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/lit/ - Literature

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6551423 No.6551423 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Pynchon next to Wallace?

>> No.6551433

That's one of DFW's essay collections, not V

>> No.6551442

its called V. not V


>> No.6551445

So is it part of a W?

>> No.6551449

Also, which collection?

>> No.6551475

>fake dust jacket

>> No.6551478

he had the solitudes on his desk during some crash course thing once so he's clearly a closet patrician.

>> No.6551507

john green and patrician level books?

does this mean he knows that his bestselling books are shitlevel in comparison? interesting

>> No.6551532

kinda reminds me of that article wherein a stanford business school teacher tells a whole class of grad students that George Bush (Jr.) is smarter than all of them.

Though I like to pretend otherwise, anyone who's achieved even the slightest modicum of fame in even the most meagre and mediocre cubby of pop-consciousness is so much more than I was, am, or ever will be.

I mock & hate him because I can't do anything else. Maybe I'm the only one. Idk

>> No.6551538

john green has always said he doesn't consider himself to be a next-level genius writer or anything. his fans take that as modesty, i take it as honesty.

>> No.6551556

You know /lit/, for people so philosophically involved, you all place so much worth in fame.

It's sickening, really.

>> No.6551567

I don't see fame as valuable in itself. I just think that it takes a remarkable constellation of attributes to get there.

Also, there are a lot of people here. I happen to not be very "philosophically-involved", and there are probably many people who disagree with me—yourself included.

>> No.6551589

>I just think that it takes a remarkable constellation of attributes to get there.

>> No.6551617

I guess you could say, that's just the fault in our stars.

>> No.6551627

ayy lmao

>> No.6551894
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>> No.6551934


John Green on Infinite Jest, in case y'all haven't read it

>> No.6551948

I came a little

>> No.6552040

That was actually quite interesting.
I didn't know Green was that into DFW, but it explains why I liked Paper Towns so much.

>> No.6552062

>believing Stanford business damage control.

There was so much shit when it turned out he might have failed out and "donated" his way into passing, that I doubt any offhand comments by a professor can be considered even remotely true.

Also, JG might have success at manipulating young teen minds, and in that regard he is actually impressive--running such a big youtube channel is also like handling a golden goose--but that does not necessarily mean that intelligence or ability to manipulate translates over into real literature.

Don't get me wrong I would hop into his spot in an instant. But that does not mean he is actually a good writer.

>> No.6552076
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>> No.6552255
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>> No.6552285

>does this mean he knows that his bestselling books are shitlevel in comparison? interesting
Pretty much. Most writers recognize themselves as such even if they constantly publish well-selling books (e.g: stephen king saying that his books are the equivalent of burger king or something like that). This guy Green writes and publish well-selling books, and like King he holds that his books are pretty much shit in the literary tradition.
His fans are the only ones that go "omg, green is a genius, so smart, omfg".

This said, the guy is certainly more talented that most people here who criticize him.

>> No.6552405


>> No.6553260


>> No.6553269

Josh green is secretly on /lit/. He loves the meme trilogy.

>> No.6553811
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>> No.6553941


>> No.6553967
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>I always start in on this soliloquy about how the contemporary young adult novel was not invented by J. D. Salinger or Judy Blume or Robert Cormier but by David Foster Wallace, whose ETA scenes more closely resemble what most YA writers are after.
This makes me feel like throwing up.

>> No.6553991

Unpopular opinion here. I actually like john, he seems like a more naive version of the posters here.

>> No.6554003
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>> No.6554041
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Daily reminder that these are words he wrote.

>> No.6554057

thats beautiful, who wrote that?

>> No.6554061

>(Off-topic, but remember magazines?)

does he do this shit in his books?

>> No.6554063

i mean i can see that being compelling when i was 14

>> No.6555056

remember the thread which was started with a quote that the op pretended was a john green quote but was actually a dfw one

and then everyone said it was completely terrible but they all thought it was a john green quote

tldr they clearly aren't that different

>> No.6555072

I don't remember thinking I was invincible when I was 14

>> No.6555137

oh no, I totally agree. he's a shit writer. but he's the master of his own peculiar grotto, and that's worth something.

>> No.6555144

Believe it or not, if you could think on your own, you would realize that Wallace is a meme on /lit/.