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6545929 No.6545929 [Reply] [Original]

Quotes thread

>> No.6545989

"I'm a faggot" - OP

>> No.6545998 [DELETED] 


>> No.6546002 [DELETED] 
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Alexander returneth to dust, the dust is earth, of earth we make loam—and why of that loam, whereto he was converted, might they not stop a beer barrel?

>> No.6547564

edgy nihilist bs
fuck off and an hero already faggot

anyway, c0ntributing

"Religion was always about death"
-Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

>> No.6547586

U mad bruh?

>> No.6547627

"Kill you're self." - A. Schopenhauer

>> No.6547645
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"What is your substance, whereof are you made,
That millions of strange shadows on you tend?
Since every one hath, every one, one shade,
And you but one, can every shadow lend."

>> No.6547654

Why then dooth flesh, a bubble-glas of breath
Hunt after honour and advauncement Vaine
And reare a trophee for devouring death
With so great labour and long lasting Paine
As if his daies for ever should remaine?
Sith that all in this world is great or gaie
Doth as vapour vanish and decaie."
Ruines of Time, by Edmund Spenser

>> No.6547689

He actually argued against suicide after extensively talking about how shit life, the world and the universe are.

>> No.6547732
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>"Religion was always about death"


>> No.6547737

Read symbols and signs recently and this sentence stuck with me.

not a typical quote but maybe enjoyable.

>She thought of the recurrent waves of pain that for some reason or other she and her husband had had to endure; of the in visible giants hurting her boy in some unimaginable fashion; of the incalculable amount of tenderness contained in the world; of the fate of this tenderness, which is either crushed or wasted, or transformed into madness; of neglected children humming to themselves in unswept corners; of beautiful weeds that cannot hide from the farmer.

>> No.6547837

>“All I know is that while I’m asleep, I’m never afraid, and I have no hopes, no struggles, no glories — and bless the man who invented sleep, a cloak over all human thought, food that drives away hunger, water that banishes thirst, fire that heats up cold, chill that moderates passion, and, finally, universal currency with which all things can be bought, weight and balance that brings the shepherd and the king, the fool and the wise, to the same level. There’s only one bad thing about sleep, as far as I’ve ever heard, and that is that it resembles death, since there’s very little difference between a sleeping man and a corpse” - Sancho

Yes, I watched Solaris recently.

>> No.6547903

I kinda took it out of context tho
you see he was talking about how religion used death to scare the masses
Much like the Dark Ages and how the church basically ruled because they managed to fool the masses into believing that if they disobeyed they would be sent to perdition for eternity vs finite oppression

>> No.6547926

One of the most memorable quotes was, and I'm paraphrasing: "Genius finds the world within itself." Apparently Goethe was talking about himself but he's eloquent on the subject. He sees artistry as being created in solitude, and character as being formed by society.

>> No.6547934

Where is this from? I particularly like the last part. Seems to make sense too.

>> No.6548459


"Of all that breathes and crawls across the earth,
our mother earth breeds nothing feebler than a man.
So long as the gods grant him power, spring in his knees,
he thinks he will never suffer affliction down the years.
But then, when the happy gods bring on the long hard times,
bear them he must, against his will, and steel his heart.
Our lives, our mood and mind as we pass across the earth,
turn as the days turn ."

>> No.6548473


He may had done that because he feel guilty if someone killed himself because of his description

>> No.6548490

No, bc kant

>> No.6548492

>“Rest not
>Life is sweeping by
>go and dare before you die.
>Something mighty and sublime,
>leave behind to conquer time.”

― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

I love this quote but does anyone know where he actually said this?

>> No.6548504

>My thoughts are stars I cannot fathom into constellations.

>> No.6548541

What was the context of that quote?

>> No.6548547
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-Richard M. Nixon