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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.82 MB, 1418x1494, official lit guide to getting pussy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6544454 No.6544454 [Reply] [Original]

Go forth and multiply /lit/friends

>> No.6544461

read 5 of those and no result

>> No.6544463

Read 0 of these and no result

>> No.6544476

There should definitely be some Anais Nin on there.

>> No.6544478


Read four of these and got massive pussy

>> No.6544484

>No bible
>The most succesful natalist brain virus ever


>> No.6544493

>One Hundred Years of Solitude

Really refined my taste in pussy if you catch my drift

>> No.6544496

>No Virginia Woolf

It's like you have never met a woman who reads.

>> No.6544498

Yo, protip: acting like a woman won't score you female pussy. Women, in general, aren't attracted to femininity.

>> No.6544502

What, like, a really obese girl?

>> No.6544503

Read four of these and got [to be a] massive pussy

>> No.6544508

The point isn't to act like a girl, dummy. The point is to establish a connection that allows you to assert your masculinity in conversation. That's transmitted by the way you talk about the books.

>> No.6544515
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actually yeah but I have a fat fetish

>> No.6544516


wow you must be pretty cool irl

>> No.6544519

Read Don Cassanova's book.

Lest you care about what women want, moreso they will exibit their want for your attention.

>> No.6544523
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>> No.6544525

Reading the same books as someone isn't caring about what they want...

>> No.6544534

>Lest . . . moreso

holy shit and this guy too

this thread is just full of lady killing bad-asses

>> No.6544539


>> No.6544543

Tbh, I don't think that reading a bunch of books is the best way to score in the first place. More realistically feasible and effective way would be to


get one of those haircuts which are popular nowadays

dress properly

don't talk too much about anything which is beyond the comprehrension of the ones that you speak to

Look at the chads. Most of them are mediocre in their understanding of literature and whatnot and have no interest in pursuing knowledge, but they still score more than your average guy who has all the sensibilities that one ought to read literature and understanding to process them. Point is that intelligence doesn't appeal to most of the women, it's outwardly appearance and reasonable social skills. Later can require some intelligence, but not much.

Tbh I'm midly drunk, so please don't scrutinize me too much for my poor choice of words.

>> No.6544547

>one ought

Self-fix for the sake of clarity.

>> No.6544550

Well duh. And relatively few women actually read either. Do you understand the point of this thread?

>> No.6544574

>Do you understand the point of this thread?
Actually, no, I don't. A thread for faggots to hookup for homosex, I guess?

"Here lies Beavis, he never scored."

>> No.6544576

better list

dorian gray
wuthering heights
in search of lost time
memories of my melancholy whores
also a lot of recent ya fiction is just better and more realistic than the classics but shhhh don't tell anyone

>> No.6544579
File: 236 KB, 650x842, tfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to have.

>mfw I'm retarded
>mfw I even fancy the thought of giving people advice

I just scrolled upwards and found out it is about getting friends who have some interest in literature, then it turned into people claiming they didn't score any after reading those recommended books. It's hard to tell whether they are shitposts, but I don't care too much either.

I would say that most people in general do not have literature as a hobby. How many people do you meet who are practically always reading something? Few, I would say. So far I've met this old guy who is the grandfather of my cousins, not a relative of mine, at least not a close one, and he reads a lot. He also happens to be a protestant Christian and works about 12 hours a day doing agricultural work and reminds me of Tolstoy. He once recommended me the Bible and Quaran as a top priority reading material and mentioned something about Atlantis being an actual thing. Other than the later oddity, he is fairly intelligent and mannered most of the times, but somewhat 'vulgar' in that he is a very honest and a simple man.

>> No.6544581
File: 50 KB, 348x798, tumblr_njgysbyM0J1tkmnmpo7_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ay Don DeLilo and Joyce like chubbies. Deal with it.

>> No.6544582

I will take the meme, thanks OP, will read

seriously, If i read the second sex of simone, will I end like a cuck faggot or I will reinforce my own position as a man? How it will help me getting laid?

>> No.6544584

both madame Bovary and tess of the durbervilles got me laid on separate occasions

>> No.6544587

low test beta male

>> No.6544589

Tell me more about it, I don't have anything better to do and I would love a good story or at least a greentext.

>> No.6544597

>I don't have anything better to do and I would love a good story

how about you try reading a book

>> No.6544617

I can't at this moment. Two or three hours of free time are on my hands, then I read. Reason for this is that I don't enjoy reading until the sun has gone down and it is dark. It's very silent, there are almost no cars going by my house ( I live in a fairly rural area, but cars do go by my house quite often during the day ), no one is going to call me, other than my friend, but I doubt that, and I really feel like I am entirely left to myself, with no one there to bother me. That's when I like to read literature.

Oh and I am going to be reading either Dostoyevski's Idiot or some historical fiction by some Victorian author whose name I can't quite recall at the moment.

What are you going to read anon? And how about that story?

>> No.6544634
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dank meme, virgin.

>> No.6544641
File: 64 KB, 552x799, 1382444946-238326134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't usually groove with a belly extending that far beyond a woman's titties unless they're pregnant, but I have to say I'm grooving with this squishy sloppy slappable slut.

>> No.6544661
File: 66 KB, 640x426, 1430976652486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fat fetish is the most /li/ fetish

>> No.6544698


>not foot fetish

i'm disappointed

>> No.6544701

Leaving sex to the feminists is like letting your dog vacation at the taxidermist.

- Camille 'Based' Paglia

>> No.6544785


>reading books

does not computer face, when in the fuck will you cancer ridden eunuchs realize that no amount of books you read will prime you for bagging a sexy modern slag, maybe reciting some baudrillard will moisten up the pockmarked librarian with an immense clitoris and chest hair, Rimbaud might quiver her flapping cunt at a proper recitation but anyone decently worth of intestinal-prolapse dicking will pass right the fuck over your nerdish emasculation ala laughingsluts.tiff.
oh, the green pipe drams in the childhood of future serial cuckold, you'll be cucked faster than that sagging white house cunt, drop the bullshit you sexually crippled ass pirates there is only one way: get ripped, dress well, grow some balls and confidence, reach in deep within that cesspool of prehistoric subconscious data where your impotent ancestors made their mark, wade through the dregs and hope to lucifer that one of them had enough man in them to reverse your gynecomastia and release you from your puerile fuckboy faggotry.

look good. dress well. be confident, channel a semblance of assholesness, tongue in cheek, and always with a backdrop of genuine interest, fake it if you must, and just fucking approach them

its not fucking hard. there is no strategy involved.no game. you see some hardbody semen demon and you just fucking walk up to her:
shove your assburgers deep down in your uterus, approach with confidence, smile and say:
hey, this is gonna sound really random, and i don't really do this often, but I just wanted to say that I think you're one of the most attractive girls I've seen this whole week. if you look good, that will most likely have opened up the cervical floodgates, flash your most poisonous smile and wait for the pause. most, if you are actually good looking, will giggle and take it well. some might stare at you for a bit, like a cunt caught in the headlights, after which you say: well, don't you think i'm attractive too?
if she's dtf she will find it funny and laugh. next step is to establish physical contant (The fundamental tactic to taking the slut home with you that same day)
after she giggles at your comment, extend your pansy fucking hand and introduce your self, hold the handshake for a bit longer than usual, count to 6
until she starts giggling, either out of pleasure or awkwardness. both are perfectly acceptable reactions. as you do this, remember to pull off your best smile, if you're an ugly fuck you can skip this part, and pretty much the entire thing,
"anyway, i was just sitting over there (coffeshop table) and you seemed like a really cool girl. Im new in town, don't really know too many people...would you care to join me for some coffee?" your good looks, your confidence, the touching (which is the most powerful subliminal mode of connection) will have most likely won her over, unless your good looks had sealed the deal before you even talked to her, and she will agree. after some conversation,

>> No.6544787


involving further touching like holding her hand and complimenting her, with the addition of some assholish jokes thrown in, you can ask her if she is doing anything later. if she is busy, take her number "i think we'd have a lot of fun together, maybe you can show me around town, god knows i've been pretty fuckin lost since i got here"
she will give you the number. text her back the next day. fuck that PUA horse shit about waiting 3 days, thats bullshit, the very fact that she continued talking to you means that she digs you, so she will want you to call her ASAP.

talk to about 50 girls in a day. if you're good looking, and ripped, at least with half you will end up with a good shot at some future animalistic dicking of primal degeneracy. if she does not respond well to your advance and TOUCHING (most important), then drop the cunt fast and walk away because she isn't DTF. repeat this process for a month and i guarantee at least 4 steady fuckbudies by the end of it.

no amount of reading will cure you of your crippling autism you dickless monkeys. get the fuck out there. be bold. practice makes perfect.

and if you think you are not good looking, go the gym and get ripped. trust me, that will more than make up for it.

or you can read the memoirs of some fucking faggot (oscar wilde...for fucks sake) and hope his gayness will latch on to you enough that after you walk into a gay bar and get reamed by some biker name bubba ray,you'll at least feel some sense of accomplishment...

>> No.6544802

>cute face
>no signs of being fat other than massive gut
go look at tumblr girls that support the HAES "movement" and tell me if you still like fat women.

>> No.6544834

i wholeheartedly agree with everything in this thread

>> No.6544850


Which part? Some pretty conflicting views in here.

>> No.6544871 [DELETED] 
File: 237 KB, 500x388, tumblr_nczdvd0DUT1qdy17bo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I like the less conventionally attractive ones too.

>> No.6544893

That is really fucking disgusting

>> No.6544898

all of them
at once

>> No.6544902

Thanks idiot my boss just came over and transferred me to the Kabul branch

>> No.6544907


For you

>> No.6544912

have read all but the Satre and am a virgin in mid 20s, what does this mean?

>> No.6544945

what if i don't care about sex but still want their validation

>> No.6544962


thanks you, you changed ym life

>> No.6544992

aren't you like, permanently drug-addled? how do women react to that?

>> No.6545021

it means that you're ugly

>> No.6545132

Didn't Joyce and Dostoyevsky have foot fetishes?

>> No.6545138

What books would you recommend to a kissless hand-heldless virgin like myself to get a gf with a sense of womanly values that co aligns with what I think a woman's responsibilities are?

>> No.6545142

This. The real guide to getting pussy requires at least one of the following:

1. Looks
2. Money
3. Status

Have one (preferably all) of those things and you can pretend it was your charm or poetry or taste in literature that got you the girl.

>> No.6545189

I guess I have looks

But no money, and no status

And I still FUCK occasionally. But I can never keep a girlfriend, so that actually makes really good sense. Hopefully when I get money, I'll be able to find someone who will stick with me for more than a couple of months. :-( ..

This theory actually makes perfect sense now that I think about it, never seen it put Ito words before

>> No.6545217


>tfw manlet ugly and studying humanities (so poor)
>tfw i will be that university teacher who is alone and everybody laughs at.

>> No.6545223


Only thing I know about Joyce is some sort of underwear fetish.

>> No.6545225

I've read two of those. I'm a virgin.

>> No.6545236

>implying you'll be able to get a university teaching job in the competitive humanities market

>> No.6545245


Even if you're unremarkable with no money/status personality you can get far in the pussy sweepstakes.

Be interesting and don't talk about fucking literature for God's sake unless the girl is absolutely devoutly into it.

You can even be a dick as long as you're not condescending towards them directly.

>> No.6545247

>No DH Lawrence
I've read every single one of those and I'm a virgin.

>> No.6545251


>third world country fyi and best uni in that country

>> No.6545254

How the second sex will get me laid? It would make me a sjw feminist cuck faggot

>> No.6545364


>> No.6545371


It was a honest question, it will help with my misogenism? Or i will end like a worse version of schopenhauer?

>> No.6545378

>Be interesting

Doesn't how "interesting" you are depend on the girl you're talking to? How is this advice? Also, you can't be interesting to a girl unless you're attractive or whatever is "interesting" about you implies some kind of status or money. It always goes back to that.

>> No.6545386

It will only help in the sense that you can drop a French sounding quote about sex or gender at a party full of humanities majors and hope one of them will fall for it.

>> No.6545394


It's a tautology, just like those who are fittest to survive are those who survive.

Those who are getting laid, are those who are interesting in the first place. But being interesting to get laid is done when a girl is into you.

>> No.6545400

You guys have completely misunderstood this guide.
Reading the books in the guide is unnecessary, you simply need to own them and know enough about them to convince a woman that you've read them.

>> No.6545416

status is more important than money. but yes, these are the *ONLY* three things that matter when it comes to getting laid.

>> No.6545422

interesting = attractive

>> No.6545426

Fat cat? Huge vagina?

>> No.6545435


I meant: "But being interesting is confirmed only when a girl is into you, so it's a tautology"

>> No.6545595

funnily enough that's the conclusion I came to as well.

>> No.6545740
File: 161 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_0619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, consider today your lucky day. I'll give you THE book to getting pussy.
Are you ready?.
The Unbearable Lightness of Being.

>> No.6545748


i'm trying really hard not to get my girl preggos, we've had condoms exploding twice already. please don't wish for this, i'm not ready to become a father.

>> No.6545778


>lest you care

please tell me this is a joke post


>Tbh, I don't think that reading a bunch of books is the best way to score in the first place.

no. fucking. shit.

>> No.6545788


Is this for real? Someone recommended me this but I disregarded automatically as shit

>> No.6545799


>tfw looks
>tfw poor
>tfw no status

i've had a few long term relationships. maybe you just acted like a cunt.

>> No.6545806


>disregarded it as shit
>without reading even a single sentence

you have a severe case of plebeian. seek help.

>> No.6545859

Pussy. I don't get it, get it?

>> No.6545882

nah its getting your rim licked out

>> No.6545888

I used to be a feminist then I read the Second Sex. I think Beauvoir is wonderful.

Male here.

>> No.6545901

I read Norwegian Wood and it would just make an sexually awkward guy even more confused about females.

>> No.6545915

I consider myself a male feminist to an extent. I will check it out. I'm also thinking about reading Venus in Furs as I can't get over putting females on pedestals.

>> No.6545930

It's not a great book, but believe me... it works.

>> No.6545967

>tfw I like all of these
Am I a patrician now?

>> No.6546011


Kerouac got me laid once.

I'm devilishly handsome tho.

>> No.6546436 [DELETED] 


idk where you go that info ace, thanks for your concern tho bud

i do indulge, but only during bouts of week-long self-imposed isolation (about 9-10 times a year), times during which i dry to dry out the ghost and wring out the demons. otherwise my skull would fucking implode
if there is anything that i am "addicted to" is adrenaline, adventure, and escaping the suffocating ennui of this diseased bourgeois existence

some girls are very much into such things, even if they don't know it yet.

anyone can be persuaded into anything, if you have the right charm and use the right words

>> No.6546446

idk where you got that info ace, thanks for your casual diagnosis and concern tho bud,

i do indulge, but only during bouts of week-long self-imposed isolation (about 8-9 times a year), times during which i try to dry out the ghost and wring out the demons. otherwise my skull would fucking implode
if there is anything that i am "addicted to" is adrenaline, adventure, and escaping the suffocating ennui of this diseased bourgeois existence

some girls are very much into such things, even if they don't know it yet.

anyone can be persuaded into anything, if you have the right charm and use the right words

>> No.6546460 [DELETED] 


use books for your own perverted sense of self fulfillment. that and nothing else.

women/girls on the other hand, don't live in the musty pages of some faggot memoir,
get out there, there are millions of them out there. take care of your body, forget any pick-up-artist bullshit, be confident, and remember that it is merely a number's game

whoever made this thread should be castrated with crimson hot garden shears

>> No.6546465

Why Dorian Gray?

>> No.6546468


use books for your own perverted sense of self fulfillment. that and nothing else.

women/girls on the other hand, don't live in the musty pages of some faggot memoir,
get out there, there are millions of them out there. take care of your body, forget any pick-up-artist bullshit, be confident, and remember that it is merely a number's game

whoever made this thread should be castrated with crimson hot garden shears

>> No.6546473

how many tripcodes do you have and can you please stick to one so it's easier to filter your horrible summertime posts?

>> No.6547472

I've found girls like Beat in general.

>> No.6547486

why is wuthering heights so popular?

>> No.6547500

You should have read the Sartre.