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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 73 KB, 416x424, 1431737994482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6546392 No.6546392[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The rubble overwhelmed Ben Garrison. He fought evil the best he could. The liberal media, the Jews, the niggers, and every multiculturalist group piled their filth on Zyklon Ben and yet he repelled every lie they forced upon the world. The just cause meant heavy resistance. Rabbi Shlomo Rothschild towered over Ben. Standing on a lift, Shlomo started to pour a clear liquid over the building's trusses and rafters. He drove his heavy machinery around, spreading the liquid's heavy fumes wherever he went.

"Was getting caught part of your plan?" the Chosen One yelled.

"No, it can't be. I was supposed to stop you."

"It's happening and there's nothing you can do to stop it. This problem ends with you." The rabbi drew out his tail and grabbed a blow torch with it. He drew the flame near the liquid and it ignited. The fire spread across the building and soon smoke filled the entire room. Ben, "a .22 in every Jew," Garrison tried all he could to push the pile of foreskins off of him, but the weight of mutilation was too much for him. The fire slowly traveled to the ground floor where Ben was trapped and the excess skin caught fire. The penile leftovers quickly shriveled up and burned away.

"I hope the weight of Christian flesh doesn't overwhelm you. Soon, 365,000 tons of metal will crush you." Ben began to shed tears.

"Lord, give me strength to right this wrong and all wrongs. You cannot let this evil win." The Jew laughed.

>> No.6546394
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"You stupid, stupid goy. Do you think Jesus is going to help you? Is God going to save you? You fucking fool, I am God!" The rabbi screeched a sound so loud that it numbed Ben's senses. Soon Shlomo's yell turned into a cackling, and soon after a laughter. He laughed verociously as the flames engulfed the building. The skin, almost crushing Ben Garrison, burned away slowly. "This building is going to crush you like the King David Hotel crushed the English. All you pesky goyim will die." Ben let out a fearsome roar and freed himself from the burning foreskin. He kicked the burning mass off of him and stood up. The Jew's eyes opened wide.

"But how? I calculated it all. The building was supposed to collapse and kill you!" Ben "the Walking Holocaust" Garrison simply grinned as he looked up towards the reptilian creature.

"You've caught yourself in your own trap of lies." Shlomo started to pant as he did not have the biological capacity to sweat. "If only your cold blood could appreciate the fire you've started."

"You can't stop us! Even if I die with you, we're shutting it down!" Ben, "the Ten Ton Terror of Tel Aviv," Garrison cracked his knuckles and glared at the Rabbi.

>> No.6546398
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"You never learn. Jet fuel can't melt steel beams." Ben Garrison then jumped 7 feet into the air, catching hold of a steel pipe attached, on each side, to the walls of the building. He began spinning his body around the steel bar, gaining speed and momentum. After the sixth rotation, he released his grip on the shaft and sent himself flying. In flight, he extended his right leg and tightened his stance. In a single moment, his boot came in contact with the Jew's face, crushing his abnormally long nose. Rabbi Shlomo Rothschild was kicked off his pedestal and backwards. His body fell down as chilled blood escaped his face. Before the Jew could land on the floor twenty feet above him, he was caught by a burning furnace. A painful screech came out of the red hot oven. The yell's pitch increased exponentially and then silence covered the room. The only sound that could be heard was the heat burning away the reptilians skin and bone.

"That one's for Jesus." Ben jumped off the platform and landed on the dirt floor. He walked out of the burning building knowing the flames would eventually subside. Nobody knows where Ben, "One Man Auschwitz," Garrison went off to after his final fight. Some speculate that he moved to Argentina, to be with his German brethren. Others think he ascended to heaven to be with the Son, the Father, and the Holy Spirit. And some others believe he is still fighting the good cause here at home. Either way, common knowledge dictates that, wherever Ben Garrison is, he is crushing every threat to the white race with him.

See you later, Space Nazi.
So what do you think? I'm thinking about finishing this book, selling it, and then sending Ben Garrison a free copy. This is just a rough draft, so my descriptive detail will improve, but this is the general idea for how I'm going to end the book. Would /lit/ be interested in helping me write this book and publishing it?

>> No.6546405

This is racist and triggering. Get your hate off /lit/.

>> No.6546406


good thread everyone let's never speak of it again

>> No.6546409
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Not sure if /pol/ pretending to be a tumbler SJW or an actual /lit/ user

>> No.6546412

Don't be a faggot, m8.

>> No.6546413

inb4 the liberal mods of /lit/ ban you

Pretty stupid to ban someone because of a story they wrote when writing stories are a part of the board. Its like claiming Shakespeare is an anti-Semite because he wrote Shylock even though he clearly wrote Shylock for purposes which were practically the complete opposite of antisemitism (which by the way a reference to "pound of flesh" may be fitting somewhere in this story). This is all obviously a satirical portrayal of a typical /pol/ack parading itself as a (very fake) biography of one of /pol/'s "heroes."

>> No.6546414

I'm genuinely shocked and offended that somebody would purposely write such hate.

>> No.6546422

Fuck /lit/'s a slow board. Why am I even here?

>> No.6546423

Im triggered by this posting.
Please spill your hateful speech on /pol/
and remember People Only Love.

>> No.6546426
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This is really good, but you need a good dramatic structure.

>> No.6546430

This isn't fake, believe me. I was there to experience the whole thing and it was terrifying.

>> No.6546431
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I'm still not sure if this is /pol/ pretending to be a cliche SJW or actual /lit/ users.

>> No.6546433

Only one of them is me, but I have never and will never visit /pol/.

>> No.6546434

Please turn this into a series of people /pol/ obsesses about.

"/pol/tarch's Lives"

>> No.6546440
File: 147 KB, 640x842, 2163985-adolf_hitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah m8, I'm just fucking with ya.

>> No.6546442


if you're satirizing /pol/, this is unfunny and just shitting up the board

if you're from /pol/ then i guess i will have to apply a lower standard for memes since you're slightly braindamaged

>> No.6546443

Oh yeah? Well: nigger.


Fucking shut you up there, cunt ;6)

>> No.6546445

OH NO! :ccc




>> No.6546449
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This is pretty good, if you know about Ben Garrison and International Jewery, you'd see why.

But I guess it's an inside joke for people who aren't new.

>> No.6546452

>I'm thinking about finishing this book, selling it, and then sending Ben Garrison a free copy.
him and his jewish lawyers have been looking for someone to sue for libel. they can't sue moot, /pol/ or /new/ so they'd jump right on you. zyklon b is already in massive debt to his lawyers for no reason, they are just waiting for someone specific to make an example of.

>> No.6546456
File: 95 KB, 978x598, laughing good friends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I admit I laughed hard at this retarded shit.
Why don't you publish it?
For free of course.

>> No.6546457


i got every single fucking meme reference and didnt even smirk you faggot. even today there've been about twenty better "pretending-to-be-/pol/" posts.

>> No.6546458

Hold the phone, buster.

I've been here since 1997, so I can tell you that I am definitely not new. I remember the rage faces and the cock monglers and the shut down pools and the scientology and the seven chan and all of the other memes because I'm not new.

You're the new one, diddlebrain, I've been here for longer than you've been alive and I know that because you're gay.

>> No.6546461

That guy could probably sue you for this.

>> No.6546464

Please check you're speeling and granma before posts because this is the /Lit/ bored where we discus literature so make sure you use commas and capital letters where appropriate please.

thank yyou :D

>> No.6546467
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>oy vey, i'm one of you goys, trust me

>> No.6546469

"All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental."

>> No.6546472
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>> No.6546475

Lol, you're wrong. The /POL/ board wasn't created until 2011, I just checked KYM, so you can't have been posting there since 1996. Also, 4chan was only made halfway through 1997, which is when I joined. I still have my original account.

>> No.6546477

What is the J I D F? Are they the Japanese-Icelandic Drilling Contractors?

>> No.6546479


This is really terrible, both in literary and fucking political sense. Why would you spew this racial bullshit just out of edgyness? The jews have suffered so much in the history of man and now they get this bullshit spewed upon them for no real legit argument whatever so ever?

This is really disturbing to me that you would actually go out of your way and write this sort of bullshit. What have the jews ever done to you?

>> No.6546481

Fuck you're retarded, nigger. They're G-d's chosen people who protect their religion against the internet trolls and bullies who harass them so.

>> No.6546485
File: 185 KB, 750x591, 1431520053610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone ever heard of this Gen Barrison guy? Apparently he's this Marxist-Leninist extremist who has been growing extremely active over the past few years.

Word is that he has been active all over Asia, propping up revolutionary Maoist groups while crashing the AntiFa hammer down on skinheads wherever they cross his path.

He's a very controversial character and I'm not sure what to think of him. On the one hand, Gen 'The Proletariat Secretariat' Barrison is probably the single greatest mover of revolution in our age. But on the other hand, his violent radicalism may indeed be too extreme for his cause to succeed.

Is anyone else familiar with this elusive stranger?

>> No.6546487


>> No.6546488
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>The jews have suffered so much in the history of man

>> No.6546491
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I once attended a protest where Ben "I'm more than OK with the DPRK" Garrison showed up. He began chanting about how we had to kill all the rich and "gas the ruling class". At first people were cheering him on, but then he got more and more rabid. He began spitting out venom about how we had to "hunt them down to the last man" and "cut off the head of the snake without pity or remorse". He said "we need to do to the Rockefellers what we did to the Romanovs". People were quite shocked, and this wasn't a gathering of moderates or liberals either. He began biting his own lip in fury and even drew some blood. When the cops showed up, he charged the police line foaming at the mouth. I'm a little scared to attend another protest because of him.

>> No.6546493


Ok, I'm bored now. At least your thread got bumped, right?

>> No.6546496
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Bye now

>> No.6546506
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>“Hatred as the central element of our struggle! Hatred that is intransigent…hatred so violent that it propels a human being beyond his natural limitations, making him violent and cold- blooded killing machine…We reject any peaceful approach. Violence is inevitable. To establish Socialism rivers of blood must flow! The imperialist enemy must feel like a hunted animal wherever he moves. Thus we’ll destroy him! These hyenas are fit only for extermination. We must keep our hatred alive and fan it to paroxysm! The victory of Socialism is well worth millions of atomic victims!”

-Ben "Bring Back the Wall Twice as Tall" Garrison, the "One Man Holodomor".

>> No.6546514
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Alright faglord, you got your thread bumped. What's the next step in your master plan?

>> No.6546529

Where the Hell are the Mods?

>> No.6546534
File: 1.67 MB, 1598x1600, frankfurt school.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Busy eating hotpockets. I'll dump some red-pills on International Jewery.

>> No.6546550

Please, Redpill me. Please explain in detail why I should fear Jewish people, Or get the hell back to /pol.

>> No.6546554
File: 136 KB, 622x653, Dr.-Joseph-Goebbels-Identify-the-Jew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not fear them, exterminate them.

>> No.6546561


Yeah, this has stopped being funny now, it's just a drain on discussion.

>> No.6546564

Pointless bile from a dead Nazi isn't going to change my mind.

>> No.6546566
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Not bad