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/lit/ - Literature

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6538716 No.6538716[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So /lit/, how Patrician are you?


>> No.6538721

Already had this thread the number remains at 20

>> No.6538722

Billions think they're writers.

Billions minus 2 or 3 actually are writers.

Big fucking deal. It was the same shit hundreds of years ago.

>> No.6538723
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>mfw modern feminism

>> No.6538776


SHIT that image pisses me off. Where in the fuck did this 'Hemingway is just a manly man writer who wrote about man things' bullshit come from? It's not about a person fishing, it's about THE WRITING. Ignorant feminist. Sure, lots of males misunderstand that Bukowski is notable for his brutal honesty, not because 'oh damn dude he drinks all the time and doesn't need THE MAN to get through life', but Hemingway is cement. He's here and he's influenced EVERYBODY worthwhile. Great writers who are female are just as indebted to him as males; Egan, Williams, Beattie, Stafford, Bowles, Moore, O'Connor, Homes, Hempel, Phillips, Robison, Mason, etc.

The horror!
The endless talks about Morrison!
"but I'd say my biggest influence is Viginia Wolff"

christ. I bet she thinks male writers read Hemingway's war novels.

>> No.6538788

This shit kills me to no end.

>> No.6538791

Women tend to not like Hemingway, so he's associated with masculinity.

>> No.6538793

Men do the same thing here with Jane Austin and Sylvia Plaith

>> No.6538795

>Great writers who are female are just as indebted to him as males; Egan, Williams, Beattie, Stafford, Bowles, Moore, O'Connor, Homes, Hempel, Phillips, Robison, Mason, etc.
>Hemingway invented minimalism and emotional reticence

>> No.6538799

I guess someone got mad when they got ridiculed for reading harry potter in their twenties

>> No.6538810

I have an ebook of one book on that list and one physical set listed on it. I might eventually get around to one more ebook on that list.

>> No.6538819

I own a whopping 3 books on that list, and I'm actually not even sure if I own Gatsby any more, I may have given it away.

You know what this list is? It's the reading list of the male equivalent of basic bitches. Seriously, that list is pleb as fuck. Nobody on this board actually owns more than twenty of the books on that list, right? If so you should be ashamed of yourself.

>> No.6538822


the point isn't who 'invented' the style which is now an umbrella term for non-maximalists, his writing, regardless of what journalists call it, directly influenced all those writers I listed and most American fiction writers. To dismiss his work (like our elegantly verbose, beloved Corn Father did) as boyish and 'for men' is absurd.

Obviously Hemingway didn't invent surface-focus and emotionally-interior characters, but more fiction writers would list him before Chekhov, Flaubert, Anderson, etc.

>> No.6538827

most of that list is utter trite. lolita is the only one I own

>> No.6538828

Just stop posting about these fucking SJW's

These people ought all to be hanged and no one cares what they think.

Also, 70% of those books are shit and the author has an obvious inferiority complex because she is a female. Someone should give her a dildo so she can put in on her pants and start feeling like a man. Then she'll be a little bit happier, that lamentable idiot.

>> No.6538832

The number is about 5. Pretty bad, tbh. But there are books on there that I *should* own.

And what's so bad about this? I always have a hard time understanding the motivation of lists like these. No discernible common thread exists here. And these books seem to be of general interest to *many* people. So what is the point?

>hurr straight white cis-male tumblr-memes agan

>> No.6538842
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Can this now be a thread about literature women will never understand?

>> No.6538845

>men read exclusively other men

what a piece of shit

>> No.6538848

Just imagine the twitter/tumblr rage if there was a list about "books that literally every black female owns". The white male is now an easy target for everything that every unfulfilled woman (or anyone of any other race) wants to blame us for.

>> No.6538869
File: 30 KB, 241x110, Screen-Shot-2015-05-13-at-9.19.15-AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Followup post, where they list comments they deleted from the original clickbait:


>> No.6538873


assuming that the black females are interested in literature, the list would probably be nearly identical to this one. That's why it's so retarded. Anybody, regardless of race/gender, who likes books is probably going to read Lolita and Gastby.

>> No.6538875

I dont get this article? am i supposed to feel bad about being a white man? the more books i own, the more white i am, and therefore the worse i should feel? Read the comments section, theres people ashamed of owning any of these books because it makes them more "white". what in the fuck? what?

>> No.6538876

that comment is tipping as hard as saying all guys only read game of thrones.

>implying the cliche isn't true

take a look at /lit/'s recommended books. about 1 female for every 100 males.

>> No.6538881

It's SJW dogwhistle politics, where 'white' and 'male' are both seen as negative things, so they can post a list like this and then express surprise when people complain, saying "hey, I made no negative comment", when that was actually the unspoken intention behind the post.

>> No.6538884 [DELETED] 
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>am i supposed to feel bad about being a white man?
You're born with privilege. The shame you should be feeling is only compensation for years of subliminally oppressing others.
> the more books i own, the more white i am, and therefore the worse i should feel? The right to intellectualism belongs almost entirely to those with the funds to provide for it. By owning books, you're holding others less fortunate than yourself back.

>> No.6538886

the whole point of this article is to create rage among white dudes (and it did), so your counterfactual hypothetical is really no different

it's just a comedy website trolling thin-skinned white dudes. it's not a great joke but it makes people mad which is kinda funny

>> No.6538887

>everyone should buy into my cultural illusions and read things they have no concern for

>> No.6538896

It would be a small, sad, shitty list to make for women, and pretty easy to do so too. Just go onto OKCupid for 10 minutes, there's always a pattern with the authors.

>> No.6538898

Are you all being deliberately obtuse? It was just a joke about the kind of books a certain sort of guy buys a lot, clam the fuck down.

>> No.6538899

1. Jane Austen - Pride and Prejudice

>> No.6538900

muh reverse racexism

>itt: white males not able see a joke
Tags: books, i own most of these books myself

>> No.6538901

>(and it did)
There is an obvious imbalance if you're not delusional or blind though.

>> No.6538903


every comment:

"thank god we have moderators so only what we approve of can be said about our comments directed at individuals/entire races&genders"

this is why women cannot politics

>> No.6538904

So liking good writing and stories is a white male thing?

God it's fucking awesome to be a guy and white. Even other races and gashes are jealous of our superior taste.

>> No.6538905

yes, there is an imbalance, for every troll an SJW makes, there are countless threads made on 4chan so people can hug it out. face it, you're just as bad if not more hysteric.

>> No.6538907
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nice memes

>> No.6538910


>a certain sort of guy


>> No.6538911

Yeah and I think that's just as awful.

>> No.6538912

retards like you are the reason this shit exists

>> No.6538913

>face it, you're just as bad if not more hysteric.
good b8 m80
wait wait, I've already got your next response

>> No.6538915


>> No.6538916

>write an article about le nigger black man is the devil.
2 years in prison
>write an article about le honkey cracker man is the devil
im jus trollin guys, its only a troll. y u mad?

Honestly can white women fuck off? Just go away the stupid brats

>> No.6538921

No, its not, he responded agressively to your stupid racist propaganda, which any normal (noncastrated) man would do

>> No.6538922


nah I was saying MOST people who enjoy literature are PROBABLY going to read books considered significant. What do you mean read things they have no concern for? You honestly think people care about rich people in the 20's? No, it's the narrative, you dipshit.

>> No.6538927

Jesus, this site.

>Even a lyrical essay about tornado chasing can serve to remind us in an aside about the culture of white supremacy in the United States:

>> No.6538928
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I love /lit/ because you can see how many progressive manginas are attracted to the board in threads like these

>> No.6538933


what kills you, Holden?

>> No.6538935

How so?

I read a plethora of books that are engaging have have depth to them. Women read books about being tied up and fucked by a rich guy.

Who is truly the retard here?

>you are

>> No.6538937

jej u mad

>> No.6538939

Isn't it awful?

This is a great indication of how colleges have turned the western male population into sackless leftist faggots. Not one of these so called men have fucking spines.

>> No.6538942

phonies anon, phonies.

>> No.6538943

yeah, gotta love how they always try to justify whites being bashed in public
"its only a troll"
"not all white ppl"
"only the racist ones"
etc etc
you are so desperate to fit in or get laid so you even will accept a kick to the nuts and say thank you afterwards.

>> No.6538945


>> No.6538952

lol this lady made a list of books with literally no coherent thought or reason behind it and then when people are confused and don't understand its purpose, her and her cronies can snicker amongst themselves about gettin the white guy real good.

its like me posting a list of random books making fun of marxists, the books themselves having nothing to do with marxism, and then yelling "GOT EM" when no one understands it.

>> No.6538953


damn dude you're right you're so alpha how can I be as cool as you on this chinese 'select all the burritos' bulletin board?

>> No.6538954

Sorry, it's something you're born with.

>> No.6538955

>select all the burritos

I constantly get the sandwiches.

>mfw greasy hamburgers count as sandwiches.

>> No.6538956



>> No.6538959

you forgot something about muh white knights bro.

>> No.6538975

>chinese 'select all the burritos' bulletin board
I was quite interested in seeing where this meme ended up. I am satisfied.

>> No.6538976


I know tons of women who like Hemingway. It comes down to what women (or anyone) wants out of writing. Generalizing is bad news, but people who like historical, political, 'happy' or heavily opinionated fiction aren't going to enjoy H-man. With the internet making people more interior I think there's a resurgence of Hemingway's type of writing and less feel-good or verbose Faulker-type stuff (this is evident in YA trash too; tons of the books are 'dark' or dystopian)

>> No.6538984

/lit/'s reaction to this has seriously lowered my opinion of it.

>> No.6538989

Your reaction to /lit/'s reaction of this has lowered my opinion of you.

>> No.6538995

were you expecting us to merely point out that the books listed are for faggots?
too easy

>> No.6539002


>he has an opinion about the whole of a Serbian cartoon Ouija board

>> No.6539008

I'd say that is also due to the fact that in the past, writers were predominantly male, but I guess you're right to some extent. It would be interesting to see statistics of overall male:female reading ratio in modern society

>> No.6539022

It could be that also that there is a sort of skill ceiling. It's not that it's that females can't reach the level of Hemingway, it's that very few humans can period.

>> No.6539023

Like many other misconceptions about writers: people either haven't read him or read one or two of his works and misunderstood them.

Well they've created a system of mental gymnastics that excuses prejudice toward certain groups of people, so you can bet your ass they're gonna take full advantage of it. You can't expect people to not be assholes if they know they'll get a free pass.

There's absolutely no coherency to the list. It's not a stereotype of a specific type of person, it's "I think I once knew a white guy who liked this book" with a sprinkling of "this book is commonly considered masculine." I cannot for the life of me imagine the type of person who would own this kind of collection of books.

There was no effort put into it because it's not meant to be comedy, it's just a cheap jab at white guys to satisfy their own sense of self-righteousness.

>> No.6539089


>> No.6539108



>> No.6539120

If you combine physical and eBooks, then 14.

>> No.6539141

I ain't clicking on some anti white male site.

>> No.6539144

>5. A collection of John Lennon’s drawings.

Is that a thing?

>> No.6539145

>The first two volumes of A Song of Ice and Fire, George R.R. Martin
Don't know why the author is so specific about this, but it's actually true for me. Picked up both volumes at a second hand book store when I had just started watching Game of Thrones. They were about 3 euros each. I have never read them.

>> No.6539149

>people not realizing that 4chan is infested with tumbrltier leftist and paid shillbots pushing agendas.


>> No.6539205

Shelby Foote's Civil War Trilogy is quite good, though. You oughta check it out.

>> No.6539208

I've got 16, 62, 63, and 64 :^)
i guess the others are under my bed :^)

>> No.6539215


>> No.6539217

books literally every woman that says she reads owns

i capture the castle by dodi smith
pride and prej by jane austen
norweigan wood by murakami
jane eyre by charlotte bronte
middlemarch by george eliot (hasn't started)
ariel by sylvia plath
the waves by virginia woolf (gave up)
the female eunuch by germaine greer (hasn't finished)
assorted david sedaris
harry potter (well thumbed)
to kill a mockingbird
lolita (disgusted by)

>> No.6539226

Just throw in some Vonnegut and you've got it.

>> No.6539227

Nice list of obscure female authors. Expect a truckload of pussy in 3-5 business days.

>> No.6539229
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Topkek you showed those women

>> No.6539235

Also, are you guys actually offended by this? A bunch of assholes with poor senses of humour attempted a humorous article and failed. They'll get older. Or are you genuinely worried about the sisterhood oppressing you?

>> No.6539242

>i dont have any books on that list and im proud

Do you just get rid of books once you've read them?

>> No.6539244

But it's just true anon, no need to get shitter-shattered.

>> No.6539258

I Capture the Castle is pretty decent, in a simple romantic way.

>> No.6539268

Patrician here

>> No.6539277

Is this seriously an entire site dedicated to making fun of feminists? Looks like people are constantly uploading poorly written shit for it as well. This whole feminist hate meme is getting out of control

>> No.6539301

I've got Farewell To Arms, Great Gatsby, and Clockwork Orange--all from my High School days.

Lolita is the only other one I have, which I didn't buy when I was in school.

>> No.6539305
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You read too many engaging books?>>6538928
Yeah, white guys still desperately trying to get laid one of two main demographics here. The other is white guys who gave up.

>> No.6539316

Lists like these where it's just a bunch of entry level books make me think white people don't believe minorities read.

>> No.6539319

This is far into Poe's Law territory...

>> No.6539345
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>4. Infinite Jest, David Foster Wallace

Wait, WAIT. I'm not anglo-saxon and I thought this books was only a /lit/ joke ? Is it really that popular in burgerlands ?

>> No.6539355

What kind of fucking retard newfags do wenhave here on /lit/? I hope you are newfags. Falling for clickbait. I have no words.

>> No.6539363
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use archive.today so they don't get hits

>> No.6539365

What if I don't want archive.today to get hits, you retarded mongfucker?

>> No.6539367

you're dumb. here's why:
- black females don't act like they have an advanced taste in literature while reading the same entry level shit
- black females aren't on the same level socially as white men so a simple substitution as though they were social equals, like you have done in your hypothetical, is misleading and unsubstantial
- "The white male is now an easy target for everything that every unfulfilled woman" just demonstrates that women are still the easiest targets

>> No.6539369

youre retarded

>> No.6539372

it's critical but not inherently negative

>> No.6539376


yes your well-read knowledge shows

>> No.6539390

Yeah. Most of these deleted comments are not in any way offensive.
They were deleted and then later mocked simply for disagreeing with the "author."

>> No.6539395

>simply for disagreeing

that's really what you take away from that page?

>> No.6539396

what are you, gamergate? Fuck off

>> No.6539401

As a white male this thread is literally taking away my rights.

>> No.6539402

>white males are well read
I'm okay with this. I'm not really sure how you could spin this as a negative thing, unless you think all of those books are bad, only a few are.

Serious question. Is whiteness an ethnicity or a look? I'm Caucasian but I have dark skin, dark eyes and dark hair. I basically don't look white at all. People always ask me what country my parents are from. Should I be mad about this, as a quasi-white man? I definitely think it's a disgusting article, but should I personally feel offended?

>> No.6539406

Fuck you buddy. Am I asking you to know recent authors popular in my country ? How do you think you'd fare faggot ?

>> No.6539420

No it wasn't because most people couldn't read hundreds of years ago

>> No.6539431

>if there was a list about "books that literally every black female owns"
It would be pretty short.

>> No.6539436

Choose one.

>> No.6539442

By being well read, white people are disadvantaging the other races and genders who are less well read.

Before you pick up your next book, stop and think about how your learning is disadvantaging another, less privileged person.

>> No.6539444


>> No.6539446

yeh i feel like i'm going to have an aneurysm if i have to read any more of this shit-if you want a real test though, try reading the comments without wanting to cut your dick off in rage

>> No.6539449

Not him ,but that is pretty much how that page went.

The bitter is very very strong on that site

>> No.6539455

-How to Win and Please a White Man

>> No.6539460


I hope you are not actually this retarded.

>> No.6539465

He may or may not be gamergate, but he's definitely an autist because he's preoccupied with hits rather than the bigger issue of clickbait being shit that's not worth looking at in general.

>> No.6539475

only 4, this is why even nerdy girls don't like me

>> No.6539479

1, 2, 4, 9, 13, 14, 18, 58, 62 + 72.
what a shit list, i feel bad for giving them traffic.
sieg heil

>> No.6539499

stop feeding the beast guys

>> No.6539529

'pretty much'

have some conviction

>> No.6539547

So women can jokingly make sweeping generalizations of the opposite gender but men can't or they're being sexist?

>> No.6539557
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That comment list is just as retarded as the book list. This thread is just an unintentional parody of that comment list. This thread is dildos.

>> No.6539639

newfag detected

>> No.6539660
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I'm only new to all the amerian buzzfeed "white kids do that" "straight white men do this" culture but isn't this one pretty lazy in general

I mean if you have to pick up nearly a hundred books, stretch it from Tom Clancy to Thomas Pynchon and mostly include classics and bestsellers are you really suppose to pat yourself on the back over how accurately a few of those will describe some people's literaly taste. This is like saying you will guess someone's age and say they're between 10 and 100.

In general this whole article seems like a relict of the hipster-bashing mid-00's where one way you'd try to "disarm" people who intimitate you is to notice and list their habits and behaviors:

>have you ever notice how these people go to Starbucks and listen to indie music!!

Or at least this is how I feel when I look at the comments section and see a girl making a proto "movies every white man own" and she literally writes:


Get it! Because if you're white you are likely to enjoy two movies considered the best of all time! How predictable you are. She can see right through your bullshit

>> No.6539670


I'm somewhat annoyed at you guys because you immediately starting shitting on black people for this

This article has white college girl who thinks she's on a sitcom written all over it, like any other attempt of mocking le white men (and you can tell that by how 99% of the time they mention an ex-boyfriend) yet it's us who always get attacked for it

>> No.6539882

I don't "get" this article. Why am I reading a list of books that "all white men own"? Also,

>implying the average person owns at least 80 books

>> No.6539893

i started looking at the list but than i remembered I'm not a white male. dodged a bullet there.

>> No.6539918

Is owning a book that a lot of white men own supposed to be some kind of insult?
Are those books supposed to be bad because of it?

>> No.6539935

Other articles written by this woman:

Foods you will find in literally every black mans fridge
>collard greens
>fried chicken

70 things literally every gay men says all the time

>you go girl!
>I heart dick!

60 things literally every heteronormative artists use

Omg I can't even

>> No.6539943

>Lance Armstrong
>Tom Clancy

>> No.6539944
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>> No.6539962

I was sad to learn that she didn't really write these articles.

>> No.6539963

So who wants to write a list of books every girl on tumblr owns? I'll start

The bell jar
The notebook
Where'd you go Bernadette
My horizontal life
50 shades of grey series
Twilight series
Fear of flying
Norwegian wood
The fault in our stars
Harry Potter series
The lovely bones
The hunger games
The secret
The south beach diet

>> No.6539977

I wish I could have people who use 'literally' in this manner neutered.

>> No.6539987

She's a woman. You'd have to have this one spayed.

>> No.6539988

which one of his words triggered you?

>> No.6539995

>this chinese 'select all the burritos' bulletin board
I actually laughed out loud. I made a noise with my mouth and throat.

>> No.6540004
File: 50 KB, 608x780, 1420690132323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Definition of LITERALLY

>: in a literal sense or manner : actually <took the remark literally> <was literally insane>
>: in effect : virtually <will literally turn the world upside down to combat cruelty or injustice — Norman Cousins>

>> No.6540019

That's LITERALLY the definition of literally

>> No.6540032

The underlying assumption of this list is that clearly the author believes that white men are the only people that read in general, since it's just a collection of popular best sellers. She's really narrow minded to assume only white people are literate. Literally ;^D

>> No.6540036

Are you being ironic? I can't tell, because literally can now literally mean anything.

>> No.6540040


you've probably read most of those authors if you have any interest in the American short story or novel

>> No.6540058

The thing about def 2 is shown in the example, namely that it (legitimately) applies when the thing literally happening is itself metaphorical