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6555808 No.6555808 [Reply] [Original]

How come when people accuse him of stuff they don't provide a quote or source?
Why is this accepted uncritically?
And I don't mean just people on the Internet, journalists and commentators and writers will repeat a claim without ever quoting him or citing it and nobody questions this

>> No.6555814

"Noam Chomsky Raped And Killed A Girl In 1990" - Zizek

>> No.6555817

>a guy said something about my idol on the internet and now I'm buttmad
his sayings on the khmer rouge and his general shilling for conspiracy theories rather than a thorough critique of ideology is well documented, it's the center of his political activity

>> No.6555828

>his sayings
And what were they?
He compared it to East Timor, are you concerned about America backing the genocide that went on there?
Do you have greater concern because that's something your government was responsible for unlike Cambodia?

>> No.6555837

yup, all of chomskys followers are hysterical bitch teenagers

>> No.6555844

>Do you have greater concern because that's something your government was responsible for unlike Cambodia?
It could be argued that the removal of Sihanouk destabilized the country to a point where the KR could take over

>> No.6555855

>ignore East Timor

>> No.6555862

And this gets you labeled a KR supporting baddie

>> No.6555889
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>his sayings on the khmer rouge

>> No.6557069

Because they dislike the shit he says, but they can't argue against it, so they latch on to whatever damning non-evidence they can find.

>> No.6557084

Zizek is full of shit. He didn't give a source in the interview where he said that and Chomsky's reasoning, as Zizek put it, seemed to make sense. I mean, if there's no evidence of genocide, why cry genocide?
But again, Zizek didn't give a source, so I have no way of knowing what actually happened.

>> No.6557091

He's the reason linguistics is a joke

>> No.6557131

AKA nobody cares.

>> No.6557139

You're totally qualified to make those judgments

>> No.6557154
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It must be tiring dedicating your life to cleaning up and sanitizing Chomsky's bullshit, since he has so much of it.

How will you spin this one to make your hero look good?

>> No.6557184

Does the assertion that they have legitimate grievances in any way contradict the assertion that they're commiting genocide? No. You're commiting some kind of fallacy here, not sure which one.

>> No.6557189

The Sunni population does have legitimate grounds for demands. If you read the whole thing you'll notice he's also written "ISIS, it's a horrible manifestation of hideous actions". He's saying that ISIS represents legitimate demands in a bad way, which means the demands should be addressed and fulfilled in a diplomatic way, because then the Sunni will be less angry and violent and ISIS will lose steam.

>> No.6557197

Not who you are responding to but how is that even wrong? The majority of Sunnis are supporting ISIS in the areas they takes over because the shitty relations they have with the central government

>> No.6557205

Please explain, Mister Chomsky, the "legitimate demands of the Sunni population" that "ISIS is protecting"

If you have the time, please also denounce the survivor's diaries and reports of the Sunni citizens of ISIS-controlled territories who complain that they are denied water, food, and electricity from their new overlords.



Oh wait, those Sunni citizens are agents of evil Western imperialism that ISIS is protecting them from, right? That's why they need to chop of Kurdish women's heads and brag about selling Yazidi girls into sex slavery, because AmeriKKKa caused Vietnam.

>The majority of Sunnis are supporting ISIS

Someone forgot to tell the Kurds that, and to tell ISIS that the Kurds are 98% Sunni.

>> No.6557220
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>implying Kurds aren’t commie tier
>implying REAL Sunnis recognize Kurds as Sunnis and not buttblasted Leftists

>> No.6557234


This is correct.

However, it's useful to demonize your enemy and obscure any legitimate cause they may have, in favour of labelling them "evil" which is precisely the sort of thinking you'd find in folks in support of operations like the Khmer Rouge and ISIS, as well as those radically opposed to them.

This guy here, is a good example of somebody who's uncritical support for his own society's ideals are entrenched to the point that he fails to understand the actual motivation of his enemy, believing that those who oppose his way of life are either evil, insane or both, and as such couldn't possibly have any legitimate reason for their actions.

This sort of attitude is endemic wherever ignorance thrives, see: everywhere.

Tragically, ignorance of your enemy's actual motivations makes it harder to fight them effectively, after all, how do you hurt a movement if you fundamentally misunderstand what they are fighting for?

>> No.6557425

>This guy here, is a good example of somebody who's uncritical support for his own society's ideals are entrenched to the point that he fails to understand the actual motivation of his enemy

And this guy here is a good example of a pampered champagne socialist whose knee-jerk reaction is to support anyone who hates him in order to atone for his white guilt.

You fallaciously assume that there is an "actual motivation" of 20-somethings with guns and no authority to stop them. Do you also enjoy writing apologetics in defense of drug addicts who commit robberies, or fraternity date rapists? Of course not, because they had the misfortune to be criminals in a first-world country. But give them an exotic religion, put them in a shithole filled with sand, and all of a sudden an excess of adrenaline becomes romantic to you, and all their war crimes--not fancy, idealogical war crimes of genocide or revolution, but simple ugly crimes of execution, of rape, of bullying, of blackmail and extortion--are magically transformed into counter-culture, a beautiful and divine rebuttal against our evil, evil society of running water and free speech.

And the punchline is, you're right. ISIS is systematically exterminating all Sunnis who don't agree with them, so all you have to do is wait for them to finish they're own job, and your own lies will become true: all Sunnis (who are still alive) will support ISIS, and ISIS will have become the de facto voice of the Sunni people as long as you work as hard as you do to ignore the other voices that they're killing off.

>> No.6557584

>and all of a sudden an excess of adrenaline becomes romantic to you, and all their war crimes--not fancy, idealogical war crimes of genocide or revolution, but simple ugly crimes of execution, of rape, of bullying, of blackmail and extortion--are magically transformed into counter-culture, a beautiful and divine rebuttal against our evil, evil society of running water and free speech.
No one here claimed that they support ISIS, you're exaggerating here. I'm in favor of a major American ground campaign against the fucjers. That doesn't mean you get a free pass on Chomsky.

>> No.6557617

Nigga your fallacious buttmadness is off the charts.