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6538782 No.6538782 [Reply] [Original]

Books that remind you of OP
Ayn Rand is masturbation for 12 year old's egos.

>> No.6538914

why does everyone hate Rand. I am not familiar with her but everyone hates her, but I never hear a real reason. I'd greatly appreciate an answer.

>> No.6538923

She is American arrogance incarnate.

>> No.6538925

i'm not amerifat and i'd honestly never even heard of her prior to discovering /lit/

>> No.6538931

because /lit/ and the internet in general is a place that is sympathetic to collectivism and in opposition to capitalist thought, Ayn Rand is the antithesis of socialism/marxism, and therefore a lot of people hate her.

>> No.6539025

To be fair I think it's her fans which cause most of the disdain.

>> No.6539039

She is every bit as bad as her fans are though.

>> No.6539052

she's the father of neoliberalism.

it's not just her work either. go listen to her talk. she's an obnoxious twat who's amazingly full of herself for someone non-American.

>> No.6539085
File: 822 KB, 1000x1264, donquixote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brb drunk shitposting in a shit thread so I can excuse my shit questions.

Should I read Dune or Pet Sematary? I realize they aren't that similar of books but they were the only good books my roommate had in his box of shit. I have a few other options but not sure which to read first:
Don Quixote
Finnegan's Wake
The Iliad (durr start with Greeks)
War & Peace
The Brothers Karamazov
I'm halfway done Crime & Punishment but figured I would take a short break so I don't "chug a $2000 dollar bottle of wine" but I plan to finish it soon (this week)

Is Infinite Jest a meme or actually worth reading?

Where do I start with philosophy? I don't want to obtain this knowledge to become so smug faggot (lol who am I kidding)

Is Stirner that good? or just a fedoracuckmeme?

Where do I start with people like Hegel, Stirner, Kierkegaard, Proust or other "top-tier" names mentioned on this forum.

>These 5 litres of wine $15 is fucking me up bruh

>> No.6539088

I wasn't really planning to read War & Peace/The Brothers Karamazov til after Crime and Punishment

>> No.6539113

Most white men don't read. Most people in general dont read. That list + your post is stupid.

>> No.6539230

says the guy who replies to the wrong thread

>> No.6539286

Start with Finnegans Wake and continue from there. The Greeks meme is shit and I would recommend you to read some Marx and then Nietzsche.

>> No.6539303
File: 111 KB, 598x800, dune-sandworm-crochet-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the hero riding a giant worm into battle
calling Dr. Freud

>> No.6539306

Only commies hate her.

>> No.6539329
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>> No.6539333

>for someone non-American.
She WAS an American. Anyone who comes to America and becomes a citizen is an American. That's the thing about America.

>> No.6539344

She was a poor-to-mediocre writer of crappy thrillers who convinced herself and a handful of her fans that she was the greatest thinker to ever live.

>> No.6539346

Throw away Finnegan's Wake, itnwill never be read.

>> No.6539349

"That`s the thing" with citizenship in just about all countries.

>> No.6539356

reading so many butthurt comments about her actually propels me to read her books

>> No.6539360

This is probably bait, but nobody on /lit/ has a problem with others reading. You're wasting nobody's time but your own.

>> No.6539414

>reading the works of a notable author
>ever a waste of time

you think i should ignore things that express certain views because i'm unlikely to like or agree with them? i come across references to rand every now and then, and the opinions seem to be pretty polarised, so to my mind reading at least one of her books would be useful even if only it allowed me to hold a conversation about it when people bring it up

rather than, you know, bashing something on the basis of a wikipedia article on it or whatever

>> No.6539416

You give her too much credit

>> No.6539418

rand haters being petulant children as per usual.

>> No.6539422

The thing is her fictional works are excessively long. Read her non-fiction if you are interested.

>> No.6539426

The funny thing is that Rand haters behave in the stereotypical fashion described by Rand.

>> No.6539453

She was an ok writer. Pretending her work was philosophical and even giving it a name was retarded.

>> No.6539580

No, they don't. Rand proclaimed herself a philosopher and, at the same time, got totally butthurt if anyone even considered the possibility of the reality being something else/more than what we can see. She hated even considering other options! That's the very antithesis of a philosopher.

>> No.6539616

Too long of a book or what's your reasoning behind this?

>> No.6539621


I think you really misunderstand the concept of existential strength.

>> No.6539645

I'll get flak for this, but honestly I like her.

Don't get me wrong, there are problems with her thought, and she is rather arrogant, but she's not "wrong" on a lot of this.

I enjoyed Atlas Shrugged, I enjoyed the Fountainhead, I enjoyed Anthem. And since the Atlas Scoiety-ARI split, the philosophy has grown some, making it an open system was necessary to correct a lot of the errors she made.

I also find it funny how board that basically worships Max Stirner bashes Ayn Rand, because she's egotistical and proud.

>> No.6539651

People try to bash Max too.

This board is infested with many a beta cuck. And they seem to hate anyone with an ego.

Also Rand is kinda a meme if you have been here for 4years plus there was a phase where she was overly posted and bannable material at one point.

The resentment of that time remains, but many people are new and just following the monkey see monkey do emotional reaction

>> No.6539659


>People try to bash Max too.

And they fail. Just as Marx did with his pathetic 600 page long ad Hominen attack.

>Also Rand is kinda a meme if you have been here for 4years plus there was a phase where she was overly posted and bannable material at one point.The resentment of that time remains, but many people are new and just following the monkey see monkey do emotional reaction

I was not aware of that, actually. It explains all the butthurt though.

>> No.6540162

Go read her philosophical books and you'll understand

>> No.6540170

If you think she's not wrong when it comes to Objectivism then you're a fucking moron.
No real philosopher has ever taken her seriously.