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File: 14 KB, 210x346, journey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6519497 No.6519497 [Reply] [Original]

Just ordered this book. What to expect?

>> No.6519500

Depending on how much you spent for shipping, there should be a book on your doorstep in a few days.

>> No.6519507


>> No.6519583

He asked what to expect after ordering a book, I answered him. He should be expecting a book. I haven't read that shit so I'm not going to pass judgment.

>> No.6519602

>\lit\, form my opinions for me

>> No.6519697
File: 96 KB, 685x398, 1331665828281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A very misanthrophic novel about a Frenchman who goes to Africa and some shit. I'm halfway through and I like it. It's suprisingly long though (reading on a kindle).

>> No.6519758

>currently reading this and the 2nd book of the Mishima tetraology
Am I Fascist-core now?

>> No.6519775

Depression and lots of laughs. Sometimes separately and sometimes at the same time.

>> No.6519793
File: 541 KB, 1115x1517, Celine2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Celine is the opposite of a fascist. In a lot of way he was a true conservative, in that he had a deep distrust toward nationalism as an innovative form of power.
>Nothing but citizen-soldiers! Who vote! Who read! And who fight! And who march! And send kisses from the front! In no time the people were good and ripe! The enthusiasm of the liberated has to be good for something, doesn't it? Danton wasn't eloquent for the hell of it. With a few phrases, so rousing that we can still hear them today, he had the people mobilized before you could say fiddlesticks! That was when the first battalions of emancipated maniacs marched off! ... the first voting, flagmatic suckers that Dumouriez led away to get themselves drilled full of holes in Flanders! As for Dumouriez himself, who had come too late to these new-fangled idealistic pastimes, he discovered that he was more interested in money and deserted. He was our last mercenary. The free-gratis soldier . . . was something really new ... So new that when Goethe arrived in Valmy, Goethe or not, he was flabbergasted. At the sight of those ragged, impassioned cohorts, who had come of their own free will to get themselves disemboweled by the King of Prussia in defense of a patriotic fiction no one had ever heard of, Goethe realized that he still had much to learn. This day,' he declaimed grandiloquently as befitted the habits of his genius, 'marks the beginning of a new era!' He could say that again! The system proved successful . . . pretty soon they were mass-producing heroes, and in the end, the system was so well perfected that they cost practically nothing. Everyone was delighted. Bismarck, the two Napoleons, Barrès, Elsa the Horsewoman. The religion of the flag promptly replaced the cult of heaven, an old cloud which had already been deflated by the Reformation and reduced to a network of episcopal money boxes.
Céline's antisemitism was anecdotic and isn't shown in Journey to the End of the Night.

>> No.6519814

Like Guillemin put it, it's true that Céline is working with both hands in the manure, but it's to find the pearl hidden there. There are segments of a singular beauty in that book.

>> No.6519816

It's probably a troll, don't mind him. I find that what Celine writes/thinks (it's partly autobiographic right?) to be very clear-headed. There is a lot of real-talk where he discusses human nature, greed and stupidity while still painting himself as a loathsome person. However he kind of owns up to it and makes it work for himself and just goes on doing his thing.

I woudn't say he's a conservatist either, he's really just against everything. He would be the perfect shitposter in the 21st century.

>> No.6519821

Any recommendations for books similar to JTTEOTN?

>> No.6519901

Notes from Underground

>> No.6519917
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"Celine, whom I find unreadable …is my garbage bin."

>> No.6520125

Just read some of his biographies online... Pretty sure fascism was the least of his worries/hatred...

>> No.6520127
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>> No.6520157

Super edgy fedora shit. Wish I were kidding.

>> No.6520216

Pretty much

>> No.6520221

Really? Is there a foreword written by Dawkins or Hitchens?

>> No.6520283


a lot of exasperated sarcasm

>> No.6520296

Or actually read the book and stop spouting wikipedia bullshit. He had no love for nationalism.
>What you call a race is nothing but a collection of riff-raff like me, bleary-eyed, flea-bitten, chilled to the bone. They came from the four corners of the earth, driven by hunger, plague, tumours and the cold, and stopped here. They couldn’t go any further because of the ocean. That’s France, that’s the French people.

>> No.6520319

Bro, your quotes are vague and you're cherry picking. It seems like you're upset that he doesn't share your political views? And why should he?

Fascism does not always=nationalism btw

>> No.6520326

Céline dabbled a bit into anti-Semitism before WW2, only ignorant pleb think it entirely defines him as an author. Like many at the time, his antisemitism was inspired by his disgust for the consumerist society.
He didn't collaborate, nor did he continue writing on antisemitism after WW2.

>> No.6520327

Any books that explain fascist ideas with little or no nationalism ? Would be happy for recommendations.

>> No.6520416

>fascist ideas

i suppose if you want the root then read the crisis of the modern world.

>> No.6520530
File: 80 KB, 640x960, tumblr_ngtnetiokc1stt0cro1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long with very clever pessimistic excerpts but sometimes trying too hard to be edgy what sounds ridiculous in 2015. I'd say 7/10.

>> No.6520536


>> No.6520537

I got intressted in fascism or the overall fascist ideology (no i do not support it at all) but i want to read some more into it.
There is a ton of marxist literature around but most books that concern fascism are either storys how people lived under facism or its stupid neo fascist shit about islam invading europe.

>> No.6521144

This guy is actually a pretty entertaining reviewer.

>> No.6521164

the edgiest forword of all time. dont read it just cut it out and throw it away

>> No.6521195

Absolute rubbish, OP.

>> No.6521210
File: 94 KB, 475x509, ropsparodie2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my friends is currently reading it. According to him, it's awfully good.

>> No.6521237
File: 535 KB, 640x636, 1430824290873.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy clearly posts here.

>mfw he tries pronouncing Hamsun's name

>> No.6521264
File: 120 KB, 296x267, pepsep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha, great post. Well PEPE'd, my friend!

>> No.6521268

Your friend is a neonazi, you should report him to the police.

>> No.6521285

you've been looking in the wrong places.

if you want to understand the ideological root of the movement then read that book. part of the problem is the intellectual force behind fascism quickly abandoned it (while remaining sympathetic to varying degrees) shortly after its rise in italy.

i would recommend reactionary literature in general instead of works that would be considered strictly fascist.

>> No.6521760

Alright thanks.