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6548581 No.6548581[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who is the most autistic new atheist? Who is the smartest? Pic related are choices

>> No.6548583

The Atheist Experience Crew collectively.

>> No.6548586

autistic or smart?

>> No.6548587

Gervais, Dawkins, Krauss, Maher

>> No.6548588

Smartest is obviously Dennett. You can tell because he actually cares quite a bit about philosophy. I don't agree with him, but I understand the points he makes.

Most retarded is Maher, and it's not close. I mean, come on, man, why'd you even include him?

>> No.6548591

definitely autistic. that radio show is shit
a lot of 'burden of proof'-style reddit-style atheism

>> No.6548594

Maher just has so terrible a personality it's remarkable.

>> No.6548601

Tyson does not identify as an atheist.

>> No.6548603

i used to idolize all of these people. i'm sure they are wiser and more intelligent than me, but yet i can't help but think they are taking a tangent path way to seriously and far or something

>> No.6548605

The one that manages to look like uglier relative of Jonathan Davis.

>> No.6548607

He might qualify for smartest then.

>> No.6548614

>i'm sure they are wiser and more intelligent than me

Some of them maybe, but come on man, you can't think that about Maher or Gervais.

>> No.6548615
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OP means the ones who have turning the most people away from theism.

Guess what, OP.

>> No.6548619

>Smartest is obviously Dennett. You can tell because he actually cares quite a bit about philosophy.

So he's like the anti-Dawkins then.

>> No.6548621

I'm obnoxious!

>> No.6548637

well, maybe, but i'm pretty young and it seems like every time i read a good book i realize i have been an idiot this whole time

>> No.6548649

This. All they do is hold the atheist position and defend it while criticizing problems with the beliefs and arguments of theists.

It's absolutely the most autistic reddity atheism possible.

>> No.6548650

Smartest: Dennett
Most autistic: Harris
Most boring: Krauss
Most obnoxious: Maher
Most mature: Tyson
Most immature: Gervais
Most suicidal: Dawkins
Most dead: Hitchens
Most unknown: Hirsi Ali (who the fuck is that)
Most best a man can get: Jillette

>> No.6548653

If you've read a book before you're already smarter than Maher and Gervais by default.

>> No.6548654


>> No.6548658

Well the show is about Atheism

>> No.6548732

smartest is definitely dennet

no contest at all

>> No.6548776


>Most autistic: Harris

Keep the meme alive, brother.

>> No.6548804

most autistic? hitchens, dawkins, mahar, gervaise

smartist? no one on there. the atheists who don't talk about atheism much, lol. theoretical physicists. maybe atheist philosophers like Zizek or some nihilist.

>> No.6548824

Maher seems like the easiest choice, but he's not autistic, he's just a fucking pompous idiot. Same goes with Harris. Dawkins, however, is genuinely autistic, as evident by his posts on Twitter.

>> No.6548839
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>> No.6548845

>All they do is hold the atheist position and defend it while criticizing problems with the beliefs and arguments of theists.
That's not what I have a problem with. My problem with it is that there's absolutely no depth to any of their arguments, and it turns into shouting matches, repeated over and over through multiple episodes.

>> No.6548849
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>> No.6548851

>smartist? no one on there
>maybe atheist philosophers
You do know Dennet is there right?

I'm with one of the anons here in saying that I don't agree with any of Dennet's philosophy but I respect him as a serious philosopher who knows his shit.

>> No.6548855
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>Most best a man can get: Jillette

>> No.6548861

Anybody feel like that's Hitchens' worst photo by a mile?

I mean he's fucking cosplaying as Camus. It's embarrassing.

>> No.6548866

There's not really much depth to be had in theist vs atheist debate dude.

>> No.6548871
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You are. These threads doubly so.
We should be reporting and ignoring bad content.

>> No.6548890

Then stop watching it

>> No.6548895

Starting with my posts.

>> No.6548901

I'm aware, the show's just particularly shallow and cringey.
I don't. I watched a couple episodes a year ago and it was too much. That was when I was /fedoracore/: e.g., that show, the Friendly Atheist, The Amazing Atheist, /r/atheism, rational-wiki, etc

>> No.6548904

> a year ago
It was more like two to three, sorry.

>> No.6548909


>> No.6548910

he's trying to play the cutting edge literati he almost once was
it's pretty embarassing

most autistic is probably Krauss or Gervais, smartest is probably Dennett for almost being a real philosopher or Tyson for keeping to his own fucking business
Jilette is the least intelligent, Hirsi Ali is most bigoted, Harris most vacuous and intellectually fraudulent

>> No.6548917

Hirsi Ali is pretty based tbh.

>> No.6548923

Fakes ITT of course.

>> No.6548925

Krauss is stupid beyond belief. Hitchens and that Somali girl are the most annoying because they really see themselves as courageous free thinkers going against the grain

>> No.6548939

If you watch Krauss' lecture on Physics, he is a genuine genius.

>> No.6548943

putting yourself through a physics degree doesn't make you a genius

>> No.6548948

Obnoxious: mahar
Literally retarded: Harris
Disappointing: Dennet
Most interesting: krauss
Most entertaining: hitch

>> No.6548949

someone needs to do one of those "lineup" memes for this image

>> No.6548958

Whenever I think of Lawrence Krauss I always think of that panel he was in with Harris, Pinker, Churchland and Singer where Churchland and Singer were discussing morality in the animal kingdom and Krauss interrupts to make a claptrap remark about how this is where you need science, because animals will die global warming the congress etc

Into the Trash man is also pretty annoying because he's always talking about le science when he's confronting religious people but whenever science goes against his libertarian views (e.g. global warming) he denies it

>> No.6548968

I'm sure he's great on his field, and Tysson and Dawkins probably are as well, but it would be fantastic if they followed the advice they often give religious people of not opening your mouth unless you know what you're talking about

>> No.6549069
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>> No.6549080

Didn't Gervais study philosophy? I'm pretty sure he has a philosophy degree or something like that. Which just makes it worse.

>> No.6549094

Gervais, Penn Jilette and Mahr are just celebrities/personalities, so they shouldn't really even be on the list.

>> No.6549095

>using the term "statist"

>> No.6549105

is Karl Pilkington more intellectual than Gervais?

>> No.6549107

Autistic: Gervais
Smart: Hitchens

>> No.6549112

>Smartest: Dennett
>not even smart: Harris
>most rational: Krauss
>most obnoxious: Maher
>most mature: Tyson
>most immature: Gervais
>Most British: Dawkins
>Most contrarian/snobby/angry: Hitchens
>Most unknown: Hirsi Ali (who the fuck is that)
>Worst (like worse than theists): Jillette

>> No.6549128

suggestion to fix?

>> No.6549135

which is the biggest attention whore?

>> No.6549148

Hitchens was based as fuck. He made both Christfag republitards and PC SJWs and feminists immensely butthurt by being right about everything all the time.

He doesn't deserve to be lumped in with Harris and Dawkins.

>> No.6549156

tfw will self reks him on question time.

>> No.6549163


Krauss is definitely the smartest. I think dawkins and dennett are pretty autistic.

>> No.6549172

>absolutely no depth
Dilahunty and company are pretty vigorous in discussing the laws of logic, history, and philosophical stances during most of their time slot. In the end it's just a public access TV where regular people call in to have discussions, not necessarily an academic discussion.

They don't give a fuck about applying their arguments from a theological perspective. Get over it.

>> No.6549197

Harris, please go.

>> No.6549304

I loveyou butterfly :D please be my gf

>> No.6549326

Not the biggest fan but on the two occasions I've heard them speak about logic they haven't seemed all that familar with logic itself. Can you link me to one of these discussions? I have in the past heard them cite logic to support their claims or position but all it's ever amounted to is saying "atheism is logical" and nothing more.

>> No.6549336

>Most dead: Hitchens

kek. wonder how hell's treating him

>> No.6549339


Gervais, without a doubt. Any attempt he makes to express any feelings other than smugness and scorn are mile-wide obvious bluffs, like a kid pretending to have lost his virginity.

>> No.6549377

Debate with Matt Slick


Logical Fallacies

Even the bickering and shouting matches are held under the general idea of asking the religious to demonstrate their claims to be true. Which they don't.

>> No.6549382


is someone posting links to non-prank public access tv videos on 4chan? Why would you do that

>> No.6549390
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>> No.6549392


Statist is fair, but it's odd as a job description.

>> No.6549394

There's a lot of things people don't actively identify as, but are you suggesting he believes in God?

>> No.6549869


chris pls go

>> No.6549878

I can improve it, what should it be instead? Other suggestions welcome as well

>> No.6549917

Autism is opposed to intelligence now?

>> No.6549930

Are you suggesting atheism the only option for one who does not have god in their life?

>> No.6549950

>Jillette, Tyson, Maher, Krauss, Hitchens, Harris, Dennett, Dawkins, Gervais, Hirsi Ali
Are there any other people who should be included in this list?

>> No.6549958

>most autistic
Harris or Jillette

>> No.6549961
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>> No.6549966

Gervais is at the least very funny, but it seems like every comedian he always has to butt in about real issues of which he has no real understanding of

>> No.6549968
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>most autistic

>> No.6549972

yeah I was completely talking out my ass.
I haven't watched it nearly enough to be making those sorts of claims.
Glad I was wrong, though.

>> No.6549976

no, that was just what was in the OP, silly

>> No.6549980

tyson in rare form at 1:12:57:
