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6524475 No.6524475[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Only teenage love is real because it's based on a genuine relationship between equals, while adult relationships are based on several other interests such as financial interests, desire for stability, status whoring etc

>Besides, all girls have experienced teenage romance, so they won't want to repeat the same pattern later in their lifes, they are looking for something else.

>> No.6524479

I do not agree with your point of view.

>> No.6524490

If you have any romantic ambitions beyond the age of eighteen you should just chop it off. Really.

>> No.6524504

Have a nice life, pal.

"Take away love and our earth is a tomb." — Robert Browning

>> No.6524506


Umm, I'm a female actually

>> No.6524507

The word "pal" is unisex

>> No.6524516

Stop talking

>> No.6524523

I'm not talking

>> No.6524540
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I went through hs thinking of how trivial and childish the whole idea of teen love is. I never had a gf or even kissed a girl in hs. What does that make me?

>> No.6524553

>I'm not talking

>> No.6524556
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This fucking guy

>> No.6524568

I don't think you remember accurately what it was like to be a teenager, especially the early teens, or your current post-adolescence experience in far different from mine. Also how many teenagers have you been around recently?

Most teenagers just want to fuck and don't think much beyond that. They don't have much of an identity since they are still forming one. Also, if you don't think a bunch of fucking people are in relationships during their teens because of status whoring than you are not looking closely enough.

PS: stop assuming things about 50% of the human population such as their romantic desires. That's stupid.

>> No.6524574

Nah most kids I remember from highschool fucked, dated from a couple weeks, broke up then found someone else and repeated the cycle. Teen love is basically a meme and you've been watching too many teen movies

>> No.6524578

Same here, anon. Seriously, just stop worrying about 'what it makes you' if you never had or kissed a gf in highscool. You are no better, nor any worse off for it than anyone who has, and if you honestly put any weight at all on whether or not you have kissed or had a gf in high school then you need to start re-evaluating your values.

>> No.6524579

aaah, teen love

needy texts
empty sex

>> No.6524589

/thread x 1000

>> No.6524607

You mean no sex

>> No.6524612

As a man who has experienced teenage love and sex, growing old suits me just fine.

I can see growing old for people who missed out, or women getting old must suck however.

>> No.6524622

>tfw love is wanting and doing what's best for someone
>tfw young & old love are moments in the notion of love, and therefore must each be genuinely immanent to the structure of the thing
>tfw young love is a product of capitalism as much as it is a historical reality
>tfw no gf

>> No.6524626
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>Besides, all girls have experienced teenage romance
Haha, y-yeah

>> No.6524654


STFU you are literally more valuable as a woman if you have not.

>> No.6524663

>tfw love is wanting and doing what's best for someone

lol virgin

>> No.6524667

trans plz leave

It is impossible for women to feel lonely, unless they are so narcissistic / solipsistic that no human company satisfies their need for companionship

>> No.6524673

>all girls have experienced teenage romance

>> No.6524679
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>Being upset that you didn't get to have a relationship when it's actually impossible for a female to not find someone who would take her in this cultural climate

You just didn't try and instead hid inside your home with books.

>> No.6524693

Love being experienced for the first time in people over the age of 25 is the purest.

>> No.6524706

read extension du domain de la lutte

>> No.6524712

Wrong. Enjoy your shallow understanding of life.

>> No.6524723

literally the only thing you shouldve done is go out, you lost on easy mode

inb4 ur a le misoginist

>> No.6524724

>ad fedoram attack
You don't know what love is, you 20-something NPC

>> No.6524726

Protip: >>>/r9k/ doesn't understand reality

>> No.6524728

Seriously have any of you been around any actual youths lately?


>> No.6524741


>> No.6524746

It seems like a lot of teens just go into dating because they feel like that having a boyfriend / girlfriend is crucial for getting accepted.

For girls, it seems like not having one will reflect to others girls that you're not desired / sought-after, showing that you have little worth; while for guys, it shows that you're not charismatic / not successfully competitive in winning or attracting girls.

So it seems like most teenage relationships are done out of it being a trait that teens view as apart of growing up. Not that it's done, in most of the cases, purely for the romantic interest and desire between the two parties.

And teens, also, care about status when it comes to dating. Pretty much all of human society is based on hierarchies. It makes sense, evolutionarily, that how people chose their mates, is off their social position in their tribe. Why chose a mate who can't provide for you / bear a child? As when it comes to teens: why date someone who's not accepted by your peers, and dating them could affect how you interact with said peers?

>> No.6524767

>Fairly handsome
>The funny guy
>Everyone loved me
>But I never took part in anything extracurricular and could only stand close contact with like three people, all of whom were fellow straight males
>Told after graduation there were at least five girls interested in me that never showed it because I was never around them for more than the bare minimum amount of time and seen as asocial despite the funny guy title

I don't even really care, honestly.

I don't think I missed out in any way but not losing my virginity five years earlier than I did.

>> No.6524776

My brother wrote the name of his first girlfriend repeatedly in his notebook ad infinitum. He dumped her like two weeks later. OP is full of shit.

>> No.6524780

ahaha that's cute

>> No.6524798

Teenage "love" is silly and superficial. My best relationships have happened since I finished university. I do worry that if I hit my 30s without settling down that it will become harder to find quality single women and have rewarding relationships with them, though.

>> No.6524827

Love is like a vibrating frequency of a person you're tuned into. Age is irrelevant, When I was a baby I fell in love with another baby.

>> No.6524829

What experience do you have in ending relationships? More specifically, at what point in the relationship do you decide that 'enough is enough' and end it?

You probably feel weird that I'm asking YOU specifically in this thread but from my possibly naive reading of your post you seem like you have had experience.

>> No.6524831


>> No.6524838

This >>6524693

>> No.6524930
File: 131 KB, 500x500, PePe le miserable lover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being in love when you reach the age lucidity

The reduction of the universe to a single being, the expansion of a single being even to God, that is love.
Love is the salutation of the angels to the stars.
How sad is the soul, when it is sad through love!
What a void in the absence of the being who, by herself alone fills the world! Oh! how true it is that the beloved being becomes God. One could comprehend that God might be jealous of this had not God the Father of all evidently made creation for the soul, and the soul for love.

>> No.6526409

can you expand on this a bit pls

>> No.6526426


Oooow, Chad didn't reply your messages yesterday amirite ? :^)

>> No.6526593

straight savage

>> No.6526607

Such a typical female response.

>Uh yeah ok just shut up now K thanks?

>> No.6526621
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bravo, anon

>> No.6526634


>being this gnostic without knowing it

>> No.6526749


>> No.6526794

> geninue relationship between equals

hot people go out with hot people
uggos settle for uggos

sure is equality there

nigga there aint ever gonna be equality, removing money does shit all for this. your romanticisng teen life cause you felt good then, not because it was good

>> No.6526799

It's just idolization. As being just past the age of teen sex, OP, I can tell you that everyone I saw was just as vain in their relations as their adult counterparts. A bit more annoying, too, from what I saw.

>> No.6526853

Granted my experiences aren't universal but I've yet to observe real teen love. Teen romance on the other hand is possibly the most potent.

>> No.6526983
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>> No.6527044

I think you're underestimating the fact that teens are vapid and insecure and their relationships are based on sex hormones they can't control, not to mention they're pressured into it by peers and media.

>> No.6527051


>> No.6527053

age is a spook

>> No.6527077

yeah but its fun when you actually are a youth.

>> No.6527080
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>> No.6527097

This, OP. If anything adult love is the more sincere of the two.

>> No.6527110

rev up your REE's, normalfag comin through:

teenage love doesn't really exist, and it really really sucks at that age when you learn the difference between lust and love. my 2nd gf whom i 'loved', i was with her for years after high school until i realized that i only ever was with her in the first place because i loved fucking her. we really had nothing in common, and she was stupid as bricks, but that pussy game ridiculous.

you may say "FUCK OFF CHAD IF I COULD HAVE GOTTEN A GF IN HIGH SCHOOL I WOULD HAVE LOVED HER 4 REAL JUST LIKE IN MY BURMESE CARTOONS", but you're wrong, it is the same for nearly all young couples. the very few relationships that do last past the teen years are pure luck in that they both grew into people in which they could appreciate.

all that being said, i had a lot of fun with my teenage relationships, but i am not a moron who says "you'll never love like your first hurr durr", because i'm aware that any feelings of love were innocently superficial and base.

tl;dr teenage love is not pure because it is not love at all, it is simply lust which gets confused for love at that age

>> No.6527120

tbh teenagers are more into status etc than adults. it's when you first really become aware of social hierarchy and hence it is extremely important. people generally chill once life kicks their ass some and they realize that being cool won't save you from getting wrecked by reality.

>> No.6527121

all you people who use "normie" should read foucault.

>> No.6527128
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>> No.6527155
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>Some poofster took the time to reply to his own post this many times

>> No.6527160
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le desperate damage control

>> No.6527171
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ITT: People not realizing their only desire is of the recognition from the Other

more people saying they missed out on teen love = your desire for the Other rises.

people who actually experienced it tend to think it didn't really live up to the hype.

>> No.6527173

>bitch don't know how to samefag check
C'mon toots it's just pathetic now. You've been rekt.

>> No.6527185


i wasn't unpopular or anything, it's just that none of the girls at my HS were attractive to me AND not shitty enough/ coming with a ton of dumb teenage baggage

there's no way to type this without sounding fedora though

>> No.6527188

probably anyone who's anyone on /lit/ already has, go proselytize on /r9k/ if you're concerned

>> No.6527363

I'll type my own experience so we can sound fedora together

I never asked anyone out in HS because I recognized my own crushes as mere infatuation based on fantasy, and had to reject 2 girls because despite being smart and qt, they were simply of a mindset incompatible with my own. I didn't dislike them, but I didn't feel anything for them either beyond an appreciation of their physical assets, which in my book isn't even close to being enough to want a relationship with someone.

I do wish I hadn't been such a neurotic mess though- the force of my initial spaghetti burst shot the first girl down pretty hard and after reading all the stories here of shattered self-esteem from rejection, I do hope she didn't take it personnell... kid...

>> No.6527374


Why are you greentexting two blatantly false things in your OP ?

>> No.6527382

Youth is wasted on the young.

>> No.6527424


All my teenaged relationships were total shit, and I'm still ashamed of myself for all of them. Teenagers don't have the intelligence to chose good partners for themselves, and usually rather than being some learning experience it just permanently damages them. And as this anon mentioned >>6527110 most of it is just hormones/lust anyways.

>> No.6528347

are you me?
>senior year
>bro goes to winter formal w qt that is desired by almost every single person and acquaintance of her group and pretty much a third of the school
>something happened and the romantic moment was a disaster
>no details, bro ceases all contact with her, goes for some crimson chin
>year after graduation
>another friend(no idea if true but it sheds light on some of my own experiences...)tells me that supposedly when bro tried to seal the deal she told me she was into me
>all the guys she had spent her teenage years with, who at different points tried and failed and she was into me over all of them despite hanging around for a few months

>> No.6528350

> told him* she was into me

>> No.6528394

Dumb whore getting rekt

>> No.6528400

Any love is teenage love as long as both parties are inexperienced.

My first girlfriend was a 20 year old , 9/10 , muslim virgin and I was 22.
It was utterly blissful.

All other women just seem trivial by comparison now.

>> No.6528409

Young people are much more capable of falling head-over-heels in love than adults who have necessarily been calloused by experience compared with their younger selves.

>> No.6528466
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I'm 18 and from what I've experienced teenage love doesn't exist. All the girls I've dated/slept with have felt like friends at best and the only time I've ever felt like I was in a fulfilling relationship was with a Muslim girl who wouldn't even kiss me.
I'd rather be 30 and having mature relationships with women I've known for years.

>> No.6528622

i hope you die, retrograde

>> No.6528632

Didn't you know?

Love is a delusion!

>> No.6528647
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cringing hard

>> No.6528708


10/10 autism, I wonder if you see your own stupidity

>> No.6528710

There is literally nothing cringy about that guys post.

>> No.6528711

Fucking this.

>> No.6528714

>he wants an intimate relationship

haha so cringe guys

>> No.6528756


kek, you dickhead

>> No.6529973
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The first line was a joke and I don't know what's wrong with the rest of it. "Dating" as a teenage basically feels like it consists of sneaking off to find someplace to make out... I'm not really in a position to look for anything more right now, but I'm not going to pretend a stimulating conversation wouldn't be more fulfilling. Most girls only want me for my body anyways, it's nice to have a relationship where sex is off the table.