvoir didn't hate working class women
I never said this. I moved from de Beauvoir to Virginia woolf, you illiterate retard.

>> No.6564172

we haven't been witnesses. To witness includes to GIVE witness, women have given comparatively little notable witness throughout history except for the Apostle to the Apostles

>> No.6564177

>hardly reads at all and it takes all his effort to not tune out when I talk about books

Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.6564178

23... So not too far away from my late teens. But I still feel leagues better about myself.

>> No.6564181

Well of course odd to see a person reading for enjoyment, books are a dead media. If you find a guy who does this then good, if you find a guy who reads for "enlightenment" then you found a self indulgent Elliot Rodgers. In other words /lit/.

>> No.6564191

Depends on the age. Around 30s they usually resign from fighting or expressing their suffering and become stoic. My 29 year old with bipolar is the most stable and reassuring person I've come across. I don't value being social or upbeat, it's the equivalent of stuffing yourself on McDonalds every day rather than going to a restaurant once a week. After a point even attractiveness stops mattering, I can't tolerate or respect someone who can't hold a meaningful conversation. Might as well sleep with an ape for their superior muscle mass and aggressive intercourse. Perhaps tape Brad Pitt's picture on their face if that bothers you. You'll never be satisfied.

>> No.6564209
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wouldn't have dumped him if he didn't become an asshole

>> No.6564225
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I'm upbeat, attractive, and like to read. I'm also a little bit crazy. I used to be super crazy, but I got better. Just keep looking and keep in mind that a lot of people mellow out as they get older. It happened to me.

>> No.6564227

Yes, of course angsty teenagers with anger management issues are far from satisfying too. It's more a lack of maturity than sanity I think, no need to settle for the opposite end of the spectrum. I'm sure you'll find someone more balanced eventually.

>> No.6564230

How did he become an asshole?

Maybe he was going through something.

>> No.6564233

>le cat
>le am crazy
>le im cool please date me
lmao bruva

>> No.6564240

i want to feel you at the back of my throat

>> No.6564243

I don't want to date OP though. I have a gf.

>> No.6564251
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>> No.6564254

>a woman is more quick to make sweeping generalizations
Like this one?

>> No.6564263

There's really no excuse for infantile aggressive behavior, particularly yelling and other verbal disrespect. Everyone is always going through something, if you can't handle your own problems the very least you can do is express them in an acceptable manner. I've dated someone similar, intolerable.

>> No.6564265

w-what are your exes initials?

>> No.6564269


>> No.6564271

Does anyone actually read Devil's Dictionary cover to cover though? It always struck me as a novelty book.

>> No.6564272
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MAybe there is a correlation, but there are those out there that are exactly what you think that you want.

Maybe being an excessive reader indicates that you have a tendancy toward escapism, or a feeling of inferiority, or some other unhappiness. I usually begin reading a lot when I don't know what I'm doing with my life, or after a break up to try to find the "answer"... whatever that is.

However, what's wrong with being weird? And how do you define weird? Everyone has their own type of weird.

>> No.6564275



>> No.6564278

I read every book cover to cover. As do all other patricians.

Also Bierce's short stories are excellent.

>> No.6564282

God, I hope this is real.

You are so full of yourself. Your post oozes with a self-perception of superiority. What makes you superior?

>> No.6564298

>. I usually begin reading a lot when I don't know what I'm doing with my life, or after a break up to try to find the "answer"... whatever that is.
>and comes to /lit/

Who is this clit cleaner

>> No.6564308

What's wrong with that?

I read for pleasure as well, but there are fluctuations that are correlated to my feeling of how well I understand the world I live in.

>> No.6564334

post your nudes or you don't exist.

>> No.6564335

I just wanted an excuse to post my male version of the jizz djinn may may but didn't want to bump the shit thread about men reading in public.

It's funny how little hate threads about (supposed) males dealing with pleb gfs compared to this one. For the sex who claims to be biologically conditioned to be rational and capable of control (unlike females) anons sure are quick to act on emotion. You didn't act like that so you were the obvious target of shitposting flattery.

>> No.6564336

That's a relief.

>> No.6564340

fuck off

>> No.6564342

>OP confirmed to be a fat man who's never actually been in a relationship.
enjoy trolling plebs

>> No.6564348

Yeah but it's still a dictionary. Are you meaning to tell me you've read the OED cover to cover as well, hrmm?

>> No.6564349

Are you that grill from a few weeks ago who posted the thread about getting your bf into reading? Did it have the image of the black woman dancing because she liked white men?

>> No.6564357

Oh well you sure showed everyone. You're so obstreperous and edgy.

>> No.6564359

im upbeat, maybe moderately attractive on a good day, and i like to read excellent books. but im also childlike, non-committal, afraid of sex, and i am emotionally promiscuous

>> No.6564379
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>emotionally promiscuous
Oh shit. I didn't even realize that was a thing. I'm totally an emotional slut. Virtually every girl who smiles at me gets my devotion.

>> No.6564385
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>talking to a girl who's a Christian
>says she wants to wait
>eventually tell her she's gotta fuck me to be my friend
>she keeps texting me
>start fucking with her
>pass my phone to my friends and let them say shit
>tell her not to text me
>texts me today
>Can I kiss you?
>she wants to meet up and kiss a guy for the first time

Why is love so fucked up?

>> No.6564389

because you're a homo

>> No.6564393

that was someone else, and I'm sure it was a joke (bb =baby)


>> No.6564395

Also guys who read aren't all bad. It's just the healthy, active readers are probably earning lots of money and aren't chasing you.

>> No.6564401


>> No.6564404

how does it feel to be fucking owned noob

>> No.6564405

ebin skillz, bro.

>> No.6564406

>those legs

>> No.6564412

the idea that i'm an emotional slut floated into my brain one day and since then i've been obsessed with the phrase. it's not that i just see a girl and love her, but anyone im friends with gets to know basically everything dramatic about me and i end up knowing very quickly everything dramatic about them, im constantly just looking for dramatic shit because it gets me off emotionally, i want to get in all sorts of weird relationships just to see what the emotional situation is like in them. i keep trying to do things like date a heterosexual couple or fall in love with my oldest male friends even though i'm pretty much straight just because i basically think it would be interesting to see how that would play out. my love of art things is really just a continuation of me looking for the next thing to get me emotionally off. the same way a sexual pervert keeps looking for kinkier porn, i keep looking for more complicated and dramatic emotional situations to throw myself at.

>> No.6564419

Yes, I am so unlike the misogyny posters.

>> No.6564423


That's an interesting point. Yeah, to admit you have feelings about something is generally looked down upon even among those who consider themselves more sophisticated on average.

At least, I think that's a generalization of your point.

>> No.6564424
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i want you in the back of my throat.

im a guy btw.

>> No.6564430

Read ovid m8

>> No.6564431
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I think we might be the same exact person. I try to turn every romance into a love story for the ages. If we can turn the mundane and every day into these grand things, then we also have the power to turn the bad things in our lives to good. If a minor relationship can be thrust into the pressure cooker and turned into something much greater, then we can also do the inverse. We write our lives to be better than they are. We don't have to stop at amplification, we can minimize the bad as well.

>> No.6564432

Yeah, I will totally sacrilege and corrupt her. I really want her to give up her Christian devotions, I would get off on that

>> No.6564435

>Are you meaning to tell me you've read the OED cover to cover as well,
well, yes. I am a patrician after all.

>> No.6564438

>he thinks having sex with a woman will turn her off to Christianity
This isn't the fucking Victorian Period, m8. Most Christian women have sex outside of wedlock, just like most Christian men masturbate and watch porn.

>> No.6564447

The Devil's Dictionary isn't very long, at least by dictionary standards, imbecile. It's am assembly of definitions Bierce published in the paper over a span of years.

>> No.6564449
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The ones that do are destined for an eternity of hell.

>> No.6564450

My point was merely that anons are hypocrites who could learn some self-awareness. People can display emotion and act on it for all I care, but it gets absurd the second they point at others doing the same and say the others are incapable of complex thought because of such displays and thoughtless actions.

>> No.6564459

i love ovid

i think i generally just enjoy having bad things in my life so i can complain about those things

i like this quote about tennessee williams
“What he was, as he said, was a hysteric. And performance is part of what a hysteric does. They perform their wound and project it onto other people. And there is that brilliant line in Sweet Bird of Youth where the Princess says, "I have this thing like a sculpture almost heroic that I can unveil.” And that’s it. That is what the negotiation is, both as an artist and as an ordinary citizen if you’re a hysteric. You are projecting your inner life into others and watching and enjoying their response, and controlling their response with your act. So the performative thing was always a part of Williams’s life"

>> No.6564463

that's very sweet of you to say

>> No.6564470
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She knows I'm an amoralist and I hate Christianity. If I get her involved in me, I'll easily twist her away from God.

And I know m8, us fedora tippers, so disgusting :-)

>> No.6564479

Yanii is that you mang.

>> No.6564481

>i think i generally just enjoy having bad things in my life so i can complain about those things
I've been there too. It's only recently that I've managed to stop most of my self-sabotage. I had to reject my Byronic unhappiness.

Great quote. You might consider checking to see if you have Borderline Personality Disorder. I've managed to trace most of the behaviors of mine that we've been talking about to it.

>> No.6564493

Every time I take a personality quiz I score ridiculously high narcissism and Machiavellian personality

>> No.6564496


>> No.6564497

I'm not a Christian, but you're goddamn cancer.

>> No.6564509

well is IS national borderline personality disorder awareness month apparently

>> No.6564524

Lol which kind?

>> No.6564544

Uh huh.

Good thing we have you here to keep the thread going btw. It's almost like everyone else could leave /lit except for you and it'd make no difference.

>> No.6564551

>le faggot meme

>> No.6564587


Thanks for confirming

>> No.6564591

>threaten suicide to control someone
Fuck you

>> No.6564597

>as annoying as i was
Take a look in the mirror you infant

OP read to him from a book of short stories. Neil Gaiman or something. Use those stories as baselines for concersation

>> No.6564612

i've changed

>> No.6564618

Oh whoa perfect sounds good ;) thanks for continuing to try to manipulate me too bad I'm not your ex also tremendously fuck you learn how to be a human before you fuck with someone's life

>> No.6564619

Haha is this real life

>> No.6564623
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>this thread

>> No.6564683

the erasing of women from history was manmade

>> No.6564720


Basically if you have a passion for anything arts-related in the contemporary world you become a weirdo because basically nobody else around you will share that enthusiasm and as a result you'll become an isolated shut-in who has nobody to talk to about anything that interests them. Whatever.

>> No.6564721

that's me!

>> No.6564727

I'm down for cucking him with you

>> No.6564728


>> No.6564736

>Are there many guys who are upbeat, attractive and not crazy who like to read?

>> No.6564744

>Are there many guys who are upbeat, attractive

>tfw all girls want chads

>> No.6564764

You never loved him and never told him the truth. You were attracted to him because he "read" books. Now you are feeling guilty and want a rationalization for leaving him. You're a past liar and a future adulterous. Good Luck with life.

>> No.6564768
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>I also thought OP was talking about me

>> No.6564779

did you by any chance get into tumlrtard feminisismdom?

did you do anything to bore him? do you have strong opinions or did you try to engage him in things he didnt like or ask anything of him?

women are usually completely oblivious to how they're upsetting or even that they can upset men. because a mans emotional reaction will always, always be interpretted as abuse. so he is not allowed to react.

my last relationship failed because she kept bringing up much rape culture and it would trigger me. I just couldnt help myself from telling her that she needed to read more and how wrong she was about everything she was going on about. but that was me telling her I hate women and she's stupid see. it was all about her hurt feelings not me telling her that she was acting like a cunt and its not nice to tell someone who does everything for you and organizes your whole life that they're abusive for hugging without written consent.

>> No.6564781

>he starts getting passive aggressive all the time
>then starts getting aggressive aggressive and yelling at me all the time
>leave him even though he threatens to kill himself (he didn't)

This guy sounds insecure and volatile. Assuming this isn't fake, good on you for leaving him.

>> No.6564816

I'm a communist, so yes I'm something of a feminist but not in the mainstream sense because I don't have any enthusiasm for Hillary being elected and I don't care about how women are portrayed in pop movies

thanks. what really bothers me is when someone takes advantage of how much you care about them to hurt you,

>> No.6564829
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well I guess as long as you didnt try to force your systems on him I guess.

>> No.6564837

>I'm a communist
This is possibly even worse. No wonder he became an asshole.

>> No.6564887

so where are you? politically?

>> No.6564914

i'm 25 years old. i've yet to meet this person, and i know for sure i'm not one of them.

there are probably a ton amongst the older generations (like 50+), for whom reading was popular enough that a normal, sociable person might easily fall in to the habit. but for those of us today of the slightly taut-er scrotums, i'm a little doubting; i feel like most hobbies now have social-opportunities attached to them, and therefore to choose reading, or any other activity which one does entirely in isolation, automatically implies some degree of hermitude. every extensive reader that i've met has certainly fit this bill.


regardless, i still think you made the right choice on dropping the arsehole; no amount of genius is worth that emotional nonsense. and, hey, maybe the above maybe ain't so maybe. maybe that scholarly ubermensch IS out there waiting, and maybe you'll find him at a friseebee-golf tournament when a well-worn copy of Une Saison en Enfer just so happens to slip from his leaping, Jorts-enclosed buttocks. and if not, then fuck it, you'll just have to learn to deal with it like the rest of us: take the happiness you can, and sate your literary pangs with friends + 4chan.

>> No.6564927
File: 38 KB, 349x349, FUCKING NORMIES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop projecting you fucking faggot.
that's me though
>tfw I know a fucking tryhard faggot, always trying to sound clever but saying shit 24/7, always trying to push some references to sound smart
>think for myself "wow, the definition of a pleb"
>see him kiss his 7/10 gf one day

>> No.6564928

Center left

>> No.6564930

European, or American?

>> No.6564939


I didn't realise /lit/ had become a blogging site.

>> No.6564949


>> No.6564952

alpha and extrovert and still reading male here.

there are close to none of my kind. i actually only know 2 or three others and they all are kind of weird.
ofc i like not having alot of competition on the other hands its very difficult to find real friends with similar qualities.

>> No.6564956

fav books pls

>> No.6564957

I'm like you too homeboy. Minus the extrovert, plus a massive schlong.

I read and fuck I am cool.

>> No.6564958


>> No.6564959

>alpha and extrovert

>> No.6564962

oh. sorry for that crack about Hillary, didn't mean to hurt your feelings

>> No.6564965


Television and cinema are the popular art form right now, so most people who are disposition-ally suited for narrative are going to be into that, rather than literature. Take Mad Men, for example. Weiner, the show-runner, go his training in poetry, and the show features an extended allusion to Cheever's The Swimmer.

In the generations subsequent to his, it's going to be more and more likely that people are reared artistically on the cultural resevior of good TV and movies.

>> No.6564967

yeah, no, that's never gonna happen anymore than smart boyim will be reared artistically on good vidya

>> No.6564971

jenseits von gut und böse
the man in the high castle

first that came to my mind i dont keep a list

>> No.6564976

um.... So around what age did you take up reading as a hobby?

>> No.6564977

im weird in that people arent able to predict me.
they always see this something in me that is "more myself than me", which sometimes is kind of annoying because you dont know which role to fit in. however you must fit in roles otherwise everyone admires you secretly and you get alot of attention but noone really gets close to you because your too "risky"

>> No.6564981

k i dont feel threatened

>> No.6564983


>> No.6564986

probably 10/12
read everyday throughout school. read a little less the first 2 years at uni. now going strong since 4 years again.
my dad is a very literature focused actor so he made me a little patrician.
becoming alpha only happened pretty late in high school (or gymnasium as i am german) because i jumped one class and was pretty small until 10th class when in finally leveled out.
then i became pretty athletic, cute face, hot gf, lots of edgy drugs and partying and here i am.
then studied law which i hated but all the other students were so boring that i could become the edgy counter culture alpha at uni

>> No.6564988

here's a prediction: you're under 20

>> No.6564991

thats good because i dont want to threaten anyone. i grew up reading dostoyevsky and thomas mann, right now im more into philosphy, anarchy, drugs, technology-critique and general counter culture narratives

>> No.6564992

Wait, what is going on in this thread?

>> No.6564994

you have pretty adolescent taste so im not very impressed. would not date based on taste

>> No.6564997

25, turning 26 in september

believe me somtimes its lol, otherwise just sucks. went to an outdoor birthday party the other day. in the end the birthday kid and another guy took their girls away to talk the jealousy talk as they were giving all attention to me. the gf of the guy i came with begged me to spend the evening with me out clubbing while my friend had to walk his dog home and the hottest babe asked me if i would join her in the club later while her bf was next to her and i didnt even talk to her before.

but i have a gf and i dont like destroying atmospheres. its so fucking annoying

same at uni. once in a while different guys came to me while partying and told me they know everything about me. where i come from, who my gf is, where i work, which courses i take, which drugs i take, my political stance and so on. never saw the guy before

>> No.6564999
File: 65 KB, 706x726, political compass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like Hillary. I wasn't using mainstream American political parlance, since this is an international and reasonably educated board.

>> No.6565003

also read zizek, sloterdijk, marx, graeber and hegel.
however i like raw and pkd alot
i think they have the right idea of a society i want to live in

im not pretending

>> No.6565004

>posting political compass to illustrate your politics
hehe. and you have the gall to criticize me that harshly for my politics?

>> No.6565005


I'm not projecting though. I have a gf and several friends to talk about my interests with.

I am sorry you are so lonely and embittered though, I hope things get better

>> No.6565006

these traits are not mutually exclusive. if anything, it's the most terrifying combination of the lot.

he's the guy that takes you out for tapas, then steals your new car. he's the guy that writes you a poem on monday and on tuesday draws you a life-sized portrait with a disinterred turd. he's the guy with the wife, the second hidden wife, and two more mistresses, and yet who still beats to gay porn on the work computer, and not because he likes men, genuinely, but because he likes to watch men being fucked.

>> No.6565009

I'm an attractive alpha and I love to read, I need a balance of sex, arts and sports in my life, but I'm an elitist about everything. Because of my gorgeous smile and fit body, I only attract Staceys and I wonder about the opposite of what OP asked about. Are there any hot, confident girls who are also not utterly shallow? The sex is great but I'm bored with girls when it's time to talk. I've found a few cool girls I enjoy talking with before, they were all lit students or had art-related careers, but they weren't as attractive and sexual, so I got bored too in some other way. I'm the complete package, why is it so difficult to find girls who are as well?

>> No.6565012

>also read zizek, sloterdijk, marx, graeber and hegel.
you're still not convincing me and you seem to read novels for philosophical views which is hyper-pleb

>> No.6565017

yes i do. if you read novels for language then do so. each his own.
i find philosophy is best understood and conveyed in a narrative context, thats what i intend to do, too.

pretty much sums it up. girls chase me like hell. sunday rejected threesome with 2 hbs because finally want to stay true to girlfriend at least for a month to get used to the habbit again.
gf was devestated when she found out i wanted to send naked pics of me to chelsea manning.
also got arrested by police last year for drugs this year at first may demonstration

>> No.6565023

yeah, also have this problem. didnt really solve it but i take gf and try to make her read. doenst work everytime and you need to stay commited but works out a little. otherwise just read to them so they at least have a clue whats going on in your mind

>> No.6565029

post your writing so i can think that's bad too

>> No.6565030


You guys both sound extremely unintelligent.

>> No.6565031

Were you a victim of parental abuse/overly aggressive/overly emotional parents as a child ?

>> No.6565032

>Are there many guys who are upbeat, attractive and not crazy who like to read?

Attractive is a subjective term that in your case, as many sluts in the history of mankind, define as agressive, crazy and other traits that depending of the woman (e.g: insecure and clingy for women of a very rare caring personality) may be attractive.

What you're looking for is not possible, it's a contradiction to the very core.

>> No.6565035

thats cool. my schlong is not huge but more than avg.
sometimes i think god arranged this for me so my ego doenst take off to flame disc

>> No.6565036

If I thought it was a completely accurate way to classify political positions I would've just posted it in the beginning. But I think it's enough to separate my use of center left from the common American use that you associate with Hillary Clinton.

>> No.6565043

>woes of a disenfranchised kindergarten teacher

also, does anyone else think that a Sub is too far flown from the sandwich-coop to be labelled the same? next thing we'll be calling a hamburger a sandwich.

i refreshed that captcha out of spite.

>> No.6565044

idk what attractive mea—

>social, upbeat, and caring

how's 1/3 sound

>> No.6565046

asserting one's own alphaness always seems unintelligent. as it seems as if one had to prove it to oneself.
would never do it in public because everyone can feel it then.
if you find my style of writing dumb i must inform you that this is an anonymous image board sometimes called the asshole of the internet and that english is not my native language

>> No.6565047

it's in german
still care?

>> No.6565049

pls dont b from new zealand cause you r describing me

>> No.6565056

studied law though, now doing second degree in philosophy.
hot babes that read are pretty nonexistent

>> No.6565058

actually my parents are wonderful people. my father is a bit quick to get mad (never violent or anything) but is a very intelligent, responsible person who encouraged me to be open-minded but also knew when to be strict. my mother is basically a saint, i dont think she's ever done anything wrong by me. my parents aren't divorced which is increasingly remarkable for american parents. i grew up in probably the least turbulent household i know of.

>> No.6565059

translate it

>> No.6565061


get the fuck out

>> No.6565065

no, because the questions are often abstract to the point of stupid, and some of them have nothing to do with left-right

>> No.6565067

will do, but it will take time. if you woudl like to give critique give email or i will post it here later on

>> No.6565068

just post it here or make a new thread with the same image or something if this one dies

>> No.6565074

But he does that already, it's very badly written fiction.

>> No.6565075

will do, will probably take half an hour or something

>> No.6565081

i know some cant stomach it. and of course for some people i will stay a pleb.
however i never felt the urge to brag on the internet
i can show you something that im working on right now, its a kickstarter campaign.
youll probably tear it apart but youll at least get a picture of my political stance

>> No.6565083

>however i never felt the urge to brag on the internet
why have you been doing it for multiple hours now then

>> No.6565088


did it for an hour now 10:02:40 was my first post. i got four replys which i rarely ever get and mostly responded to questions. but you have a point though. everyone likes to talk about oneself, dont you?

>> No.6565097

is this u


>> No.6565106

especially as i would love to influence some of the younger members of this board.
you dont have to be an arrogant neckbeard cagedwelling ressentiment-stricken person.
just get out of your comfort zone once in a while

do you know me or did you find out via kickstarter?

>> No.6565110


nice fight club cover photo

>> No.6565113

thx, got it from here

>> No.6565127

you seem like a pretty generic sort of edgy person with very mediocre taste in literature. maybe your kind is less popular in germany but i know probably around 2 dozen people in the U.S. who are sort of like you

>> No.6565137

thats nice to hear. im pretty glad with who i am, so i like to know there's more of me.
still feeling kind of along over here. but maybe thats my fault
probably my taste is shit, just wanted to say that i read, not that i have superb taste. and my alphaness ofc stems alot from my looks and confidence as women are superficial as fuck.

>> No.6565151

Dump that shitty Chad and go back to the Patrician one you slut.

>> No.6565181

Why do women have no deep interest in or understanding of anything? Politics, arts, religiious faith, philosophy, etc

>> No.6565332

As a woman with a doctorate in history, kindly fuck off with your sweeping generalisations.

>> No.6565425

I'm an atheist and I think you're disgusting. Please die slowly :)

>> No.6565435

He's right though. You don't actually enjoy history, you enjoy the idea of having a doctorate in history. which you don't have, I'm sure you're probably not even a female

>> No.6565437

It is a solitary pastime. Anything that requires hours of silence and solitude you have people coming off as weird.

>> No.6565466

>When men have interests it's real, when women do it's fake.
>Which I can't prove but people who already hate women will agree with me.

Okay then.

>> No.6565500


It's amazing how many people want to put you down for trying to create something. Keep up the effort man and don't get discouraged by everyone putting you down here.

>> No.6565533

Don't be hating on based Warriors, dude

>> No.6565731

Assuming this is real, you're probably exaggerating or emitting certain details. I'd like hear his side of it tbh.

>> No.6565734



>> No.6565773

First reply, best reply

>> No.6565795

I'm upbeat, and am known as a die hard optimist. Reading is the best thing in the world for relaxation. I do stupid corny romantic gestures for women. Work hard. Play sport. Work out. Travel a lot. Get lots if women around, but they are all fucking lunatics - straight up beautiful, suicidal, self harming crazies. I honestly wouldn't know what to do with a quiet woman. Why are all women so fucked in the head?

>> No.6565823

What's the point of listening to a someone drone on and on about a book you haven't read? I hate that shit and I read a lot. Give me a brief summery and I might be interested enough to read it myself. Then we might have an enjoyable discussion.

>> No.6565921

In my city there hundreds of museums devoted to different art-related things. When a good exposition is brought to the city there apple-style crowds of people waiting to see it. My university had a shitload of clubs dedicated to art, literature, film and what not.

Most of the time when people tell me they're isolated because of their unique hobbies I feel that it's just their excuse for having shitty social skills and crippling anxieties. Most of they time there are a lot of people who are into shit like that who are easy to find thanks to the Internet.

>> No.6565945

Isn't US one of the biggest food exporters?

>> No.6565973

Oh OP I know your feels, I had this problem when I was younger, and my dating pool was small and shitty.

The smartest and most well-read guy I dated was a fucking psycho, also threatened to kill himself when I tried to break it off with him. In retrospect he really needed a shrink not a GF.

Since then I've moved to a big city, and usually date men with PhDs or similar who are just fantastic.
If you live in a backwater and are at all different or above average, you will have a very limited dating pool.

>> No.6565992

>There are no women in humanities, science and art.
Come on, man.

>> No.6565997

anyone else turned off when women start bitching and pretending like they have a choice
who here treats their gf like property/slave
if my gf gave me any lip i'd dump her ass on the spot
who here keeps their pussy on a tight leash

>> No.6566009

A crazy person doesn't think he's crazy

>> No.6566046

Go away you creepy cunt, there is a board for borderline psychopathic woman haters and it's r9k.

>> No.6566063

Before you know it we'll be calling squares rectangles too!

>> No.6566132

Keep on tipping that fedora, kid

>> No.6566147

"insecure and volatile"
Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf/ Ernest Hemingway/ DFW/ John Kennedy Toole
Stay pleb, fedorable

>> No.6566162

Fuck off back to reddit you fucking whiteknight.

>> No.6566171

I guess I would probably be seen as "crazy" by normal people, and I only date "crazy" women because I can't relate to normal people. In fact I feel suspicious of and slightly repulsed by anyone who is actually happy.

>> No.6566220

Your first bf sounds like me. My relationship ended in a very similar fashion. Only difference is I never yell or am aggressive in any way I would consider physical. I'm a fairly quiet dude but emotional when it comes to relationships, suicidal and stuff...

>> No.6566235

and I wouldn't normally say I'm suicidal. I was just put on the wrong medication that practically drove me to a state of psychosis.

>> No.6566436
File: 163 KB, 287x434, down_syndrom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do men have any standards besides looks?
Would men stick their penis in literally retarded?
Would any women ever want to be taken by a down syndrome men?

>> No.6566437

I read 'gif' first time round.

>> No.6566463

New meem

>> No.6566479

Fuck you I won't do what you tell me.

>> No.6566495

You go girlfriend! *snaps fingers*

>> No.6566633


I remember reading this novel, A Map of Tulsa, where the narrator talks about "girlish aplomb," the way girls will make a super-neat'n'tidy calendar and organize all their shit in school but not actually care about any of the subjects.