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/lit/ - Literature

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6537850 No.6537850[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>/lit/ thread about politics
>/pol/fags rush in

>/lit/ thread about women
>/pol/fags rush in again

>/lit/ thread about a book or an author
>zero /pol/ shit to be found

Okay /pol/, you want to come in here, do your thing? Culturally enrich this board like you do in so many others? Why not do it in this thread too? I challenge you to talk about a book you've read, any book. Mein Kampf, Turner Diaries, Ride the Tiger, any book you want. It has to be a book that you've read, though. Not an article, not a copypasta, but a book. Go ahead, prove to us that you can, and are able to, read a book. Give us evidence that you aren't illiterate.

>> No.6537861


>> No.6537872 [DELETED] 

>muh feels

Are you some sort of feminist cuck? Hysterically complaining when facts are presented to your liberal-diseased mind?

Even redpilled truth is too much for you, maybe it's time to return to tumblr, sweetheart.

Evola has written wonderful stuff.

>> No.6537881 [DELETED] 

Ahma victum of polfag opresshun

>> No.6537882

>Evola has written wonderful stuff.
Tell me something about Evola that a cursory skimming of his wiki page would not yield

>> No.6537888 [DELETED] 

He was redpilled.

>> No.6537897

Board memeing is not literature.

I kind of wish q was still around so you whiny cunts could have your echo chamber, but instead you shit up every other board

>> No.6537899
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Well of course /pol/ reads, that's why they base their awakened-consciousness narrative on a well-established Socratic dialogue like the Allegory of the Cave instead of some popular sci-fi film with glitzy special effects like The Matrix.

That's also why they know how to spell "cuckold."

>> No.6537922


>this much irony

pol has build their whole mindset out of being victims of oppression

>> No.6537932

yeah well
shut up fag

>> No.6537934 [DELETED] 

Are you denying that there is a Jewish plot which includes postmodernists, marxists, cultural marxists, liberals, and feminists and whose aim it is to wipe out the white race and western civilization as such?

>the indoctrination is real

>> No.6537936

> Well of course /pol/ reads, that's why they base their awkward-consciousness narrative on a well-established Image made in paint, like the image of the Frankfurt School, instead of some well respected website with glitzy references and an actually bibliography like Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy

>> No.6537939 [DELETED] 
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>mfw all the cucks, feminists, niggers and Jews get rekt by pol and all they can do is cry

>> No.6537942

>respected website
>Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy

I think you'll find they are owned by cultural marxist Jews

>> No.6537944

Cool, so you are illiterate then.

>> No.6537946

I read guns, germs, and steel and it was driven by pure unfounded rhetoric in order to imply that whites have had an easy existence compared to mudpeople.

>implying africa isn't rich in almost every natural resource.

Seriously it isn't the white man's fault that africans are fucking retarded. There's no need to write a whole book full of biased bullshit to slander the entirety of europeans.

>> No.6537950

hey Sage
nice to see you

>> No.6537953
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What was the point of this thread?

>> No.6537954
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Pol can't read

>> No.6537956

>thinking that /pol/ doesn't read

Is this fucking serious?

>> No.6537957

newfag forgot to delete his name

>> No.6537966 [DELETED] 

liberal cucks, mate.

I've read 100 pages in Mein Kampf today.

>> No.6537968

Nice greentext dude, screencap'd

>> No.6537976
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Sure you have. Which translation is your copy?

>> No.6537981

ITT: /pol/ gets rekt

>> No.6537985

They're not doing anything to prove us wrong.

>> No.6537986

Du bist dum. Ich komme aus Deutschland, du Scheisskopf

>> No.6537987 [DELETED] 

>I would rather have a leftist echo chamber than risk the possibility that someone could disagree with me

>> No.6537988

I don't know, it's the hardcover one with a big swastika

>> No.6537995

I would like to know if any pol type in here has read the doctrine of fascism by Mussolini.

>> No.6537996

could you please cite your sources on this quote?

>> No.6538001 [DELETED] 

no, that stuff is just so dull and it's not even about killing Jews

>> No.6538008 [DELETED] 

You mean the Jews who didn't get killed of course! Muh 6 millions

Zyklon b can't melt steel beams

>> No.6538012 [DELETED] 

Golly, it's almost as if national socialism was single-issue as fuck, and deserving of no more respect than teenagers who like Ron Paul because he wants to "legalize weed, dude!"

>> No.6538018
File: 62 KB, 362x200, bickle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read Shakespeare's shit and I am very underwhelmed. I know why Shakespeare has the reputation he has - he carried the Cartesian subject into art. Before him there are no "characters" in art in the modern sense. The main theme in Homer or Virgil is heroism or the Roman state; the characters are symbols, they represent something higher than themselves, they are part of a grand cosmology, they fit in to an objective order of the universe.
Descartes broke man's relation to the objective order of the universe with his method of doubt, which results in his Cogito, the essence of which is that your thought is the first fact of your being. This is the metaphysical ground for all the individualism we've seen in politics and art over the last few hundred years. The Cartesian ego/subject liberated from any objective order is entirely free to determine itself - it is what it thinks. It says to itself what God says about Himself in the Old Testament - "I AM WHO I AM", the Cartesian ego wants to define itself, it doesn't want to be put into an objective order and defined by externals. The philosophy of existentialism is a branch of Cartesianism.
Shakespeare's "genius", beside his Elizabethan verbal wizardry, is this - is bringing of the Cartesian subject to the stage. The highest point of consciousness in a Shakespeare play is where the character on stage becomes aware that he is a character on a stage playing a part. This is the Cartesian moment of radical ontological separation from the world, "I think, therefore I am."
Harold Bloom says that Shakespeare invented the human. He didn't, he only invented the modern individualist human, the schizophrenic who believes that reality is in his head, and this was really Descartes more than Shakespeare.
The radical thing about Hamlet's "to be or not to be" is the assumption that one has a choice, that one can choose to be or not to be. The classical assumption is that one simply is and has to deal with the fact, develop the virtues in accordance to the objective reality of being. If one has been assigned the role of farmer, one should seek perfection as a farmer; if a soldier, then as a soldier, etc. The Cartesian subject is "the stuff that dreams are made of", it can choose its own essence/being. Essentially, it its own God, the creator of its own world. Look at American cinema. Clint Eastwood in his Wild West desert of know objective values, he is the rugged individual who defines himself. Travis Bickle the insomniac taxi driver loses his grip on reality and in the end you get this image symbolizing his complete cut from reality and the sovereignty of his mind over all reality. This is a kind of Gnosticism.

>> No.6538021 [DELETED] 
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> calling anyone else an "echo chamber"

You're welcome here, but you can't shitpost your cognitive dissonance away like you can on /pol/.

>> No.6538022

I'm from /pol/ and today I read Otto Weiningers anti-feminism.

His main points:

Women are the sin of man
Women cannot be ethical
Women cannot love properly
Women are inferior

Unfortunately he committed suicide at age 23, a virgin, and robbed us of his genius.

I will now read Schopenhauer on women.

>> No.6538026

Good lord.

>> No.6538034

>a good philosopher
No such thing. Everyone one of the arguments against science and empiricism by philosophers amounts to 'But what ifff!!?? :'(((('.

It is a shitty field/profession/whateveryouretardscallit for morons who can't do basic logic and math. All of philosophy seems to be rear guard action against the inevitable end where science proves it to be the playground of retards. They've lost a lot of ground already and are too stupid to admit it.

>inb4 waa waah waht or where did we lose?
Physics come to mind. The movement of the planets

>inb4 some stuff isn't known so philosophy is still gud
Just because we don't know the full picture doesn't mean you get to fill in the blanks with fairy tales.

>> No.6538035
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>pretending Scheisskopf is an established German insult

Ach, wie peinlich.

>> No.6538037

Fantasy is as importance in our liberal society as religion is in a traditional society. The society of Cartesian egos needs to give its subjects sufficient fantasy apparatus to continue in its belief that it determines its own being, just as the traditional subject needs religion in order to integrate into the objective order of the world, to learn his place in the divine order that lives above him.

>> No.6538042

OP here. Okay yeah, you can stay. You're cool. You seem to know your Descartes.

>> No.6538047 [DELETED] 

>doesn't realize Shakespeare and Descartes were Jews
>not realizing they subverted Western civilization and subjectivity
>being a feminist

back 2 tumblr, dear

>> No.6538060

Surely if you could read a hundred pages of it, you can read the edition notice.

>> No.6538064
File: 28 KB, 375x375, rarest pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this fucking thread

This is the most fun I've had on /lit/ in months.

>> No.6538066

Existential angst is the feeling of nausea/vertigo that the Cartesian ego feels whenever it comes into contact with object being. Aristotle said that philosophy begins with wonder. This wonder itself beings with the epiphany of being, the realization that things are, that there is being. For the existential philosopher, however, this contact with being does not cause wonder or awe, but a profound disgust. Why? Because the Cartesian ego is threatened by all being outside of itself. It wants to determine all reality by its thought. If there is something that it cannot control with its thought it is scandalized. This goes to the modern obsession with controlling everything through science, and the rejection of essences ("essentialism"), such that a person is said to be even able to define their own gender, because even being assigned a gender by the objective order of being is too much for the Cartesian ego which wants to entirely be a law unto itself.

>> No.6538069

I'm a /new/smen and my favorite novel is Blood Meridian.

Come at me faggots.

>> No.6538076

Are you sure you're in the right thread?

>> No.6538078

> I know why Shakespeare has the reputation he has - he carried the Cartesian subject into art

Discourse on the Method published in 1637
Shakespeare died in 1616

>Descartes broke man's relation to the objective order of the universe with his method of doubt
Descartes was responding to Pyrrho who lived in ancient Greece, and Skepticism was getting bigger in Europe. That's why Descartes pulled an objective order of the world out of his ass.

> The Cartesian ego/subject liberated from any objective order is entirely free to determine itself
Did you actually read anything by Descartes or just the "cogito ergo sum" quote?

> The philosophy of existentialism is a branch of Cartesianism
u fockin wot 8

> he only invented the modern individualist human, the schizophrenic who believes that reality is in his head, and this was really Descartes more than Shakespeare.
solipsism's been around since the Greeks. I'm not surprised to see someone from /pol/ espousing solipsism though.

>> No.6538081

>ITT reddit fights /pol/ and trolls troll trolls and we all lose

>> No.6538083

Who said this originally?

>> No.6538085

>Are you sure you're in the right thread?
Existential angst is the feeling of nausea/vertigo that the Cartesian ego feels whenever it comes into contact with object being. Aristotle said that philosophy begins with wonder. This wonder itself beings with the epiphany of being, the realization that things are, that there is being. For the existential philosopher, however, this contact with being does not cause wonder or awe, but a profound disgust. Why? Because the Cartesian ego is threatened by all being outside of itself. It wants to determine all reality by its thought. If there is something that it cannot control with its thought it is scandalized. This goes to the modern obsession with controlling everything through science, and the rejection of essences ("essentialism"), such that a person is said to be even able to define their own gender, because even being assigned a gender by the objective order of being is too much for the Cartesian ego which wants to entirely be a law unto itself.

>> No.6538086

What a fight /pol/ put up.

>> No.6538087

why are you talking about politics or women in /lit/? why would you think you can talk about politics or women and not have people who may disagree with you? fuck you.

>> No.6538088

i thought you did

>> No.6538092

>Discourse on the Method published in 1637
>Shakespeare died in 1616

Oh well, you know what Hegel said, if the facts don't fit the theory, so much for the facts.
I'll just amend my theory to say that an incipient Cartesianism was already latent in the late Renaissance and that Descartes and Shakespeare merely formalized this current in philosophy and art respectively.

>Did you actually read anything by Descartes or just the "cogito ergo sum" quote?
nope, u mad?

>solipsism's been around since the Greeks.
Yes, maybe, but it was a fringe belief, not something that penetrated into the larger culture. Cartesianism is the philosophy of the modern world. This solipsistic "I am who I am" is the hallmark of the liberal/individualist mind. Socialism/Marxism is actually a reaction against this, as it intends to impose a new cosmology and object order of things.

>> No.6538104 [DELETED] 

Because the majority of /lit/ is full blown SJW.

Their generation is the worst thing to happen to literature for they detest any thinking that doesn't fall under their own.

They can't name one good book that has come from their community in the last five years.

>> No.6538108


>> No.6538110

That's an interesting perspective.

>> No.6538112 [DELETED] 

>people only express political views in threads about politics and not in threads about literature

What a shock!

>anyone who deviates from radical progressive dogma to any degree on any point is a far-right racist like /pol/

Yeah fuck off. You're the left wing equivalent of /pol/ and the cancer killing liberalism.

>> No.6538116

this is pasta

>> No.6538124

I don't give a fuck about /pol/ you shitbag. It's just pathetic that you losers get so mad when someone interrupts your precious Marxist circlejerk and start screaming "GO BACK TO POL LOSER" like some kind of Philistine.

>> No.6538132

I don't see the sources on these quotes, could you point them out for me?

>> No.6538138

>implying lit only reads marxist literature
still reads more than /pol/

>> No.6538140

>>/lit/ thread about politics
>>/lit/ thread about women
>>/lit/ thread about anything other than literature

and you wonder why the shitposters have taken over

if you're not posting something on-topic then YOU need to fuck off

>> No.6538145

>implying we're mad
lel, we know better than to create threads like this if we're mad at someone.

>> No.6538150
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/pol/, I will donate $750,000 to the Council of Conservative Citizens if you post a vocaroo of yourself reading a page from a Harry Potter book without fucking up.

>> No.6538191
File: 25 KB, 520x496, Sting Wolfpack 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make anti-Marxist thread
>Marxists rush in

>> No.6538252

Imagine a life where you have never been great at anything, never felt the urge to be great at anything, never felt that magnetic admiration to someone who was great at something, wanted to imitate and ultimately defeat him. Just nothing. Literally all you do in life is exist. Occupy space. pass the time. You're a chick.

You're bored,tweeting about your fucking hair and not even feeling any kind of happiness from it, just soothing your constant need to be bitter and cunty and petty toward other women. Every single thing you've done in the past year was mundane, shallow, and boring. You spent the last six hours reading kinda-interesting Reddit stories about people who made interesting Halloween hats for their kids or some stupid bullshit that you think is interesting and you may say is interesting but you're not really sure if it's really interesting. You're just fucking sitting there, gestating, fermenting, with a moist hole between your legs that guarantees you'll at least never have to get up and move around and work to support yourself.

And then you see men, over in some corner, having fun. You've never seen this before. What are they even doing? Instead of their consciousnesses merely sitting in their thick skull and revolving around itself, they are imbuing their conscious energy and intentionality into external objects, crafts, goals, projects. All the bitterness and cuntiness you feel nonstop seems to be absent, as they congratulate each other for being victorious, and happily learn from someone who defeated them. These creatures are truly content to be alive. They have found purpose in a purposeless universe.

And your gaze turns back on itself, on your self, and you realise you've never had that. You can never have it. You're just a stupid cunt.

So you get up, you walk over there, and you fucking ruin everything. Just ruin the whole fucking thing. The five seconds of attention you get will be worth destroying it. Because you're a woman.

>> No.6538257


bretty gud paste

I r8 8/8

>> No.6538273

Fuck da bucket of ice nigga

>> No.6538312

this is nurture not nature

>> No.6538336


>> No.6538339

>all hail the master white race

This is /lit/'s ethos too btw

>> No.6538358
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>> No.6538373


>SJW paranoia

Why don't you go enjoy a medium that's more suited to your mental capacities, such as video games?

>> No.6538400

ITT it's the Jews' fault I'm flunking ninth grade English

>> No.6538404

ITT pol called out for not reading anything
The end.

>> No.6538409

He didn't say anything about SJWs, you dingus.

And surely you can't deny that /lit/ has a Marxist circlejerk.

>> No.6538416

You mad or something? I said nothing about "SJW paranoia." Again, it's sad that you people can't take criticism without resorting to allegations of Nazism and anti-semitism. But at least Lenin and Stalin would have been proud of you. Leading the struggle against capitalists from behind your computer screen, one Marxism thread at a time.