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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 49 KB, 600x600, 1431200171961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6519893 No.6519893[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are all of your actions after the age of 22 constant compensation for the fact that your life was never like the guy's in picrelated?

>inb4 "muh books teach me about human nature, who needs to experience it???"

>> No.6519897

what is he experiencing in that image that i lack?

i can experience love, and im not even sure he is in that pic
i can kiss a beautiful woman

im serious, what makes his life enviable

>> No.6519899

We've got a psychiatrist here guys

>> No.6519907

I had a cheerleader girlfriend for three years.

Is this some kind of passive confessional, OP? I'm here for you, my man. What's up.

>> No.6519908

Oddly enough, I never envied football players. They were like a different species from me. Bigger, stronger, faster...but a little bit retarded. Some more retarded than others.

>> No.6519911

I've had girlfriends since I was 17.
I'm not bit into team sports.
What's your point? You think having some success in sport makes you immune to frustration or something?

>> No.6519921

/r9k/ calls me a normie because I've had drunk hook ups.
And yet I will never experience high school 'love'

>> No.6519924

Those sort of people don't grow a lot. I have a friend who was on the football team with a cheerleader girlfriend, and he's still an idiot and acts like a teenager. I also fucked his gf behind his back in highschool, though, so even then he wasn't much to me.

>> No.6519925

>implying anyone on /lit/ would love to be a sub-95 IQ boring jock that belongs to the masses

are you american or sth

>> No.6519928

Pussy is really easy in highschool, though, way easier than when you're an adult. So is love, you can get a girl to fall in love with you in a week.

>> No.6519937

Well, an unfortunate fact of life is that you can't live it backwards.

>> No.6519939
File: 10 KB, 400x300, 1422344069343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw grew up in a Catholic country where genders are segregated in school
I'm in uni and I have no idea what I'm doing

>> No.6519951

You can do pretty decent at it if you make some money. I never went to college, but I make enough in futures speculation to get adult women to put out and fall in love with me pretty easily, though I prefer men more right now. I could also pull teenage pussy without a problem because I'm young and attractive, but I'm not really interested in risking that.

>> No.6519953

Just make up some stupid shit to get a conversation going. Or if you can't do that, just ask a girl what's up or how is she doing and when she returns the question take some time to mention something interesting about your day, or just lie if you want, and reel her in, get her to talk, get her name, get her number, get her vagina.

>> No.6519954

It's been the opposite for me and money/status has nothing to do with it.

>> No.6519955

That's because you were autistic as a teenager, then.

>> No.6519956

I was more referring to the high school bit. I'm 22, I've missed that boat. With the experience I have now, I would have gotten laid quite a lot. I think back now and realise my timidness screwed me over, a bunch of girls were clearly into me. Now days I do alright, but it is easier when girls have no self-esteem as teenagers.

>> No.6519982

Nah, that wasn't it. I had friends and shit, just never tried because I was afraid of rejection. The problem solved itself when women started hitting on me in my early 20's.

>> No.6519986

I missed out on teenage love but I don't really care. Teenagers are dumb. I was one of the best football (soccer) players in my year at school though.

>> No.6519992

Although I regret never getting to be someone's first. As a 25 year old in London my chance of meeting a virgin is long gone, I guess.

>> No.6520010
File: 215 KB, 1264x1460, 1430815756667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like sports myself. Not team sports so much. Don't like team work either. Yes, yes, I wasn't the most popular guy.

But I do have a cute fiancé, slim too.

I cannot tell from the picture, but I don't thank hes more buff than me, he might be more ripped.

No doubt he's one of the happy men, but there is no envy from my perspective. There are people who I envy... for example that girl I have known and now finished her MD at Oxford. This made me a bit jelly. She was a nice girl, though.

I like philosophy, literature, politics and sociology. I'll like it whether I'm feeling miserable or great. As a small kid I was into archeology and old cultures- so in a way my interests changed little and isn't the result of being one of the outsiders. Although the introspection probably adds to my comfort in this field of study.

In a way I'm a happy man. If only I had a 120k€/year job... shit would be so cash, mate.

>> No.6520013


>> No.6520014
File: 187 KB, 678x644, 1430848734154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just fucking kill me already

>> No.6520027

Betcha the cheerleader already dumped him and emptied his bank accounts.

>> No.6520034

>tfw in high school and currently missing out on teenage love
There's girls who are into me, and some of them look alright, too, but I don't care enough to put myself through the trauma of sending them a message and meeting up. I've only ever met a handful of girls who I've felt any kind of emotional attachment to, and even then I was too slow to act.

>> No.6520117

I went to a very peculiar start-up high school to which you had to apply to get in. There was no strong academic record or really any reason for going, so all of the people that went (including me) were weirdoes wanting to escape normal high school. There wasn't even an athletic program. If people dated at all during high school (and plenty of relatively well-adjusted, attractive people did not date even once), they normally dated 1-3 people and had sex with only one of them at best. It wasn't a superreligious school, we were all just autists with no social experience. I dated a "ludicrously high" total of six girls throughout all of high school, having sex with none of them, and for this untamable lust I received several disparaging nicknames, among them "the Woman Conqueror."

So when people speak about the "free flow" of pussy or "how easy it is" to find love in high school, I have to disagree. Maybe in average high schools, sure. But not every high school.

>> No.6520129

Sure, of you're handsome and extrovert, it must be really easy. But otherwise not so much

>> No.6520141

I thought this American high school meme was just a Hollywood thing for the most part.

Do Americans really take this seriously?

>> No.6520151
File: 70 KB, 1631x1571, zg5iAND.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that jocks don't live the dream life

Not only they get the best girls, but they also get the best jobs with the best salaries.

Source: http://www.careerbuilder.com/share/aboutus/pressreleasesdetail.aspx?id=pr436&sd=6%2F3%2F2008&ed=12%2F31%2F2008

>> No.6520169

To be fair that guy in Pic is probably also educated and well read. Probably hung too. So OP insinuating that "muh books" is an escape does not really hold water.

This is basic logic.

Most likely being a pessimistic "realist" Aka worshiping alpha cock, is more of an escape than books.

Intelligence insofar that you get it from reading, only makes you more aware of your situation in life.

>> No.6520205

still he chose to spend a lot of time tackling and being tackled by other males
then showered with them later
none of this seems appealing to me
still can't muster envy

>> No.6520219

>To be fair that guy in Pic is probably also educated and well read. Probably hung too.
This is some next level cuck state of mind, projecting a larger dicksize on males you deem superior completely unwarranted.

>> No.6520232


That's just some 'grass is always greener' mentality.

>> No.6520280

There was a time when I made shit up to get people to like me, and I could ever have a meaningful relationship with them. All of our interaction would be based on false assumptions created by lies we told eachother, and we'd constantly be weary about keeping up appearances. Do you not run into those same problems?

>> No.6520285


>> No.6520291

Better looking = more confident = more wealthy, more sucessful, more intelligent
Bigger cock = more confident = more wealthy, more successful, more intelligent

it's basic evolutionary science. take a walk some time, ugly people are usually ignorant, poor, and unsuccessful. virtually every society recognises

>> No.6520353


You're right in a way but fit really takes this to parody levels. It took them 3 years to realise that Zyzz may have had a sub 180 IQ

>> No.6520568

>implying I haven't fucked his type

>> No.6520571

The fact you fucks even replied, and with bitter sentiments like that, is practically confirmation that you're bent. I mean good god, just laugh off the off-topic OP and move on, don't even reply if it really doesn't apply to you.

>> No.6520573

I dont know m8 i like dicks..

>> No.6520577

Besides this guy>>6520571 everyone in this thread, including myself and the OP are beta fucks

>> No.6520582

how cuck can you get? ahahaha

>> No.6520584

That still doesn't explain why you project big cocks onto people you deem superior.

>> No.6520595

he's probably given himself a weird sexual inferiority complex from browsing 4chan too much

>> No.6520624

The high school football player kissing the cheerleader is exactly the same thing as the black man fucking the white woman...both are unattainable for you (you can't switch races and you can't go back in time to high school), which makes them perfect scenarios for you to attribute all of your failures to. "I can't be happy because I wasn't a high school football player...I can't satisfy a woman because I'm not black." Even if you do manage to be happy or satisfy a woman, it won't count in your mind. "This happiness is nothing compared to what I could have felt...she would be even more satisfied with a black guy." The unattainability of these scenarios is what keeps them alive, since they can never be falsified by your experience, they can always remain in the imaginary. It is a convenient schema for justifying your impotence.

>> No.6520625

well baited OP. You've really brought the betas out in this thread. I never thought /lit/ overlapped with r9k so much.

>> No.6520633

>I have a friend
>have no respect for him and cucked him

And he is the one who we should have no respect for?

>> No.6520640

I played sports in high school though soooo....

>> No.6520650

this coupled with other excuses and dismissals
>all women are whores anyway
>she would just cheat on me and take my money
>She seems interesting now but if I got to know her she would be just as boring as everyone else.

Ultimately these serve as an object upon which to justify your denial. The constructed fantasy of an unattainable women.

>> No.6520651
File: 563 KB, 1600x1200, vercingetorix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is me in high school
needless to say i did alright

>> No.6520658

I think my high school experience was better than his. I attracted girls who looked better and were smarter than the cheerleaders and I didn't have to join any teams or clubs to do so.

>> No.6520664

>>She seems interesting now but if I got to know her she would be just as boring as everyone else.
Welp, I'm certainly guilty of this one.

>> No.6520667

Horse = mammal, four legs, tail, eating grass
Cow = mammal, four legs, tail, eating grass

This doesn't mean that that horses are cows.

>> No.6520671

dont fill yourself with self pity.
Nobody can achieve everything.
Dont fall for the "must experience as much as possible in life cause you only live once" ideology.
Nobody can experience even a small portion of "everything". Having a gf in highschool is great but not having one is more unusual.
The people who fuck non stop in highschool now are the same ones who were "waiting to get married" 60 years ago.
Just people led by social pressure and ideology.
You dont HAVE TO do anything. Do what you want and can and dont listen to society telling you that you are worse.
Yes, some of us must fight society while others can easily conform.

>> No.6520674
File: 127 KB, 275x213, marioforfan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his definition of success is playing handegg for the high school handegg team and having a boring drone for a girlfriend

>> No.6520681
File: 46 KB, 335x352, fgsfds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beta jock in high school: Playing a " sport game ", running in circles, throwing ball
Alpha overman aka me in high school: Playing Darklands and dominating medieval Germany via careful planning and tactics, listening to the world's greatest black metal releases

Probably the beta fuck in OP's pic hasn't even listened to Ildjarn

>> No.6520683

>since I could never have her, she must be boring

>> No.6520688

go read the Fox and the Grapes by Aesop

>> No.6520695
File: 616 KB, 697x722, dontreply this is b8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't watch fox news you retarded americuck

>> No.6520697

This, and there are a lot of different tactics to this, especially with gullible lads on 4chan.

>I'm only 5'9", if only I was the magical round and pretty 6'0" number I would get laid, but now I can't, it won't matter what I do, so I'm going to sit here in my justified passivity because it won't matter anyway, but I really want all those things, it's not like I'm voluntarily sitting here watching anime, it's just my lot in life
>I have an average cock, might as well be celibate
>I'm not the very very best at thing, I will never be eternally remembered for being the greatest, might as well not try

Man, your head is haunted; you have wheels in your head! You imagine great things, and depict to yourself a whole world of gods that has an existence for you, a spirit-realm to which you suppose yourself[Pg 55] to be called, an ideal that beckons to you. You have a fixed idea!

>> No.6520700

You're the guy going across the boards spreading this picture projecting your own feelings.

>> No.6520705

Nah, im 18 and i have a girlfriend

>> No.6520706

i'm 1 and i have 18 girlfriends
step up pussy

>> No.6520715

obviously she'd be great fun to have sex with and she'd be fun to flirt around with and get yourself all hormonal for a few months, but spending a majory of your life with some void cheerleader chick? That would be inadequate, man.

And of COURSE I am aware that not every single pretty cheerleader chick is boring, but if we're gonna be real, we ALL know that MOST of these females have no personality and can only hold a mans interest with their sexuality. Having one as a fucktoy would be swell, having one for a companion would be soulshattering

>> No.6520720

Since schools outside of the US do not have that guy, no.

>> No.6520725

>american football player kissing some girl
>equal to the feel of owning acres of land and forest and just squatting in the middle of your field while a gentle spring wind blows and reminds you of your ancestors

>> No.6520738


>> No.6520741


mein neger

>> No.6520745

obviously he'd be great fun to meme with and he'd be fun to shortlist around with and get yourself all banned for a few months, but spending a majority of your life with some void 4chan NEET? It would be inadequate, man.

And of COURSE I am aware that not every single creepy 4chan NEET is a shitposter, but if we're gonna be real, we ALL know that MOST of these virgins have no sex and can only hold a females interest with their nothing. Having one as a bully victim would be swell, having one for a companion would be soulshattering

>> No.6520754

here's ur reply my man :^)

>> No.6520759


Well OP, let me say this to you.

Anything will look better from outside, but once you do shit like pic related, you will see how vapid it is.

If you already don't get joy from taking a cup of coffee in the morning, you will not enjoy stuff like pic related.

There is literally nothing, that is too good to have envy for. If you could scrap the skin and the mind of all successfull people you would see that everything they do is because they are despairing about living.

The good side effect of thinking like this, it's that once you realize that everybody is equally in despair to don't have boredom, life comes more easy going

tldr see jacob ladder

>> No.6520776
File: 22 KB, 343x451, hopeless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is this man? If I don't even know who he is, and his experiences and outlooks, how can I know whether I should envy him or not?

>> No.6520780

>spend all school years not studying
>risk major injuries for life
>no college or education
>still enjoy a career in NFL
>quit when 33 because too old
>7 years later file for bankruptcy
>wat do now I'm only 40

No thanks OP, the life as an NFL-player isn't what I'm looking for.

Google Study finds 1 in 6 NFL players go broke within 12 years of retiring

>> No.6520796

Hey, I'm broke and I didn't even have to play football.

>> No.6520798

That's because they're retarded and don't know how to handle money. Are you a retard that doesn't know how to handle money? Have some more confidence you beta.

>> No.6520808

Even if you are the guy in the picture, you'll live a lot of your life compensating for the fact that you are getting older not experiencing youthful, fun activities as much as you used to. And add to that the fact you'll become blase about certain things, and fantasies are frequently more titilating than their realities anyways.

>> No.6520848

No what I'm saying is that Football is a piss poor choice if you want to live the high-life.

>> No.6520856


>tfw changed mechanical engineer because i fucking hated everything of it
>tfw changed it for psychology

i fucked up?

>> No.6520861

Money-wise, yes. But if you like your work you can make a decent living I guess?

>> No.6520876


I will be an non-famous diogenes from now on

>> No.6520921

I can already tell that this summer is going to be fucking terrible.

>> No.6520930

I went to a single sex school and everyone I know is now either obsessed with girls or has no idea how to interact with them. I don't know why that type of schooling still exists.

>> No.6520972
File: 22 KB, 500x393, good_morning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be a young good looking surfer with a model girlfriend hiring a lifestyle photographer to produce a self-glorifying image of your hedonistic vacation


Yeah, but I also honestly feel bad for everyone who doesn't know what a Turing machine is, for example. Everybody goes through life not experiencing some nice aspect of it. Imagine being blind and dying without having ever seen the sun!

>> No.6521055

>>I'm not the very very best at a thing, I will never be eternally remembered for being the greatest, might as well not try

Damn I've thought this for as long as I can remember even very young in elementary school, its pretty fucked

>> No.6521059


I know that feel

>> No.6521077

I met one at 21 but that's about it. Try meeting girls from 18-21 I guess but even then it will be rare.

>> No.6521087

Maybe, but their concussions fuck them up later in life.

I'm just glad that I only played football for a couple years. It's not worth brain damage.

>> No.6521092


How new are you?

>> No.6521110

But it's true if you're only 5'8". Girls detest short men. We're not only ugly to them, but we also offend them and make them feel insecure because they feel less feminine around us. Ah, the plight of the short man. I think we, more than any other group, are discriminated against the most. Why must the world hate us! :'(

>> No.6521118

Most of my life is compensating for or dealing with how unhappy I've been. I fell for the meme of studying hard to get a good job and have never felt any sense of achievement or that I was doing the right thing with my life so now I'm 26 with a job that pays well but zero satisfaction and a lot of regrets from high school, university and my early twenties. I hide from the world to pretend it doesn't exist and therefore not feel as shitty as usual but it doesn't always work.

>> No.6521120

I know this feeling, comrade.

>> No.6521126
File: 190 KB, 730x1100, Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou manlets are okay too.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some tall girls like manlets, anon. It might be controlling and/or dom girls, but it's still a nice market I'm sure.

>> No.6521128
File: 750 KB, 640x640, 1426835205915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spend last months of senoir year trying to "save" the depressed girl
Worst decision of my life

>> No.6521135
File: 113 KB, 815x625, life-so-unfair-because-girls-dont-want-me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6521137

What's her name?

>> No.6521140

/lit/ - literature

god literature thread OP

>> No.6521148

>spend last months of senoir year trying to "save" the depressed girl

This guys. Don't ever do this. Don't ever spend a second with people who are clinically depressed. Don't save them. You turn and run if a girl is interested in you but have a depression. Maximum is a quick fuck.

>> No.6521156

>Most of my life is compensating for or dealing with how unhappy I've been. I fell for the meme of studying hard to get a good job and have never felt any sense of achievement or that I was doing the right thing with my life so now I'm 26 with a job that pays well but zero satisfaction and a lot of regrets from high school, university and my early twenties. I hide from the world to pretend it doesn't exist and therefore not feel as shitty as usual but it doesn't always work.
we always desire what we do not have :)

26 is not old, especially if you have the finances to have the hedonism of the adolescents.

but I think that the life that you fancy must not be overestimated nor in intensity, nor in longevity.

>> No.6521168

Fuck that. The high point of your life is always now. If it's not, you're doing something wrong. You always gotta be working for the satisfaction that you control your life at all time, not living other people's lives or in the past.

>> No.6521173

Why not? Not wasting time trying to save them I understand, but just completely avoiding contact all together?

>> No.6521176

>currently in similar situation
>more i find out about her the more I realize all her friends are awful and would let her die
>they're like that drama group on campus that I thought would be really intelligent and have interesting opinions on culture
>they're really just the same hedonistic plebs as everyone else, just with superiority complexes
>they freeze up every time I try to talk to them about literature or philosophy, they literally don't know sit
>almost all of them has some form of mental illness

There isn't a single reason to be friends with hipster pseudo-intellectuals. If you see a girl who hangs with that crowd, chances are she's fucked up too and you should run as fast as you can. I've started to hang out almost exclusively with some blue-collar guys I met through my part-time job, and even though these people wouldn't know Melville from Milton, they're actually decent human beings. FUCK HIPSTER CHICKS, FUCK PSEUDO-INTELLECTUALS, THE PROLETARIAT ARE THE ONLY DECENT HUMAN BEINGS IVE MET

>> No.6521179

Quitting a major you hate is never a bad decision because no matter how well things would've turned out for you, you would still hate every cent you made.

>> No.6521185

They will try to pull you into their problems, and they will try to drag you down with them. You're not even going to really help them, unless you're a psychiatrist, but 9/10 of the people I've met like this are also completely convinced they understand psychology more than a fucking doctor and that all medication is just a scam

>> No.6521187

Yeah. I hang out regularly with theatre students in my town. They are all upper class. They don't read books, because "lol, boring". They steal shit from stores, talk about being communists, behave and all of them have some mental illness. They also fuck a lot (which is why i hang with them) but they don't consider for a sec the consequences of their actions. They are trash.

>> No.6521191
File: 25 KB, 327x345, 1398827483821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>human nature

>> No.6521196

Well it's that they drag you into it. They will start to dissolve the bonds from other friendships. They will start be aggressively needy of your attention. It's just not worth your time, but more specifically your happiness. You become miserable. This particular girl literally ruined how a perceived girls for years until I finally met a someone normal.

>> No.6521214
File: 79 KB, 189x333, angry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're not even going to really help them
this should be the main point of it all, you can't force someone to be in a better state. "helping them" is usually translated to one of the following
>forcing them to do things they don't want to
>being cheery around them when they don't want that
>explaining to them why their feelings are wrong
>proposing useless things to do that neither of you would do
>sit down and absorb all their negativity
>all of the above
even worse when you're 17, you can't even help yourself.

>> No.6521217

well i don't know about all that but i have wondered what it be like to have lived many different lives. like being born in the rainforest or something. this doesn't really do it for me.

>> No.6521219

sounds preferable to the eventless void that is my current life tbh

then again I almost wished that I was the main character from oyasumi punpun and he ended up killing someone, running from the police and having his gf hang herself so there's that

>> No.6521253

If I dominate the football player sexually will that make me better than him?

>> No.6521265

Is that it? In 2015 we are bound by decades-old conventions of the American dream that led the baby-boomers to profit and their kids to ruin. Is OP by any chance born in the post-WWII period?
I thought we have moved being archetypal portrayals of heroes needed as pro-war propaganda for a pre-internet age.

>> No.6521267

No it will make you equals if he consents, it will make you feared if he does not.

>> No.6521312
File: 28 KB, 480x360, elon-musk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>quitting mech literally when humanity is about to interplanetary

>> No.6521332

>they don't consider for a sec the consequences of their actions
This is what really grinds my fucking gears about these types of people. It sort of reminds me of the dialogues in Infinite Jest between Marathe and Steeply, where Marathe believes that the American people are so obsessed with pleasure they would literally die for it. Pleasure is like the root of everything these people do, and it makes me fucking sic. They have no real reason to exist other then to stuff as much pleasure as they can into every waking moment. I can't handle that type of mindless hedonism in people, especially when people don't even realize their being hedonistic.

>> No.6521340

>muh spooks

>> No.6521342


>thinking that having a career related to a theme makes you have work on that instantly

only a few mech engineer work on nice things, the rest is pure grunt work.

>> No.6521351

go back to your continentals, fag. We, STEMfags, have more important problems that fear of hedonism.
>muh too much pleasure
>muh excess
>muh self limitation

>> No.6521355


This is bait but are you actually this retarded?

>> No.6521362

do you even like your job? you sound miserable

>> No.6521366

It makes me sick as well but more in a way of I wouldn't want that for myself so I simply don't hang with them.

>they don't consider for a sec the consequences of their actions
Stuff like this really drives me up the fucking wall sometimes though.

>> No.6521371

>Maximum is a quick fuck.
Now, I can agree that getting too close to them and developing a saviour complex is a bad idea, but this attitude is just fucking disgusting. Don't fuck over depressed people even more if you can help it.

>> No.6521373

tards, do you even know who >>6521312

>> No.6521380

I dated a seriously depressed girl for about a year, but then again so was I at the time. There were ups and downs but overall I say people are way too afraid of the whole dating a depressed girl thing, it gets really bad sometimes but it can be managed. The worst part about it was the lack of a sex drive which made any sexual acts rare.

>> No.6521383

I suppose it's better than living those years after 22 compensating for the fact that the best part of my life is quite clearly over

Perhaps the best part of my life hasn't happened yet, so I can look forward to it. This guy wakes up cursing every day that he doesn't wake up as his 20 year old self on the Football team and instead wakes up as a 30 year old with a beer belly and his varsity ring still on his finger

>> No.6521398

youve actually managed to convince yourself that it was all worthwhile dating a depressed girl who rarely had sex with you?

not even gonna insult you, thats just sad. Im sorry for you anon

>> No.6521411

That's what I thought at some point but overall it was pretty alright. We're not dating anymore but we're still good friends.. I'm sorry I had a fulfilling relationship though.

>> No.6521420


its still 4chan

>> No.6521426

My country, England has no culture of highschool sports stardom.

I don't particularly find sports interesting myself, but I'd no more disparage someone else for enjoying a hobby that I don't than i'd accept "Haha, books are for gay nerds" as a valid criticism of my hobby.

Cheerleaders aren't really much of a thing here either - I prefer my girls brunette and heavily tattooed anyhow.

>> No.6521440

Is there a kind of Tourette's where people compulsively scream "cuck" every few seconds?

>> No.6521450
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>> No.6521460

you are a human who is tied to the human condition like everyone else.

>Deal whith it

>> No.6521469

depressed people want to fuck as much as you pleb dont think otherwise

>> No.6521482

none of the cheerleaders at my school looked like that

>> No.6521515


I don't accept this level of 4chan self hate. Women have it easier in the relationship / sex sphere man, just act mature and accept this fact. In practice, they don't need to develop interests or "add value" other than their looks

>> No.6521518
File: 26 KB, 414x292, Napoli1_MGTHUMB-INTERNA[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw European concept of cheerleading is pic related
And at youth level there's not even that, only rowdy fathers and male schoolmates ready to rumble. I'm a quite vain person, I'm sure I'd have enjoied having pretty girls cheer for me at my football games instead.

>> No.6521519


All of everybody's actions at all ages can always be reduced to some form of compensation. The central issue is where you see your actions stemming from, as that is what ultimately defines your personality and your future actions. Outside perspective (eg., therapy) can be helpful, but one should not approach it as a solution, but rather as a tool.


I understand depression often causes loss of libido. Add to that asexuals and whatnots and your statement becomes a complete hyperbole.

>> No.6521522

But accepting that as fact would be the exact opposite of maturity.

>> No.6521543
File: 15 KB, 241x386, Novatore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the jocks in your highschool just dated average girls with fake blond hair
>the nerds just studied and maybe dated one girl if they were lucky
>the poor kids just passed around the same three sluts
>tfw being the creative nothing rather than some breakfast club character I'd just invite out a different girl every month and hook up with her a couple times
>tfw I'd just paraphrase Godard conversations when I'd take girls out and they'd think I was amazing
>tfw I didn't play sports, I just worked out sometimes and spent the rest of my time reading analytic philosophy

Supposing woman are an art — what then? Are there not grounds for the suspicion that all athletes, insofar as they haven't read, have been very inexpert about women?

>> No.6521544

Have you ever dated/been in a relationship with a normal healthy and happy girl? If not. Wait for that then tell me what you think.

>> No.6521545

Nah, replying to shitposts is fun. You're reading too much into it.

>> No.6521549

Why would sleeping with someone that suffers from depression be bad for them? It's a one-night-stand thing. I didn't tell people to promise you'll marry them in order to sleep with them.

>> No.6521576

The proletariat aren't any better in my experience.

>> No.6521602

I have and I have to say I liked my relationship with the depressed girl more. But then again I didn't care for that girl as much as I did for this one, and in the end that's the one thing that dictates how good a relationship will be to you.

>> No.6521627

I don't know about the context of this pic,but i think they look cute.

>> No.6521635

yeah well if youre on lit it means youre a pseudointellectual and therefore HAVE no experience lekek

>> No.6521637


>> No.6521684

Svn is whatevs. Nah'm sayin

>> No.6521706


I Known lots of girls that weren't really depressed, they just wanted to attetion whore, maybe its my lack of knwoleadge and past experience that make me take this stance.

But I just know that but if the girl doesn't put out you need to get the fuck out

>> No.6521713

Because being popular and an athlete guarantees success or fulfillment? If this is supposed to be bait, you need to go to /b/ for this kind of shit OP.

>> No.6521716

hahahahaha, this fucking thread has 150 replies.

Insecurity and intellectual posturing: the board aren't even smart enough to not get baited

>> No.6521717


Of course it is, why are you even asking?

Why do you think I read philosophy since my first year of highschool and onwards instead of kissing qts? Because I couldn't do the latter, that's literally it.

>> No.6521719

My only friends in highschool were a group of girls,and I still have no idea what i'm doing.

>> No.6521928

Watching porn was earlier and just as enjoyable

>> No.6521944
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>the board aren't even smart

>> No.6521952

you haven't understood the sentence

>> No.6521962
File: 165 KB, 1167x1000, 1430996326365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP are you trying to make me upset? Excellent attempt but I already accepted that my life will be lonely and without love many years ago!

>> No.6521992

Dated a solid 8/10 for about 2 years. Had to leave her because her and her friends were all batshit insane.
[Spoiler]like all women[/spoiler]

>> No.6522011

> 157 responses

B-but you weren't supposed to take the bait /lit/erati.

>> No.6522025

>dating someone who's "batshit insane" for two years

You ain't lookin much better yourself tbh

>> No.6522038

I always wondered if people who made claims about high school, realized how insignificant it was in the grand scheme.

When someone is more successful than another:
>Yeah well he got no pussy in high school

High school is 4 years (5 if you are retarded, 3 if you are cleaver [not smart, cleaver]). So if you didn't get pussy in high school but do now, isn't that a better thing?

You graduate at 18. You have from 18-50 for plowing (assuming you stay in shape and keep up with fashion. 4 years vs. 32.

>> No.6522063

I wrote cleaver instead of clever. I graduated in 4 years. So you can be retarded and graduate in 4 years.

I have no business being here.

>> No.6522086

Holy shit I'm jelly. That guy has it so good it almost seems unfair, as if its out of a film or advert or something.

Well, I guess that's just how the world works. Difficult to deal with the 'I'm not good enough' thoughts after seeing shit like that.

>> No.6522090
File: 1.07 MB, 266x268, nswgo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't the great gatsby about have a guy who peaked in college doing football in college and since then is just being a restless cheater whose wife is ready to cheat on him in a second. Ha, jokes on you OP, i have no peak to fall from.

>> No.6522098

>I thought we have moved being archetypal portrayals of heroes needed as pro-war propaganda for a pre-internet age.
What would the internet-age hero look like?

>> No.6522106
File: 47 KB, 171x130, geagafafa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw didnt peak in high school

>> No.6522157

>>the board aren't even smart
>not using collective nouns
family, kind, public, police, board, crowd, Labour ARE doing things.

>> No.6522224

For a while I told myself I was too fat to even bother talking to girls, but even after I lost a lot of weight I still never bothered approaching anyone. I've even had girls approach me to try to initiate something but whenever that happens I just autistically back out. I don't even know what's holding me back but something is.

>> No.6522243

>tfw high school sucked and I might have peaked in HS despite it being shit

>> No.6522267

To be fair the average comp sci student can't give the definition of a Turing machine.

You are right though, there is nothing to envy about those of average or below intelligence.

>> No.6522273

>best girls
>best salaries
I think you are talking about math majors.

>> No.6522312

>tfw lived the dream last summer
>met 20 year old presbyterian virgin qt fuckin pie
>got her to let some of her guard down, fingered that sweet tight pussy
>after the summer was over went back to her football player, engineering student bf
>Im an opiate addict that dropped out of college and reads literature in all my spare time

i feel sick

>> No.6522349

I wasn't even talking about Elon Musk, who gives a shit? It doesn't matter how many planets we live on, we'll still have to deal with the repercussions of having a pleasure based culture

>> No.6522386
File: 50 KB, 960x484, 134677291939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you missed teenage love
>you'll never be 16 and in love, lying on the grass on a warm summer night, watching the stars, carelessly chatting, not worrying about rent, bills, student loans, only worry in life is how you're gonna cheat on that history test on monday
>you'll never take a young, tight, hot-bodied girls virginity, pulling out to cum all over her back and have her look in your eyes and say "I love you"
>you'll never have a girl around every day after school, pretend to be doing homework together, but instead just fuck like rabbits
>you're in your 20's now, gotta get a good job, gotta be a serious man now
>all the good ones are taken, maybe a nice girl will eventually settle with you but they have already felt all those new exciting feelings before, and are usually jaded and bitter
>you missed what it feels like to have not a care in the world other than making your girl happy
>you have missed out on teenage love

B-b-ut at least I'm smart right?

>> No.6522399

if you're marginally smart you realise you can still experience love just as great in your 20s as in your teens.

you had to go to school/college in teens with plenty spare time and you go to work and do the same unless you have a high paying, long hour job, which no one here has

you're just a retard

>> No.6522401

I barely feel attracted to or interested in girls in the real world and I don't think I ever have, yet I still feel tfw no gf. What's the point in pursuing something then?

>> No.6522406



>> No.6522422

I tried to compensate it by fucking prostitutes and now I feel even worse, consumed by moral guilt.

>> No.6522435

I've kissed a girl before. It's pretty overrated, I'll be honest.

Never had sex, though. I'm not looking for the feeling of sex, because I don't think that will be much better than jerking off. I just want to know that I was able to pass on my seed, that I was at least successful enough in life to procreate.

>> No.6522436

>you can still experience love just as great in your 20s as in your teens

Actually, you can't. Only teenage love is real because it's based on a genuine relationship between equals, while adult relationships are based on several other interests such as financial interests, desire for stability, status whoring etc

Besides, all girls have experienced teenage romance, so they won't want to repeat the same pattern later in their lifes, they are looking for something else.

>> No.6522459


But I've survived multiple near-death experiences and hardships. That alone fills me with a reasonable amount of joy and gratefulness.

>you missed out on mostly physical acts of joy

I can live without it

>> No.6522474

Please. If that were to be the case we'd have killed ourselves

>> No.6522485


I got a kek

>> No.6522495

>people replied so the rhetorical question must be true!!

Fuck off, you don't fit in here

>> No.6522496

r9k plz go home

>> No.6522510

I mean, I guess it's a universal thing to want to be loved/valued? So I guess in that respect. But I mean, you can have that in your adult life. You can have a group of tight knit friends who love you, you can have a significant other that you're crazy about. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.6522513

Posts like this confirm that death is the sweetest release of all.

>> No.6522516


So much vanity. I mean yeah, he's got money, he's attractive and does cool shit. Really though, what is the motivation for making this video? He's a bit of an asshole.