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/lit/ - Literature

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651373 No.651373 [Reply] [Original]

My goal is to create a statistical sample graph about /lit/ using information gathered from the following. Lofty, I know.

Liked these 3 books:
Hated these 3 books:
Favorite Author:
Least Favorite Author:
What you use as a bookmark:

>> No.651389

Let's not do this. /r9k/ is already gay enough with all the camwhoring and meetups and post yourself threads. Let's not ruin other boards with that too.

>> No.651434

A/S/L: 38/ M/ /US (Michigan)

Education/Field: BA Humanities, Cal 1994

Employment/Salary: currently Factory Technician / 30K :(

Liked these 3 books: Don Quixote, Tao Te Ching, ASOIAF series

Hated these 3 books: Atlas Shrugged (trolled into reading), Steppenwolf, Earthsea series

Favorite Author: Palahniuk

Least Favorite Author: Immanuel Kant

Genres: Satire, Philosophy, Biography

What you use as a bookmark: I cut the cardboard backing of old notepads usually,

>> No.651436

but its in the name of science!

>> No.651443

Isn't it kind of useless if you don't define it better? As in, are you going by country for location or more specific?

>> No.651449

>in the name of science
>on /lit/

>> No.651469

A/S/L: 18/M/US (Tennessee)
Education/Field: High School Student
Employment/Salary: None
Liked these 3 books: To Kill a Mockingbird, Slaughterhouse-Five, Ender's Game
Hated these 3 books: Jack & Jill, Maximum Ride, Tommyland
Favorite Author: Shakespeare
Least Favorite Author: Ann Coulter
Genres: Classics, Science-fiction
What you use as a bookmark: A bookmark

>> No.651485

If you don't want to participate, thats fine. It deviates the sample significantly though. This isn't a hook up thread, but if done right, we can know that those who tell us that Chaucer is a faggot are mostly 18 year old boys living in Chicago working at Dairy Queen versus universally accepting everyone as a profound literary critic.

>> No.651490
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A/S/L: 19/M/USofA
Education/Field: In University, Electrical Engineering
Employment/Salary: Part time at Target
Liked these 3 books: The Little Prince, The Idiot, Tales of Mystery and Imagination (by Poe)
Hated these 3 books: Their Eyes Were Watching God, Pride & Prejudice, Great Expectations
Favorite Author: Philip K. Dick or Cormac McCarthy
Least Favorite Author: Jane Austen
Genres: Anything really
What you use as a bookmark: Old newspaper clipping

>> No.651493

ITT: /lit/ is exposed as 5 men from the midwest who really really hate reading assignments in AP English.

>> No.651495

A/S/L: 22/m/usa



>Liked these 3 books:
The Master and Margarita
Paradise Lost

>Hated these 3 books:
Lord of the Rings
Great Expectations
Stranger in a Strange Land

>Favorite Author:

>Least Favorite Author:

Anything but fantasy.

>What you use as a bookmark:
I think I've recently used the receipt for the past few books.

>> No.651505

yes, lets claim anonymity while preaching our superiority in any other thread

>> No.651506 [DELETED] 

Student, my weekly allowance :3
Liked: Harry Potter, The Shining, LoTR
Hate: 1984, Animal Farm, Lord of the Flies
Favorite Author: JK Rowling
Least favorite author: Orwell
Genres: Fantasy, romance, horror
What you use as a bookmark: I don't lol ^^

>> No.651511

A/S/L: 18/m/washington state
Education/Field: computer science at a liberal arts college
Employment/Salary: implying I have a job
Liked these 3 books: Godel Escher Bach, Nausea, Spring Snow
Hated these three books: shit by Palahniuk
Least Favorite Author: Palahniuk. I know everybody hates him but seriously. I read 3 books and they all sucked.
Genres: Japanese lit, Classic Sci Fi, postmodern (lol not a genre)
What you use as a bookmark: receipts.

>> No.651513


Freshman college, focusing on academic draughtsmanship and painting (mostly outside of school; I'm largely self-taught)

N/A. The world will not appreciate me because I prioritize on learning and improving my areas of interests rather than slaving for external rewards.

ASoIaF series, The Picture of Dorian Gray, Silmarillion

Couldn't sit through A Means to an End . The Giver. I don't really hate books that much since I read mostly about dragons and I like dragons.

I like Tolkien for his legendarium.


Fantasy. Romanticism.

A piece of paper. It starts out as a folded paper, but I gnaw at it while reading. The edges become damp and they gradually tear until I have more pieces of paper.

>> No.651519

What happened?

>> No.651523

A/S/L: 23/m/740 Ohio
Education/Field: BA, music theory
Employment/Salary: IT, $10/hr
Liked these 3 books: Ada or Ardor, 100 Years of Solitude, Gargantua and Pantagruel
Hated these 3 books: Dickens, Tennyson, Bukowski
Favorite Author: T.S. Eliot
Least Favorite Author: Plath
Genres: this is where I lol, you call me a snob, and I ask you what decent genre fiction has been written
What you use as a bookmark: anything available

>> No.651524



>> No.651529


kill da cancer motherfuckers


>> No.651540

Father died when I was working on an MA. Was working in a "dot com" when the bottom fell out and ended up with no money. Asked my mother for money to finish my MA and found that she had lost dad's insurance money in poor investments. Started paying for my apartment and moms house and bills. She dies a year later and credit card companies claim all of her life insurance. Wandered the States for a few years and ended up in a factory.

>> No.651544

Ahh, fuck I don't know why I can't not do these fucking things.

A/S/L: 19/M/USA
Education/Field: In college, English major
Employment/Salary: Grocery store, $7.70/hr
Liked these 3 books: Stoner (John Williams), Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (Jonathan Safran Foer), The Complete Stories of Flannery O'Connor (Flannery O'Connor [Derp])
Hated these 3 books: Ceremony (Leslie Marmon Silko), Dreamcatcher (Stephen King), The Fifth Head of Cerberus (Gene Wolfe)
Favorite Author: Richard Bachman
Least Favorite Author: Elizabeth Gaskell
Genres: Horror, Experimental, Post-Apocalyptic
What you use as a bookmark: I dog-ear the pages

>> No.651551



Did you just make that shit up? Christ Almighty...


This man has good taste.

>> No.651552
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>I dog-ear the pages

>> No.651553

Education/Field: Uni/Psychology
Employment/Salary: Student, Shit all
Liked these 3 books: Picture of Dorian Grey, American Gods, The Books Thief (House of Leaves gets honourable mention.
Hated these 3 books: Wuthering Heights, Rebecca, aaand, Twilight I guess. I dunno, I usually don't read books I don't enjoy.
Favorite Author: Neil Gaiman
Least Favorite Author: Emily Bronte
Genres: Pretty much whatever.
What you use as a bookmark: Playing cards

>> No.651556

I see your troll detector is off.

>> No.651557

Thank you, kind Anon. Would you believe I have no friends? Well one, he lives in another state.

>> No.651559

Excluding the obvious troll in >>651506, so far we are all males of the Lady Gaga generation except the old man with parental issues.

>> No.651561


>> No.651579

I always cringe at the "employment/salary" question thinking everyone will judge me as a shitheel for making so little until I see you, at 38, making dimestore money with a degree from Cal. No offense, man, but thanks for being honest at least.

>> No.651580
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I see my report was a success.

>> No.651582


>The phrase Tolkien's legendarium is used in the literary discipline of Tolkien studies to refer to the part of J. R. R. Tolkien's fantasy fiction being concerned with his Elven legends.

Did I mention I hate Tolkien? Good.

>> No.651584

Hmm Ann Coulter. Good call. I don't care for fairy tales either.

>> No.651585


>Lady Gaga generation

You make it sound like a good thing.

>> No.651590

>parental issues
He's in good company.

>> No.651591

Quick question to the Aussie: what literature was required reading for you?

>> No.651597

God so many teens, I feel I need to balance it out...

A/S/L: 27/M/California

Education/Field: B.A. English Minor Creative Writing; Currently MFA Poetry primary, Fiction Secondary

Employment/Salary: Saved enough money to go to school without having a job (it's a tight squeeze, but scholarships help). Previous job, Comic Book Store Manager $10 an hour

Liked these 3 books: The Spring of My Life, Kobayashi Issa; Heart of Darkness, Joseph Conrad; Snow Country, Yasunari Kawabata

Hated these 3 books: Catch 22, Joseph Heller; No-No Boy, John Okuda; The Narrow Road to the Interior, Kimiko Hahn (note: KIMIKO HAHN, not Basho)

Favorite Author: Kobayashi Issa

Least Favorite Author: Jane Austen

Genres: Detective Fiction, Literary Fiction/Poetry, Deep Imagism, Imagism, L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E, Neoformalism

What you use as a bookmark: I buy a thing that has post-its on a clear plastic thing. I use the post-its to mark pages or sentences I like. When I'm out of post-its the clear plastic part is the size of a regular bookmark -- so I use that.

>> No.651600

A/S/L: 18/F/Wisconsin
Education/Field: Institute of Art.
Employment/Salary: I sell handmade goods for extra money.
Liked these 3 books: Lord of The Rings, The Stranger, and For Whom the Bell Tolls.
Hated these 3 books: Complete Shakespeare, We the Living, and Pride & Prejudice.
Favorite Author: Tolkien.
Least Favorite Author: Ayn Rand
Genres: Philosophy, Hark Adventure.
What you use as a bookmark: Scrap cardboard.

>> No.651602

I was hoping you realized it was a slight. 38yo "grunge era" gen X factory workin book readin nowhere goin anon here. I want my tombstone to read "He was OK, but I liked Palahniuk better".

>> No.651605

what goods?

>> No.651607

Last year of school? Wuthering Heights obviously, Frankenstein, a heap of Coleridege poems, Northanger Abbey, Skrzynecki poems (fuck that guy) and Hamlet.

I think that's it, plus movies and shit.

>> No.651612

I sew clothes and stuffed animals, make journals, screen prints, and sell my own art occasionally.

>> No.651622

good info, thanks. I've noticed a lot of American schools ask people to read Grapes of Wrath, Call of the Wild (which by the way, if you are reading for pleasure is fucking excellent), My Antonia, and The Good Earth. I was wondering what Aussie lit they had you read.

>> No.651625


>The Good Earth


>> No.651626

drop out
picture of dorian gray, ada or ardor, east of eden
LoTR, anything dan simmons, wuthering heights
Maybe Nabokov or Balano, undecided until I read more.
dan simmons
I just make the effort to remember the page number or chapter name.

>> No.651629


USA=Wisconsin, btw. Didn't know how specific location was supposed to be.

>> No.651631

I refuse to take part of this survey.

>> No.651633

I report every underage post I see, but I'll let you go because you like Ada.

>> No.651636

American here. I read the Stranger, No Exit, Crime and Punishment, Catch 22 and Death of a Salesman at my school. It really depends on where you live.

>> No.651637

I will do one for my ex, who I knows frequents this board and she is a whore

A/S/L: 30 / f / USA (Midwest)
Education/Field: none
Employment/Salary: none
Liked these 3 books: does not read--wathces movies and comments
Hated these 3 books: does not read watches movies and comments
Favorite Author: Harry Potter
Least Favorite Author: Anyone who forces you to provide oxygen to brain cells
Genres: Harry Potter
What you use as a bookmark: The currency of my ex

>> No.651638

I reported her in your stead.

>> No.651640

Where in Wisconsin, if you'd be so kind?

>> No.651641

I did extention english, and in it studied Romanticism, which is why there's so many English authors. Even then, most of the standard reading was by the brits, although we did Blade Runner as a complimentary text to Frankenstein. Skrzynecki's Australian, but spends most of his time bitching about the fact, so we don't get to read any good Australian stuff.

>> No.651642

You two deserve each other.

>> No.651647

If she doesn't read, what's she doing here?

>> No.651648
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Is she Summer Kemp?

>> No.651649

>Blade Runner as a complimentary text
>Blade Runner

>> No.651652


Little 'burb outside of Milwaukee.

>> No.651654

I'm not the person you quoted, but you're acting like a colossal jerk.

>> No.651655


>> No.651656

So far, a large representation of the American Midwest, an Aussie, and a SoCal. Weird metrics

>> No.651661

Yep, the movie, not "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep."

Text is their word, not mine.

>> No.651663

We should get some tea in many moons and discuss literature in real life.

>> No.651665

I was going to try and meet up with delicious 14-year-old...

>> No.651667

A/S/L: 21/M/Illinois
Education/Field: English Studies (I'm fucked I know)
Employment/Salary: $8.77/hr washing dishes
Liked these 3 books: Moby Dick, Grapes of wrath, Dr. Sax
Hated these 3 books: atlas shrugged (friend's recommendation in hs), How to write, the old man and the sea
Favorite Author: Kerouac
Least Favorite Author: Hemingway (I get it, he's a craftsman, I just don't like it.)
Genres: sci-fi, anything with the individual vs. society theme is good to me.
What you use as a bookmark: train stub/receipt/anything

>> No.651669

Film Studies people refer to films as texts all the time. I think the surprise was that Blade Runner is supposed to be complimentary to Frankenstein.

>> No.651673

It can't be that far off, the essay was easy as hell.

>> No.651675

This truly intrigues me. I was under the impression that developmental education in any country directly involved coerced leaning of 'patriotic' literature. As in, Americans read "The Red Badge of Courage" and the French read "The Black and the Red".

>> No.651678


Engaged. Sorry, love. Anyway, I just don't think I could see myself with someone who hates the whole of Shakespeare...

>> No.651679

I suppose they both involve man-made humanoids that go bad but are aware of themselves and the world.

>> No.651684

I only had friendship in mind, in any case!

>> No.651686

Her duty in life is to point out how Harry Potter is more symbolic and meaningful than anything you can use as a counterexample. I am sure you've seen her posts.

>> No.651689

I'd like to be your friend.

>> No.651694


MIAD, I infer from your stats? I have friends out that way...

>> No.651703

A/S/L: 36/M/Seattle
Education/Field: Bachelor's in classics (Stanford), Ph.D. in mathematics (Cal).
Employment/Salary: Applied mathematician. Varies with stock compensation, but averages around $200k.
Liked these 3 books: Christie Malry's Own Double Entry, Three to See the King, Giles Goat-Boy
Hated these 3 books: Ishmael, the work of Robert J. Sawyer, Twilight
Favorite Author: Walter Rudin
Least Favorite Author: Serge Lang
Genres: Fiction, crime, science fiction, mathematics
What you use as a bookmark: my Kindle.

>> No.651709

I almost like you. Nash Equilibrium?

>> No.651712

I haven't read those, so I can't say what an analogue would be. But the thing about Australia is, our history is short (at least for the non-aboriginal people), and we don't have any events like the Declaration of Independance to feel all patriotic about. What we do have is bad memories of the world wars and a lot of guilt about how we treated the indigenous people, and anything "patriotic" will looked down upon by at least some part of the populace. It's not to say Australian stuff isn't there, but it's not as in your curriculums.

>> No.651716

Physics and materials engineering
The Man Who Watched Trains Go By, The Castle, The Day Lasts More Than A Thousand Years
Novels, short stories

>> No.651718


>> No.651719


>> No.651723

A/S/L: 18/F/Australia
Education/Field: Graduated high school, working on B Arts/M Nursing
Employment/Salary: Unemployed
Liked these 3 books: The Good Earth, Kafka on the Shore, The Road
Hated these 3 books: Emma, The Notebook, Twilight
Favorite Author: Pearl S. Buck
Least Favorite Author: Stephenie Meyer
Genres: Anything but crime/romance
What you use as a bookmark: Big bird bookmark/train tickets/steakhouse promotional material

>> No.651737

What's with all the Jane Austen hate?

>> No.651738

American here. I think we have an innate understanding of each other. Both of our countries started off in the same basic way. It might be a few years after the fact, but I just wanted to say thanks for how you tuffnecks went fist to face for our same cause in WWII. Aussies don't get enough credit, but the entire nation is like the American West.

>> No.651742

Had to read Emma for class in high school English during Easter break. Sucked bro

>> No.651747

I didn't like it either but it's certainly not the worst book every written. Terribly predictable, though.

>> No.651750

It is all sterotypical roles. People hate that shit. So maybe a woman cant do 100 push ups and fly a fighter jet, but does a woman need to be minding the porridge all fucking day?

>> No.651755

Haha, no problem, thanks for saving our arses from Japan in the pacific.

>> No.651758

In 1812, yes. They did.

>> No.651759


It seems weird to me too because it's one of those classics that feels very contemporary in its attitudes. But anything they make people read in school is going to end up on the bottom of these lists.

>> No.651761

This thread reminds me of the debate about the Lord of the Flies. Without the enforcement of law, we all degrade into Chuck Palahniuk.

>> No.651765

I thought it was boring. Maybe it was funny in the day, but now it's pretty meh.

>> No.651766


Austen's women are not porridge-minders. Seriously, you're totally off-base here.

>> No.651768

That is where the kitchen is, is it not?

>> No.651774

I lolled

>> No.651775

Yes. Its the big white hot thing with a clock on it telling women when the food needs to be ready.

>> No.651783

I never read it. I just assumed it was like that because if my bitch doesn't have porridge on the stove for me when I get home from the printing press, HEADS ARE GONNA FUCKING ROLL!

>> No.651794

A/S/L: 32 (near death) / F/ /London
Education/Field: none. Women shouldn't educate themselves. It is like pouring milk into a shoe
Liked these 3 books: Anne of the Green Gables, Anything by Erica Jong, Harry Fucking Potta
Hated these 3 books: Logic by Pythagoras, Anything by Bertrand Russel, and How I Fucked an Entire Generation of Womanly Expectation by Brad Pitt
Favorite Author:Harry Potter
Least Favorite Author:Chuck Palahniuk
Genres:Building the Self-Esteem of Women (fantasy)
What you use as a bookmark:my clitoral hood

>> No.651799
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>> No.651800

OP, your plan went to shit

>> No.651811

A/S/L: early 30s / Male / USA

Education/Field: Ivy League undergrad / Oxbridge grad / Classics and English

Employment/Salary: Professional writer (which is why I'm being so deliberately vague) / varies widely from year to year, but b/w 15k - 50k

Liked these 3 books: The Satyricon by Petronius; Pictures from an Institution by Randall Jarrell; Posthumous Memoirs of Braz Cubas by Machado de Assis

Hated these 3 books: Fair Play: What Your Child Can Teach You About Economics by Stephen Landsburg; Savage Spawn: Reflections on Violent Children by Jonathan Kellerman; The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins.

Favorite Author: Byron, Shelley, & Keats.

Least Favorite Author: Ayn Rand or St John of Patmos

Genres: I can't think of a genre I haven't been fixated on at one time or another, except maybe writing about music, for the reason that writing about music strikes me as about as useful as dancing about architecture.

What you use as a bookmark: paper currency from foreign countries I've never visited; photos of people I love, or postcards they've sent me; ironic or ridiculously tacky manufactured bookmarks (Zac Efron, Jonas Brothers)

>> No.651813

Employment/Salary:Salesman of fine psychoactive goods
Liked these 3 books:Catch-22, The Picture of Dorian Gray, VALIS
Hated these 3 books: Lord of the Rings, Catcher in the Rye, Ulysses cause it made me feel dumb
Favorite Author: Philip K. Dick or Kurt Vonnegut
Least Favorite Author: Ayn Rand
Genres: Non-fiction and scifi
What you use as a bookmark: a bookmark

>> No.651814

Trying to be silent and expecting much more from this board, but yes, I think you are right. My findings so far:

/lit/ is the 17-30 year old board
mostly male
from Midwest America
"chick lit" haters
fantasy lovers
wide employment background
Partial to Australian women
Culturally cloistered
Economically devoid

What did I miss?

>> No.651816

>>Least Favorite Author: Serge Lang

I'm sure if Serge Lang were still alive, he'd write you a characteristic 80 page screed defending himself against the charge of being somebody's least favorite author. I'm just curious if he's your least favorite author because you once received one of those famous documents yourself.

>> No.651818

Amateur writer here. Give me one piece of advice that you wish you had when you started.

>> No.651819
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20, Male, Washington

Majoring in history and English secondary education

Poor college student

Liked A Tale of Two Cities, The Brothers Karamazov, and Les Miserables

Disliked Twilight, House of Leaves, and Battle Royale

Dickens is my favorite author

I guess Stephanie Meyer is my least favorite author

I'll read pretty much anything, but I've been pretty heavy into general literature since about 10th grade

I use receipts and this fancy corner-page bookmark

>> No.651822


Only the first thing is even remotely true. The rest is just bullshit that people make up as they go along.

>> No.651823
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>Les Miserables

>> No.651827


His books are atrocious--tricky, snide little pieces of arrogant nonsense. He was a master troll in fields about which he had little clue (linear algebra, the biology of AIDS). He was fond of embarrassing undergraduates and in throwing his weight around in petty disputes.

He never did me any harm. In fact, I met him one summer at Cal, and he was very nice. But he remains a perfect example of the reason I did not become a professional academic.

>> No.651828
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After the face

>> No.651831

Partial to Australian women?

>> No.651835

A/S/L:33 / M / CA
Education/Field: cannot reveal
Employment/Salary: authorship - cannot reveal
Liked these 3 books: n/a
Hated these 3 books: n/a
Favorite Author: me
Least Favorite Author: Stephen King
Genres: politicos
What you use as a bookmark: photos

>> No.651839

Aye. Ya feel it /lit/; gittin oll wit?

>> No.651843

A/S/L:18/M/ California
Education/Field:High School/ College Student
Liked these 3 books:Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison, Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy and the New York Trilogy by Paul Auster

Hated these 3 books:The Scarlet Letter, Oracle Night and The Lord of the Rings
Favorite Author: I'd say Cormac McCarthy
Least Favorite Author:Stephanie Meyer
Genres:Fiction, African American Literature and Historical Literature
What you use as a bookmark:Pokemon cards usually and the occasional Magic the Gathering card.

>> No.651845

>>Amateur writer here. Give me one piece of advice that you wish you had when you started.

"This mournful truth is everywhere confessed:
Slow rises worth, by poverty oppressed."
--Samuel Johnson

In other words, meritocracy ain't what it's cracked up to be.

If you think Frieda Hughes has her poetry published because she has talent, think again. Her parents were Ted Hughes and Sylvia Plath. If you think Edward Albee has his plays staged and wins prizes because he's a great playwright, think again. He inherited more money than most of us can possibly imagine, and inherited it because his adoptive family owned most of the theatres in America. If you think that the hottest new fiction manuscript in the NYC publishing world this year was James Franco's MFA thesis from Columbia because James Franco is the next James Joyce, think again. He's a movie star. And so it goes.

Nepotism and who-you-know or how-famous-you-are has just as much to do with success in writing as it does with success in real estate. This is the grim truth of what it's like to be an artist in a market economy.

On the other hand, if the writer you most admire is genuinely an artist, and you write him or her a fan letter to say that you really care about his or her work, chances are they will be so astonished you'll get a grateful letter back.

>> No.651846

But they're all talking to an Australian dude. The female one came in later in the thread.

>> No.651849

A/S/L: 18/M/Houston
Education/Field: College Student
Employment/Salary: n/a
Liked these 3 books: Harry Potter Series, 100 Years of Solitude, Cat's Cradle
Hated these 3 books: Wuthering Heights, Jane Eyre, A Tale of Two Cities
Favorite Author: Christie, Rowling, and Vonnegut
Least Favorite Author: Charles Dickens
Genres: Don't really have one, although I am partial to fantasy
What you use as a bookmark: Anything around me I can find (pieces of paper, money, etc.)

>> No.651857

Money's never a good idea.

>> No.651858


Les Miserables was a beautiful piece of literature, man. Shit made me cry big, manly tears. Tears that drink Powerade and bench press women, but tears nonetheless.

>> No.651865

>>He was fond of embarrassing undergraduates

All I knew about him was that I once found this document, which was an 80-page defense of himself against a review of one of his seminars in an undergrad-written guide to various courses / professors....the sort of thing that is now done online. It read like it was written by Charles X Kinbote on dexedrine.

After I found it, I asked a friend of mine whose dad is a tenured math professor at a different institution, and said, "Does your dad know this guy? Is he crazy?" She called her dad and asked him on my behalf, and he said, "Oh, tell him it's just Serge. If he wants to hear more stories, everybody has one."

>> No.651871

>>But they're all talking to an Australian dude.

I do hope it's Ern Malley. He's my favorite Australian writer.

>> No.651877

Actually, I expected that but I didn't wish it to be the case.This may not seem like something similar, but in my case, it is.

I am also an amateur bowler. I want to become a professional bowler, but this entails letters of recommendation from other PBA members. I have won regional tournaments, sanctioned league competitions, and ABT (Amateur Bowlers Tour) placements. No matter how hard I work at what I do, there is an old boys club that blocks me nefariously from becoming a professional.

I have since gone into the laughable "underworld" of bowling where I find that I can gamble my skills using trickery and intimidation. I think I will apply these skills to the world of publication.

>> No.651881


> on dexedrine

You know how kids in school now use ADD meds (stimulants) to stay alert and focus? Mathematicians (including Lang) discovered that in the forties.

>> No.651883

>>I am also an amateur bowler.

Can I confess I am desperate to hear your informed critique of The Big Lebowski, if you've seen it?

>> No.651890

>>Mathematicians (including Lang) discovered that in the forties.

Oh, I know. Didn't Erdos say that a mathematician was a machine for turning benzedrine into theorems? Or did he say caffeine? I can't remember but I once wrote a piece about mathematicians, just because the stories I heard about Erdos were so amazing I thought, wow, I thought the people I knew were strange...

>> No.651892

Nope. The genius of anything Ern writes is tangible, we'd be able to tell his work from even a thread like this.

>> No.651899
File: 50 KB, 560x393, murdoch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your goal is peepee kaka.

>> No.651901


I heard this as "coffee into theorems." But yeah, benzedrine works.

>> No.651915

Certainly. In watching the Big lebowski from a bowlers point of view, Donny was the best bowler. The reaction Donny's ball gets on the cut-away scenes from him throwing the ball and the ball hitting the pins are absolutely contrary. Donny need more of a straighter wrist-shoulder line lock than he shows for the same reaction. Donny has no follow through on his throw, making it obvious that the ball will never arc to the pocket. There is no need to "practice" as the Lebowski team does because an amateur is bowling in at least 3 leagues a week. Pin placement on the Rhino suggests a skid/snap reaction which every thrown ball does not--arc to drive is the standard during that time. Skid flip is the de facto standard nowadays. see motivbowling.com

>> No.651917

1 post every minute for 2 hours straight.

/lit/ is dead to me.

>> No.651923

Blame the philosophy essay I'm avoiding.

>> No.651924


Good answer. I am sure we would know if the black swan of trespass deigned to post on 4chan. As it is, it seems like mostly just the same old angry penguins posting on /b/.

>> No.651926

Do you know what I blame a breakdown of?

>> No.651935

Let me help you with your essay.

Solipsism is the only non-mathematical philosophical idea that CAN exist. Thus, I will not write this essay because It will only be for my benefit, and I am already aware of that fact.

>> No.651952

Should I cite it to some guy on /lit/?

>> No.651961

Solipsism demands you cite yourself to yourself as the only authority.

>> No.651968

Yeah, but I feel like not failing, and philosophy lecturers get pissy when you imply that they don't exist.

>> No.651972

I was under the impression that a lot of /lit/ anon was female. I am apparently wrong. Leaving here forever. Enjoy your sausage-fest cum showers, /lit/!

>> No.651984

Maybe the femanons are smarter than us and are avoiding the thread?

>> No.651991

Nope. Face the facts. Women can't read. Women can't deduce. Women have no aptitude for anything beyond the smell of their own tampon.

>> No.651993



>> No.652005

But! But! Harry Pottor! And Twilight!

>> No.652016

Going to bed

Since this is /lit/, I know the thread will be here way past noon tomorrow. Still have American Midwest highschoolers who love recommended reading as the population of /lit/.

>> No.652022
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>> No.652037


Learning something like that is precisely why I love 4chan. Thank you.

>> No.652066

Holy fuck.

>> No.652076

A/S/L: 21/m/michigan
Education/Field: Working on my BA in Accounting then CPA cert.
Employment/Salary: n/a
Liked these 3 books: The Little Prince, The Phantom Tollbooth, The Bible
Hated these 3 books: Twilight, Eragon, Nietzsche
Favorite Author: Antoine de saint exupery
Least Favorite Author: Meyers
Genres: A bit of everything
What you use as a bookmark: I remember where I was, no bookmark.

>> No.652086


>> No.652109

A/S/L: 20/M/USA
Education/Field: BA in Philosophy, expected 2012
Employment/Salary: Part time at Housing and Residence Life at the university I attend
Liked these 3 books: Naked Lunch, Slaughterhouse-Five, The Trial
Hated these 3 books: Jane Eyre, The Scarlet Letter, Utilitarianism
Favorite Author: William S. Burroughs, Kurt Vonnegut
Least Favorite Author: Any of the Brontes
Genres: Most anything
What you use as a bookmark: Various scraps of paper I have lying around, bank statements and the like

>> No.652130

A/S/L: 21/M/Canada

Education/Field: BA Political Science

Employment/Salary: Student = No money

Liked these 3 books: Doctor Zhizago, Wacousta, Leviathan

Hated these 3 books: Being and Time, Ethics of Ambiguity, The Koran

Favorite Author: Robert Burns

Least Favorite Author: Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

Genres: Anything

What you use as a bookmark: I remember the page

>> No.652173

A/S/L: 20/m/Canada
Education/Field: Halfway through a BA in creative writing and foreign languages
Employment/Salary: I have never had a job
Liked these 3 books: Envy (Yuri Olesha), Pedro Paramo (Juan Rulfo), The Sound and the Fury (Faulkner)
Hated these 3 books: The Elementary Particles, Goblin Market, Tommyknockers
Favorite Author: Faulkner
Least Favorite Author: Christina Rossetti
Genres: Russian and American lit if those count as genres
What you use as a bookmark: folded library receipt

>> No.652178

A/S/L: 19/M/East Coast USA
Education/Field: High School, Starting College
Employment/Salary: Waiter/Average $600 per month
Liked these 3 books: 1984, A Clockwork Orange, Fahrenheit 451
Hated these 3 books: The Lightning Theif, The Scarlet Letter, Moby Dick (I just couldn't get through all the marine biology)
Favorite Author: George Orwell
Least Favorite Author: Hawthorne
Genres: Distopian, Horror, Philosophy
What you use as a bookmark: Whatever scrap of paper is nearest to my hand.

>> No.652182

I was hoping someone mentioned Hegel

>> No.652194

>Tears that drink Powerade
This sounds recursive. Would these tears then cry Powerade?

>> No.652197

>Doctor Zhizago
The fuck is that!_!
sounds like a bizarro fic

>> No.652207

A/S/L: 18/M/Iowa
Education/Field: BA, Music Theory
Employment/Salary: Audio Engineer, $12.50
Liked these 3 books: Hop-Frog, Dreamquest of Unknown Kadath, Thomas Covenant series
Hated these 3 books: LotR series...
Favorite Author: Lovecraft
Least Favorite Author: Tolkein
Genres: Horror, Fantasy
What you use as a bookmark: Anything and everything

>> No.652214

sure is liberal art/humanity major in here

>> No.652231

we're all frightened of actual work

>> No.652234

~20/f/bumhole-upon-shitpiss brook

student/amateur pimpette

op is an american and has well deserved a nuclear holocaust NOW!

John Gardner's Grendel; some plays by bertolt brecht; all the OBERIU authors; SHAKESPEARE! some cinema of lars von trier; some poetry by an author you twits cannot possibly know. Amores perros.

i hate everything i was forced to read to get along with studies, school and hipster losers like yourselves. also, some other plays by bertolt brecht and some other cinema by lars von trier.

love letters are to be written with crayon on cardboard and stuffed up thine arse.

>> No.652236

A/S/L: 21, Male, Denmark
Education/Field: Studying anthropologi
Employment/Salary: The money given by the state to students, which is about 1500 $ a month
Liked these 3 books: C&P, Tortilla Flat, Den Unge Jægers Lidelser
Hated these 3 books: Sword Of Truth, Katinka, Atlas Shrugged
Favorite Author: Frank Jæger
Least Favorite Author: Terry Goodkind
Genres: No preferences
What you use as a bookmark: The ones i receive when i purchase books.

>> No.652240

so rebellious! yawn

>> No.652242

>Employment/Salary: The money given by the state to students, which is about 1500 $ a month
I take my words back. Nuke denmark instead!

>> No.652244

Education/Field: Studying linguistics.
Employment/Salary: Currently unemployed.
Liked these 3 books: Ulysses, Another Roadside Attraction, Wise Children.
Hated these 3 books: Atlas Shrugged, Pride and Prejudice, War and Peace.
Favorite Author: Hard one, though it must be either James Joyce or Kafka.
Least Favorite Author: Neil Gaiman, hands down. The hack copies whatever is popular and adds creepiness and swearing.
Genres: Seriously?

>> No.652245

Socialism feels pretty good bro.

>> No.652246


>> No.652247

What's with your fucking attitude, whore? You are fucking 20 years old. The only thing you read from start to finish was a rave flyer for Audioweb

>> No.652248

i had started a similar thread in euro time without asking for sex. had some evidently cum-filled dumpsters.

>> No.652251

>Amores perros
Your understanding of Spanish is nada nunca

>> No.652252

>I'm a conceited little brat, derp

>> No.652255

bugger off. it is the internet and i am being honest.

>> No.652256

A/S/L: 19/M/NZ
Education/Field: BA/LLB in a bunch of sturff
Employment/Salary: part time military reserves
Liked these 3 books: Catch 22, Ivan Denisovich, Salamandastron
Hated these 3 books: Pick any three ultra-popular young adult titles about vampires or wizards.
Favorite Author: Joseph Heller
Least Favorite Author: Hunter Thompson
Genres: Not really.
What you use as a bookmark: Label from a beer bottle.

>> No.652257

A/S/L: 28/M/USA
Education/Field: Comp.Sci.
Employment/Salary: Student
Liked these 3 books: Tender Buttons, The Fall, and Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
Hated these 3 books: White Noise, The Da Vinci Code, and Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Favorite Author: Shakespeare
Least Favorite Author: Ayn Rand
Genres: Classics, Philosophy, Mathematics, Poetry, and Social Studies.
What you use as a bookmark: I collect them so I have many more than just one.

>> No.652258

25, Male, Europe

Political sciences

Real Estate agent/N/A

>Liked these 3 books:
The Peace War - Vernor Vinge
Quarantine - Greg Egan
Pusing Ice - Alystair Reynolds

>Hated these 3 books:
I choose carefully what I read, so I rarely end up reading books that I wouldn't like.

>Favorite Author:

>Least Favorite Author:
David Brin

Science Fiction over 9000 times.

>What you use as a bookmark:

>> No.652262

I can smell your abundantly fat, yeasty vagina from here in Detroit. We only see you as a chavette, dismissable and commonplace.

>> No.652263

A/S/L: 20/m/Australia (Melbourne)
Education/Field: Computer Science
Employment/Salary: student, live off savings
Liked these 3 books: 1984, C&P, Dune
Hated these 3 books: I read a page of Twilight, does that count?
Favorite Author: Dostoyevsky
Least Favorite Author: That gamer girl bitch
Genres: Sci-fi, anything really
What you use as a bookmark: pokemon card

>> No.652265

>love letters are to be written with crayon on cardboard and stuffed up thine arse.

>> No.652281
File: 84 KB, 400x322, gonnahate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's up with my spanish?
it's not that you could fix it either, stupid twit.

>> No.652285

also, here's a bump for europe

good morning, europe!~

>> No.652288

England...nothing but the fookin bist

>> No.652289


Amores Perros is the actual title of something

>> No.652295

Entiendes Mendes?

>> No.652304

dismissing this chav's contribution for garrolousness and angst. plus it's tainted with the feeling that the poster is actually a 14 year old boy

>> No.652311
File: 245 KB, 600x600, Asinine-America.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for all the drama, boys

>> No.652313

bumping for timezone shift

>> No.652314

Thanks for the memories.

>> No.652315

A/S/L: 20/M/USA
Education: Getting a BA in History, then law school
Salary: 0$
Liked these 3 books: Blood Meridian, Book of the New Sun series, East of Eden
Hated these 3 books: Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Picture of Dorian Gray, The Awakening
Favorite Author: John Steinbeck
Least Favorite Author: James Joyce
Genres: Western, Historical, Speculative Fiction
What you use as a bookmark: Random scrap of drawing paper

>> No.652323

No entiendo, lo siento :(
It's 12 minutes till next lecture so i'll be going.
Don't let it die till europe awakens.

>> No.652340

A/S/L: 18/F/CAN
Education/Field: Going for Bachelor of Fine Arts degree
Employment/Salary: None currently.
Liked these 3 books: ((Only 3? D=))
-Everything I've read by Alexandre Dumas. I like his writing style.
Hated these 3 books:
-Catcher in the Rye
-Pride and Prejudice
-Any of the Christian novels I was forced to read as a child.

Favorite Author: -Can't Decide-
Least Favorite Author: Does Stephenie Meyer actually count as an author?
Genres: Science Fiction, Grimdark ((Does that count?)), any fiction really other than this "LAWL, REAL LIFE TEENS/YOUNG ADULTS IN CRAZY HIGHSCHOOL/COLLEGE SITUATIONS" stuff. Or smutty romance novels, can't stand them.
What you use as a bookmark: Either a Queen of Hearts or a Jack of Hearts.

>> No.652342

A/S/L: 23, male, russian
Education/Field: e.eng./IT
Employment/Salary:could be better
Liked these 3 books: Kolyma Tales, For whom the Bell Tolls, Kangaroo
Hated these 3 books: dk. you don't read books you don't like
Favorite Author: Yuz Aleshkovsky
Least Favorite Author: Nietzsche
Genres: as long as it doesn't involve the grand and eternal issues it's good
What you use as a bookmark: my talented dick

>> No.652349
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>> No.652352

And you omitted your age and sex because...

>> No.652353

it's not a sex board, stupid

>> No.652355

You people proclaim yourself /lit/erati but this was so obvious a troll that all of your intellectual egoism should really, at this moment, collapse upon itself. And you should, please, jump off a bridge. Or shoot yourselves in the face.

>> No.652366

>I can smell your abundantly fat, yeasty vagina from here in Detroit. We only see you as a chavette, dismissable and commonplace.
said the poet

>> No.652369 [DELETED] 

D i D Y o u k n o w t H A t M O O T i S a t h i e f w H O h a s N O T w O R K e d a D A Y I N h I s L i F E ? H t T p : / / 8 8 . 8 0 . 2 1 . 1 2 /

>> No.652371
File: 16 KB, 300x385, ShelleyByCurran1819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Immortal/Male/Your Heart

Any young French boys seeking inspiration?

>> No.652393

A/S/L: 18/F/Thailand
Education/Field: High School Student
Employment/Salary: None
Liked these 3 books: Love in the Time of Cholera, Starship Troopers, Good Omens
Hated these 3 books: Wuthering Heights, The Edible Woman, Cell
Favorite Author: Kurt Vonnegut
Least Favorite Author: None specifically
Genres: Sci-fi, Fantasy, Satire
What you use as a bookmark: I don't. I memorize the page, paragraph, and line of where I had left off.

>> No.652404

A/S/L: 20, Male, Australia
Education/Field: University Student, Bachelor of Arts/Secondary Education
Employment/Salary: Fast Food worker, bugger all
Liked these 3 books: Les Miserables, Nicholas Nickleby, 1984
Hated these 3 books: Twilight, Five People in Heaven, The Alchemist
Favorite Author: Terry Pratchett
Least Favorite Author: Stephanie Meyer
Genres: Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Historical Fiction, Classics.
What you use as a bookmark: Bookmarks, pieces of scrap paper, envelopes; basically whatever I can find.

>> No.652417


I think you meant Doctor Zhivago, my good man.

>> No.652432

why didn't he call him "Doctor Bob", at least in the translation. The ancients had, for one, their mythical hero names translated.

>> No.652439

A/S/L: 22/male/germany
Education/Field: uni/psychology (starting first semester soon)
Liked these 3 books: Les Miserables, Crime and Punishment, Steppenwolf
Hated these 3 books: LotR, Valis, can't think of third one
Favorite Author: Dostoyevski
Least Favorite Author: Tolkien
Genres: fiction, short stories,
What you use as a bookmark: local bookstore's bookmark (thalia)

>> No.652441

Erst mit 22 an die Uni?
Und dann willst du mit deinem männlichen Geschlecht Psychologie studieren, anon? Das sollst du mir erklären.

>> No.652445

It's a shame only the most vigorous of trolls get an answer on this board. I'd to get to know the lot of you closer than that tightly strapped poll allows me to.

>> No.652451

after finishing school I got sidetracked a bit, had a slight falling out with my father, started studying something else, but now starting over

... und zu meinem Geschlecht: ich mag Kategorien nicht, ich sehe mich zuerst einmal als Mensch, dann als Mann :3

>> No.652455


I would give you my MSN, but trolls would jump on it in a millisecond. I'd penpal you if I don't live in the middle of fucking nowhere.

>> No.652456

A/S/L: 20, f, australia
Education/Field: last yr bachelor of commerce/economics
Employment/Salary: tutor/not much
Liked these 3 books: the little friend - donna tartt, pastoralia - george saunders and american psycho
Hated these 3 books: the last of the mohicans
Favorite Author: atm george saunders no matter how depressed he makes me
Least Favorite Author: james fenimoore cooper?
Genres: a bit of most, really
What you use as a bookmark: a shiny top shop tag or a train ticket usually

>> No.652457



Are you hitting on me?

>> No.652458

>... und zu meinem Geschlecht: ich mag Kategorien nicht, ich sehe mich zuerst einmal als Mensch, dann als Mann :3
Willst du dir eine Witwe schnappen?

>> No.652459
File: 105 KB, 500x638, Pink_Ranger_by_IrishFire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A/S/L: 22/f/tx
Education/Field: BA english/communications
Employment/Salary: web design $10/hr
Liked these 3 books: Typee - Melville, House of Leaves - Danielewski, An Arrow's Flight - Merliss
Hated these 3 books: Go Ask Alice - Anonymous, Leonardo's Laptop - Shneiderman, Travels in the Interior Districts of Africa - Park
Favorite Author: Madeleine L'Engle (no one has lived up to the way her books made me feel back in the day)
Least Favorite Author: Paolini (someone tried to make me read it.)
Genres: Literary Fiction, Modern Fantasy (like Katie MacAlister, not Robert Jordan), Erotica, Adventure,
What you use as a bookmark: receipt for the book, typically

>> No.652463
File: 41 KB, 400x348, 1270728074517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A/S/L: 22/M/Aus
Education/Field: Education (Primary)
Employment/Salary: Around $400 AU a week working at After School care.
Liked these 3 books: Foundation, Confederacy of Dunces, Fahrenheit 451
Hated these 3 books: Twilight, LoTR, The DaVinci Code
Favorite Author: Isaac Asimov
Least Favorite Author: Stephanie Myer
Genres: Sci-Fi, Literary Fiction, Non-fiction
What you use as a bookmark: a bookmark I got from Westsider Books when I went to New York.

>> No.652464

To the two german guys in here:

Haltet die Klappe!

did your parents not teach you proper manners?

>> No.652466

A/S/L: 22/M/New Zealand
Education/Field: University, Law
Employment/Salary: Lawyer, around 36k USD
Liked these 3 books: 1984, Crimes against Humanity, The Long Walk
Hated these 3 books: The Tommyknockers, Twilight, Atlas Shrugged
Favorite Author: George Orwell
Least Favorite Author: Stephanie Meyer
Genres: Dystopia, Sci-Fi, Fantasy
What you use as a bookmark: My memory

>> No.652468

>Willst du dir eine Witwe schnappen?

Wo kam das jetzt her? Ich habe nur versucht das "Steck-mich-nicht-in-eine-Schublade"-Klischee zu benutzen, um die durchaus angebrachte Frage nach meiner männlichen Zukunft in der Psychologie zu umgehen. Deshalb bin ich noch kein Grabräuber.

>> No.652469
File: 18 KB, 250x230, rapeohol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>the last of the mohicans

>> No.652472

Do gentlemen never ever ask a girl to show her tits and her cunt? Why did op even ask for sex if we're not getting any anyway?

>> No.652474

A/S/L: 18/F/Australia

Education/Field: High School

Employment/Salary: At School

Liked these 3 books: A Tree Grows In Brooklyn, An Abundance of Katherines, The Outsiders.

Hated these 3 books: Go Ask Alice, Breaking Dawn, Breakfast at Tiffany's.

Favorite Author: John Green/John Updike

Least Favorite Author: Truman Capote

Genres: General/Classics/Anthologies

What you use as a bookmark: Folded receipts, letters, envelopes, ticket stubs, scraps, actual bookmarks.

>> No.652475

I'm sorry, Mutter, it von't happen again!

>> No.652481


>A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
oh man, awesome liked book!

>> No.652483

Willst du also stattdessen erben?
Am deutschen Wesen soll die Welt genesen!

>> No.652492


>Truman Capote

Can I high five you, sister?

>> No.652498

yes, i would very much like that. isn't all too likely, though. and like Mutter said, I will refrain from using nazi-speak from now on.

>> No.652503

The Ghostssciences are, as i thought of them, not more than schools for fine dames. So you do have capital? I'm asking all time because you listed Dostoyevski. He's read only by the upper class and pretentious suck-up leeches like myself.

>> No.652506

wow, another übermensch who wants to destroy the world with his faggotry.

>> No.652507

Is that how you call our authentically Hellenic culture?

>> No.652509

A/S/L: 26, male, london
Education/Field: music (classical, specifically cello)
Employment/Salary: unemployed
Liked these 3 books: the waves, invisible cities, the unconsoled
Hated these 3 books: i don't read books i hate
Favorite Author: italo calvino
Least Favorite Author: idk
Genres: uh....classics?
What you use as a bookmark: ticket stubs from concerts or movies

>> No.652510

> implying I am not of more pure teutonic blood than you bastard

>> No.652511

I had a brief sociology-episode at the RWTH, and there were quite some Herren in there. No, I do not have "capital", but I guess I get by. Psychology interests me, that's why I'm doing it. What are you doing, if I may be so bold? Studying natural sciences and reading russian literature?

>> No.652523

Nineteen / Male / Oregon
College; Freshman
Naked Lunch, Vile Bodies, The Wanting Seed
Factotum, Burmese Days, Time Out of Joint
Evelyn Waugh
Philip K. Dick

>> No.652524

RWTH and sociology... lol, you know that they only introduced a philosophy department at the RWTH to make it less of a sausagefest?
I am serious, I know some Profs in the administration.
Engineers... pfff

Karohemd und Samenstau
Ich studier' Maschinenbau

>> No.652525

Well, than you are a traitor to German spirit and a Schädling on top of that because you proclaim your blasphemous ideas to foreigners on /lit/.
You cannot call it faggorty when you sodomize another Burschenschafter on Germanic ruins in a forest despite the frost, with only two torches and friction to warm the spirits.
It is the very opposite of faggotry, in fact.

>> No.652527

just two dudes, enjoying the strength of each others body, huh?

>> No.652530

>Karohemd und Samenstau
What nonsense! Samenstau was never a problem to MaschBau. It is alot more popular than any other branch. Why of all things did chose that. Aren't you, social scientists, either virgins or faggots or women or capitalists?

>> No.652531

still there weren't only girls in there. for what reason they introduced the philosophy-fachschaft I really don't care. you're right about engineers though, germany's future looks like an idiot. so what are you doing?

>> No.652532

It isn't not the strenght of body but the strenght of spirit than we fancy, Kleingeist.

>> No.652534

Maschbau is very popular at the RWTH, but only among Maschbau student's which are almost exclusively dudes. from my brief stay at the philosophy-departement I can say that everybody not enrolled in engineering can't stand them. they even crash other course's parties because their's only have guys.

>> No.652537

But they're supposed to have an Abitur!

>> No.652553

A/S/L: 21/M/Australia
Education/Field: Studying BA in Professional Writing. Final year. Majoring in Writing and Sociology, minor in Literature.
Employment/Salary: Retail.
Liked these 3 books: Crooked Little Vein, Dead Europe, Cats Eye.
Hated these 3 books: Tess of d'Urbervilles, Song of Solomon, Dubliners.
Favorite Author: Warren Ellis.
Least Favorite Author: Franz Kafka.
Genres: Fantasy, sci fi, historical fiction, grunge lit. Probaby more that I can't think of right now.
What you use as a bookmark: Anything I can find that will fit. Failing that, I'll dog ear.

>> No.652572

A/S/L: 24/Male/Malaysia
Education/Field: Aviation
Employment/Salary: Airline Pilot, 50k in USD due to shitty exchange rate.
Liked these 3 books: The Moon is a Harsh Mistress.Wind, Sand and Stars. Watership Down.
Hated these 3 books: Angels and Demons, The Alchemist, The Jester (lol airport literature)
Favorite Author: Victor Hugo
Least Favorite Author: probably Paulo Coelho.
Genres: Sci-fi, occasional fantasy, history
What you use as a bookmark: book receipt.

>> No.652578

Can't be bothered with the survey, but I wanted to offer my condolences to this anon. Feel for you, bro.

>> No.652579


Vocational Qualification in Business Information Technology


Foundation (Asimov), Cat's Cradle (Vonnegut), New York (Rutherfurd)

I don't hate books.

Kurt Vonnegut

I haven't even one

Science fiction, historical fiction

The library receipt

>> No.652587 [DELETED] 

w E L c o m E T o a n T O P i A W H E r E a L l T H e A N T S L I v E I n H A r M O N Y : H T T P : / / 8 8 . 8 0 . 2 1 . 1 2 /

>> No.652601
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>Hated these 3 books: Catch 22
but why?

A/S/L: 22/m/ca
Education/Field: in college, engineering
Employment/Salary: maybe 11k
Liked these 3 books: the sun also rises, down and out in paris and london, catch-22
Hated these 3 books: hmm.. can think of a lot more i like but not any I hate
Favorite Author: maybe Palahniuk
Least Favorite Author: Stephen Chbosky
Genres: fiction, satire, history, anything really minus philosophy.

>> No.652603

ironic how you hate fantasy, yet ulysses is as close as you get.

>> No.652615

A/S/L: 18/M/Australia
Education/Field: First year law student.
Employment/Salary: Work at a board and card games store, get about $125 a week.
Liked these 3 books: Catch-22, Slaughterhouse-5, 1984
Hated these 3 books: Pride and Prejudice, Harry Potter, Twilight
Favorite Author: Vonnegut
Least Favorite Author: Meyer
Genres: No genres I particularly like more than any other.
What you use as a bookmark: Movie/concert/sporting tickets

>> No.652618

>Hated these 3 books: Pride and Prejudice


>> No.652639

>>652615 here

Just realised there is heaps of Australians on /lit/, all around my age too.


Eh, wouldn't say its as bad as HP or Twilight but I just didn't get into it at all, and really didn't think of much either protagonist, saw Elizabeth as a bit of a gold-digger and Darcy was still as much a douche at the end as he was at the start imo, Elizabeth's personal opinion of him just changed.

>> No.652654

A/S/L: 23/M/IL
Education/Field: Graduating this week with a degree in English
Employment/Salary: n/a
Liked these 3 books: The Bell Jar, The Sound and The Fury, Ulysses
Hated these 3 books: Jane Eyre, House of Mirth, Frankenstein
Favorite Author: Sylvia Plath
Least Favorite Author: Charlotte Bronte
Genres: Classics
What you use as a bookmark: Whatever is in arms reach.

>> No.652668

A/S/L: 21/Male/Canada
Education/Field: Philosophy Major
Employment/Salary: Tim Hortons/shit
Liked these 3 books: Things Fall Apart, The Piano Teacher, Infinite Jest
Hated these 3 books: every book I read in high school
Favorite Author: Jelinek
Least Favorite Author: Sartre
Genres: Philosophy, Psychology, Non-dramatic Fiction
What you use as a bookmark: memory

>> No.652674
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Film & Video production - BA
The Fountainhead, Neuromancer, Catch-22
Cloud Atlas, Lunar Park, Spook Country
Richard Dawkins
Popular science, philosophy, magical realism
Train tickets

>> No.652694

A/S/L: 20/M/Adelaide, Australia
Education/Field: Bachelor of Graphic Design
Employment/Salary: Check out chick.
Liked these 3 books: High Fidelity, On the Road, Wake Up
Hated these 3 books: idk, there is always at least SOMETHING to take from a book and love about it
Favorite Author: Kerouac
Least Favorite Author: Mayer. har har.
Genres: Beat generation, I guess
What you use as a bookmark: Plane ticket

>> No.652695

A/S/L: 20/M/US (NM)
Education/Field: College undergraduate - History
Employment/Salary: N/A usually, summer odd jobs mostly
Liked these 3 books: 1984 (Orwell), Heart of Darkness (Conrad), To Kill a Mockingbird (Lee)
Hated these 3 books: The Scarlet Letter (Hawthorne), Wizzard's First Rule (Goodkind), Wuthering Heights (Bronte)
Favorite Author: George Orwell
Least Favorite Author: Ayn Rand
Genres: Modern, Historical, Science Fiction, Fantasy
What you use as a bookmark: Small slips of paper. People who dog ear books should die in a fire.

>> No.652698

Education/field: High School student
Employment/salary: none
Liked: Le estrange, Being and nothingness, Hitchhiker series(Adams)
Disliked: Lord of the flies, gullivers travels, book with the big fukken whale and the dude hell bent on revenge.
Favorite Author: Kjelland
Least favorite Author: the bitch that came up with the twilight series
Genres: Satire, classics and scifi
Bookmark: Always forget one, so I mess up the pretty pages by bending them slightly at the edge :|

>> No.652703

A/S/L: 24/M/New York
Education/Field: M.S. in Nuclear Medicine Physics
Employment/Salary: Physicist/$140,000
Liked these 3 books: The Once & Future King, Let the Right One In, Slaughterhouse Five
Hated these 3 books:
Favorite Author: Bernard Cornwell
Least Favorite Author:
Genres: Historical Fiction, Fantasy, Horror

>> No.652709

Education/Field:Civil Engineering
Liked these 3 books:The Outsider-Camus/The Metamorphsis-Kafka/Crime and Punishment/Notes on the Underground-Dostoyevsky.
Hated these 3 books:Can't decide
Favorite Author:Not sure that i can just pick one.
Least Favorite Author:Can't decide
What you use as a bookmark:Always torn bits of paper.

>> No.652723

A/S/L: 21/F/NY
Education/Field: History/Accounting
Employment/Salary: Sell soap online; only get maybe $200 a week
Liked these 3 books: The Magus, V., The Trial
Hated these 3 books: Don Quixote, Sense and Sensibility, Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell
Favorite Author: George Eliot
Least Favorite Author: Chuck Palahniuk
Genres: Fantasy/History/~Improving Literature~
What you use as a bookmark: Receipts, or whatever scrap of paper I have on hand.

>> No.652725

A/S/L: 19/m/Florida
Education/Field: Graduated High School
Employment/Salary: Job hunting now
Liked these 3 books: Three randoms? Um, Abhorsen Trilogy, Pendragon Adventures, Shannara series
Hated these 3 books: World War Z (not really hate, but it was boring), Sword of Truth, dunno what else
Favorite Author: Don't have one
Least Favorite Author: ^
Genres: Fiction, mainly fantasy.
What you use as a bookmark: A bookmark or whatever I can find

>> No.652727

A/S/L: 18 male Denmark
Education/Field: Currently in High School - going for History.
Employment/Salary: Unemployed
Liked these 3 books: You'd call them stupid names.
Hated these 3 books: Twilight, The Banana and the eel and Sabriel.
Favorite Author: Phillip Pullman
Least Favorite Author: Stephenie Meyer
Genres: Steampunk
What you use as a bookmark: A black leather bookmark with the quote:
"Don't see books as your friends, rather see them as acquaintances." or something like that.

>> No.652731

A/S/L: 28/M/USA-East Coast
Education/Field: Bachelor's Degree. Poli Sci/English
Employment/Salary: Retail/ 30k a year
Liked these 3 books: Don Quixote, Blood Meridian, Teach Us to Outgrow Our Madness
Hated these 3 books: The Fountainhead, The Power of Now, Life of Pi
Favorite Author: Haruki Murakami
Least Favorite Author: Ayn Rand
Genres: Surreal stuff. Philosophical Fiction.
What you use as a bookmark: Whatever I can find that won't fuck up the book.

>> No.652738

A/S/L: 19/M/Netherlands
Education/Field: BA History
Employment/Salary: None, poor student
Liked these 3 books: Lolita, The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, Looking for Alaska
Hated these 3 books: Pride & Prejudice, Eragon,
Favorite Author: Nabokov
Least Favorite Author: Austen
Genres: I'll read anything, really. Reading a lot of dystopian stuff now, if you can call that a genre.
What you use as a bookmark: I have huge stacks of small pieces of paper to write random stuff on, so I usually grab a sheet of that if I need a bookmark.

>> No.652742

A/S/L: 19/F/Poland
Education/Field: graduated high school, starting uni this year (robotics or mechatronics)
Employment/Salary: none.
Liked these 3 books: Les Bienveillantes, The Pickwick Papers, The Magic Mountain
Hated these 3 books: Sabriel, Survivor, Too Loud a Solitude (;_;)
Favorite Author: Philip K. Dick
Least Favorite Author: Neil Gaiman
Genres: historical fiction, hard SF
What you use as a bookmark: postcards, tickets

>> No.652744

A/S/L: 26/m/Miami Florida
Education/Field: English
Employment/Salary:Freelance dog trainer/variable
Liked these 3 books: Dhalgren, Dune, The Blank Slate by Steven Pinker
Hated these 3 books:Twilight, The Pillars of Creation, A People's History of America
Favorite Author: Neil Gaiman
Least Favorite Author: Stephanie Meyer
Genres: Scifi/Fantasy, Nonfiction (science, history)

>> No.652754
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A/S/L: 28/M/Madrid
Education/Field: BA Poli Sci/Spanish
Employment/Salary: Teacher/35K
Liked these 3 books: Tale of Two Cities, Vanity Fair, Nana
Hated these 3 books: Atlas Shrugged, To Kill a Mockingbird, LOTR
Favorite Author: Zola
Least Favorite Author: Stephanie Meyer
Genres: Anything but Fantasy or Sci Fi

>> No.652758

forgot the bookmark question
I use scraps of paper, or pictures, or playing cards, or whatever is around
SOMETIMES i do dog-ear, but not often

>> No.652762

A/S/L: 21/M/Argentina
Education/Field: Philosophy, focus on classics / Real estate.
Employment/Salary: Jobless right now, so supported by family.
Liked these 3 books: Brothers Karamazov, Borges' Ficciones, The Illustrated man.
Hated these 3 books: Only one I can remember I hated was Pride and Prejudice.
Favorite Author: Dostoievsky.
Least Favorite Author: Jane Austen.
Genres: Everything except romantic novels.
What you use as a bookmark: Any random piece of paper I can find.

>> No.652768

A/S/L: 18 m France
Education/Field: none
Employment/Salary: none
Liked these 3 books: Ender's Game, Nine Prince in Amber , Behold the Man
Hated these 3 books: I don't read books I hate.
Favorite Author: Roger Zelazny
Least Favorite Author: Emile Zola. french classic stuff.
Genres: Fantasy, SF, and that's all folks
What you use as a bookmark: anything. another book, a hanky, a rock, a cigaret

>> No.652769

A/S/L: 18/F/CA
Education/Field: College, Art Major
Employment/Salary: NA
Liked these 3 books: Twilight, Pride & Prejudice, Ulysses
Hated these 3 books: The Bible, LotR, Atlas Shrugged
Favorite Author: Ann Frank
Least Favorite Author: Hemingway
Genres: Romantic suspense
What you use as a bookmark: pencil

Don't hit on me you silly boys

>> No.652770

A/S/L: 18/M/Ohio
Education/Field: Engineering
Employment/Salary: 13 bucks an hour, NIOSH
Liked these 3 books: Gravity's Rainbow, 2666, Cosmicomics
Hated these 3 books: Twilight, House on Mango Street
Favorite Author: David Foster Wallace
Least Favorite Author: Stephanie Meyers
Genres: literature, many things
What you use as a bookmark: scraps of paper

>> No.652771

>Liked these 3 books: Twilight, Pride & Prejudice
>Don't hit on me you silly boys

Don't worry, we won't.

>> No.652773

A/S/L: 24/m/usa
Education/Field: none
Employment/Salary: none
Liked these 3 books: Story of the Eye, Complete works of Arthur Rimbaud, Society of the Spectacle
Hated these 3 books: Beowulf, The Old Testament, Lolita
Favorite Author: Georges Bataille
Least Favorite Author: Hemmingway
Genres: none
What you use as a bookmark: I remember what page I was on

>> No.652774

fucking e/lit/ist
Pride and Prejudice is a good book.

>> No.652777

don't worry, you can't spell and you liked twilight
I'd say that you're safe from being respected here

>> No.652779
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A/S/L: 19/M/MO.
Education/Field: In college, undecided right now.
Employment/Salary: Working in retail.
Liked these 3 books: A Confederacy of Dunces, 1984, Slaughterhouse-Five
Hated these 3 books: A Thousand Splendid Suns, Ringworld, Next
Favorite Author: Kurt Vonnegut
Least Favorite Author: Augusten Burroughs
Genres: Any.
What you use as a bookmark: Folded notecard.

>> No.652781

uggh i forget augusten burroughs i hate his pansy ass so much!

>> No.652782
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A/S/L: 29/M/Korea
Education/Field: BA English/Poli Sci
Employment/Salary: English Teacher (it sucks, btw) about 30k
Liked these 3 books: McTeague, The Tale of Genji, The Tropic of Cancer
Hated these 3 books: LoTR, Angels and Demons, Five People You Meet in Heaven
Favorite Author: Dickens
Least Favorite Author: That fugly Meyer bitch
Genres: Classics, Dystopian, Historical Fiction
What you use as a bookmark: A plane ticket

>> No.652784

disregard that

tits or gtfo
i happen to have muscles and a car.

>> No.652786

A/S/L: 18 F Belgium
Education/Field: high school
Employment/Salary: none
Liked these 3 books: A season in hell, Les Châtiments, Fêtes galantes
Hated these 3 books: letters to a young poet, ulysses, lolita
Favorite Author: Victor Hugo
Least Favorite Author: René Char
Genres: poetry, fantasy, erotic, noir..
What you use as a bookmark: a bookmark. aha.

>> No.652788

it really sucks? don't say that. it's my dream.

>> No.652789

A/S/L: Underageb&
Education/Field: Public School, now studying AS Levels
Employment/Salary: N/A
Liked these 3 books: The Road, A Game of Thrones, American Psycho.
Hated these 3 books: The Great Gatsby, Lord of the Flies, Fellowship of the Ring.
Favorite Author: Cormac McCarthy I guess.
Least Favorite Author: Steaphanie Meyer
Genres: General fiction, Dystopian, post-apocalyptic, fantasy.
What you use as a bookmark: A Dollar bill

>> No.652790

A/S/L: 21/M/UK
Education/Field: BA English Undergraduate.
Employment/Salary: N/A
Liked these 3 books: Heart of Darkness, Life of Pi, The Remains of the Day.
Hated these 3 books: Pride and Prejudice, Persuasion, Jane Eyre.
Favorite Author: Kazuo Ishiguro.
Least Favorite Author: Jane Austen.
Genres: Almost anything except chick-lit, romance and fantasy.
What you use as a bookmark: Post-it note folded in half.

>> No.652791

Missed S and L.
S- M
L- Britain

>> No.652795


I don't know about teaching English in your native country, but the TEFL field in Asia is horrible unless you get a government position (JET, EPIK, SMOE). Private company jobs are horrendous.

>> No.652798

Yeah TEFL is what I want to do (noone would dream of teaching english to Americans)..Horrendous in what way? I'm not very particular, I just want to travel and have enough money to live. I've been super broke for nearly my whole life so I don't need much. Are the hours too long?

>> No.652810

A/S/L: 21/lady/Monaco (tiny country near France)
Education/Field: major in grammar. really.
Employment/Salary: mcdonald shitty job
Liked these 3 books: Complete poetry of Arthur Rimbaud, Harry Potter (haters gonna hate), Existentialism is a humanism, Sartre
Hated these 3 books: Why would I hate books? They're just ink on paper.
Favorite Author: Rimbaud
Least Favorite Author: none
Genres: poetry, philosophy, fantasy, sci-fi
What you use as a bookmark: a thread of my shirt, usually

>> No.652818


>Are the hours too long?

Yes. If you want to make money, your only three choices really are Japan, Korea, and Taiwan. Private companies in all three countries usually operate in their countries' legal grey areas. Their foreign employees often work long hours, are crammed into shared housing, and are often paid late. I made the mistake of working private for one year in Korea.

If you decide to go the TEFL route, look into government run programs like JET, EPIK, or SMOE. Government sponsored jobs are cushy (up to six weeks paid vacation), pay well (usually more than private), and offer better benefits.

>> No.652828

A/S/L: 22 M Melbourne Australia
Education/Field: Bachelor of Arts, still deciding on what to do next
Employment/Salary: Bar/restaurant staff at a winery, working just weekends for around $500 a week.
Liked these 3 books: Murakami's Wind-Up Biwrd Chronicles, Thomas Pynchon's Crying of Lot 49, Palahniuk's Haunted
Hated these 3 books: Anything by Dickens, any Romanticist shit, idk I don't read shit books.
Favorite Author: Murakami
Least Favorite Author: Dickens/Bronte
Genres: Modern/Post Modern lit, but generally weirder and culty stuff
What you use as a bookmark: receipt, scrap of paper, bookmark, page fold

>> No.652829

That's decent advice. There are so many scams involved in TEFL that it really makes it difficult to obtain any useful information. I wouldn't mind working a terrible job, I guess. Something chastening about that. I worked 12 hour shifts at a warehouse once and my entire ethos became more solid. Now that i'm a student again i've become like a ghost. Idk. I might go with a terrible job just to test myself. But thanks for the advice.

>> No.652830

A/S/L: 23/M/Finland
Education/Field: IT
Employment/Salary: Post Office
Liked these 3 books: Soul Mountain, The Forbidden Zone,
Rape: A History from 1860 to the Present
Hated these 3 books: Not so much pure hate, but general dislike to the following: Under the North Star, On the Road, Brighton Rock
Favorite Author: n/a
Least Favorite Author: n/a
Genres: Just about anything goes as long as I find the subject to be interesting. Sci Fi, Actor Biographies, Essays, all is fair game.
What you use as a bookmark: What ever is handy atm, like cd case covers, receipts, old tests, etc.

>> No.652840


One more bit of advice: Lurk Dave's ESL Korean and Japan Discussion Forums to learn more about the field.

The folks there (including yours truly) have a lot experience, both good and bad, and often write about what they've dealt with on the job.

>> No.652845

cool i've been looking for something like that. tyvm.

>> No.652860

A/S/L: 23 / M / Chicago
Education/Field: Political Science (International Affairs)
Employment/Salary: Tour Boat Captain / Masters Student / Teaching Assistant. Make about 20k / year not counting various loans.
Liked these 3 books: Slaughterhouse V, The Watchmen, Absalom! Absalom
Hated these 3 books: The Leviathan, Beloved,
Favorite Author: Franz Kafka
Least Favorite Author: Toni Morrison
Genres: I dont discriminate against genres.
What you use as a bookmark: Fold the corner of the page.

>> No.653029

A/S/L: 20/ M/ US (California)

Education/Field: International Relations

Employment/Salary: n/a

Liked these 3 books: The Master and Margarita, Notes from Underground, The Aleph and other stories

Hated these 3 books: Beloved, Pride and Prejudice, Catch-22

Favorite Author: Borges

Least Favorite Author: Jane Austen

Genres: Fiction, Non-Fiction, Political History

What you use as a bookmark: A scrap of paper.

>> No.653039

A/S/L: 22/m/Florida, US
Education/Field: English Education, undergraduate
Employment/Salary: Unemployed, focusing on my education
Liked these 3 books: The Bell Jar, Sputnik Sweetheart, Don Quixote
Hated these 3 books: I can't honestly think of any
Favorite Author: Sylvia Plath
Least Favorite Author: Again, can't think of any I completely dislike
Genres: Soft Sci-fi, Magical Realism
What you use as a bookmark: Old bus passes

>> No.653045
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jesus what ever happened to rules 1 and 2?

>> No.653047

You don't talk about Fight Club and You don't talk about Fight Club?

>> No.653069

A/S/L: 23/F/Toronto, Ontario
Education/Field: Bachelor of Arts in English and History, Bachelor of Education
Employment/Salary: Grocery Cashier, Min. Wage
Liked these 3 books: The Count of Monte Cristo, Sirens of Titan, Jude the Obscure
Hated these 3 books: Job: A Comedy of Justice, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, Atonement
Favorite Author: Kurt Vonnegut
Least Favorite Author: Robert Heinlein
Genres: Classics, Science Fiction
What you use as a bookmark: Garfield bookmark!

>> No.653073

Chemical Engineering
Grad student, 30k/yr
Liked: Catch-22, Foucault's Pendulum, Gravity's Rainbow
Hated: Tale of Two Cities, The Great Gatsby, Return of the Native
Hard to pick one fav author, but let's say Umberto Eco.
Genre: Used to be big on scifi (and to a lesser extent, fantasy) but the past few years have been spent reading more classic type lit
Bookmark: A nice leather bookmark with my initials on it. A souvenir from a friend's trip to Italy.

>> No.653299

calm down, enraged macho
online all women are men, not only vice versa.

>> No.653338

high school/ script kiddie
Crime and Punishemnt, Infinite Jest, The Stranger
Pride and Predjudice, Da Vinci Code, other bullshit
don't have one, maybe Dostoyevsky
Charles Dickens
EXISTENTIALISM, black comedy, not sure yet
headphone wires

>> No.653356


You're cool, baby

>> No.653357

Where in the UK?

>> No.653359


ban'em boys

>> No.653362

college dropout
laid off
The Minotaur Takes a Cigarette Break, The Blah Story - Volume 8, The Contortionist's Handbook
bookmark = toilet paper

>> No.653368

A/S/L: 19/M/USA (Nevada)
Education/Field: In college/English lawl
Employment/Salary: Assistant for Interior Designer, Very gay, but I make money.. very shit amount
Liked these 3 books: The Stranger, American Psycho, Cat's Cradle
Hated these 3 books: Long Way Down, Y.S.K.O.V,
Favorite Author: Bret Easton Ellis
Least Favorite Author: Nick Hornby
Genres: Transgressional, Satire, Philosophy, Existentialism
What you use as a bookmark: Pieces of paper, business cards

>> No.653371

how bout we get together?

>> No.653374


>> No.653378

LOL. Gang up on sixteen year old girl.

>> No.653379


>> No.653383

Are you posh?

>> No.653386

hey, 16 year old girl, read Story of the Eye. thank me later.

>> No.653387


>dont hit on me silly boys

>> No.653389

17/m/New York
$7.25/hour, $230/week
Cat's Cradle, Hocus Pocus, 1984
Atlas Shrugged, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Maelstrom
Sam Llewellyn
Classic Sci-fi, Fiction, Documentary
Index Cards / random sheets of paper

>> No.653397

A/S/L: 22/male/turkey
Education/Field: mechanical engineering/philosophy
Employment/Salary: student/allowance(lol)
Liked these 3 books: asoiaf, dead souls, les miserables.
Hated these 3 books: anna karenina, belgariad
Favorite Author: by volumes read Raymond E Feist
Least Favorite Author: david eddings
Genres: fantasy, sci-fi
What you use as a bookmark: nothing. I read through most stuff in one sitting. in other cases I just write the page down somewhere.

>> No.653399
File: 35 KB, 320x240, imma post it on b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A/S/L: 21/M/Minnesota

Education/Field: BA East Asian History (graduating in a year). Minor Humanities of hte West

Employment/Salary: Parking Attendant, $6,000/year heh

Liked these 3 books: Dorian Gray, Prince of Nothing, Perdido Street Station

Hated these 3 books: Runelords (David Farland) Outliers, Wuthering Heights

Favorite Author: Oscar Wilde

Least Favorite Author: Mercedes Lackey

Genres: SFF/SpecFic, Historical Fiction (Turtledovesque)

What you use as a bookmark: Ticket Stub from Parking booth

>> No.653403

Cool /lit/ hookup thread, guys and girls.

>> No.653407

>increasingly bizarre sexual perversions of a pair of teenage lovers
why not

>> No.653408
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A/S/L: 22/F/Missouri
Education/Field: Junior, Fine Arts major(painting, K-12 Education minor
Employment/Salary: nanny, approx. $10/hr, only 15 hrs a week usually
Liked these 3 books: House of Leaves, Angela's Ashes, The Odyssey
Hated these 3 books: I don't remember books I hate
Favorite Author: William Faulkner
Least Favorite Author: Charles Dickens
Genres: I'll give anything a try
What you use as a bookmark: reciepts

enjoy this picture of my cat, because I am a girl and I read.

>> No.653415


Nice pussy.

>> No.653416

I saw that coming but still loled D:

>> No.653422

30 M California
BA in Film, work at a game studio.
Producer, 60k
Dune, Teatro Grottesco, The Sparrow
Year of the Flood, Haunted, Atlas Shrugged
Thomas Ligotti, right now.
Fuck genre ghettoes. It's all books.
My memory. It's not that hard, ladies.

>> No.653424

Community College/General Studies
Twilight, Harry Potter, Da Vinci Code
To Kill a Mockingbird, The Catcher in the Rye, A Tale of Two Cities
Stephenie Meyer
Fantasy, romance
a clip my toenails and put them in a sandwich bag to use a bookmark

>> No.653425

A/S/L: 19/M/TX
Education/Field: College sophomore/English
Liked these 3 books: Invisible Man, 1984, Catch-22
Hated these 3 books: Pride and Prejudice, House of Leaves, Twilight
Favorite Author: Aldous Huxley
Least Favorite Author: Jane Austen
Genres: Dystopian Science fiction, classics, pop lit
What you use as a bookmark: page from my note pad or receipts.

>> No.653447

I just realized that I don't like any of you.

>> No.653447,1 [INTERNAL] 

Imagine the psychological disturbance from realizing that /lit/ (and likely 4chan as a whole) is, has always been, and always will be, filled primarily with posturing amateur teenagers.