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File: 94 KB, 200x280, hume.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6527525 No.6527525 [Reply] [Original]

Is Hume a good philosopher?

>> No.6527538

Not anymore

>> No.6527549

Kant anally devastates Hume.

>> No.6527591

not really

>> No.6527619


Lol how?

>> No.6527725

He couldn't be that good if he's already dead

>> No.6527759

>a good philosopher
No such thing. Everyone one of the arguments against science and empiricism by philosophers amounts to 'But what ifff!!?? :'(((('.

It is a shitty field/profession/whateveryouretardscallit for morons who can't do basic logic and math. All of philosophy seems to be rear guard action against the inevitable end where science proves it to be the playground of retards. They've lost a lot of ground already and are too stupid to admit it.

>inb4 waa waah waht or where did we lose?
Physics come to mind. The movement of the planets

>inb4 some stuff isn't known so philosophy is still gud
Just because we don't know the full picture doesn't mean you get to fill in the blanks with fairy tales.

>> No.6527761

Kant was anally influenced by Hume

>> No.6527766

Here is your answer

>> No.6527774

You are a moron. I study Physics, I don't think physics needs philosophy at all, but you have clearly never read Hume. Hume was an empiricist.

>> No.6527777
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>> No.6527778


>> No.6527784

>I don't think physics needs philosophy at all
It's hard to tell if you're kidding or not, but...
Just in case you're not, ask yourself why what you're doing isn't a complete waste of time. The only answer you can give to that question is a philosophical one.

Now you, you're surely joking. Or retarded. I don't really care.

>> No.6527786

You are just retarded. Philosophy invented empiricism/scientific method/everything else that came from the enlightenment. Philosophy requires education in formal logic and advanced mathematics.

>> No.6527788

kek Sam Harris pls go to bed.

>> No.6527790
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lol this is actually a really funny satire

>> No.6527793

No it is a scientific one. Physics is probably the subject with the greatest amount of utility. I also enjoy it, which is a result of various biological processes.

>> No.6527814

> Physics is probably the subject with the greatest amount of utility.

That is philosophy

>I also enjoy it, which is a result of various biological processes.

You choose to follow your biological processes, philosophy once more.

>> No.6527818

Not a single reply other than me being stupid or 'Noo we use scientific stuff too!! :((('.

I'm sure this was a great comfort to those suffering from acute malnutrition in the third world.
>If only I had realized that polio and small pox could have been cured by shitposting on an indonesian cave painting message board all day.

>> No.6527822

>So much philosophy in what you just said

>> No.6527827
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pls write up at least one more

>> No.6527834

Your stupidity has been empirically verified.

I don't choose to follow my "biological processes", "I" am those processes.

>> No.6527837
File: 50 KB, 605x412, rooseveltlaughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm sure this was a great comfort to those suffering from acute malnutrition in the third world.
My sides can't take much more punishment

>> No.6527843
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>> No.6527848

that's Philosophy

>> No.6527855

Golly gee, you've totally shown me.

You know what the sad part is? Tests have shown that philosophy majors/those interested in this field are decidedly above average in intelligence. It's a sad sad day when such potential is wasted on such a trite thing.

>> No.6527857

You know what Wittgenstein said about the lion? That's you. Keep posting, it's hilarious.

>> No.6527873

>It's a sad sad day when such potential is wasted on such a trite thing.
Do you really exist?

>> No.6527874
File: 25 KB, 400x400, 1371243774965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Did you know that science is technically philosophy?

>> No.6527882

I like talking lions too. But my favourite is the cowardly lion from The Wizard of Oz. It showed me that whenever shit gets too wack, all I have to do is tap my heels and say some stupid mumbo jumbo and everything will be fine.
A bit like philosophy, now that I think about it. :^)

>> No.6527939

I'd call you continentals plebs, but plebs at least serve a useful function

>> No.6527957

Is this a copypasta? May I use it as one?

>> No.6527969

You realize that Russell is dead right ? There's no need for you to wear that "Analytics Go !" t-shirt you made yourself anymore. Now everyone is back to business as usual, that is, thinking and writing instead of pointing fingers.

>> No.6528085

> But my favourite is the cowardly lion from The Wizard of Oz. It showed me that whenever shit gets too wack, all I have to do is tap my heels and say some stupid mumbo jumbo and everything will be fine.
I don't think that's quite how it goes in the Wizard of Oz, neither in the book nor the movie.

Wittgenstein said that even if you a lion knew english perfectly, you couldn't understand a thing it would have to say. It's about frames of reference.

I should thank you for my daily keks. You should read up on the philosophy of science, and read Bohr's essays on philosophy. Bohr actually got famous for his work in philosophy, and not in his modelling of electron orbits, or his work on the manhattan project.