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6545792 No.6545792 [Reply] [Original]

What are the essential texts of the "New Sincerity" movement?

>> No.6545823
File: 13 KB, 360x355, 1390939007494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pixies are a pretty decent bad. why group them together with all this shit? fuck me, memes have been terrible recently.


complete trash


fuck no



>> No.6545832

blimpies > subway

>> No.6545860

Has IJ really reached hipster status if this is what the pic is trying to signify?

Also, didn't know they liked subway; replace with starbucks.

Pixies fuckin rule. I refuse to see them live as Kim Deal is essential to the band.

>them basslines

>> No.6545862
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>> No.6545865


>Pixies fuckin rule. I refuse to see them live as Kim Deal is essential to the band.

agreed on both counts

>> No.6546010

New Sincerity =/= Hipster

>> No.6546022



Gr8est book of all time (G.B.O.A.T.)

>> No.6546028

>expecting sincere unironic replies
>on 4chinz
>not reading Joyce
nigga pls

>> No.6546042

if i understand at all what new sincerity means, arent pixies completely opposite?

>> No.6546450


yeah i second that. that image is just retarded tbh.

>> No.6546459

thx m80

>> No.6546908

This is a terrible starter pack except for IJ

>> No.6547074

ew. Jersey Mike's trumps all.

>> No.6547102

No one knows what New Sincerity is.

No one knows what pomo is besides "the period after modernism", or an architect. They'll know.

>> No.6547108

>New Sincerity
>No mention of Daniel Johnston

>> No.6547112

you best not be talking smack about surge

>> No.6547120

I think he meant that it was just terribly uninformed. The poster has about as much as to do with New Sincerity as a cup of ranch sauce has to do with cabinetmaking.

>> No.6547129

1) The Way of Men.
2) Julius Evola
3) Unabomber's Manifesto

Here's your new sincerity.

>> No.6547131
File: 200 KB, 373x399, Screen Shot 2015-05-12 at 4.01.39 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>+2 DFW Lore

>> No.6547136

blame summer, the shit posting has been way up.

>> No.6547146

is it perhaps possible the creator of that image was trying to ridicule "new sincerity"?

--as most of these goofy "starter packs" do?

>> No.6547155

>likes pixies and calls oasis trash
lel dat ironing

>> No.6547162
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bit better tbh

>> No.6547176

oh gee, you're a big fag

>> No.6547178

XD good burn /b/ro

>> No.6547180

Here: >>>/lit/catalog

>> No.6547185
File: 1.58 MB, 1212x1734, back cover doodle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think my lifestyle has naturally progressed to new sincerity..

>wear only comfortable walking shoes and straight fit trousers
>read mainly DFW, knausgaard and manga
>listen to whatever I like, regardless of critical appeal or genre
>moved out of the city into a quiet suburb surrounded by old ladies
>spend my free time reading, drinking tea, drawing


>> No.6547191

sounds like you need a bit of new sincerity tbh

>> No.6547195
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>> No.6547201

Dave Eggers
Most of the stuff in McSweeneys

>> No.6547203

Why is cynicism misattributed to irony?
I live entirely sincere but have generally negative views of many things.

>> No.6547208


>> No.6547209
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>associating new sincerity with brands and advertisement

Why didn't you listen?

>> No.6547248

that's cutting edge anon, write a book about it and you can start the next movement

>> No.6547259

Probably because irony is generally cynical.

Isn't New Sincerity also against cynicism anyways? Wikipedia says it is.

An unironic and unashamed fondness for commercial products seems pretty New Sincere to me.

>> No.6547291

Sounds pretty Satori Generation to me anon.

>> No.6547331

New Sincerity is just the current generation's attempt at staving off adulthood for as long as it possibly can.

>> No.6547345

Huh, so the term Hikikomori, or a generation of hikikomori, turned into this?

Weird how much sense that makes and how much I identify with it. Kind of makes me hopeful.

>> No.6548351
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Is satori sedai, then, the spectre of the 'hippie' generation that came before? They share the same goal of dropping out, basically, but where the hippies thought one could "reform" the system -- through the transformation of culture, pseudo-integration with politics, or, more extremely, the establishment of communes and cooperatives -- the satori sedai would rather make themselves mere ghosts? It's interesting: the 21st century's first people have taken the long view of the 20th century's experience, desires, and world wide conflicts, distilled it all into a single philosophy (whether politically fascist or capitalist) of constant growth, constant consumption, constant expansion, and decided to effectively let the 20th century run its course. The article cites the earthquake, tsunami, 9/11 (the cause of the World War in the Middle-East), but the world economic crisis, caused to generate monstrous wealth for the ruling first world capitalists, has hit Japan's (and the world's) youth extremely hard. The parent generation that believed in reform and integration with the power structure are naturally puzzled when the current generation isn't trying to copy them, but that's because they haven't seen through the illusion. When an entire century is teaching us that taking radical action is necessary to change things and produces the results it has -- a literally non-stop state of global war since 1914, negligent and deliberate genocides of both human and non-human species, millions of people holding accidental nominal political power that are too engrained in nationalist ideology and greed to change their lifestyles based on scientific research -- the satori sendai take them for their word and deed and take the more radical action of non-action. You don't want to provide living wages? Fine. You don't want to provide full-time employment? Fine. You don't want us to be educated? Fine. You don't want us to be able to afford children? Fine. In a bid to get rich quick the old guard poisoned the system they need to be rich. So, if satori sedai were to take over, the system would die of its own deed, as Marx pointed out, but with a whimper and not the hot cries of violent revolution.

>> No.6548428

Why Evola? What does he have to do with new sincerity?

>> No.6548458

new sincerity is a dumb name

I'm a Romantic, idk about you fucks

>> No.6548476

maybe we could be the first generation to not pretend that we're doing anything new

>> No.6548485

if we're the first generation to do that then we would be doing something new, fuckhead

>> No.6548494

New Sincerity isn't real.

You idiots think just because something has a Wikipedia page it has legitimacy. It's probably why you have so many problems with religious threads.

>> No.6548931

Can someone actually provide a list of authors or works associated with new sincerity?

>> No.6549246

It's a little limiting to look at new sincerity as just a literary movement. If for the past half century we have been experiencing the full force of post-modern, labyrinthine confusion, which spans artistic movements, intersectional analysis and political theory, why would the movement away from it chain itself to only literary weapons? New Sincerity is exactly the kind of response which would reject the potential for a canonical identity constituted by specific creatives. Artistic production and product would be one and the same thing, insofar as the creative is producing not to exhibit a response from others, but producing for the sake of production. Consumption and production of art would occur simultaneously, as whatever function the final artefact accommodates post-production it will have already served its purpose as the production of production itself. If art according to new sincerity is necessarily centred around the process of creation and not its spectators, then the inverse must be true for the spectators themselves; the arbitrary appeal of one art piece over another is a process in which its meaning and value is generated by the spectator occupying the dichotomous production/consumption relationship of art.

>> No.6549259
File: 161 KB, 227x292, squinty_walurs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i tried to read this post like 4 times and i still don't get it

>> No.6549342

*boops nose*

>> No.6551166
File: 337 KB, 1280x1284, newsincerity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Those two anti folk albums you listed aren't what I'd consider 'essential starter park'. Got to put the obvious ones there (ITAOTS and IYAFS).

Also removed brands because
I don't know why, but sure.

>> No.6551218
File: 144 KB, 580x873, daniel_johnston_012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hi, how are you
Pic related is the only reason people pretend to like that abortion.

>> No.6551224

>being so /mu/

>> No.6551245

It's really sincere and cute.
Too bad I can enjoy music without feeling the need to purposely dislike certain albums popular on a mandarin sewing board.

>> No.6551300

>I enjoy being this cliche
Trotting out these old af albums as pinnacles is mental slavery

>> No.6551360

>tfw this is my favorite book, my favorite albums and my favorite movie, and I am trying to be more sincere in my life

>> No.6551396
File: 192 KB, 1280x687, cb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also DFW liked Cracker Barrel

>> No.6551669

I'd be interested to see the source for this.

>> No.6551676



>"I don't know if you've ever enjoyed Cracker Barrel before," he says, leading the way inside. "It's easy to make fun of, but the food is really pretty good."

>> No.6551747

Is that kind of New Sincerity in a sentence?

>> No.6551800

or maybe you're stupid and aren't realising that part of new sincerity is accepting its transgression of cultural and social faux pas, such as liking certain artists/albums etc regardless of widespread public opinion

>> No.6551812

Which is your favourite film?

Out of interest, in what ways are you trying to become more sincere? What steps are you taking?

>> No.6551828

Listen to walking the cow

>> No.6551847

This is much better than mine actually. I didn't add ITAOTS because it's so much of a meme. But i guess that wasn't really in the spirit of new sincerity...

>> No.6552080

Whichever is starring Bill Murray :^)

I am trying to cut down on the use of irony, and trying to be less cynical.
If someone asks me anything I will try to answer as clearly as I can, even if it paints me in a less positive light.
If someone says or does something I don't think is right, I will not let it slide, but I will take them up on it (trying not to be a dick about it).
I try to appreciate the simple pleasures of life, and I try to share good things with others. Give more compliments, and try to empathize with others in a realer way.

It may sound dorky, stupid or self evident to live this way, but I have definitely changed in order to live like this, and it's benefitted me a lot.
I am now generally very happy and fulfilled, now that I've learned to appreciate life and feel I live it in a more sincere way, meaning it's not as fake. Even though I too have moments of depression and cynicism, they blow over quite fast.

>> No.6552096
File: 102 KB, 565x790, riff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Sincerity is reactionary, there's nothing new about it.

Post-Irony is the future and is truly liberating.

>> No.6552108

There's literally nothing wrong with New Balance shoes.

>> No.6552111


This term seems to be all over the place. It makes sense when you apply to people like DFW or Wes Anderson because they are using postmodern techniques to create something isn't merely play or coldly ironic. Instead they are creating something sincere with real feeling in there and a desire to directly communicate that to an audience.

That music though. It's just folk music. I could see perhaps Neutral Milk Hotel falling under the umbrella because he is more experimental and abstract but why are the Moldy Peaches particularly interesting? And in contrast to what?

>> No.6552113
File: 235 KB, 442x308, 1427709782006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are people who think Modernism has ended

>> No.6552134

New Sincerity was around before Wallace gave a name to it. Raymond Carver's original Manuscript for "what we talk about when we talk about love" which is titled "Beginners" (the version that wasn't fucked around with by Lish) is sincere as fuck, so is his "Cathedral" collection, and the stories, essay's and poetry in "Fires". He was writing all of this stuff when PoMo was pretty much the American standard. Wallace also list's Carver as an influence in an interview. If you ask me, Carver started it. Some of Lydia Davis's stuff I would also call "new sincerity".

>> No.6552157

go to bed will

>> No.6552160
File: 477 KB, 560x500, oh anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people who think post-modernism can end

>> No.6552171

>mtv, bet and tattoos

is this some kind of pop art performance art?

>> No.6552215
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>there are people who don't have a phd in DFW lore

>> No.6553266

the fact that many will have a knee-jerk sarcastic and cynical response to it is indicative of why making these steps is a brave and powerful choice. From here on out, I'm on your side.

>> No.6553277

>implying new sincerity was ever a thing

>> No.6553299

top kek!

>> No.6553849

Satori Gen and hikkimori are separate phenomenon.

>> No.6553858

I thought New Sincerity was Adventure Time and Wes Anderson Films and cutesy Tumblr posts?

>> No.6553862


fucking delinquents he liked Mr. Pibb not Dr. Pepper

>> No.6553880
File: 485 KB, 957x673, Screen Shot 2015-05-03 at 5.42.44 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually I think he liked both. In a supposedly fun thing I will never do again he talks about how much better Mr. Pibb is, but in his biography and numerous other sources they talk about how much he loved dr pepper.
DFW has the deepest lore

>> No.6553914

>that pic
I was born for new sincerity

>> No.6553921

I went through a phase of being obsessed with every detail about dfw.
Did you know he was "concerned about industrial farming" but not enough to be vegetarian?

>> No.6553933

lads, how do i into dfw?

>> No.6553938
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>> No.6553992

Isn't Karl I've Knausgaards M Struggle trilogy considered Me Sincerity? Can anyone explain why?

>> No.6554078

It seems no one had a response to it but you, but I think I get your point.

I don't see it as brave, it's a very easy position once you get started, but it's very rewarding.

>> No.6554136

thanks for that piece of DFW lore

>> No.6554148

>I read "consider the lobster"
>I'm an expert in dfw lore now
Sorry for the cynicism, lads

>> No.6554178

>being cynical
>not contradicting DFW lore

>> No.6554180


>> No.6554201

His essays are pretty approachable. I only started there because they were there sitting conveniently on a bookshelf. I really recommend "Authority and American Usage" - it's very insightful.
haven't read a single page of IJ

>> No.6554208
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I went through a period where I thought I was bipolar so I looked up to Daniel Johnston, then I realized I was just a bit depressed because college was a big transition, and if I wanted to amount to anything in life, I probably shouldn't have Daniel Johnston as a role model.

I'm glad I did. I graduated college and am doing alright now. I still like some of that twee unironic sincere 90's music, but more just because I appreciate that it was something to listen to when I had a hard time transitioning into adulthood than anything else.

>> No.6554276



>> No.6554629
File: 371 KB, 1280x1284, newsincerity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I added Earthbound, figured it was appropriate given that the Mother series probably the only video games which are part of the new sincere umbrella and that have artistic merit.

Twee music is the best, Beat Happening (especially their self-titled.) just has this aura of innocence to it.

>> No.6554661

All right m80, read Infinite Jest, all the short stories and essays you can easily get your hands on, Broom of the System, The Pale King, then if you're still hanging on his every word go back and find everything of his you haven't read yet.

>> No.6554678

So start with IJ?

Does the whole footnote thing work well in ebook form?

>> No.6554700

Never read it as an ebook, it was at my local library and I bought my own copy when I realised I'd be in for the long haul.
If you prefer ebooks, go ahead, but it's 20-25 dollars well spent.

>> No.6554713


I've only read Brief Interviews and a smattering of other stories/articles that are found on the net but I really can recommend BI wholeheartedly. It's brilliant.

>> No.6554743

Earthbound? Either you've never played it or don't understand "new sincerity". Seriously the entire game is under a thick layer of irony.

>> No.6554797
File: 23 KB, 340x385, 1412198363415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy all those works.
Zero fucks given.

This thread is another way of imagined individuation.
Go ahead /lit/, convince everyone you are a unique snowflake.

>captcha: I'm not a robot

>> No.6554821

I've played it and love it, it doesn't feel ironic to me. It uses a lot of pomo sensibilities, but underneath those sensibilities is a sincere story of a coming to age story of a boy. There are a lot of witty comments, but it's not a ironic sort of witty, but instead a wittiness that reminds me of the wittiness of DFW. I guess what I'm trying to say is that Earthbound doesn't feel ironic, it feels sincere. When it pokes fun of something it isn't a cynical kind of poke, but instead an innocence childlike poke that celebrates the modern life by making jabs at it.

>> No.6554844

Is it a depressing work?

>> No.6555323

DFW <3

>> No.6555388

you bet!

>> No.6555447

this. hipsterism is a defence mechanism against a world of serious feelings and difficult concepts, by rejecting everything before it can "reject" you.
New Sincerity is the exact opposite of that.

>> No.6555451

opposite, not negation, is correct, because it's still an affectation

>> No.6555452

that movie claims that it's "ironic" on its cover. How could it ever be part of a new sincerity starter pack?

>> No.6555457

i always wondered why people pretend to like nirvana. thanks for clearing that up for me.

>> No.6555463

>Pixies in the same league as Nirvana and Oasis
dropped, I'd rather be a post-modern fuccboi

>> No.6555563

Have you watched it? It's based off a conversation that the two creators had. It using satire to show that one way of life (New Ageism with its rituals) is silly, but conveys the sincerity of living a regular life of "enjoying that nice hot cup of coffee in the morning, ... having dinner with his girlfriend Debbie, [sleeping] under an electric blanket [and] [reading] the autobiography of Charlton Heston." It's ironic in that it uses satire in order to attack New Ageism, but sincere in that it shows a passion in the regular life.

>> No.6555625
File: 275 KB, 536x416, Screen Shot 2015-05-12 at 4.03.54 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>changes his behavior to be more fulfilled
>trying to be a better person to make yourself feel good about yourself is even hollower than pure hedonism
>dfw they think the jest is almost over

>> No.6555641

That's more early norm core than New Sincerity.

>> No.6555653

And what's wrong with hedonism? I also find epicurean hedonism very attractive, in that it's mostly about appreciating what you have and valuing social relations.

I am not doing it purely to make myself feel better, I am feeling better by feeling that I help others feel better too.

Can I ask about your "philosophy" towards life?

>> No.6555687


but they are trash

>> No.6555705
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>> No.6556247

I read IJ on my kindle, and I would say the footnotes work as well as or better than in paperback format, since you save yourself a lot of back and forth.
Of course you don't get to feel smug reading it in public, when people see you reading a book so large it requires three bookmarks.

>> No.6556582


So new sincerity is just basically normcore minus irony?

>> No.6556979

Actually, that wasn't in consider the lobster...

>> No.6556997

Pretty honest descriptions of how he views his relations with family and friends. Bad blood is really no one's fault, it just doesn't work sometimes. We're born into this world and we take up space. He describes a life where he had great ambitions for his artistic vision, but in the end he ended up just trying to work out his family life and be a decent person

>> No.6557006

None of those movies are NS, jesus christ

>> No.6557027

Thank you.

I don't read much in public so that won't be a problem, my smugness is mostly verbal and doesn't heavily rely on props.

>> No.6557030

If "concerned about industrial farming" was a direct quote it might not have been specifically that essay, but a similar sort of sentiment was expressed therein.

>> No.6557068
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>dfw ur dfw goes from rare to uncommon

>> No.6557192

so new sincerity is just growing up?

>> No.6557206


>> No.6558171
File: 415 KB, 1210x1600, Mark_Rothko_1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Folks, I just want to say that I haven't enjoyed a thread this much in a while.

>> No.6558210

why does looking at rothko paintings make me feel funny?

>> No.6558245

In what way do they?

>> No.6558345
File: 58 KB, 786x749, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw there's only a finite amount of wallaces
>tfw one day there will be no rare wallaces

>> No.6558399
File: 284 KB, 2000x1000, 1427760220003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We should compile all known images of dfw...

>> No.6558414

You feel that tinge...that deep feeling that arises, you don't want to feel it, but you do, and people hate you for it.

That feeling that....Rothko is a talentless hack, along with all modern artists, and that the movement of modern art is a racket built upon money laundering.

I know this feel, bro. I know this feel.

>> No.6558418 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 249x249, 1396108190616s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The motto of New Sincerity is "gas the Jews, race war now", because New Sincerity is an essentially kike-aware movement, just as Postmodern Irony was essentially a kike blindfold.

>> No.6558427


the notion scares the hell out of me for it is kind of real... but i think the story has more to tell us

>> No.6558436

>ctrl f
>tao lin
>0 results

/lit/ don't know shit

>> No.6558445

omon ra?

>> No.6558537

Pretty hard to describe, a bit of a mix of serenity and emotion at the same time, but sort of an undifferentiated emotion.

>> No.6558742

well said

>> No.6558772


>Year of the Whopper


>> No.6558806

Probs alt-lit texts, compilations of tweets and blogposts. New sincerity was one of the most disappointing social/literary movement ever, outside of DFW it's worthless

>> No.6558854

i drink water, wear black, discreet, canvas sneakers (inspired by mr rogers), listen to drone/noise/psychrock/bjork, eat an aboriginal diet and read whatever (currently ij)

>> No.6558972

Alt-lit is worthless outside of Tao Lin.

>> No.6558979

I;ve only read the story about the off broadway playwrights father from brief interviews, are the rest any good?
I know this post is a day old, I just want to know if the rest of brief interviews is like that

>> No.6558986
File: 497 KB, 1280x1280, rogers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can one man be so comfy?

>> No.6559057

Are those Keds?

>> No.6559141

I believe so. Mr Rogers was patrician as fuck by the way:

>Fred Rogers didn’t intend to make himself a famous face or even a part of children’s television. In fact, he had a great disdain for it. A native of Latrobe, PA, and a graduate of Rollins College in Winter Park, FL, Rogers actually earned his bachelor’s degree in musical composition and later a divinity degree from the Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. (He was an ordained Presbyterian minister throughout his life.) Just as he planned to enroll in divinity school, he noticed a kids’ show on TV, a relatively new medium at the time, featuring silly characters mindlessly hitting each other with pies. Rogers said he “hated it so” and thought, “Why do we have to show demeaning behavior?” and decided then and there to work in television.

>> No.6559789

Would you say he's the founding father of New Sincerity?

>> No.6559809

hi how are you is shit

>> No.6559813
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>> No.6560305

How does eggers' work hold up, besides A Heartbreaking Work? I was drawn to AHWoSG because I like "mundane" realities. His other novels all seem to be about adventure...

>> No.6560332

> not that person, but...
Never heard the term before. Just did some research and I kinda identify with it a lot.

>> No.6560345

What's the difference between New Sincerity and post irony?

>> No.6560367

What the hell is New Sincerity?

>> No.6560371

Now I got a craving for the doc(k). Fuck you

>> No.6560401

fuck, I'm gonna share this cause I really enjoyed what people in this thread have shared

never heard of the Satori Generation thing before, also identified with it a lot as well lol
also I don't understand well what New Sincerity is, but IJ was one at the top of my "want to read list" (just haven't yet because it's too big lol) and it kinda just climbed to the top after this thread

for me, it's like I just wanna live in a simple way and most of the stuff people want I don't
I don't see the point of any "standard ambitions" people have
like, wanting to have cool brand clothes and whatnot is stupid (but I think it's settled here)
but also...

I don't see the point of having a super high paying job when that money is so much more than I need to live and when that usually comes with a lot of stress and not having time to anything else (or being too tired to do anythin else)
and I think this sounds like a "spoiled kid" talking, but I really just started thinking like that after 5 years of living by myself and paying all my stuff and taking caring of my life, so basically it isn't
right now I'm unemployed by choice because I wanna decide what to do with my life (just turned 25 and I'm freaking out because I feel I need to do that fast), living with money I saved and there isn't really anything that I'm lacking financially wise

I also don't see the point of having a car, cause pretty much anywhere I go I prefer to go walking or by public transportation anyways
and if I take into account the money I spend on public t. + even a cab every now and then when really needed or too lazy, it seems like having and maintaining a car is waay more expensive and troublesome
why even bother?

I don't see the point of buying a house cause the idea of living at the same place for the rest of my life scares me way too much
let alone a big one, I really just wanna live in a really small place cause then I would have less trouble cleaning it

I don't see the point of expensive food most of the time, cause I enjoy so much more cheap/kinda homemade stuff

it's kinda like every hobby I have or thing I like is free or pretty cheap
and I used to enjoy, for example, having this cool edition of a book, but I've grown to think what's important is what I get from it, so fuck how it looks. Having 'cool stuff' either alienates you from what really matters or is for some form of social status, which is something I try to cut away from my life as well

I think I even developed into liking some sort of "simple" aesthetics for a lot of stuff. Like, even clothes, I genuinelly like old worn out clothes
and I'm pretty aware that deep inside this aesthetics is some sort of self expression in the same way as the 'cool stuff for social status', I don't fool myself in that way and I think you can't be devoid of that to some extent, it's just a really different point of view imo

>> No.6560410

also this turned into a long somewhat-venting post and I don't even know what I want from that, sry about that :(
it's just like it's pretty dissonant from what other people think and it sucks
it's not even some 'oh let's be less materialistic' idealistic bullshit, it's really just that all those standard ambitions seem really irrational to me (not really that, but way too many social conventions tbh)
and if you wanna leave like that, your life m8, I really don't care and hope you enjoy it, I just wish people would stop saying 24/7 that the way I wanna live mine is wrong lol
seemed the right thread to say this stuff, sorry again if it wasn't :(

>> No.6560430

I think you're on the right track, but the important thing isn't forgoing, it's forgoing them practically. It's not riding a single gear bike for the image, it's riding a bike because that's how you get to work.
New Sincerity is not making a show about anything.

>> No.6560449

The first two albums weren't trash, the rest was trash

>> No.6560457

MDMA will solve all that for you, without even trying

>> No.6560474

thanks, I hope so :)

> but the important thing isn't forgoing, it's forgoing them practically
yeah I agree with this 100%
tbh the mere fact that you said "New Sincerity is ..." kinda bothers me cause is like it implies that "I'm trying to be 'New Sincerity'" now lol, when usually "trying to be X" is usually faking something you aren't to make a show, which is what I try to avoid the most
(I know it wasn't the intention, I'm just talking about the gut feeling when reading it)

>> No.6560624

I suppose he's one of them, but I think there should be more.

>> No.6560648

I sometimes feel like I'm living like I'm constantly high, or what I imagine it would be like, having never taken MDMA.

Constantly I'm overwhelmed by impressions such as beautiful light during the golden hour or a child laughing in the street, to the point where I almost start crying. I am extremely up front about how I feel about things and people, and it feels so liberating and free.

I would like to take MDMA and quite a few other drugs at a later time, when I feel prepared for it, but I have a history of (self diagnosed) depression, and weed gave me a few bad experiences before I just became bored with the whole thing and quit.

To be honest (like I try to be) I think I can attribute my change in perspective in part due to Infinite Jest and also E Unibus Pluram which I felt had some really good points in between the rambling, but also due to the fact that a large part of my social circle consists of psychologists, so whenever we go on climbing trips, go drinking or playing board games we always end up acting like each others terapeuts.
It's been a real blessing for me to have so many people with whom I can be so up front with and not feel judged.

>> No.6560657

until the next day when you are literally physically out of sincerity

>> No.6560687

I can't remember how good You Shall Know Our Velocity! is as a whole, but the description of gnawing guilt nd cyclical thought patterns in the early chapters was really, really good.

>> No.6560753

somehow american psycho (more the movie than the book) popped to my mind while reading a story by dfw and i thought it has something to do with ns as well

>> No.6560785
File: 2.83 MB, 1024x1881, goya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6560811

i dunno, new sincerity seems insincere to me

it's like "look at me everyone, i'm sincere, i even labelled myself as such" which ironically comes off as insincere, what kind of sincere person would feel the need to show off how sincere they are

i also enjoy liking things ironically too much

>> No.6560812

good kek +1

>> No.6561686

trying to establish a group of literary works under the title of 'new sincerity' is futile, simply because anyone creating art within its parameters wouldn't be making art to satisfy others, but to satisfy their own creative impulses - as 'sincere' of an expression as one is capable of. In response, the art consumer would be reliant on no one but themselves in generating meaning and value within the work they are consuming, and wouldn't be held to any conventional standard of popular preference, such as a place in the canon and bona fide examples of new sincerity. It's all about taking an interest in the things which genuinely interest you - how could we develop a canon for authors if the only thing connecting them is the honesty of their expression?