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/lit/ - Literature

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6559932 No.6559932 [Reply] [Original]

who here is willing to admit that their life doesn't matter?

>> No.6559936

/lit/ - literature

>> No.6559947

Nothing matters but it's fine because nothing has to matter.

>> No.6559963

go to 8 chan if you want pure literature, i love that /lit/ doubles as a philosophy board

>> No.6559967

My life matters to me because it's comfy ;)

>> No.6559969

The question isn't well defined, and is kind of stupid anyway.

"Doesn't matter" to who, in what way? As a self-aware consciousness, my life matters a lot to me; it matters to varying degrees to other consciousnesses that are aware of it. It doesn't matter at all outside of the valuation of those consciousnesses - although its effects could, insofar as anything matters at all. Which it doesn't, outside the valuation of consciousnesses aware of whatever things.

Like, it's cool and sometimes useful to be all ~~sanguine ennui #nolivesmatter~~, because that's true, but its also true that all the consciousnesses in question actually exist, value things, communicate about the value of those things, and even (if you value this stuff, I couldn't care less) exist and value things in a way indexable to measurable physical phenomena.

If you want to play the "the universe is just a pile of physical laws and causality, the end" card, you have to count us into the equation. We're parts of a mechanism that has no feeling outside us, yawn, next story.

>> No.6559970

Mine does not. I'm actually haven't killed myself yet.

>> No.6559972

This thread has nothing to do with philosophy.

>> No.6559979

double dibs, everybody's life matters except mine

>> No.6559983

define "matter"

objectively? subjectivity?

>> No.6560009

Well you see, I've tried so hard

>> No.6560011

and got so far

>> No.6560022

wow I can't wait to watch this video when I have a girlfriend

>> No.6560028

On a personal/individual level? Yes my life matters (to me and my relatives)
Does my life matter for humanity in general? Fuck no

>> No.6560032

It will someday

>> No.6560033

just because its not academic doesn't mean its not philosophy

>> No.6560180
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I'll admit it...after you
Check 'em!

>> No.6560182

How do you fail to 'get' on a board that gets a post every five minutes?

>> No.6560309


1) A civil (if provocative), rhetorical prompt directly related to philosophy is pertinent to a civilly-intended, rapid-fire forum on "literature".


2) Since "literature" is /usually/ understood to contain philosophy for our purposes, and per 1), there is no need for such a forum to secondarily "justify" itself as a forum for philosophy. It contains the motivation for the discussion of philosophy in-itself.


3) On the contrary, this thread has everything to do with philosophy. Since philosophy is a subset of "literature" for our purposes, a basic rhetorical prompt pertaining to a basic question of meaning is both properly philosophical, and germane to this forum by 1) and 2).


4) Nor is it legitimate to say that such a basic question is somehow not "academic", or reducible to a "generic philosophy of life": basic questions of meaning are entirely pertinent to all of academe, philosophy, and literature, as demonstrated by everything written so far.


5) If we allow that life is without meaning, then one is free to conclude for one's self that an appropriate object of one's own life is to pass the time in as pleasant a manner as possible (my life "matters" only insofar as it pertains to myself and future generations). That said, OP's intimation (if we wish to interpret it as such-I do) that life doesn't matter "in the cosmic sense" is correct, and as a consequence, the entirety of humanities' endeavors, which happen to include this website, this forum, this thread, and this post, also don't matter. This is a very, very, very, very serious, academic, philosophical, and literary train of thought, which is entirely germane to expression on this forum in every respect which was previously incorrectly denied by other users, not that it really matters.

>> No.6560312

Good thread about literature.

>> No.6560336

>The fact of the matter is that there are no facts, does that matter?

>> No.6560490

At the moment my life doesn't matter, that doesn't mean it doesn't have the potential to matter.

>> No.6560501
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>> No.6560525

my life is literally the only thing that matters.

>> No.6560540

We can all argue life is meaningless or not but I think everyone can look at that image and accept life is mostly a waste.

>> No.6560545

Once you realize it, its the most freeing feeling you can have.

>> No.6560662

Don't post this.


>> No.6560670

i assumed everyone already agreed about this. im halting my suicide so that i can gain stability from a job somewhere. if that doesnt happen, im out. not gonna turn my life to shit because i cant find a decent living

>> No.6560676



>> No.6560683


>> No.6560689

it permits to endure pain far more easily

>> No.6560691


>> No.6560703


>> No.6560773

Let he without purpose cast the first fishing line.

'mattering' is a spook. if you're capable of overcoming the need for recognition, which is in itself an act of satisfying an ego other than your own, then you can focus on making your life as pleasant as possible.