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/lit/ - Literature

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6517309 No.6517309 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /lit/. I've never been here before, and I come for the benefit of a friend.

My friend Vincent is a talented writer that is having severe issues getting any kind of marketing or reader following going. I hate seeing him struggle this way and how depressed he is becoming, calling himself a failure.

So I ask you, what can I do to help get his name out there and get his material read?

>> No.6517324

>My friend
Suuuuure. Post your book here and let us read it if you really want help. Otherwise fuck off with your advertising.

>> No.6517336

When this thread gets trolled into the dust, leave all mention of his name or the book title out of the next attempt at asking for help. That way, it will seem like an earnest search for marketing advice instead of a clumsy attempt at viral marketing.

i know nothing about marketing self-published books so this warning about how much shit you'll be receiving in this thread is literally all I can offer you.

>> No.6517347

Journalist Claire Walker, disgraced by accusations of plagiarism, has resorted to ghost writing for other journalists to pay the bills. Bitter and jaded, he spends his days with Heather, an addict who needs him a hell of a lot more than he needs her. But when he receives a call from prosecutor Oliver Greene, who remembers Walker from a piece the writer did on an arsonist Greene put away, his life is about to change--and not necessarily for the better.

Also it might help if your book wasn't the third one with that title on Amazon.

>> No.6517351


I figured I'd get that response. Is it really that weird for people on 4chan to care about someone else? Anyway here you go.


>> No.6517379

>Is it really that weird for people on 4chan to care about someone else?

I don't even pay real money for books by authors I enjoy. If you think I or anyone is going to pay three dollars for your self published shock you really are new here.

>> No.6517525

Not what I meant. Other anon was claiming that I was the author viral marketing, I was saying is it that odd for a friend to be concerned about a friends well being/career.

>> No.6518044

Nvm didn't read it right. Anyway must suck being that poor.

>> No.6518079

>must suck being that poor.
Oh shit you showed me! I better buy your shitty book right now or else you'll think I'm poor!

>> No.6518086

Give me a 10 word summary

>> No.6518102
File: 133 KB, 607x424, self published.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, tell him not to self publish, then his books will be in retailers across the nation.

>> No.6519046

Well I mean if you can't spend under $10 to support your favorite authors, yeah you're kind of a poor douche.

Lovecraftian horror and a character based on Guts. And humor.

>> No.6520028

He has paperbacks of his first novel. Yeah I wasn't keen on the idea of self publishing either but its what he wanted to do.