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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 64 KB, 612x380, John-Green.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6509186 No.6509186 [Reply] [Original]

Why does he hate Aristotle?

>> No.6509191

Because Aristotle was a white male who didn't vote for Obama

>> No.6509200


To be hip.


>> No.6509203


>> No.6509204

Aristotle is fucking useless, that's why.

>> No.6509212

hey there green

>> No.6509217

>women have less teeth than men

>> No.6509219

why do people always say
instead of

or is the first the correct way?

>> No.6509222

Forms are a heavily flawed debunked concept, but that doesn't make everything Plato said useless.

>> No.6509224

It's Ἀριστοτέλης.

>> No.6509228

yeah, hylemorphism is the way to go

>> No.6509232


>> No.6509233



Emphasise the 'teh'

>> No.6509235

Not like he revolutionized logic and founded science or anything.

>> No.6509243

>implying hylemorphism is wrong

>> No.6509249

i think that's just a murikan accent

>> No.6509257
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Is it the Rhetoric?

>> No.6509263 [DELETED] 

Probably because he sodomized young nubile boipussy

>> No.6509264
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Or is it more personal than that?

>> No.6509266
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>shits on Aristotle whenever he can
>nothing but praise for Thomas Aquinas


>> No.6509270

Because Aristotle was monist and believed in the beauty of aesthetics in man.

>> No.6509276
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Aristotle's teachings on how to incite prejudice might have incited some prejudice in John.

>> No.6509277

because he's stupid

>> No.6509360
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>Similie and metaphor

>> No.6509600

Confirmed for not understanding the forms

>> No.6509626

Because John Green is writing for high school students who are used to hearing about Aristotle in science class, where he does tend to be wrong quite a bit. It's more a meme than any sort of thought out critique, he's just writing for an audience.

>> No.6509636


For Plato, things can only have a quality in common because there is a Form in which both partake. So two good things both partake in the form of the Good. But if a thing is good because it shares in the form of the Good and if this form of the Good is itself good (as Plato says, auto kath'auto), then there must be another Form explaining THEIR correspondence.

>> No.6509639

Did he say he hated Aristotle? He said that Aristotle's thinking on issues like slavery seems pretty backwards from our perspective, which is...true.

>> No.6509732

He writes for *high school* students!?

>> No.6510089

i say eristottle

>> No.6511410

>muh third man argument
lol stay in school

>> No.6511415


Refute it buddy

>> No.6511424

Because he doesn't really know Aristotle's work on logic, natural philosophy, metaphysics, astronomy, biology, history, ethics, politics, rhetoric and arts.

Also, because he plays on the naive euphoric high-school narrative that Aristotle fucked science for 2000 years until we're finally saved by the sciencemen Newton and Galileo.

And because he is triggered by the arguments pro-slavery and pro-patriarchy.

>> No.6511425

>spoon feed me mummy
>Actually believing that the theory of forms referred to non-local transcendent entities.

To say the forms have been "debunked" as a concept is ridiculous because
1) Anyone who uses the word "debunked" isn't going to understand Plato
2) The theory of forms isn't a static conception, it changed over time.

I'm not going to refute the third man argument because the third man argument fundamentally misrepresents the nature of the forms. It's sound logic, Aristotle was a master logician but that's beside the point

>> No.6511426

Weird, I always pronounced it "Ah-ris-TOHT-eh-less", even if I know greek and know how it is written.

>> No.6511427


I agree that that guy's formulation is kinda silly, but then they're no longer Forms, they're essences.

>> No.6511430


I dunno, some historian told me it was originally pronounced this way. But then again, how are these fuckers supposed to know.

>> No.6511435

Because we know what their letters and words were pronounced like? Not all languages have such a retarded phonectic system as english.

>> No.6511438

In most latin languages is pronounced this way.

Also, English people rarely pronounce the third to last syllable as the tonic. Their words are too short.

>> No.6511721

>Aristotle's thinking on issues like slavery seems pretty backwards from our perspective
Oh, the anacrhonism...

>> No.6511739

because Aristotle was patriarchal and he confuses modern capitalist "patriarchy" with old world city state patriarchy. Also I would bet money he believes in the "dead hand of Aristotle" although I doubt he has the balls to admit that because it might imply he dislikes Christianity.

>> No.6511747

>shits on Aristotle
>nothing but praise for Thomas Aquinas


>> No.6512300


he specifically stated "Aristotle is the worst philosopher of all time" in a history video

>> No.6512309

>dead hand of Aristotle
The what now?

>> No.6512342

Yes, of course. High school kids are the stupidest young people of all. Not only are they ignorant, they are self-righteous about being ignorant.

>> No.6512375
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>> No.6512479


>> No.6512489

His audience is young and naive, he is playing the 'hip' dude who 'thinks different.'

He probably fantasizes about being Nietzsche.

>> No.6512490
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>And because he is triggered by the arguments pro-slavery and pro-patriarchy.
indeed a beta cuck like him will never bear Aristotle

>> No.6512498

Why does /lit/ hate him?

>> No.6512503

>yfw when you realize /lit/ spends more time talking about JG than his actual fans.

>> No.6512526

I can see how terrible he is for trying to give information to ignorant people. Can't have them stopping being ignorant, can we?

>> No.6512621

I'm sorry, where in my post did I say he should stop?

>> No.6512632

I say air - a - staht - uhl

>> No.6512647

Same reason they hate Alain de Botton. Green and de Botton use their otherwise useless degrees to gain money and notoriety whereas /lit/ uses their useless degrees to argue with high school students on 4chan.

It's a hard pill to swallow.

>> No.6512653

One way isn't any more or less correct than the other. I hear both all the time and probably switch between them myself.

>> No.6512821


>> No.6514618

of what ?

the show is peep show

>> No.6514719

I hate you, kinda.

>> No.6514811

Ok, I'm trying to find where he actually discusses Aristotle.

There's a part in this video: https://youtu.be/3X5JMS9_EK8?t=450

Anything else?

>> No.6514822

He was Greek. So he was white. Do you not know understand what being white means?

>> No.6514849

Just found another instance: https://youtu.be/xM3_ltur0lo?t=142

I think I got cancer after watching that video. Does anyone have something to treat my cancer? Please. Help me.

>> No.6514857
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>> No.6514866
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Pinterest graphic.

>> No.6514874
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>> No.6514881

If the founders of the Western tradition weren't white, then white people are historically inferior to the race of the founders of the Western tradition, whatever it was.

t. heir of the Roman Empire.

>> No.6514889

PROB cause in ethics, when Aristotle speaks of a cowardly man or a person of weak character, green feels that aristotle is describing him.

Plus his view on slaves and a hierarchy PROB bothers liberal green

>> No.6514896

Doesn't it make you feel good to know that even if the white race one day dies out, in a world of shitskins, some will look back on history and ask "why were white people so great and world-defining?"

>> No.6514903

I think that now

>> No.6514930

>implying shitskins will even learn white history in school

Most of them will probably look at the white race the way we look at arabs now.

>> No.6514946

woah dude

>> No.6514957
File: 56 KB, 292x300, ebig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you didn't do shit though anon. the only thing you did in your life was shitpost on a Mongolian finger painting forum about "muh niggers". you aren't world defining, you're pathetic.

pic related, it's you.

>> No.6514962

(guy with low self-esteem projecting his failings onto others)

>> No.6514978

You're projecting so hard that that's probably an actual picture of you

>> No.6515013
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>> No.6515016
File: 3 KB, 195x134, 1356723903739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet Aristotle would really care a lot about what John Green thought of him

>> No.6515047

Does he actually praise Aquinas? I've heard him name-drop Aquinas once, though I've not watched many of his videos.

>> No.6515081

Eat a shark

>> No.6515085

Why would anyone care about either?

These John Green threads are *inauthentic*

>> No.6515221

Because he was wrong

>> No.6515242

we love John like a brother

>> No.6515278
File: 876 KB, 1066x1500, Sigmund_Freud_LIFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6516027

Who would have thought that a guy from over 2000 years ago got some things wrong? He still, however, got some things right and was hugely influential on people who got even more things right.

Is it just cool to hate?

>> No.6516248

/pol/ please leave.

>> No.6516431
File: 3.46 MB, 2600x2500, Laocoon_and_sons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aristotle sodomized young boys

John Green was sodomized when he was a little boy


>> No.6516452

Dubs dont lie.

>> No.6516466

>defecates on Aristotle whenever he can
>rims Thomas Aquinas


>> No.6516472

He's known as "the teen whisperer". He will literally say anything to make himself appealing to a young audience. I could quote him saying that .333 repeated equals 1/3. .333 repeated times 3 equals one. Which is incorrect. He's simply ignorant.

>> No.6516475

>tfw whites will be the ancient greeks of the future

people will romanticize us and get holo-tattoos with quotes of shit we said. and they will have historical arguments on the interspace hypernet about how we lived our lives day to day and whether or not we really thought multiculturalism would work,

>> No.6516525

What are you saying? 0.333... is equivalent to 1/3, so multiplying either by 3 gives you 1

>> No.6516539


Yes. 0.333 repeating times 3 is equal to 1.
0.333... x 0.333... = 0.999...

0.999... is equal to 1

>> No.6516580

.999 repeating is NOT equal to 1.

>> No.6516591


>> No.6516605


Yes it is.

If X =/= Y then there must be a real number Z which is greater than one and smaller than the other.

What is the real number in between 0.999... and 1?

>> No.6516610

>mfw I use this against an autist and they can't answer it
Feels good knowing math.

>> No.6516632


mfw no face?

But yes, it's a nice feeling. Especially because people who insist they're different numbers usually act like arrogant assholes.

>> No.6516634

>What is the real number in between 0.999... and 1?

>> No.6516637

>Does anyone have something to treat my cancer?
Put a cigarette in your mouth but don't actually smoke it.
It's a metaphor.
You're putting the thing with the power to kill you between your teeth but you're not actually letting it.
Get it? It's a metaphor.
Like, if you were smoking it it could give you cancer, but you're not smoking it, just holding it there. Isn't that crazy, you're basically stopping it from killing you.
I's a metaphor.

>> No.6516648


Depending on what you just tried to write, either that's the same thing as 0.9 repeating or that's not a real number.

>> No.6516649


>> No.6516654



>> No.6516665

He's not trying to give information to them. He is luring them in with hollow promises of giving them information that proves wrong the information they are given in school.

>> No.6516669

Why do we care what John Green thinks?

>> No.6516677

>either that's the same thing as 0.9 repeating or that's not a real number.
0.999∞ is 0.9 repeating, and 0.999∞ is not 1.

>> No.6516688

11/2? How is that relevant.

>> No.6516696

I meant to type:


>> No.6516705

meant for>>6516688

Also, math is only useful for describing the world. If it doesn't, as is the case with repeating numbers, then what it the point?

>> No.6516742

Nigga do you know how useful abstract math concepts are to the real world? Look up the use infinity in calculus.

>> No.6516746

>Why do we care what John Green thinks?
We have a John Green/Fault in our Stars thread every day because we have constructed him into a representation of 'aesthetically bad'.

We embrace the postmodern notion of 'death of human universals' and chant 'everything is a subjective reaction to a semantic framework', yet with John Green there is an almost mutual, unmentioned inter-subjective agreement that his work ought to be used to denote an 'aesthetic badness' form.

>> No.6516748

Aristotle is the only philosopher mentioned in american textbooks, and it usually done in a condescending way like "lol this guy thought fire was an element thankfully now me have muh science"
This is what Greenes audience knows about philosophy. Greene is all about appealing to his audience

>> No.6516767

I literally don't know, sorry was wrong. I haven't learned enough math so my brain just said it was stupid like most people do with literature.

Are there any "useless" fields of math though?

>> No.6516776

Perhaps logarithms if numbers that aren't e

>> No.6516777

>Aristotle is the only philosopher mentioned in american textbooks, and it usually done in a condescending way like "lol this guy thought fire was an element thankfully now me have muh science"

The way I first heard Aristotle described in school was positive:

Aristotle: Earth, Water, Air, Fire
2,000 years later...
Science: Solid, Liquid, Gas, Plasma

>> No.6516792


The only correct pronunciation

>> No.6516804

See? Its all about how you spin it. My High school textbooks for whatever reason wanted to spin early philosophy badly. I remember one year a textbook did have a two page section about Descartes but it wasnt relevant to standardized testing so we skipped it.

>> No.6516807

haha, upvoted

>> No.6516809

Utility depends on time. Some say that a pure math degree is as useful as an English degree.


>> No.6516818
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>We embrace the postmodern notion of 'death of human universals'

Speak for yourself

>> No.6516819


>> No.6516847

did you finish school, mate?

>> No.6516858
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>> No.6516866


Again, tell me the real number between 0.9(infinite nines follow) and 1.
If they are two different numbers, there must be a real number in between, so tell me which number is ti?

>> No.6516876


Yeah, that's 1.

Solve this

x*10 - x = 9

>> No.6516912

Did you?

>> No.6516917

/sci/ would be fucking ashamed if they saw this.

>> No.6516937

this is a meme on /sci/

>> No.6516948


Are you shitting me? Have you actually done PDE's or something?

>> No.6517011

what episode though

>> No.6517028

>metaphorically resonant

>> No.6517042

cause if he says he does, ppl may pay attention to him. In reality, I doubt he's read any of Aristotle's works

>> No.6517081

Because the modern left progressive is defined by a lack of appreciation for history and cultural context. Their obsession with other cultures doesn't go beyond a pair of chopsticks and some alien-looking fabrics.

>> No.6517097
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>> No.6519236

happiness is an active form of virtue in accordance with the soul
I read Aristotle in college and still remember most of Nichomachean Ethics
he was just wrong about cosmology though then again so was John Locke and he is one of my favorite British philosophers

>> No.6519242

probably has something to do with Poetics

for some reason everyone wants to shit on his definition of tragedy then again so did James Joyce in A Portrait

>> No.6519640


>> No.6519662

I would call myself modern left and have nothing BUT appreciation for context. Sometimes I wonder where I truly fit on the the spectrum though and if "left" isn't just a way of saying I represent the values of my circumstance, that is, upper-class, but born and raised in a large city, gay, male, bitter, but idealistic and soulful. I sleep on a confederate flag blanket but I vote Green Party. So I don't know really. Semiotics are wacky.