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/lit/ - Literature

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6555438 No.6555438 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Post 3 of your favorite
>tv shows

Pic unrelated

>> No.6555444

Please fuck off

>> No.6555445

loveless, spiderland, ARE WE NOT MEN
philosophical investigations, humes enquiry, evo psych 6th ed
rosemarys baby, eyes wide shut, in the mood for love


>> No.6555446


Please go away.

>> No.6555450

Don't be so mean, m8s.

>> No.6555453

/lit/ - literally anything

>> No.6555923

Your mom does literally anything

>> No.6555952

Fleet Foxes
Whenever, if Ever
From the Witchwood
The Sound and the Fury
One Hundred Years of Solitude
The Count of Monte Cristo
>tv shows
Only Fools and Horses
Doctor Who
Monty Python's Flying Circus
Le Samourai
Stray Dog
Back to the Future 1

>> No.6555984

Boris - Flood
Diamanda Galas - Plague Mass
Kanye West - Yeezus
William S. Burroughs - Naked Lunch
Samuel Beckett - Molloy
William Faulkner - The Sound and the Fury
Don't really watch TV, but I'm partial to a cheeky wee blast of Gogglebox every now and then.
Inland Empire, Spring Breakers, Mind Game

>> No.6556214

Lift Your Skinny Fists - Godspeed You! Black Emperor
In the Aeroplane Over The Sea - Neutral Milk Hotel
Loveless - My Bloody Valentine
Infinite Jest - David Foster Wallace
Gravity's Rainbow - Thomas Pynchon
Ulysses - James Joyce
>tv shows
The Wire
The Sopranos
Mad Men
There Will Be Blood
2001: A Space Odyssey
The Godfather

>> No.6556217

please go away

>> No.6556234

Arvo Part - Tabula Rasa
Draconian - The Morningstar
Haggard - And Thou Shall Trust The Seer

Valery Briusov's Fiery Angel
Jung's Red Book
Byung Chan's Agony of the Eros

>tv shows
Master i Margarita

Burnt by the Sun (Mikhalkov)
The Mirror (Tarkovsky)
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind or Truman Show.

>> No.6556242


>> No.6556243

The album is correctly called The Burning Halo; not The Morningstar; sorry.

>> No.6556245

Aenima by Tool
Lateralus by Tool
I by Meshuggah
Blood Meridian
not sure about a third
>tv shows
True Detective
The Wire
not sure about a third
I've never seen a film that has assumed the title of 'favourite' in my eyes

Anyone have any recommendations?

>> No.6556251

>my whole life is literally a meme
>I don't know where the memes end and I begin!

>> No.6556252


Just fuck off; on every board there are surveys to check on what kind of people are lurking. Mostly to seek from likewise anons some recommendations/ references in terms of other things than the subject on the board.

For example I can find out from such a thread - which is frequented by /lit anons who hopefully I hold in some regard - about some new artists, bands, art pieces or whatnot.

So go fuck yourselves.

>> No.6556256

No, not on every board, only on total shit boards like /v/ and /tv/

Not like it matters though. You could start a porn recommendation thread on here and mods wouldn't delete it.

>> No.6556259


Devenir: Ennaudi
Clear Blue Skies - Juggaknots
YaRedFair Scratch - Phleg Camp


Go Down Moses, William Faulkner
Kafka's short stories
Nostromo James Conrad

tv shows

It's always sunny in philadelphia
law & order
nature of things


The Bird People of China
Down by Law

>> No.6556263

Well here I was thinking everyone else has shit taste. You've shown me I didn't know what shit taste truly was.

I am honestly embarrassed we go to the same board and have probably argued before.

>> No.6556265

What don't you agree with, my angry fellow anon?

>> No.6556269

>mostly to circlejerk over memes
I get that you've come here from /b/ or /v/ but could you not try to turn /lit/ into /v/? Could you instead go fuck yourself?

>> No.6556281
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seriously, fuck off and stop shitting up this board with surveys

>> No.6556289


you're the only ones shitting up and circlejerking. Excepting your types, people are just sharing their preferences on various topics.

Stop being buttmad.

>> No.6556301





>> No.6556302

>shitting up a shit thread
you almost got me there

>> No.6556327
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Talk Talk - Laughing Stock
Paul Simon - Graceland
Devin Townsend - Terria

Blood Meridian
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Lord of Light

>tv shows
30 Rock

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
Apocalypse Now

>> No.6556336
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hooloy shit B88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888

>> No.6556340

>Devin Townsend
ayyy :)

>> No.6556346
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>two Tool albums
>can't name 3 books
>can't name a single film

>> No.6556350

>not only do I have shit taste I don't know what b8 means and I don't know how to meme

>> No.6556377

>two Tool albums
Why can I not like to listen to Tool?
>can't name 3 books
A third book hasn't pleased me enough to take that third position yet. Why does that make you mad? I just need to do more reading, and I'll come across something eventually.
>can't name a single film
I haven't watched that many films, so it's no surprise I haven't generated a list of 3 favourites yet.

I honestly don't understand you, anon.


>> No.6556384

You'll understand when you're out of high school anon

>> No.6556390

I already am.

Stop pussy-footing around. Get real and tell me what's so bad about my tastes, or stop replying. I'm genuinely interested to know why you think my tastes are so bad.

>> No.6556409

You've decided that not one, but two Tool albums are worthy of ousting every other musical piece you've ever heard

You can't name 3 books you've enjoyed which tells me you've either read very few books, you don't really enjoy literature (which is odd since you're on the literature board) or you're ashamed of what you have enjoyed (don't give in to the spooks anon)

You can't name a single film you've enjoyed for the same reasons

The worst part is, if you are ashamed of the films you've seen or the third book you've read then that implies that you aren't ashamed of what you've mentioned. That you wave your love of Tool and Meshuggah around like a prize and not like the fedorable embarrassment of a high school kid.

>> No.6556415

Youre both spergs regardless of what you listen to

>> No.6556423

>Get real and tell me what's so bad about my tastes,
Having two albums by tool in your top three favorites confirms your musical tastes are as one dimensional as it gets, this is only reinforced by the fact that the band in question is tool, and edgy entry level 90's band.

the two books you mentioned are entry level and popular on reddit for their modest accomplishments. The fact you can't name a third tells me you're not a big reader which is why you comment in this shitty survey threads.

You like true detective, a meme tv show and the wire, which isn't even the best thing HBO has done. You watch television and not film, an altogether superior medium.

All in all you're a 4/10 pleb. Please don't reply and bump this shitty thread again.

>> No.6556427

Fuck off

>> No.6556432

>You've decided that not one, but two Tool albums are worthy of ousting every other musical piece you've ever heard
Yeah, I did. So?
>You can't name 3 books you've enjoyed which tells me you've either read very few books, you don't really enjoy literature (which is odd since you're on the literature board) or you're ashamed of what you have enjoyed (don't give in to the spooks anon)
The two books I mentioned resonated with me the most, and nothing else I've read so far has. I guess Heart of Darkness was pretty good. And anything by Dosto, or maybe I even could have chucked in a play or two. I appreciated them. Would that have satisfied you?
>You can't name a single film you've enjoyed for the same reasons
I don't watch many films. Does that anger you?
>You like true detective, a meme tv show and the wire, which isn't even the best thing HBO has done. You watch television and not film, an altogether superior medium.
I don't watch much TV either. Sorry about that.

>> No.6556442

We should start making 3 x 3 images of our most recent purchases and have others guess out personalities.

>> No.6556446

because /mu/ is such a quality board

>> No.6556453

>does that anger you?
>you mad or nahh?
You're either a troll or a pleb. Either way there is nothing I can gain from embarrassing you further. consider lurking moar.

>> No.6556457

>missing the point

>> No.6556459

>thinking twiggy is capable of irony

>> No.6556540

Children of God, Blood Mountain, Oceanic
The Brothers Karamazov, Book of the New Sun, Stoner
X Files, True Detective, Falling Sky (I don't really watch TV shows that much)
Ren, Casablanca, Ghost in the Shell

>> No.6556558

>Meshuggah: I
>Devin Townsend: Ocean Machine - Biomech
>Rush: Permanent Waves

>Gravity's Rainbow
>Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

>Twin Peaks

>Inland Empire
>Tree of Life

>> No.6556588
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Motor Heart Cycle
Bingo Dingo Life
Never Recycle

Resident Vince
Garlic Rain
Dune Scooter

>>tv shows
How I became a Practising Mormon in Three Weeks
Charlotte's Spooky Tales

Love Without Derry
Mystery of the Uruguayan Celts
Brawl Gang

>> No.6556595

>Van Morrison - Astral Weeks
>Jeff Buckley - Grace
>Joanna Newsom - Have One on Me

>Paradise Lost
>Bartleby, the Scrivener

>True Detective
>Sports Center :)

>Wild Strawberries
>Tokyo Story

>> No.6556599

>in the mood for love


>> No.6556628

Sufjan Stevens - Age of Adz
Wu-Tang Clan - 36 Chambers
Joanna Newsom - Ys
Some compositions I like are Mass in B Minor (Bach) and Miserere (Allegri).
Brothers Karamakov
Fear and Trembling
The Bible
>tv shows
Twin Peaks
Twilight Zone
Andrei Rublev (Tarkovsky)
Days of Heaven (Malick)
Ordet (Dreyer)
I would throw in a film by Bresson or Eyes Wide Shut (Kubrick) for a fourth

>> No.6556639

In the Aeroplane Over the Sea -NMH
Acid Rap -Chance the Rapper
Hot Fuss -The Killers

TSaTF - William Faulkner
Lolita -Nabokov
Gulliver's Travels - Jonathan Swift

>tv shows
Shark Tank
idk, don't watch alot of TV

Requiem for a Dream
Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny

>> No.6556645

Meant Brothers Karamazov, and those books are by Dostoevsky, Kierkegaard, and God :^). Btw I prefer the KJV

>> No.6556734

>Well tempered Klavier, played by Glenn Gould
>69 Love songs, The Magnetic Fields
>Lonerism, Tame Impala

>El Quijote, Cervantes
>Sobre Heroes y Tumbas, Sabato
>Lolita, Nabokov

>Arrested Development

>Broken Flowers
>Apocalypse Now
>The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

>> No.6556740

my nigga

>> No.6556770

Cocteau Twins - Treasure
Lovesliescrushing - Xuvetyn
Jefre Cantu-Ledesma - Love Is a Stream

John Williams - Butcher's Crossing
Knut Hamsun - Growth of the Soil
Evelyn Waugh - Brideshead Revisited

Mad Men
The Knick

How Green Was My Valley
Paths of Glory
The Adventures of Robin Hood

>> No.6556787

I love you. Please be a girl.

>> No.6556790

>i'm a stupid faggot who can't think for myself and i want anonymous fuckwits on 4chan to decide what media i should pretend to enjoy in order to appear cultured

>> No.6556794

holy cannoli

>> No.6556816
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pic related
Aesop's Fables
Moby Dick
The Basic Kafka / The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
>tv shows
Leave it to Beaver / The Twilight Zone
Days of Heaven / The Master
Zorba the Greek / The Sea Inside

>> No.6556817
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>pic related

>> No.6556826

The Books - The Lemon of Pink
Kishi Bashi - 151a
The Dodos - Beware of the Maniacs

Nathanael West - The Day of the Locust
Georges Perec - The Art and Craft of Approaching Your Head of Department to Submit a Request for a Raise
Flannery O'Connor - The Complete Stories

>tv shows
Mad Men
Flight of the Conchords

2001: A Space Odyssey
Children of Men
Das Boot

These threads are silly

>> No.6556853

Bach's The Art of Fugue
Beethoven's 9th Symphony
Bach's Mass in B Minor

The Divine Comedy - Dante
Don Quixote - Cervantes
Ulysses - Joyce

>tv shows
The Sopranos
The Wire
Mad Men

Zerkalo - Tarkovsky
Satantango - Tarr
Late Spring - Ozu

>> No.6556858

Swans - White light from the mouth of infinity
Pain of Salvation - Remedy Lane
Rush - 2112

G.G. Marquez - Cien años de soledad
Roberto Bolaño - Los derectives salvajes
J. L. Borges - Ficciones

>tv shows
Breaking Bad
Dr. House
(IDK I don't see much TV)

Gaspar Noe - Enter the void
Katsuhiro Otomo - Akira
Andrei Tarkovsky - Nostalghia

>> No.6556885

Trout Mask Replica, Tago Mago, Exuma
The Stranger, Naked Lunch, Ham on Rye
The Eric Andre Show, The Knick, True Detective
El Topo, Mulholland Drive, Wrong

>> No.6556934

pretty cool, if one disregards your music taste
decent taste for an entry-level pleb
coolest guy around
cool taste in /lit/, bland taste in everything else
you're alright anon
based taste in film, good to shit taste in everything else

>> No.6556938

>thinking his opinions matter
my sides

>> No.6556943
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tfw skipped

>> No.6556945

Didn't It Rain - Jason Molina
The Boatman's Call - Nick Cave
Unknown Pleasures - Joy Division

Where I'm Calling From - Raymond Carver
Selected Poetry - John Keats
Les Fleurs du mal - Charles Baudelaire

Peep Show
Brass Eye
The Thick of It

Take Shelter
Taxi Driver
In the Mood for Love

>> No.6556951

>implying you've read any plays
>implying anon didn't just sit on you

>> No.6556991

Beethoven piano concerto no 5
Chopin ballade no 4
Bedhead - Beheaded

Catcher in the rye

The Wire
Twin Peaks
It's always sunny

Taxi Driver
Dazed and confused

>> No.6558541


>> No.6558603

Fuck it, I'm in.
albums/compositions (this changes monthly almost):
>Shai Hulud: That Within Blood Ill-Tempered
>Lucero-That Much Further West
>Sick of it All-Just Look Around

>Book of the Meme Sun
>The Brothers Karamazov

TV Shows (don't watch a lot of TV):
>The Twilight Zone (none of the '90s remake shit)
>South Park

>Once Upon a Time in the West
>The Wild Bunch
>North by Northwest

>> No.6558621

Dixieland Greatest Hits, Elvis Presley Greatest Hits, US Navy Band Greatest Hits
American Sniper, Atlas Shrugged (havnt read it though), no third?
Storage Wars, Storage Wars Texas, Storage Wars Canada
American Sniper, Die Hard, Lethal Weapon 3

>> No.6558670

Velvet Underground & Nico
New Order - Substance
The Smiths - Meat is Murder
The Brother Karamazov
Cat's Cradle
Divina Commedia
>>tv shows
X Files
Better Call Saul
Apocalypse Now
Seven Samurai
Ghost Dog

>> No.6560393

Hey fuck you buddy!

>> No.6560405
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okay OP i'll answer your question. thankfully, I am aware that the board is less about what gets posted and more about who's doing it, and if your primary interest is literature I'll answer your survey

Live-Evil and Kind of Blue, Miles Davis
Channel Orange, Frank Ocean
Electric Ladyland, Jimi Hendrix
Govt. Plates, Death Grips

The Old Man and the Sea, Hemingway
Anti-Oedipus/A Thousand Plateaus, Deleuze
Eichmann in Jerusalem, Hannah Arendt
Tai Pei, Tao Lin

>tv shows
Don't watch TV but I can imagine liking Seinfeld.

High and Low, Kurosawa
Rear Window, Hitchcock
Barton Fink, Coen bros
Blue Velvet or maybe Lost Highway, David Lynch
The Last Temptation of Christ, Martin Scorsese

>> No.6560488
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Double Concerto in A minor, Op. 102 - Brahms
Symphony No. 4 in A minor for orchestra, Op. 63 - Sibelius
Barlande - Pedro Soler & Gaspar Claus

Suttree - McCarthy
Amsterdam Stories - Nescio
Collected Poetry - Keats

>tv is for plebs

There Will Be Blood - Anderson
Good Will Hunting - Van Sant
Leon, The Professional - Besson

pic related

>> No.6560502

Can- Future Days
Popol Vuh- Hosianna Mantra
Dirty Three- Ocean Songs

Tom McCarthy- Remainder
J. M. Coetzee- Disgrace
Virginia Woolf- To the Lighthouse

Twin Peaks
Mad Men
Breaking Bad

2001: A Space Odyssey
Lost in Translation
Blue Velvet

Anybody @chicago here?

>> No.6560520

ultimate patrician detected

>> No.6560523


>ultimate patrician

LOL na m8 everyone knows that ultimate patricians prefer father ted

>> No.6560871
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>'Flight of the Conchords' in top tv shows
>call him ultimate patrician for his taste in tv

You're both fukken plebs.

>> No.6560879

The Arcade Fire
Tom Waits

Blood Meridian
If on a winters night a traveler
White Noise

Twin Peaks
True Detective

Sansho the Bailiff
The double life of Veronique

>> No.6560897

You have faggy film taste, you also are desperate to appear cultured

>> No.6561197

>Transformer-Lou Reed
>Bonnie and Clyde-Serge Gainsbourg
>Sandinista-The Clash

>Mason & Dixon-Pynchon
>Picture of Dorian Gray-Wilde
>To The Lighthouse-Woolf

>only really watch GoT :|

>Barry Lyndon

>> No.6561199

Appetite for Destruction - Guns N Roses
The Gold Experience - Prince
Nightfall In Middle-Earth - Blind Guardian
The Voice of the Fire - Alan Moore
The Gone-Away World - Nick Harkaway
>tv shows
The Wire
The Office (UK)
Not really into films tbh mate
The Room
Lord of the Rings
Battle Royale

Frasier isn't a bad show but it is in no way patrician. It is basic humour for basic people.

>> No.6561237

St. Matthew Passion, all of it
The pastoral symphony
Prelude to the afternoon of a faun

Divine Comedy
The Cantos
The Waste Land

>tv shows
Scruton's 'Beauty'

La Regle du Jeu
Otto e Mezzo

>> No.6561427

Temper Trap
Imagine Dragons
Mother Mother
[don't listen to much as I don't like my mood altered]

Beyond Good and Evil, Nietzsche
Book of Disquiet, Pessoa
Essays, Montaigne
[open to suggestions for more fiction but aphorisms>plots devices]

>tv shows
Twilight Zone
24/The Unit/Last Resort
[todays TV shows lean too heavily towards catering to women]

Christopher Nolan's Batman
Sherlock Holmes, Guy Ritchie
Casblanca, Citizen Kane, Modern Times
[glorification of war & thug worship movies get too much praise]

>> No.6561462

Remain in Light
At Folsom Prison
Blood on the Tracks
The Sun Also Rises
Brave New World
>TV Shows
Twin Peaks
Garth Marenghi's Dark Place
Curb Your Enthusiasm
Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia
Raiders of the Lost Ark
The Last Laugh

>> No.6561593

first part is subjectivity, my desperate attempt to appear cultured is wrong

i truly do enjoy classical music more than popular music mainly because i dislike words in music, and if you are saying it for a more retarded reason, i don't give a shit

>> No.6561631

Thinking Fellers Union Local 282 - Mother of All Saints
Van Morrisson - Astral Weeks
Arthur Russell - World of Echo
In Search of Lost Time
If On A Winter's Night A Traveler
Xavier Renegade Angel
Big Man Japan
Pan's Labyrinth
(I don't watch many films, sorry. Reccs?)

>> No.6561655

Handel - Sarabande
Beethoven - Appassionata
J.S. Bach - Brandenburg Concertos

Grateful Dead - American Beauty
Radiohead - OK Computer
Syd Barrett - Barrett / Madcap

Diamond Sutra
Will to Power

Notes from the Underground
Don Quixote

>tv shows
True Detective
Twin Peaks

The Man Who Wasn't There
A Serious Man

Planescape: Torment
Frontier: Elite II
Beneath a Steel Sky

>> No.6561694

Black Foliage - The Olivia Tremor Control
Kaputt - Destroyer
Strange Idols... - Felt

Infinite Jest
Catch 22

Trigun/Neon Genesis
Breaking Bad

Terminator 2
The Thing (Carpenter)

Portal 2
Mario 64
Last of Us

>> No.6561699

2 tha lighthouse my homie!!!

>> No.6561706

Music= 2/3 (Bob and Johnny)
Books= 3/3
TV= 1.5/3 (Twin Peaks is gr8 A Dark Place is okay)
Film= 1/3 (have only seen Raiders)

you and I would get along quite well

>> No.6561708

The Wild Hunt
Helplessness Blues
People that can eat people are the luckiest People in the World
Confederacy of Dunces
>tv shows
The Wire
True Detective
The Thin Red Line

>> No.6561712

Van Morrison - Astral Weeks
Nick Drake - Pink Moon
The Doors - The Doors

The picture of Dorian Gray
The Road

>TV Shows
Twin Peaks
Freaks and Geeks

Taxi Driver (1976)
Locke (2013)
The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane (1976)

>> No.6561735

The Doldrums : 2 - Ariel Pink, Swing and a Miss (1977) - R. Stevie Moore, Songs - John Maus

Murphy - Beckett, White Noise - DeLillo, Infinite Jest - Wallace

The Wire, Twin Peaks, West Wing

Stalker - Tarkovsky, Days of Being Wild - Karwai, Persona - Bergman

>> No.6561740

Looks like we'd b friends.

>> No.6561754
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I shouldn't have to use this image so damn often

>> No.6561776

Kid A
Ready to Die
Voff Voff

The Cannibal
A Portrait of the Artist of as a Young Man

>tv shows
The Wire
anything done by Tim and Eric
Arrested Development?

Apocalypse Now

>> No.6561781

>not Stahlmusik

>20 jazz funk greats
>not TG24

>disc 2


>slint for even more massive hipsters

>literally slint rip-off




>schubert out of ass just to pretend i like classical

>SM is cool


>a shape of bad taste to come

>i suppose it's Juliard-tier French avant music
>young gay french men shouting
>more shitty Art Zoyd

>not the serpentine

>French musique concrete
>could be worse, at least not japanese

shit af, do you just go on rym and look for top esoteric albums of "partician" genres?

>no rational classical

>no modern masters: Lutosławski, Ferneyhough

>ass-ringing post-sock and try hard electroacoustic
>inb4 falling for bait

>> No.6561883

Most of you like The Wire, is it really good?

>> No.6561944

OPN - R Plus Seven
Ornette Coleman - The Shape of Jazz to Come
Tim Hecker - Virgins
Childhood's End
The Road
>tv shows
Silicon Valley
Game of Thrones
House of Cards
(I don't watch much TV)
Synecdoche, New York

Yes I know I'm a plen.

>> No.6561947


It's fucking brilliant, arguably the sharpest commentary on 20th century politico-industrial society. It's especially great if you want a keener understanding on what's going on in Baltimore right now.

The only thing I should say is that it isn't like typical shows, mindless digital gruel served up to stuff into your face with minimal effort, it requires an acute attention and the basic ability to think to fully enjoy.

>> No.6562141

It's the 2nd (or maybe 3rd) best TV show of all time.

>> No.6562146

if you like white guilt

>> No.6562165

Rumours (Fleetwood Mac)
Born to Run (Bruce)
You Forgot It In People (BSS)

A River Runs Through It (Maclean)
Suttree (McCarthy)
The Gunslinger (King)

>tv shows
Batman: The Animated Series
Miami Vice

Miami Vice
Raiders of the Lost Ark

>> No.6562172
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>Imagine Dragons

>> No.6562209

Sextant by Herbie Hancock
Low by David Bowie
Sign o' the Times by Prince
Henderson the Rain King by Saul Bellow
Symposium by Plato
Don Juan by Lord Byron
>TV Shows
Peep Show
Space Ghost Coast to Coast
Putney Swope
Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters

>> No.6562219

i feel like 3 will be too little but here you go

blur: think tank
p glass: glassworks
belladonnakillz: as if

journey to the end of the night
Kafka - Brief an den Vater

>tv shows
game of thrones
fairly oddparents

buffalo 66
zero theorem

>> No.6562223

>Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia

Brilliant film. One of the most underrated in film history.

>> No.6562268



>> No.6562310



can - future days
marvin gaye - what's going on
tortoise - millions now living will never die


max frisch - homo faber
calvino - if on a winters night a traveller
max goldt - quitten für die menschen zwischen emden und zittau

>tv shows


arte tracks, flcl, daria


fritz lang - metropolis
david lynch's la trilogy
federico fellini - satyricon

nice gastr del sol choice op

>> No.6562315

>max frisch - homo faber
How old are you ?

>> No.6562329

open mike eagle - dark comedy
pete rock and cl smooth - the main ingredient
MF DOOM - Operation Doomsday

walt whitman
hart crane

good eats
celtics games
miami marlins games

django unchained
manchurian candidate

thanks for reading my taste in arts. i value your opinion very highly.

>> No.6562361 [DELETED] 

ITT shit taste without an exception. If you're dumb enough to like this /mu/ /v/ survey shit then your taste is also probably shit.

God I hate summer.

>> No.6562387




absolutely love your choices. mishima is a fantastic movie and sextant is my favorite herbie hancock album. all around great taste.


eh, don't care for your taste in film or music at all


kill yourself


like music and film choices, dont care for the rest


its good if youre into the series format.


this is perhaps the most autistic shitpost i have ever witnessed.

i like faust iv more than their s/t, what the fuck are you gonna do?

i have actually talked to Zappi and he says most of the band likes IV better aswell, maybe youre just a fucking plebeian shitlord




pretty cool all around




you meet the thin line between likeable and shit taste


why even include games? i love horror, but terminator 2? what the fuck? re-animator is actually one of the greatest splatter movies though




amazing taste in everything but film, decent taste in film i suppose

if you liked akira try perfect blue, memories and anything madhouse really

we have a lot of overlap in our charts >>6562310

love your music selection btw, russel & tfu i didnt expect to see in this thread




u g h...


now this is some patrish shit


literally want to vomit


great music & lit selection


great taste overall


are you me? future days is my fav album, hosianna mantra was my fav krautrock work for years.. everything just fits


i think exactly the opposite >>6560897 said tbh. you appear down to earth, you picked movies you really connected with, not something to seem "deep"

>> No.6562396


soon to be 22. i read homo faber when i was 16 and its still my fav frisch, still one of my favorites overall.


nice taste in the hop

>> No.6562397

Pixies-Surfer Rosa
American Psycho
The Stranger
A Confederacy of Dunces
King of the Hill
Mad Men
It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia
Office Space
Blue Velvet

>> No.6562419

i'm dead serious whutchu gonna do faggot

>> No.6562425

>like music and film choices, dont care for the rest

Yeah my TV and book preferences aren't very well developed yet

>> No.6562493

The Kazakh Symphony by Dmitri Kowamalewich
Let Me Scream by Sawrdy
Redding Edge by Street Scythe

Pledged Breeding by Bruce O'Connor
Saharan Pastoral by Richard Lubbock
Love and Edge by Julia Embert

>>tv shows
Sydney Falls
How Dog Met Dog
The Big Bog Affair

Decadent Vice
Beloved Olga
Who Can Stop Mr Donald?

patrician enough for you?

>> No.6562525
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tfw skipped again

>> No.6562558

Fuck you for fortifying my fears of living a life of unsurmountable mediocrity.


>> No.6562592

Thanks I'll check out Memories. Perfect Blue was great tho I need to rewatch

>> No.6562596

rec threads on /tv/ are some of the best threads on this board.

>> No.6562614
File: 7 KB, 225x225, interested-frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beethoven, Symphonies 3 5 and 9

All Quiet on the Western Front, Julius Caesar, War and Peace

Breaking Bad, The Office (US), Top Gear (UK)

Lord of the Rings, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, How to Train Your Dragon

Come at me.

>> No.6562631

R8 and H8 plz
Bat Out Of Hell by Meat Loaf
Rocks by Aerosmith
Shosti 5
Second Foundation by Isaac Asimov
Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe
Anarchy, State, and Utopia by Robert Nozick
Soukyuu no Fafner
Pacific Rim
Mulholland Drive

Which one are you, anon? I'll R8 ya

>> No.6562675
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Actually, switch out Justified with I, Claudius.

5 and 9 are very good.
Julius Caesar is probably the weakest of the Histories, but has some excellent parts.

If you edit off season 5, BB is quite great.

Haven't seen How to Train Your Dragon, but I've heard it's very well done.

Good attempt at a memepost, but it's actually quite a decent list.

>> No.6562688

Cherry Peel

Mahler 2, 5, 9
Beethoven 3
Shostakovich symphony 5 and string quartet 15

Mrs Dalloway
The Fall

Through a Glass Darkly
Mystery Train

>> No.6562689

>5 and 9 are very good
And 3 isn't?
>Julius Caesar is probably the weakest of the Histories
u wot m8
First of all Julius Caesar isn't a history it's a tragedy, secondly how can you say it's weak?
>that funeral oration
>those dogs of war

>> No.6562698

The Mirror
Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans
La Dolce Vita

In The Aeroplane Over The Sea
Highway 61 Revisited

New to literature so:
The Brothers Karamazov (Currently reading)

Don't watch TV shows.

>> No.6562720

I just have always found 3 very underwhelming.

>u wot m8
I know it's not part of the 10, but it's got a very similar vibe and I can't separate it out, even if the classical tradition shits all over me.
>How can I say it's weak.
I dunno, I was just bored by it, for a Not!History, I was just way more engaged by Hamlet, or for an actual history, Henry V was much more stimulating.

My favorite of his plays is the Merchant of Venice though, so I guess I'm a pleb.

>> No.6562744

>I just have always found 3 very underwhelming
That's very odd, maybe you haven't heard the right recording, but those first two E-flat chords have always been plenty gripping for me
>Henry V was much more stimulating
Henry V is also one of my favorites, honestly probably more than Julius Caesar

>> No.6562761

Stravinsky - The Firebird
Miles Davis - Porgy and Bess
Husker Du - New Day Rising

The Remains of the Day
One Hundred Years of Solitude
Pale Fire

>tv shows
The Larry Sanders Show
The Sopranos
Mad Men

This Is Spinal Tap
A Serious Man

>> No.6562765


>> No.6562782

reminder that trying to find obscure things to bolster your intellectual ego is faustian nonsense and a waste of time

>> No.6562798

Yeah, I dunno, I've listened to it a lot, think I saw the SFO play it years back, it's just very tame, which is odd given both its intent and eventual namesake. I definitely prefer the more "imposing" Russian school so that could be part of it.

As muh as I love Roman history, Henry V era Britain is my shit.

Watching films
/tv/ watches flicks and the occasional movie, m80

>> No.6562816

Not the other guy but for 3 try the Osmo Vanska recording with the MO. I prefer any of the Karajan/BP ones, but I remember finally 'getting' it with the Vanska one.

Also you could try just listening to the finale first...

>> No.6562829

I do dig the finale, but I was under the impression we were speaking holistically.
I'll be sure to check out the Vanska though. Cheers.

>> No.6562927

One Direction - Four
Justin Bieber - My Word 2.0
Ed Sheeran - X

John Green - Looking for Alaska
John Green - The Fault in Our Stars
Rainbow Rowell - Eleanor & Park

>tv shows
American Horror Story

The Fault in Our Stars
The Perks of Being a Wallflower

>> No.6562970

>the smiths, the smiths
>piano concerto no.2, sergei rachmaninov
>vauxhall and i, morrissey

>pale fire
>moby dick
>tess of the d'urbervilles

tv shows
>breaking bad
>bargain hunt

>in bruges
>the grand budapest hotel
i can't think of a final film so i'll do painters instead
>yoshida hiroshi

>> No.6562978

you have the taste of someone who's trying to appear clever but failing because they're a dilettante

>> No.6562988


shit taste in games m8

>> No.6562995

actually thats how I was trying to appear so thanks

>> No.6563006

you're failing because you don't even realise why the things you have chosen are pseudointellectual

>> No.6563012

>piano concerto no.2, sergei rachmaninov
>on the same level as fucking Morrissey
You obviously understand nothing about music theory and are merely posturing. Somebody told you that Rachmaniov was good and you decided that they were right before you even heard his music

>> No.6563016

I actually like looking like a dumbass (which I am) so it's good to me that I do

>> No.6563018

Phobia, Breaking Benjamin
Appetite For Destruction, Guns n Roses
Siren Song of the Counter Culture, Rise Against
Wuthering Heights
Wide Sargasso Sea
The Awakening
>tv shows
Doctor Who
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Jurassic Park

>> No.6563020

that painting looks so good from far away...

>> No.6563025

what? I posted things which have the most emotional meaning to me not necessarily things which are 'the best'. I could easily just post homer, Shakespeare, dante and bach but it wouldn't be individual

>> No.6563031

you clearly know nothing about music theory either if you think rachmaninov is good compared to other composers

>> No.6563034

*tips fedora*

>> No.6563037

r8, h8, b8
Seven Swans by Sufjan Stevens
Monoliths and Dimensions by sunn0)))
Deathconciousness by Have a Nice Life

Infinite Jest
A Confederacy of Dunces
Paradise Lost

>tv shows
Better Call Saul
occasional Weeb shit

No country for old men And I still haven't read the book yet

Some stuff isn't all the way filled out because I don't watch that much TV/Cinema

>> No.6563049

i don't like anything you posted except BCS and Paradise Lost but 1. you're not posting shit 2. you're not posting just to impress people, both of which I commend you for

>> No.6563065


is this a joke?


don't take superficial comments 2 seriously friend


it's one of my favorites


nothing, it's your loss...

>> No.6563077

>Which one are you, anon? I'll R8 ya
Thanks! I'm >>6556817 and>>6556816

>> No.6563085

Kayo Dot - Choirs of the Eye
Spirogyra - Bells, Boots, & Shambles
Bjork - Homogenic
Mark Z Danieleski - House of leaves
Margaret Atwood - The Handmaid's Tale
Elaine Pagels - The Gnostic Gospels
(I actually mostly enjoy music, I'm just visiting)
Peep Show
Nathan for You
Darren Arronofsky - Pi
Jiri Barta - Krysar
Terry Gilliam - Time Bandits
This is a cool chart
Liking in the industrial/krautrock!
Tool and Meshuggah brings me back!
Do you like kayo dot?

>> No.6563102

>Kayo Dot
Good taste my friend, although I don't care much for anything they've done after Dowsing Anemone

>> No.6563106

Merchant of Venice is one of the best, man. Bassanio/Antonio is one of the most interesting relationships in all of theater, and Shylock rides a fascinating line between hateful Jew caricature and sincerely sympathetic representation that I'm not sure ANY analyst has fully grasped yet. Probably the most complex of all of his comedies.

FWIW I don't really care for Julius Caesar either, I like pretty much all of the British histories better than the Roman plays.

>> No.6563141

1. Beethoven's 5th symphony
2. Minutemen - Double Nickels on the Dime
3. King Crimson - In the Court of the Crimson King
1. The Great Gatsby
2. The Old Man and the Sea
3. The Quiet American
>tv shows
i don't watch tv
1. The Big Lebowski
2. It's Such a Beautiful Day
3. Breakfast at Tiffany's

>> No.6563151

Metallica - The black album
Collective soul - hints allegations, and things left unsaid
Brand New - The devil and god are raging inside of me
Catcher in the Rye
The fountain head
Harry Potter series
American Psycho
The Avengers
There will be blood
American Horror Sotry
Doctor Who
Big bang theory

>> No.6563156

Thanks man!
I actually enjoyed a lot oft heir later stuff, their new album was good. You gonna/did you see them live? What else do you like?

>> No.6563157

wish you were here, the bends, itaots
blood meridian, the metamorphosis, the idiot
>tv shows
idk because all of the ones I've watched go to shit eventually. so... early dexter, early walking dead... what I've seen of Mad Men? recommendations here?
taxi driver, blade runner, come and see

Eh. I'm pretty bad with "Top" lists so I kind of just posted my old "favorites". Wish You Were Here has been favorite album, and Taxi Driver my favorite movie, since high school but mainly because I haven't really thought of stuff in terms of "this is my favorite" in a long time

>> No.6563164


>Kayo dot

My nigga. My favorite band, actually


Really? I never could get into Dowsing, honestly. I even like Blue Lambency Downward better

>> No.6563166

best be bait

>> No.6563169


bretty gud, your music choices are a little softer than I like, but all respectable, although I really dislike Jimmy Buffet.

I was never a big Seinfeld guy, I like Curb if that says anything. Louie is entertaining, but hasn't been able to keep me hooked.

I love the Sea Inside, I can't tell if I'm supposed to be depressed or encouraged, but it gets me down. Also, I didn't dig Apocalypto until after I had seen it, but it's damn impressive. Days of Heaven is kinda meh for me, but then again, I've never been big on Malick. I preferred TWBB to The Master. With the exception of TWBB, I feel like PTA's stuff is really dull. Technically well produced, but the scripts fail to grip me.

Moby Dick is one of my favorites. Probably go me into the humans vs. monster genre. I liked Tom Sawyer more than Finn, but still a good read. Aesop's is pleasant.

>> No.6563182

Fausto - Por Este Rio Acima
Tim Hart & Maddy Prior - Folk Songs of Olde England, Vol. 1
Tame Impala - Innerspeaker
Ernest Hemingway - For Whom the Bell Tolls
Jaroslav Hazek - The Good Soldier Sveik
Gogol's Short Stories
>tv shows
House of Cards
Monty Phython's Flying Circus
Barry Lyndon

>> No.6563185

Legendary Hearts
Kid A

All the King's Men
The Idiot

>tv shows
don't watch em

popular shit like chinatown etc

>> No.6563194

Thanks man, I think the thing about Dowsing Anemone With Copper Tongue is that it kind of "teases" you with subtle melodies that don't go where you expect them to go. Dowsing is definitely sparser in parts, but part of it is that Toby Driver really rigidly composes the music so it has a very fixed form.

>> No.6563195

I change House of Cards and insert The Wire

>> No.6563197
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>Ambient 2: The Plateaux of Mirror
>In The Aeroplane Over the Sea (I just saw them, fight me)
>Cat's Cradle
>Travels With Charley
>The Sun Also Rises
TV Shows
>The Wire
>Hey Arnold!
>Over the Garden Wall
>In Bruges
>Spirited Away

>> No.6563199

Coil - Musick to Play in the Dark
Swans - The Seer
Gridlock - Formless
The Stranger
No Longer Human
>tv shows
Twin Peaks
Curb Your Enthusiasm
Mulholland Drive
The Seventh Continent
Through a Glass Darkly

>> No.6563209

>Swans - The Seer
what is the appeal of this band
aren't they just like
>wow! we're loud and dissonant! isn't that creative?

>> No.6563226

saying you're oversimplifying would be an understatement. I'm not the guy you responded to, but try listening to their post-punk stuff (i.e. White Light From the Mouth of Infinity) first. a lot of stuff their music isn't dissonant at all.

>> No.6563269

Absolute shit taste
Pretty good
I've never heard of any of those
Really bad

>> No.6563290

Mechhamputechture - TMV (spelling probably wrong too lazy to check)
Mono - the flames beyond the cold mountain
Godspeed! You black emperor - allelujiah Don't bend ascend

The Castle - Kafka
The woman in the Dunes - Abe
Swanns Way - Proust

The Red Desert - Antonioni
Werckmeister harmonies - Tarr
Mouchette - Bresson

My tv taste is pretty bland, but:
True Detective
Twin Peaks
The Kingdom


>> No.6563363
File: 260 KB, 593x541, how I roll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big Black - Atomizer
Pixies - Debaser
Bathory - Hammerheart

Shardik - Richard Adams
The Naked Lunch - William S. Burroughs
Beyond Good And Evil - Friedrich Nietzche

>Tv Shows
Over The Garden Wall
The Venture Brothers

Taxi Driver
Princess Mononoke
Coonskin - Ralph Bakshi

Come at me Nigga.

>> No.6563415

I expected better music taste on /lit/, especially for a board that likes to circlejerk over their "patrician" taste.

>> No.6563423

Small frogs croak loudest.

>> No.6563441

Dvorak's New World Symphony
Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto No. 1
Debussy's Clair de Lune
The Confidence Man by Melville
Dead Souls by Gogol
Lord Jim by Conrad
>tv shows
Over the Garden Wall
Gravity Falls
Steven Universe
Lawrence of Arabia

>> No.6563442

/mu/ here, it's pretty funny
>shit ton of books I've never heard of
>absolute garbage music
my how the tables do turn.

>> No.6563445

warren zevon
billy joe shaver
waylon jennings


The OC
The Wire
Mad Men

Dazed and Confused
True Romance

>> No.6563463

Tago Mago
Kid A
Soundtracks for the Blind
Infinite Jest
Gravity's Rainbow
>tv shows
Ergo Proxy
Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
Reservoir Dogs

>> No.6563469

Early swans is loud and dissonant, but makes great workout music. SFTB and on is god tier.
>tfw Red Velvet Wound

>> No.6563522

Thanks, man. The attention felt nice. I didn't realize how much I wanted to hear some nice words about the things I like, some validation. Thanks :)

>> No.6563529

-Ok Computer- Radiohead
Doolittle- Pixies
Chemistry of Common Life- Fucked Up
-Lord of the Flies- Golding
Never Let Me Go- Ishiguro
The World of Yesterday- Zweig
-The Adventures of Pete and Pete
Curb Your Enthusiasm
Breaking Bad
-The Godfather
Raising Arizona

>> No.6563536
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Rubber Soul
Smokers Delight
You Forgot It In People
War & Peace
The Holy Mountain
Waking Life
Enter the Void

>> No.6563543

Lizard - King Crimson
Pet Sounds - Beach Boys
Deux arabesques - Debussy
Crime and Punishment
The Iliad
>tv shows
Elementary (That's about it)
Saving Private Ryan
The Quiet Man
Lawrence of Arabia

>> No.6563552
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watch anime, leave western television in the trash where it belongs

>> No.6563572

After the Gold Rush
Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere
The Late Great Townes Van Zandt
Breakfast of Champions
Infinite Jest
Cruel Shoes
The Wire
Mad Men
Frisky Dingo
Full Metal Jacket
There Will Be Blood
Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story

>> No.6563625

Crime and Punishment
Les Miserables

TV Shows:
Mad Men
30 Rock

There Will Be Blood
The Shawshank Redemption
Being John Malkovitch?

In no way definitive or in order. Just some of the first favorites that popped in my head. Except TWBB, which is definitely #1.

>> No.6563633

>soundtrack for the blind
Favorite Swans album, good taste

Decent tv show taste, same with books, all around not bad taste

>> No.6563647
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>> No.6563875

If you don't like terminator 2 you seriously have a shit taste in action/sci-fi. Movie is a fuckin classic. Holds up 2day so well. Still watch it like 1-2 times a year. Yeah re-animator is gr8.

>> No.6563896

Dont listen to

Swans is boring white people music. Like the musical equivalent of Infinite Jest or Gravitys Rainbow. Super long and boring and "wow-its-so-out-there" trying to pass itsself off as creative genius. The problem is that Wallace and Pynchon attained some sort of genius where Gira is just a boring pissed off old fart.

>> No.6563996

>I don't understand it so it sucks
nigger, just put the kpop down and lay in bed and listen to SFTB. Don't skip tracks because "this is le boring", holy shit I would expect /lit/ to have a longer attention span
is what I would say if I fell for your poor excuse for bait.

>> No.6564036
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Prepare to be invaded by my plebeian ass.

Arcade Fire - Funeral (Reflektor close second)
Radiohead - OK Computer (In Rainbows close second)
MGMT - Congratulations

>Cormac McCarthy - Blood Meridian (Suttree/Child of God close competiton)
>Stephen King - It
>John Steinbeck - Of Mice and Men

>The Sopranos
>Star Trek: TNG
>Frontline (PBS fuck the world)

>Taxi Driver
>Sling Blade
>There Will Be Blood

>> No.6564153

Blood in our wells
Gravity's rainbow
Master and commander
The conquest of a continent
Star trek TOS
Game of thrones
dragon ball z
Dr strangelove
Drunken master

>> No.6564283

that is some pleb classical but not without potential, keep looking bro, you'll find some really good shit soon

>> No.6564295
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>all this Suttree love
my niggas

>> No.6564734

>Master and commander
Humans will never understand this story

>> No.6564785

Eliane Radigue - Trilogie de la mort
Wrath of the Weak - Solace
Li Jianhong - San Sheng Shi
Maurice Blanchot - Thomas the Obscure
Věra Linhartová - Dům daleko
Robert Walser - Jakob von Gunten
>tv shows
P'tit Quinquin
Berlin Alexanderplatz
The True Detective
The Angelic Conversation

>> No.6564791


Loveless - My Bloody Valentine
Its A Wonderful Life - Sparklehorse
Soundtracks for the Blind - Swans


Flow My Tears The Policeman Said - PKD
Ham on Rye - Bukowski
Gravitys Rainbow - Pynchon


Twin Peaks


Mulholland Drive
2001 A Space Odyssey

>> No.6565013

>says "bland" for >>6555952
>rates >>6556327 pretty good, even though it has The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, Apocalypse Now, Thus Spoke Zarathustra and Sopranos, which are all generic as fuck

>> No.6565040


>mad that some anon isn't giving him approval like it even fucking matters

why post your faggy little list if you can't even handle the bantz.

doctor who makes you objectively pleb anyway cope with your spectrumtaste lol.

>> No.6565045

>implying I'm >>6555952
My sides
>if anyone criticizes his rating of someone, then he's the anon that got rated that way and is butthurt
Kill Urself My Man

>> No.6565048

>i can't handle the bantz

>> No.6565060


of course anon would naturally assume that list is yours because who in the fuck would ever choose to defend a list with doctor fucking who on it in the first place lol

pro post doctor who list defender

>> No.6565941

You literally know nothing about film and television.

>> No.6566208

My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy - Kanye West
Requiem (First Half) - W.A.Mozart
Violin Concerto No.1 - J.S. Bach
The Stranger
On the Genealogy of Morals
True Detective
Mad Men
House of Cards
The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly
Lost In Translation

>> No.6566242
File: 10 KB, 259x194, Unknown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

somebody reply and rate the lists that haven't been responded to yet

nobody's responded to mine and I'm getting anxious!

>> No.6566257

Romantic Warrior
Spirit of Eden
Bach's Harpsichord Concerto No.1 in D minor
Mason & Dixon
The Ego and it's Own (not even meme)
East of Eden
>tv shows
Twilight zone
The Simpsons

>> No.6566655

Great arguments brah

>> No.6566761

I don't want to argue with you, I just wanted to inform you.

>> No.6567151

Sure mang :)

>> No.6567675

I've stood in front of this painting for over two hours at a time. It almost makes D.C. seem like a not-shit city for galleries.

>> No.6567719

This thread is so shit I'm just hoping that only a certain, shitty subset of /lit/ is drawn to these threads and it isn't actually indicative of this board's tastes. Here's an actually patrician list

Bach: Sacred Arias and Cantas
Vivaldi: The Four Seasons
Tchaikovsky: The Sleeping Beauty

Tolstoy: Anna Karenina
Shakespeare: Midsummer Night's Dream
Complete Poems of Lord Byron

>TV Shows
don't really watch tv, but I really liked Faulty Towers, thought it was hilarious.

(The first two are my favourites because they apply to me personally)
Y Tu Mama Tambien (although I hate this title and think it misunderstands the valuable part of the movie, I personally call it La Boca de Cielo)
The Piano Teacher
And maybe Les Enfants du Paradis

>> No.6567734

>Lord Byron
Not patrician at all. He's good, as all the high romantics are, but he's only "good". The obvious patrician choice in romantic poetry is Keats. Nice try faggot

>> No.6567786

Nightfall on Middle Earth
Blood Fire Death

The Trial
The Idiot
Fear and Trembling

>TV shows

Full Metal Jacket
Pulp Fiction
All Quiet on the Western Front

>> No.6567835


patrician coming through

> Arvo Part, Nina Simone, Exuma (asking albums and not artists is idiotic)

>Joyce, The Guy who wrote Ecclesiastes, Cervantes

> lol

> Tarkovsky, Fricke, Kubrick

>> No.6567891

Jesus, I hope your kidding, I can't believe those writers get away with butchering that story that much.

>> No.6567942

>all these faggots pretending to like Tarkovsky

>> No.6567949


>he has never seen Tarkovsky on drugs

>> No.6567975

>implying FOUR isn't a banging as fuck pop album

>> No.6568032


i know every line the writer says in stalker

come at me plen

>> No.6568043
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>being a pleb

>> No.6568060

The first "arthouse" film that I ever watched was Stalker and it is the reason for my love of film today. Fuck off. 8/10.

>> No.6568064

Billie Holiday - I'll be seeing you (single)
Robert Ashley - Private Parts
Washington Phillips- What Are They Doing in Heaven Today
Crime and Punishment
White Noise
Descartes Meditations
>TV Shows
Fishing with John
Twin Peaks (sorry)
400 Blows

>> No.6568080

Swans Are Dead
Hvis Lyset Tar Oss
In Search of Lost Time
The Thief's Journal
Inner Experience
>tv shows
Twin Peaks
Check It Out!
Serial Experiments Lain
The Tree of Life
Synecdoche, New York

>> No.6568092

NYC, Hell 3:00AM
The Redeemer
The Trial
A Thousand Plateaus
The Temptation of Saint Anthony
Peep Show
Andrei Rublev
Heart of Glass
Inland Empire

>> No.6568160
File: 37 KB, 670x496, 1425531624547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Abraxas - Santana
Buena Vista Social Club (I have listened Chan Chan thousands of times while selling books)
Stone Temple Pilots - Purple (you can fuck yourself i'm a plen)
Ward no 6 (El pabellon no 6)- Chekhov (and the rest of his short stories, but this one was awesome)
Miguel de Unamuno - Tragic sense of life
Calvino - Si Una Noche De Invierno Un Viajero
Cervantes - Don Quijote
>tv shows
True Detective (I'm a plen, rust lover)
The Wire
Rome and GoT
Jacob's Ladder
The Thing