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/lit/ - Literature

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6531859 No.6531859[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do we keep browsing this site?

>> No.6531865

doy, rare wallaces

>> No.6531875

i only browse here when i have no friends, no job, and no girlfriend. the only way to interact with people nowadays who have common interests outside the culture industry is through the internet's delocalized manner of communication.

>> No.6531876

low level social-interaction / hugbox experience

>> No.6531877

What is a doy

>> No.6531882

tfwnogf is a schpook

>> No.6531899


Kierkegaard memes

>> No.6531904

I actually find that being able to put people down on here is pleasurable.

>> No.6531920

Most of you are pseudos who come here to feel intellectual and annoy the sophisticated kids and argue about politics and atheism.

You probably think I don't mean you but I do.

>> No.6531961
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>> No.6531976

I lurk here occasionally when there's nothing on /fit/

>> No.6531987

It's the only board I can stand anymore and I'm feeding a 9 year addiction.

>> No.6532000

What's it like to be a jean yus?

>> No.6532147
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>> No.6532161

I don't have much going on, but I find myself coming here and participating less because the threads are just the same three rehashed bullshit of ignorant people vomiting google search philosophy 101 and the other threads are just memes or a bookshelf/recently bought which always feature the same bookshelves and the same recently bought books. They don't even talk about the books, unless they use dank memes or making fun of the covers.

This board is really, really sad.

>> No.6532223

Contribute to tundra then

>> No.6532228

A few times I've been around that track