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6547996 No.6547996 [Reply] [Original]

So is the NEET the "superfluous man" of contemporary American society?

>> No.6548002
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I dunno. generally they're creators of irrelevant threads.

>> No.6548007

superfluous threads, one could say

>> No.6548009


Y'all sure did get me.

>> No.6548018

stop trying to justify your laziness by comparing yourselves to oblomov and superfluous man. you're a greasy twenty something that browses 4chan all day, not the heir to a palace that studies classics leisurely and lounges around while your servants brush your teeth and feed you olives

>> No.6548020


I'm not a NEET.

>> No.6548023

at least own your neetdom you coward

>> No.6548027

he's asking if neetdom is the contemporary equivalent, not the exact same thing. and i'd have to say they are. both states are born of malaise, prevalent among youth and are considered repulsive by society.

>> No.6548029


I'm really not.

>being this mad over an extremely broad post

>> No.6548032


Exactly. I only mean to suggest that there are similarities to be found--not that they're entirely the same.

>> No.6548035


>> No.6548054

As a shameful NEET who had never heard of this idea before, I have to say I feel like I understand myself better now.
There are striking similarities.

>> No.6548062


You should definitely read Rudin and Diary of a Superfluous Man by Turgenev.

>> No.6548068

Kinda, but the difference is they mostly consume shit culture, whether they want it or not, cause it's all around them.

>> No.6548076

Also Oblomov.

>> No.6548077


I was a NEET for 2 years or so. I consumed both shit and non-shit culture. I don't think all NEETs are strictly anime-watching, mountain dew-chugging types.

>> No.6548083

Yes, but even more so of Western/Northern Europe, since we have more comfy NEETbux.

>> No.6548090

I think they are more like the homo sacer than the superfluous man. They are the first victims of a collapsing civilisation.

>> No.6548092


That's right. I shouldn't have limited it to America.

>> No.6548096


I had to look that up.

>is a figure of Roman law: a person who is banned, may be killed by anybody, but may not be sacrificed in a religious ritual.


>> No.6548105

Yeah, I didn't mean it to sound that extreme. What I meant is that even if you make the effort to read excellent literature you're going to do tons of other shit and the latter is going to affect your approach to life much more.

>> No.6548112

Anon has probably read Agamben who (I think) shows that the notion of homo sacer is much deeper and still very relevant in our times.

>> No.6548113

man that might be the most depressing thing i've read on this whole board

>> No.6548114


You're probably right. I read good literature, but I also watch dumb television shows and eat fast food. And my time as a NEET was more or less divided in this way. So I see what you're getting at.

>> No.6548117


Yeah, I actually don't know anything about it, so I'll retract my dismissal. Care to provide a brief explanation of what it entails?

>> No.6548120

I don't do much besides read/write/draw, look for work, and sleep (40/30/30 split)

But I get what you're saying. When you live and die in a swimming pool full of turds, it's hard not to be touched by floating turds.

>> No.6548121

that cost somebody nearly his relationship when he called me that.
guy called me chotskie when i was working for him at a place.
2 years later i messaged his pretty wife in facebook that he gives elevator eyes to 14 year old girls at work.

ya careful who you call names to

>> No.6548163

>When you live and die in a swimming pool full of turds, it's hard not to be touched by floating turds.
That's what I'm getting at. Reminds me of Zarathustra's speech about tarantulas, although there it's more in connection to slave morality, something along the lines of "even I, Zarathustra, have been bitten by the spirit of resentment; my resentment might be towards resentment itself, yet it is still resentment; I am still not able to affirm life in its totality."

Haven't read Agamben myself yet so I have an extremely weak idea about it, but I know his work on homo sacer is pretty important in today's theory of biopolitics.
>According to Agamben, the sacredness of homo sacer does not so much indicate a conceptual ambiguity internal to the sacred, as many have argued, as the abandoned status of sacred man in relation to the law. The sacred man is “taken outside” both divine and profane law as the exception and is thus abandoned by them. Importantly, for Agamben, the fact that the exception has become the norm or rule of contemporary politics means that it is not the case that only some subjects are abandoned by the law; rather, he states that in our age, “we are all virtually homines sacri.”

>> No.6548168

Yes, a parasite

>> No.6548169

sounds like something a NEET would say

>> No.6548171

That part about Agamben is meant for >>6548117

>> No.6548181

what's yours life story?

>> No.6548203
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>Marginally related plug for a great book none of you plebs have read.

>> No.6548508
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>he doesn't understand how economies work