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6542529 No.6542529 [Reply] [Original]

What, if anything, does /lit/ think of The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test? I'm reading it now as part of some research I'm doing on the 1960s drug-fueled counterculture for something I'm writing.

>> No.6542534

it's shit, wolfe is a hack

>> No.6542537

Just purchased it, seems like an interesting story but the authors note (at the conclusion of the story in my edition) makes it clear that Wolfe also captured the spirit of the trip itself in the writing of the story, and thus I wouldn't credit it as much more than a hallucinogenic semi-fictionalized travelogue novel.

>> No.6542561


Very fun read, if you're interested in the era.

>> No.6542565


this, it fucking sucks droopy wrinkled scrotal bags

>> No.6542571

Yeah, that's pretty obvious from the way it's written. Though I assume he did a fairly decent job of evoking the mood of the whole thing, even if it's not strictly accurate when it comes to exact historical details and such.

>> No.6542574


you assume wrong, cuck

this book is fucking trash

>> No.6542579

Samefag, please stop mindlessly shitting up this thread

>> No.6542583

Never read it but if you want a great and entertaining read from the time I'd check out Robert Anton Wilson's illumantas trilogy

Also because a lot of it was written on acid its one of the few books where the audio book helps a lot

>> No.6542585


lmao at this pathetic loser not being able to take criticism over a book he hasn't he read yet

you gonna cry, little girl, huh? you feel like crying like a little fucking queer? haha CUCK

>> No.6542588


Having read it, I doubt very much any of it was actually written on acid. It is great though.

>> No.6542596

It's extremely boring. Tom Wolf has a gift for taking exciting situations and murdering them. This book lead to my pet conspiracy theory that the CIA released LSD to hippies. Ken Keysey was a test subject for the US govt and then created The Grateful Dead with his acid tests and toured the country distributing it. The goverment learned that LSD incapacitated organized groups of people through experimentation on the military.

US Blues by The Greatful Dead:
>I'm uncle sam, that's who I am
>I been hiding out in a rock n roll band

With some tinfoil on top

>> No.6542599


that theory's bad and you should feel bad

>> No.6542608

It actually is a documented fact that the CIA distributed LSD to people as part of MKULTRA, the person you're responding to's theory takes this a little far I think though.

>> No.6542615

Just what I have read but you are probably corrext, LSD inspired perhaps but not conceived during.

RAW is an under rated mofo phoneix rising was great too

>> No.6542618

Prometheus rising to many beers

>> No.6542619
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That's why it is a tinfoil theory

>> No.6542624

Oh yeah and Keysey really was a test subject for the govt before doing all of that stuff I mean it really happened, as partially described in this book.

>> No.6542630
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>Nothing but one or two sentence posts with words like "hack", "cuck", "queer", "shit"
Chad pls go