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/lit/ - Literature

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6551779 No.6551779[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

anon from /mu/ and /fa/ here

i have reached patrician status in all my interests. i love arthouse films, techno interests me and i wear nice clothes. i shoot film photography, i make weird ambient music and i'm obsessed with twin peaks.

i've read a few books but i've never really enjoyed it enough to make it a habit. i like "conscious" rappers like milo, yoni wolf, etc who incorporate spoken word into their music. but still, i don't really know where to go from here.

what are the meme books? meme poetry? things that are fool proof for someone who has an undeveloped taste in literature

>please no "lurk more"


>> No.6551781

There's a little country in the Mediterranean...

>> No.6551792

You could start by reading the sticky.

>> No.6551795
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>> No.6551797
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Also this

>> No.6551799

who is the dave lynch of /lit/?

give me the good shit

>> No.6551803

>twin peaks

Start with the Sumerians.

>> No.6551810

>putting all those hacks next to joyce
I bet you like Vonnegut

>> No.6551811
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Read these three

>> No.6551815

Time for the literary equivalent of arthouse films:

-conceptual poetry
-the nouveau roman
-modernist canon
-post-colonial literature
-esoteric classical works and authors such as Callimachus, Ausonius, the Deipnosophists, the Musa Puer
-fin de siecle decadent literature along with precursors like Maldoror

>> No.6551817
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Either go the greek route (pic related - could read a brief history before starting for extra HELLENISIMOS points) or do the /lit/ starterpack

>> No.6551822

Books often mentioned here:
Gravitys Rainbow
The Brothers Karamazov
Everything written by the Greeks
Summa Theologica
Phenomenology of the Spirit
Book of the New Sun
The Bible
War and Peace
Infinite Jest

There are more, but you can read these and read more if you feel like it.

>> No.6551832

Why is 2666 considered hard?

>> No.6551848

am i fucking shadowbanned?

>> No.6551853


>> No.6551858

It's called hellbanning and we don't do that here.
go back to reddit faggot

>> No.6551889

>I shoot film photography
I work in the photography industry, and you are not patrician. You are a pleb and a hipster if you don't understand when to use film and when to use digital.

As far as /lit/ goes, read the sticky.

>> No.6551892

thats what happens when people don't read

>> No.6551896

>i work in the photography industry

kek you already lost

just because you shoot overweight white people at weddings doesn't mean you have any authority regarding what is "pleb"

>> No.6551945

Unlike like your other hipster interests, you can't fake it with literature. You need at least a decade of intensive reading in the classics to advance past plebeian tier.

>> No.6552012
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This. Start with this:


Then read through this, which starts with the Greeks:



Shakespeare, Donne, Milton, Blake, Melville, Dostoyevsky, Eliot, Pound, Woolf, Joyce, Faulkner, Kafka, Borges, Nabokov, Pynchon, McCarthy, Bolano are core poets and fiction writers.

Don't even bother wasting time on high-school lit like Kerouac, Orwell, Bradbury, Huxley, etc. If you didn't read it in high-school then don't waste your time now.

And don't make stupid threads begging people to explain something you haven't read in 5 minutes so you can pretend you read it. Unlike music reading a book actually takes time and you can easily get caught by someone who has actually read the book.

>> No.6552047

>arthouse films
Oi, I saw Stalker by Tchaitoskevyskyvandreiguy and thought I was puhtrishin too. Every peud on /v/ has seen and masturbated to that movie, faggO. Films as 'bout as R tistic as my asshole (so a little bit). A real /lit/izen recognizes all other non-literary media

>techno, ambient music
How un-Amish of u. Techno cannot be /pol/trician, may-T. Only klassical.

>film photography
eh, lol, da fuq iz diz?

>twin peaks
So is evry1 on /v/, booboolaaga.

O! Start with the Greeks, fagface

>> No.6552056

First of all you have to be more humble
When you will start reading you will understand how stupid and pleb you really are and that it is a long road to patricianhood.

>> No.6552057

The Canon

>> No.6552071

Crime and punishment on easy? I haven't read it, but that seems surprisingly low

>> No.6552082

Op you know that you are a pleb hipster right? You think you are patrician because you are a drone of collective tastes of 20 year old idiots who post on an anonymous anime image board?

>> No.6552090

>i love arthouse films
top 5?

>> No.6552100

>i make weird ambient music

WOW, how crazy! Do you also make lo-fi bedroom pop and call it "outsider art"?

( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

>> No.6552102

finnegans shitpost

>> No.6552106

Once you study formal logic and the classics, you realize that philosophy and modern literature are both trivial. This is when you become a patrician.

>> No.6552107

Seven Samurai
Citizen Kane

>> No.6552121


>> No.6552136


I only see one arthouse films there.

>> No.6552146

dat file name

>> No.6552192

2001, Seven Samurai and Aguirre are arthouse

>> No.6552199

IMDB: the post

>> No.6552212

>obsessed with twin peaks
dude you're missing out on so much if you don't read, Lynch is an incredibly literary filmmaker. I'm writing an essay on Mulholland Drive for my lit course as we speak

>> No.6552217


2001 was a box office success. Not generally a criterion of arthouseness. Seven Samurai was a blockbuster in Japan.

>> No.6552224

>I'm writing an essay on Mulholland Drive for my lit course as we speak

which community college do you attend?

>> No.6552229

oh so once something becomes popular it loses its artistic merit? that's so patrician of you, wow

>> No.6552232
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This is possibly the most hilarious type of person.

Actively trying really hard to be "patrician" according to a quota set by 4chan

You are a joke.

>> No.6552239
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>techno interests me
>weird ambient music
To prove this isn't a troll, pick a favourite from Ligeti/Penderecki/Xenakis and explain your choice in 25 words or less.

>> No.6552429
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>"moby dick is hard mode"
>not being fascinated by detailed cetacean biology, quakerism and the intricacies of 19th century ship rigging techniques
