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6520887 No.6520887 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a worse form of edgy pseudo-intellectual posturing than to say you appreciate de Sade's works?

>> No.6520892

Yes, making this thread.

>> No.6520896

Acting superior without giving reasons is worse

>> No.6520902

Have you read de Sade? He is one of the few men from that time period that managed to keep his perspective and not get caught up in the revolutionary furor.

Opinions differ on whether that perspective was terrifying or hilarious, but still.

>> No.6520907

When women tell me they like Sade, Bataille, Radiguet, etc., I immediately relegate them to fuck-buddy status.

>> No.6520910

>When women tell me they like Sade, Bataille, Radiguet, etc., I immediately relegate them to fuck-buddy status.

Beauvoir said she liked Sade.

>> No.6520911


>> No.6520918

Good post

>> No.6520920

And she was a deranged harlot.

>> No.6520922

nice meme!

>> No.6520923

It's better than de Sade's work.

You only need to read 20 pages of Sade to get what he's talking about. It's the same masturbatory fantasies stretched out for hundreds of pages.

It's shit. Edgy and maybe "cool" to discuss, but it's boring as fuck to read.

>> No.6520925

>de Sade
fucking dropped

also if you'd ever read Justine you'd no it's more than torture and rape. Sade knew that stuff would keep casuals like you away so he interspersed some of the greatest philosophies ever written among beautiful pornographic prose.

>> No.6520927

Wasn't there in Bataille's Blue of Noon one scene where he says that he hates people that say they appreciate De Sade, justifying his point by the fact that they hadn't eaten shit.

>> No.6520929

>When women tell me they like Sade, Bataille, Radiguet, etc.
where the fuck do you even meet women that know those authors? please let me know

>> No.6520934

Man, like three-quarters of the women I fucked at university had some Sade, Nin and Bataille on their shelves.

>> No.6520943

You had coitus with precisely three midgets? de Sade would be proud.

>> No.6520944

what fucking university do you go to and in which program?

>> No.6520945


Your skepticism re: Sade I get. Bataille, though? Bataille is based as fuck (BAF). He is one of the few writers who tread the line between avant garde and accessible with grace and panache. From reading his journals recorded during WWII, I can only conclude he was a legitimate mystic and philosophically sophisticated as well.

>> No.6520946

He is interesting because of his place in history and stuff, but yea.

If he was alive today he would probably be creating some kind of De Sade the hedgehog porn for the internet.

>> No.6520948

Wasn't Bataille the dude who formed an edgy human sacrifice group with some friends and but then disbanded it after no one wanted to be the first to sacrifice themselves?

Basically he's calling the kettle black, but I agree with him.

>> No.6520952

Sade is THE author to name drop for girls who want to claim rape fantasies can empower their sexuality.

>> No.6520959

To be far, he would probably make Hedgehog porn then if he had the technology.

>> No.6520963

Plenty of universities, try actually talking to people.

>> No.6520968

you've never read Sade then, who happens to be one of the first feminist writers.

>> No.6520974

I graduated four years ago. It was UCL. I don't think it's uncommon though; I've known women from all over and Sade and Nin in particular are almost always present their libraries.

>> No.6520975

I kinda remember reading something like that about him, but can't say for sure. Alas you can't blame him for hypocrisy, we're all hypocrites in one way or another.

>> No.6520983


Yes, he formed an edgy human sacrifice group, but he disbanded it not because no one was willing to die, but because... Well... That's a secret.

>> No.6520985

Like the other anon said, women fucking love de Sade. Being able to discuss his work is basically free pussy.

>> No.6521000

Oh my, what a beautiful girl.

>> No.6521001

this has to be one of the most ridiculous comments I've ever read on /lit/

>> No.6521010

Not quite: they were all willing to be the sacrifice, but none were willing to be the executioner.

>> No.6521022


I used to think this too.>>6521010

>> No.6521024

Am I the only man on Earth who found Justine boring? The rape wasn't shocking or arousing, the narrative was ponderous, and the philosophy was asinine.

>> No.6521035

Practical moral philosophy is traditionally presented as jackassery. Look at Diogenes. You can't just tell people to behave, you have to show them why acting a certain way is bad.

>> No.6521036


>> No.6521045

Spoken like a true used car salesman.

>> No.6521050

You're not. That's exactly how I feel and you tell people this and they react with "y-you j-just can't handle...i-it's p-proto feminist! it's deep!"

>> No.6521131

Oh, quit being so cagey! Bataille asked the remaining members (among them Patrick Waldberg) to kill him during their last meeting in the woods on Oct. 20, 1939. This was not long after Bataille had lost hs lover to Tuberculosis. The members refused and Bataille broke off with them, saying that they had abandoned him. Bataille, however, had resumed sporadic contact with others he had broke with, such as the oulipoiane writer Raymond Queneau.

>> No.6521151

The Amnesia mod is pretty good though

>> No.6521166
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>just went to look up who is de sade is
>find out about murdering, fecal eating, disembowelment, skinning....
>maybe i should just go back to being a weaboo

>> No.6521247
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von Sacher-Masoch anyone?

>> No.6521272

He's, actually correct, you schoolboy. Read more.

>> No.6521275

Who is this wonton noodle wanton?

>> No.6521283

Who is this spink chink?

>> No.6521546

Excuuuuse me?

>> No.6521778

Do any women who like Bataille read The Accursed Share or Inner Experience or are they all just posturing with Story of the Eye?

>> No.6523104


I dunno, but they really make me fap. "squirt the fuck in the children's faces". lol

>> No.6523109


I don't ask women about books in the first place. I like my women lighthearted.

>> No.6523114


Sounds like hell.

>> No.6523123


What about squirting the fuck in the children's faces? Is that an excerpt?

>> No.6523130

Bataille is overrated horseshit. The Story of the Eye could have been written by any working class pervert with an imagination. He's essentially a French Beat writer.

>> No.6523183

yes from 120 days of sodom

>> No.6523193
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GOAT taste

>> No.6523215


Yikes...Maybe I'll read that.

>> No.6523216


you'll be fapping every page.

>> No.6523278
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there's nothing wrong with appreciating carnality, it's not like we can escape or stymie it
ask not whither

>> No.6523295

>working class pervert with an imagination
lol. imagination has never been a characteristic of the working class. only aristocrats are able to have a mind imaginative enough to write either great (which isn't the case of bataille) or groundbreaking (which is the case of bataille; more related to his essays than his fiction, and specially story of the eye, which is a minor work in the bataille oeuvre that's only famous for being accessible and somewhat marketable in that niche that values ~transgression~).

>> No.6523333


Perhaps SOTE is overrated. That doesn't change the fact that L'abbé C Is one of the best books of the 20th.

>> No.6523866

I just recently went to a Neutral Milk Hotel concert and met a cute, friendly but minorly awkward girl with dreadlocks reading de Sade to pass the time. She goes to my college and is a business major.

>tfw met the perfect woman

>> No.6524090


>> No.6524109



>> No.6524134

Don't feel bad, anon. I read a very small bit of de Sade (120 Days of Sodom), felt ill, and stopped.

>> No.6524152

I just recently went to a Neutral Milk Hotel concert and screamed every word of every song like a spastic retard and got a beer dumped on me.

That is what I get for leaving my room.

>> No.6524360

i was out at a club for a house/techno night and met a girl majoring in english lit with really neat tastes
but then i found out she liked death grips :~(

>> No.6525109

Good thing there's other people who don't pretend to like Sade.

>> No.6525876

>business major

>> No.6525914

>Neutral Milk Hotel
>de Sade
>business major

Our ideas of perfect couldn't be any different.

>> No.6525935

>you will never meet a cute brunette girl who is into Nietzsche and Stirner at a piano recital for contemporary classical music

>> No.6525943

I know a girl who's into Nietzsche and Stirner, AND she's a pianist, but she's one of the most obnoxious people I've ever met. She's really just unbearable to be around.

>> No.6525999

Who is this cream dream?

>> No.6526017

How so?

>> No.6526028
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>De Sade the Hedgehod
Ok, you got me

>> No.6526031

She's much better educated than I am and constantly makes me feel like an idiot. It's emasculating, a huge blow to the ego.

>> No.6526034

Anon, you need to educate yourself and then absolutely dominate her mentally and physically. It's obvious she wants you to step up your game and do that.

>> No.6526256

>at a NMH concert
>instead of listening to the fucking show she reads rape fiction

>> No.6526262

How is Sade a feminist?
I thought he just showed women were cunts.

>> No.6526268

hell, he wasn't even a writer

>> No.6526272

I'm shocked, shocked to learn that a fan of Nietzsche and Stirner would ever be obnoxious. Shocked.

>> No.6526286

>not get caught up in the revolutionary furor.

>He initially ingratiated himself with the new political situation after the revolution, supported the Republic,[13] called himself "Citizen de Sade" and managed to obtain several official positions despite his aristocratic background.
> In 1790, he was elected to the National Convention, where he represented the far left.

>> No.6526290

Stop flaunting your lack of education and read Philosophy in the Bedroom.

>> No.6526306

It's not very good and I read it in french. It's mostly "rape fantasies empower women, so long as it's not their husbands doing the raping!"

>> No.6526319

More like 'sexuality and amorality can empower women when they choose so'. That and contraception and other ways of preventing pregnancy, which was highly controversial at the time.

>> No.6526324

I date a girl who was just the same.
She ended up being a psycho, who would have known

>> No.6526605
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Her name is Manami Hashimoto. Something like that.

>> No.6526615
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>> No.6527087
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nice pic, thanks for sharing!

>> No.6527092

I'd let her hash my motos any time if you follow my implications ;)

>> No.6527134

looks like elliot rodger

>> No.6527177
File: 136 KB, 553x369, OB-YL429_MAG081_G_20130806170047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

disregard the opinion of anyone who takes bataille klossowski or sade seriously, or anyone who doesn't belive in traditional familiy values.

>> No.6527194

Marrying an Asian woman as a white man isn't traditional.

>> No.6527214

who's this spirit merit

>> No.6527300

Sounds like youre a pleb tbh

>> No.6527303

why bataille

>> No.6527923

definitely, like dismissing an author because some people you dislike like that author

>> No.6527945

what if you dislike them because of their tastes? then is it valid to dislike something they like?

>> No.6528004

She probably hates you for being an insecure beta. That's if she's attracted to you, of course. Now either you step up your game and become true patrish, or you step out her game and assert you rough virility with a refusal to enter her intellectual dick contest.

>> No.6528009

that would be a pretty poor deduction. here's an analogy: plebs listen to miles davis, but that doesn't mean his music isn't good, at best it's a bit overrated.

>> No.6528012

I'd man her hamis if you catch my katana ;^)

>> No.6528017

yes and its called John Dolan's entire life

>> No.6528126

>after the revolution.

Use your head and stop questioning your intellectual superiors pleb.

>> No.6528131

That's Schopenhauer not Sade.

>> No.6529039

Sade is shit. Don't defend hacks and don't defend posturing.