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/lit/ - Literature

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6550939 No.6550939 [Reply] [Original]


>What is this?
A brand new literary journal. We are still narrowing down our voice and style, but that's where you can help. We are currently accepting unpublished prose and poetry for Issue #000 Genesis until May 31st.

>Issue #000?
This is a kind of a trial issue. Originally, #000 was going to have published works from established authors, just to demonstrate what an issue would look like.

We decided to let #000 be open for submissions so we could include some original writing.

Starting with #001, we will have much more regular submission and publishing schedules (as well as containing only unpublished works).

>How can I submit?
There are two ways to submit. You can e-mail us at submissions@ideologylit.com or you can use the anonymous submissions form on our website.

We will respond to all submissions.

>What's accepted?
All unpublished poetry and prose. Every issue also has a sort of "competition," centered around the theme. The best submissions that feature this theme will headline each issue. The theme for Issue #000 is "GENESIS." You can read more about the guidelines on our website.

>Is this the first literary journal from /lit/?
No. There's been others in the past, perhaps most notably TAR: The April Reader.

>I'm not interested / stop spamming / this isn't /lit/-related
We're sorry to hear that. All threads on /lit/ will be called "IDEOLOGY: A literary journal" and will be started under this tripcode, so please add that to your spam filter and you won't see us anymore.

>Some topics of discussion
What would you like the next issue's theme to be?
Are there any things you would like to see in a literary journal?

>> No.6550952

Wow, this sounds like a great way to make no money.

>> No.6550965

Advertising is against the rules, friend.

>> No.6550974

Is this a journal by /lit/ or by the general public?

>> No.6550986

Is it ok if I submit something that I self-published through amazon if it's obscure to the point where no one's heard of it?

As far as the length goes, it could be considered a longish short story.

>> No.6550987


All of us met on /lit/, and there are no plans to promote it anywhere.

Anyone's welcome to submit though--there's no verification process to see if they're from /lit/

>> No.6550994


You should go ahead and submit it.

We'll probably determine on a case-by-case basis what qualifies as "unpublished." We are concerned with quality first and foremost.

Thanks for the interest :)

>> No.6551009

It's significantly longer than your recommended maximum word count though. Around 3.5 times longer.

>> No.6551030


The word count is just a recommendation--if we like it, we'll publish it. Or we might publish an excerpt, or suggest making some cuts, or suggest another publication it might be a good fit for.

It's impossible to say without actually having it and reading it!

Again, you should just go ahead and submit it. We do respond to all submissions, so at the very least, you'll get some feedback.

>> No.6551042

This sounds awesome. Thanks.

>> No.6551043

Requiring a certain theme for each issue is a really good way to get submissions down to single-digit numbers (almost all of which will be utterly unpublishable).

Shooting yourself in the foot.

>> No.6551050

Are you associated with anything besides /lit/? Are you expecting submissions to be any good?

>> No.6551055

It sounds more like they'll take anything but there'll also be a mini-competition revolving around a theme of each issue within that.

>> No.6551056

TAR was a failure. Why would this succeed?

>> No.6551078

you think TAR was a failure

it lasted for three years and had thirty issues

I bet you haven't even read it

go read the last issue and tell me that's a failure lmao

>> No.6551123

What happened to you /lit/?

>> No.6551359

whatever happened to TAR? it had quite a lot of people working on it

any oldfags know?

>> No.6551370

Wait TAR is dead? When the fuck did this happen and why?

>> No.6551373


you thought it was still going??? there hasn't been any new ones in like four yeara

no idea what happened cuz I wasn't on 4chan back then

>> No.6551382
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Fours years? Then what the fuck were all those TAR threads over the past couple of years? I mean I haven't noticed any in the last year but I always thought I was just missing them since I don't go on /lit/ as much as I used to.

Jesus am I mis-remembering my last 5 years here by taking 5 year old memories and thinking they happened last year

>> No.6551492

Was it a failure? Seems like it had a good run.

>> No.6552589


tar last update was September 2013

>> No.6553496

I for one welcome our new robot overlords.

>> No.6554021

>literary journal

pure ideology

>> No.6554274

Good work.

>> No.6554280
File: 34 KB, 370x370, the_ox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stale meme

>> No.6554296




>> No.6554357

May I submit a piece in a philosophical context?

>> No.6554361

the meme went stale the moment this "journal" named itself after it