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/lit/ - Literature

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6552844 No.6552844[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

> http://www.newyorker.com/books/page-turner/the-greatest-american-novel-youve-never-heard-of

Why haven't you ever heard of it, /lit/?

>> No.6552854

>clickbait title
>clickbait question

Post the book and synopsis here with some sort of substantive comment or fuck off.

>> No.6552855

Stay awhile newfriend. Almost all of /lit/ has read this one.

>> No.6552865
File: 54 KB, 703x534, 1296969764365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this unable to detect sarcasm/irony

And I thought you guys were the smart board

>> No.6552870

>unable to detect their sarcasm


>> No.6552873


Do you mean shitposting? Why make the thread at all? Fuck off.

And you still haven't even given the author or title of the book. Stop "ironically" linking to clickbait. Give the content you want to discuss straight-up or post an archive link.

>> No.6552878

>The book’s antagonists are its most problematic aspect

Closed the tab, reported the thread, called the cops.

>> No.6552904

Everyone read this when NYRB and Vintage reissued it like two or three years ago.

>> No.6552989

"the epiphany of knowing something through the words that could not be put in words." always get this feel from novels like W&P and MD...interest has been piqued; always like to have one soul in an iron maiden type novel in my rotation. thanks kind anon.

>> No.6553474

it's fucking stoner

>> No.6553482


> clickbait
> The New Yorker

>> No.6554108

Stoner is one of my favorite novels though.

>> No.6554130

The writer is right in the sense that only people that truly love literature and/or writing will love Stoner and laud it is one of the great American novels because it is a novel that is about the transformative power of the written word.

>> No.6554132

>implying any publication is above cheap money grabs
I'm not that guy but I agree with them, post the title or eat a dick

>> No.6554142

The novel in question is Stoner by John Williams okay? Jesus fuck it's literally right there in the first sentence of the goddamn article and it's even fucking underlined.

>> No.6554143

the new yorker is pseudo intellectual garbage.

only faggot hipsters take it seriously.

>> No.6554171

I read it before it was nationally accepted. I wrote that article.

Real talk, though. You're a wannabe wit who comes off as a fag. Sarcasm as well as irony are undetectable in message format. Only reason it works in text is because you know the person. Now put down Catcher in the Rye and pick up the Canterbury Tales.

>> No.6554356
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>You're a wannabe wit who comes off as a fag.

>> No.6554418
File: 3 KB, 127x93, lolz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> All this rage
> Check dat filename

>> No.6554429

>You never told me

>> No.6554435

John Williams, I can't even.

Deformed people are bad? It's like, hello people, IT'S 20 FREAKING 15!

>> No.6554542

>Catcher in the Rye
He rapes his sister, Phoebe.

>> No.6554549
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i was expecting anything else