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6537782 No.6537782 [Reply] [Original]

>You shouldn't read theologians, anon, they just try to confuse you. The Bible is all you need

>> No.6537791

Nobody every says this. Protestants like extra-Biblical works even more than Catholics, and every protestant denomination was created by a theological corpus.

>> No.6537794

you don't even need he Bible really

>> No.6537796

dont listen to him, im a protestant and my advice is that you should only listen to the bible

>> No.6537799

you just need the god delusion

>> No.6537801

Yeah bruh, Sola fide nigga.

>> No.6537802

Which denomination are you? I say you're full of shit

>> No.6537805


>> No.6537806
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>> No.6537808

i say im not, i can play this game too ya know

>> No.6537810

But since you haven't given your denomination, chances are you are full of shit

>> No.6537813

i dont have one

>> No.6537814

You've clearly never visited America or any of our fanatic cults.
I was brought up to mistrust anything outside the Bible.

>> No.6537815

As an atheist, all you really need is the Bible.

>> No.6537816


If I was a Christian, I would actually agree that you should just stick with the Bible.

>> No.6537823

This one lies

>> No.6537830

You don't need theologians, but no one should take you seriously unless you've read Augustine, Aquinas and Ockham at least.

>> No.6537832

So you've been to a protestant church that didn't have sermons?

Exactly which fanatical denominations are you talking about? Even the Westboro Baptist Church describes itself as Calvinist, meaning they draw on the theological writings of Calvin.

>> No.6537834

>Not ready Aquinas

Protestants pls.

>> No.6537835

It may cause some confusion here that many Bible-only churches are non-denominational.

>> No.6537838

No one should have to read Aquinas.

>> No.6537841
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>> No.6537843

Protestants produce masses and masses of pop Christianity books, and there are protestant theologians from every denomination. Even Quakers and Puritans, the two most fundamental Christian sects (though polar opposites otherwise), had an essential corpus of writing defining their churches.

>> No.6537845

yea man who needz him he aint dank

>> No.6537847

He's more boring to read than Aristotle.

>> No.6537854

theyre still shit tho

>> No.6537857

Non-denominational churches are literally just baptist churches that don't know they're baptist. And every one I've been to loves extra Biblical books. Joel Osteen is rich as fuck because of all the books he's written.

>> No.6537863

Sermons were preached, however, believers were encouraged to examine what was said for themselves "in the light of the word".
I myself many times, even as a child, spoke to a preacher after a sermon when I felt that what he said did not line up with scripture. This was in no way discouraged, but rather seen as a good thing.

>> No.6537865


Ah, the renowned Catholic love of reason

>> No.6537870

"Rational" theology is the worst kind of theology

>> No.6537873

you don't have to read him, but you can't speak as an authority on theology without a thorough understanding of his arguments, which can only be gained by at least reading an abridged copy of the summa theologica,

>> No.6537874

That's correct, preachers and extra Biblical writings are not considered infallible. In fact, many protestants (ELCA, Episcopal Church, etc) do not even consider the Bible infallible.

>> No.6537875

Baptists who speak in tongues and "prophesy"? Not really.

>> No.6537878
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>you need to be catholic to know theyre shit

>> No.6537883

im not an atheist or anything, i didn't mean to imply that

i don't think everyone that hasn't read the bible will "go to hell" in the christian sense

>inb4 "ur just lazy and don't want to read it"

no, i read it

>> No.6537892

it's the retards like you who are perpetuating this bullshit

if you aren't christian it isn't your concern, and for good reason

>> No.6537898

Well, my point is that although my father was an ordained minister, and had many, many books (Earth's Earliest Ages was a great favorite of mine), I was taught to regard theology in general with a very skeptical eye.
I was certainly taught that I did not "need" it. More value could come from prayer and fasting, and communion with the fellowship.

>> No.6537903

YOu can probably learn everything you need to know just from the SEP article on him tbh

>> No.6537904

dont mock my beliefs

>> No.6537906

How many Pentecostal denominations were formed that way?

>> No.6537912

The Bible, being one of the foundational works of occidental literature, is everyone's concern, dipshit.

>> No.6537916


There is quite a difference between between pop christianity books and theology. They are discouraging looking anywhere else as an authority other than the church and the bible (as they interpret it of course). It is a way of shoring up their power and expressive of their paranoia about their power. Sure they may draw on theological texts themselves indirectly through past leaders, but most often it is second hand knowledge through someone else. And they of course don't want what is unironically called the "flock" looking elsewhere than straight from the church lest they "drift away". It really is that bad. I was considered strange for reading and have even been bragged to by disturbingly high ranking members by how they "don't read".

>> No.6537919

>every protestant denomination was created by a theological corpus.

Now I know you're a troll

>> No.6537943

>Quakers and Puritans, the two most fundamental Christian sects

What do you mean by fundamental? They certainly weren't fundamentalist.

>> No.6537958

Dude. I was actively discouraged from going to university, and spoked to several times by elders who were concerned about how much time I spent reading things *other* than the Bible.
"Is it edifying?"

>> No.6537965
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personally i'd rather read poets than theologians

prefer reverie to schema

>> No.6537969

>lying on the internet

>> No.6537979

obviously, but an atheist shouldn't determine what is or isn't essential christian literature

>> No.6537997

Plenty of baptist speak in tongues, plenty don't

Pentecostals like to listen a lot more than they like to read, but I'm sure sure every site for every church you look at will have a brief summary of their church's theology under "what we believe", and it won't be a collection of Biblical verses.

Right, that is because they are stupid, but they still use extra Biblical sources like TV

No, of course, protestants don't think you need to read theology to be saved. Neither do Catholics.

I mean radically protestant.

>> No.6538024

>Baptists speak in tongues
>Pentescostals use more than a few misinterpreted Bible verses for theology
Oh, I see. You have no idea what you are talking about.
Tell you what. Look up the United Pentecostal Church, take your time. Then come back here and take it all back. I can wait.

>> No.6538036

I'm not saying that they don't use sources like that, but they lack the self-awareness that they are using it. It ideology wrapped up in the so-called "water they swim in" that it allows them to tell people not to read theology or else it will "confuse them" without realizing that they do it themselves, which if you forgot, is what you are disagreeing with.

>> No.6538051

(cont.) And there are the people who are really into the pop christianity books/movies and quote them, but somehow can still find it intellectually acceptable to make statements like that. I guess with the amount of practice they have had at cognitive dissonance, it makes it quite easy to stack a little more onto the mountain

>> No.6538052

Are you suggesting they don't draw heavily from Charles Fox Parham's unique theology?

It's more suspicion that the theology you're reading hasn't been vetted by their sect. A lot of theology takes things for granted that they consider very wrong, and so they're discouraged from just searching out on their own. But they have approved of writings, I'm sure.

>> No.6538058

You have become my new favorite namefag.

>> No.6538096

Once again, this is about the fact that they are making that statement not they don't use what might fall under the category of "theology" if you cast a broad enough net. Sure they have books published by whatever corporate machine they have allied with, but once again, they aren't self-aware enough to call it theology, just "the truth" or "a powerful read" of whatever buzzwords they have been sold.

>> No.6538366

They likely do draw from his theology, but they do not know or acknowledge it.
Also new revelation is considered prefrable, and an entire church may radically change theology very quickly.
I was once in Pentecostal Church that became very strange indeed in a matter of 6 months. It was later discovered that the preacher had a brain tumor and was experiencing hallucinations.
I'm telling you, these places discourage their congregations from reading theology.

>> No.6538447

Philosophers can have reverie too. Read some mystics.

Personally I think poetry is overrated. If you don't know how to say something literally then you probably don't know what you're saying.

>> No.6538481
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>"Well it's very in-depth, allow me to show you brother and further refine what you thought."

>> No.6538515

You can't really generalize Protestantism.

>> No.6538526

Of course not, because it branches off into so many sects that all yell at each other.

>> No.6538562

Much like

Assyrian Church of the East
Saint Thomas Christians
Church of England
Polish National Catholic Church
Old Believers

>> No.6538568 [DELETED] 

>all branches fucked up after Luther
Thanks for proving my point.

>> No.6538572

Somehow you're coming accross as very dumb with that post. What has "being able to say things literally" to do with "writing poetry for whatever reason" ? Do you think people use metaphors only when they are unable to speak plainly ?

Learn2read m8.

>> No.6538574

>All branches after Luther
Thanks for proving my point.

>> No.6538585

Those branches didn't have anything to do with Luther, they split because of Vatican I in 1870, which codified Papal infallibility.

>> No.6538595

You are kidding me.

>> No.6538597

>they didn't have anything to do with Luther
>they didn't have anything to do with the major split and form into their own church after the first major one

>> No.6538617

Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox split well before Luther entered the scene

>> No.6538621

>cherry picking
sorry m8. I missed that one.

>> No.6538629

They didn't.

>> No.6538639

>no u

>> No.6538644

Can you actually substantiate your claim that the split was influenced by Luther, since it is the positive one?

>> No.6538650

I'd have to get inside their head, but the fact that nothing happened 1500 years earlier makes me think otherwise.

>> No.6538664

Coptic and the Assyrian Church were both earlier

>> No.6538672

Coptics, Assyrians, and Thomists were also independent of Rome before the modern age. The point is that there has been disunity in Christendom for a very long time, and claiming that it is unique to Protestants is reductionistic.

>> No.6538719

yeah that's why you aren't one.

>> No.6538757

Is this board really this religious? Sometimes it's overwhelming and I feel like converting.

>> No.6538766

There's a decent religious presence, but polls show that most of the board is atheist. It's just that atheists probably aren't going to get in depth into theology discussions, so most of the people in those will be religious, and therefore any time a topic like that comes up, it will appear that the board is mostly religious.

>> No.6540233
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>> No.6540259

>converting to Christianity coz you feel like this board is christian

>> No.6540270

>polls show
You have a skewed sample, only faggots take part in online polls.

>> No.6540285

Doesnt look too bad.

>> No.6540289

Sometimes the best way to convert someone is by converting all their friends.

>> No.6540293


Seriously, being this interested in a spook is very edgy

>> No.6540296

>You shouldn't huff paint thinner anon, it's not good for you!

I tell you, this whole world is a bunch of fucking pussies.

>> No.6540301

You would be, like, the ultimate 4channer if you converted solely for that reason.