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6513210 No.6513210 [Reply] [Original]

I have a blind gf who has been reading the King James Bible in braille, same copy, since she was a child (inb4 Book of Eli references); that's basically all she reads apart from Shakespeare, otherwise I read to her. I want to get her into Catholicism, so I'd like to get her a different translation: it has to be good, but I can't be blatantly Catholic or else she'll be able to tell. Any recommendations on this?

>> No.6513215

this sounds like an awesome story
could you share any other details?

>> No.6513218

Having a blind girlfriend sounds hot af tbh

>> No.6513221

so u want to manipulate your gf instead of just talking about it by abusing her disability sikkk dude nice

>> No.6513222

She likes to sing Simple Gifts with me while holding my hands, and she has a professional-tier voice.

>> No.6513225

It's not abusing her disability, dumbo. It's not like I'm trying to sneak her a Catholic Bible, it would say in it somewhere it was Catholic anyway. I'm just look for a non-KJ translation that would be good for a transition to Catholicism.

>> No.6513228

What advantage would your gf see from "transitioning" to Catholicism? My family is Catholic but I don't understand why you feel the need to convert her.

>> No.6513231

Lol u must be ugly

>> No.6513235

So we can actually go to Mass together
So we can get married, if it comes to that (we could probably get permission anyway, but still)
So we can raise our kids Catholic, if it comes to that
For the sake of her soul, for Pete's sake.

>> No.6513238 [DELETED] 


/thumbs up

>> No.6513240

ugly person detected

>> No.6513241

Why are you trying to sneak your girlfriend into Catholicism? Just be honest about the value that you think it has and try to convert her honestly and/or by setting an example

>> No.6513242

Eh, I'm not really attractive. But she's really cute and thinks I'm attractive from feeling my face. I don't know if blind people have a different idea of what's attractive though.

>> No.6513243

>Trying to lure your girlfriend away from the pure faith of the blind to the papist rapist faith

>> No.6513248

> she has a professional-tier voice

Yeah...voice, OP, amirite ? ;^)

>> No.6513258

>So we can actually go to Mass together
You can bring her to mass. Is she going to sperg out during communion or something?

>So we can get married
Catholic Church has no problems with you marrying outside of it.

>So we can raise our kids Catholic
You still can. I know many parents who have different religions. I even know Christians who've married Jews and have made it work.

>For the sake of her soul
She's not gonna go to hell for reading the wrong Bible. Murderers can get into heaven, your gf can too.

>> No.6513260

She also is extremely attractive, even though she doesn't wear makeup (for obvious reasons).

>> No.6513268

Are you kidding? Think about it, you can go around fucking literally whomever you please, and she is sensorially disabled so she will be unable to sleuth you out. And to boot, when you get home there'll be a chick there helplessly waiting for you to please her

>> No.6513269

>You can bring her to mass. Is she going to sperg out during communion or something?
She can't even receive communion....

>Catholic Church has no problems with you marrying outside of it.
No, like I said we'll probably get the go ahead, but I'd like her to be Catholic for the sacrament, obviously

>> No.6513271

I'm here for the lace's sake
Don't force your religious dogma on her

>> No.6513284 [DELETED] 

I suppose it would be like having a houseplant that you could fuck.

>> No.6513289

>I'm here for the lace's sake


>> No.6513290

Why don't you be a man and tell her that you'd like to marry in the Catholic tradition, and that she's the one you want to marry ?

>> No.6513291

>She can't even receive communion...
Well she could. All you have to do is walk up to the priest/deacon/monsignor or whatever volunteer and say "Amen".

Regardless it doesn't have any serious importance.

Doesn't seem to be obvious most people in this thread.

>> No.6513300

b-but SJ Lingerie not Agent Provocateur? hmmmm

>> No.6513303 [DELETED] 

>take her someplace, it doesnt matter where
>Tell her she is in the hood and will be raped mercilessly by niggers
>tell her you will save her from this fate and take her home if she converts to the one true catholic faith.

If she doesn't believe you walk away and come back and speak to her in your best "black" voice and fondle her a bit.

>> No.6513306

That is so fucking dank, m8.
What's the sex like? Does she have a guide dog? Have you stroked it?

>> No.6513308

Because makeup would make her less attractive?

>> No.6513313

Wait, I always believed growing up as a Catholic that both christian derivations (protestantism and Catholicism) read the same bible. Is there a different Jesus or something? Which one is from the Ultimate universe?

>> No.6513315

>she doesn't know what a hood is
>she doesn't know what a nigger is
>try my best black voice and fondle her
>she likes it

>> No.6513316

Does she have a dislike for Catholicism?

>> No.6513324



>> No.6513327

KJV is a VERY bad translation

>> No.6513331

>Well she could. All you have to do is walk up to the priest/deacon/monsignor or whatever volunteer and say "Amen".
WTF are you talking about? You're supposed to be Catholic, and you're supposed to have taken Confession.

>> No.6513336

>All you have to do is walk up to the priest/deacon/monsignor or whatever volunteer and say "Amen".
That is a grave sin, communion is the literal body of Christ

>> No.6513337

nigga jesus is in there, how is that not important?

>> No.6513345

Seems to agree to with the NABRE to me, except it's more literary and references the Latin more sometimes: the NABRE, for instance, says in Genesis 1:6 "dome", whereas the King James says "firmament" an Anglicization of firmamentum, the term used in the Vulgate.

>> No.6513354

No, not really.

>> No.6513362

Why did you respond so calmly ans straightforwardly to an implications that your girlfriend is a professional sexgiver ? I am not pleased, anon, when I make a bantering assault on an anon, I expect some reciprocity. Did you forget the code of 4chan ethics ? How shameful of you.

>> No.6513364

So why don't you ask her to convert before marriage?

>> No.6513389

Because she doesn't agree with its doctrines. She's basically a Quaker. Also her family goes to service with her, so there's that.

>> No.6513390

We don't sex because we're gay Jewish Catholics
I touched her dog. She was smooth

>> No.6513398

Because she's blind and she couldn't apply it without another person's help? I mean she could, but if she messed up she couldn't tell.

>> No.6513406

What are these Quakers? I'm a europoor from a 90% Catholic country so I only know the Catholic, Orthodox and major heretic denominations.
Well have you discussed the doctrines with her and why they are right?
Also failed to mention it befoire but
>tfw no blind christian qt gf

>> No.6513409

>it has to be good, but I can't be blatantly Catholic or else she'll be able to tell
Just stop with this underhanded shit you fucking pussy

>> No.6513411

Not having it is good, she doesn't look like a cheap whore like most do.

>> No.6513420

help her you moron

>> No.6513426

Do you honestly think that Christ would

1)Want you to convert people through subversive means


2)Convert people for your own selfish reasons


>> No.6513433

>I'm Europoor

Quakerism began in Europe

>> No.6513434

>)Want you to convert people through subversive means
>Convert people for your own selfish reasons
If they are converted to the true faith sure

>> No.6513440

Basically she thinks everyone is a priest and that services should just be everyone together, quietly, and when someone feels like talking they should stand up and speak about God, and then when they finish then after a while someone else can too, and so one until the end of the service. She thinks all ceremony is simply ceremony, for instance she thinks having a meal with your friends in remembrance of Christ can be a communion. She likes simplicity a lot

>> No.6513442

So did protestantism as the major heresy, but that doesn't answer my question

>> No.6513447

Then you don't know Christ the King, or his message

"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

People do not come to the true faith through lies and selfish trickery. They come through understanding and accepting the truth of Christ's Church, fully and with open hearts.

>> No.6513449

I have offered, but then she asked if I thought she would look better with makeup, and I said I didn't think she could look any better, so she responded that my opinion was the only one that mattered and that she wasn't interested in looking good for other men.

>> No.6513455

not counting the extra books that catholics include in the bible, there are only a handful of differences between catholic and protestant translations

the douay rheims should be right up her alley if she likes the kjv. otherwise the rsv-ce is the go-to catholic edition in the english speaking world (unless you are americuck - they have something else to be special snowflakes)

>> No.6513456

>People do not come to the true faith through lies and selfish trickery
So giving a good translation of the Bible is trickery?

>> No.6513458
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Goddamn christfags stinking up this place.

>> No.6513461

>tfw no blind quaker gf 2.0

>> No.6513466

>so she responded that my opinion was the only one that mattered

i will never have this.

> tfw no gf

>> No.6513468

Just because the DR is in Early Modern English, doesn't make it similar to the King James. The DR uses the Vulgate as its basis, the King James uses the Masoretic text and the Greek text, and the DR is not really a great work of literature, at least not compared to the King James.

>> No.6513469 [DELETED] 

>we've triggered another one

>> No.6513470

Go back to reddit faggot

>> No.6513477
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>> No.6513492

>Thy pride is brought down to hell, thy carcass is fallen down: under thee shall the moth be strewed, and worms shall be thy covering. How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, who didst rise in the morning?

>Thy pomp is brought down to the grave, and the noise of thy viols: the worm is spread under thee, and the worms cover thee. How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!

You can practically sing the KJV

Here is the NABRE
>Down to Sheol your pomp is brought, the sound of your harps. Maggots are the couch beneath you, worms your blanket.” How you have fallen from the heavens,O Morning Star, son of the dawn!

>> No.6513504

Here is the RSVCE translation

>Your pomp is brought down to Sheol, the sound of your harps; maggots are the bed beneath you, and worms are your covering. “How you are fallen from heaven, O Day Star, son of Dawn!

>> No.6513520

Whatever happens, good luck OP :)

>> No.6513527

I'll pray for the two of you

>> No.6513542

I like that song

>> No.6513547

Speechless!!! apparently I'm the moron
May Athena bless both of you Anon

>> No.6513565

r u a grrl?

>> No.6513590

No I just have a thing for girls wearing red lipstick
ibn4 gay

>> No.6513694

>I'm trying to sneak her a Catholic Bible
Uh, why?

>> No.6513699

Get her off the heretical King James, hurp derp

>> No.6513704

And I'm not trying to sneak her one, I'm trying to get her to switch to one. And it won't be overtly Catholic, just a different translation

>> No.6513708

She'll be able t tell it's Catholic because the books will be in the right order.

Also I have a suspicion that you could me making this up

>> No.6513711

>So we can actually go to Mass together
Is she that autistic about where she goes? Are you? There's very little difference between an Episcopal service and a Catholic one; Episcopals just have better music ;^)
>So we can get married, if it comes to that (we could probably get permission anyway, but still)
Catholics have no doctrine preventing interfaith marriages, nor do Episcopals
>So we can raise our kids Catholic, if it comes to that
My mom is Episcopal and my dad is Catholic and I was raised Episcopal. It'll probably work out fine.
>For the sake of her soul, for Pete's sake.

>> No.6513712

It WON'T be Catholic, for the last time I already said I'm not going to give her a Catholic translation because of what you just said. I said it can't be blatantly Catholic, it just has to be closer to Catholic than the King James is. For Pete's sake

I'm not making it up

>> No.6513723

Well then you might as well just go with King James since it's the most patrician Protestant translation.

>better music

Depends, Catholic English hymns aren't great but if you're lucky enough to go to a church that does mass in Latin you're in for some 10/10s

Also Catholics are supposed to get permission before they marry non-Catholics

>> No.6513736

Most of the Catholic services I've been to have pleb-tier gospel music. All the Episcopal services I've been to use like medieval hymns in Middle English, German and the occasional Latin or French. Shit's nice.

>> No.6513738

She was baptized Episcopal and goes to an Episcopal church, but she and her family are basically Quakers in theology and hold Quaker services at home with friends from other churches.

How did you know she was Episcopalian? Are from /tv/?

>> No.6513746
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Her soul's name is Pete?

>> No.6513747

No, I'm just not retarded and know who commissioned the KJV.

>> No.6513751

Yeah, to be fair Catholics have only been making hymns in English for ~50 years whereas episcopalians have hundreds of years worth of great hymns. Honestly the Catholic church really needs to encourage Latin more, it's sad to see 1000 year old hymns go unused and replaced by hippie garbage.

>> No.6513762

>hold Quaker services at home with friends from other churches.
Jesus she sounds based.

>> No.6513779

If I want to read the bible for the first time which one should I go for? I'm a baptized but non-practicing Catholic if that makes any difference.

>> No.6513790

Robert Alter's Old Testament and Lattimore's New Testament are your only literary options apart from the KJV

>> No.6513793

Well, there are also predecessor's the King James, such as Geneva and Tyndale, but might as well go King James if you're going that route.

>> No.6513799

All right. Is this stuff a good read or do you do it purely for theological reasons? Either way I'll still do it.

>> No.6513839

You realize that the KJV is pretty much the default mainline Protestant bible, right?

>> No.6513851

Which translation of the bible is most accurate to the original manuscripts? I'm thinking of getting whatever that would be, a KJV, and the Common English Bible.
>inb4 Oxford

>> No.6513903

I'm an atheist, I read it for literary reasons. I recommend the Norton Critical King James

There is no original text. We have the Dead Sea Scrolls, which are only part, the Septuagint, the Vulgate and the Masoretic text.

There's also issues with language. "The quick and the dead" in King James is accurate in Early Modern English, because "quick" meant "living" back then. And "Faith, hope and charity" is accurate too, because "charity" back then didn't just mean "giving money to people".

King James is closer the original, at least as close as contemporary translations. It's just important to make sure you understand how the English works, meaning it's a good idea to get the Norton Critical, since it has commentary on both the Early Modern English and the Hebrew being translated.

>> No.6513917

Mainline Protestants are becoming more liturgical and theologically similar. The Methodist Church is in full communion with the Lutheran Church, the Lutheran Church is in full communion with the Episcopal Church. Hell, I'll be the World Communion of Reformed Churches will be in communion with Anglicans eventually.

>> No.6513925

I have NKJV, which is supposed to be an updated KJV, but it's not as pretty. I want CEB because I'm a United Methodist btw.
That might just be CLEM in action, though.

>> No.6513927

if you really love her you'll convert to Quakerism instead of trying to convert her

I'm Catholic btw

>> No.6513929

New Jerusalem is a high quality catholic translation.

>> No.6513944
File: 162 KB, 702x875, alter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All refinement of the translation besides shit like standardized spelling has been terrible. The King James was the last literary English Bible produced by a church.

If you want a CEB, I recommend you read Robert Alter's translation. He uses the same conventions, but he takes great care to be literary in his translation, which the CEB really doesn't. pic related

>> No.6513950

You don't "convert" to Quakerism, they're a religious society of friends, not a denomination.

>> No.6513960

but why anon

>> No.6513998

Post her tits or GTFO

>> No.6514022

>elsewhere describes an eagle fluttering over its young and so might have a connotation of parturition or nurture as well as rapid back-and-forth movement

>> No.6514033

The DFW version.

>> No.6514034

Oh no she cant eat a cracker
I lmao at catholic communion its so fake

>> No.6514039

Then join her religious society of friends or whatever man, do I have to do all the thinking for you

>> No.6514069

why are these chicks awkwardly dancing and their clothes keep changing

>> No.6514101



>> No.6514115

he's on this if anyone cares

>> No.6514121

Robert Alter also wrote this apparent beauty

>> No.6514366

The Douay-Rheims is the standard for English speaking Catholics. It, with Tyndale's bible, were progenitors of the King James Version.

They're not the truest translations, but they're great to read. They were meant to be spoken aloud, with weight given to the words and obsolete words from Middle English (thee, thou, etc.) to give it that ancient and authoritative feel.

>> No.6514390
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is her name lily?

you should write some greentext stories for us all.

the pale middle girl with red lipstick from the beginning keeps eyeballing the others. so hot.

>> No.6514411


Get her to read "The Catechism of the Catholic Church". She probably doesn't know what the doctrines even are and has a typical twisted protestant fantasy of them in her head.

>> No.6514483

>It, with Tyndale's bible, were progenitors of the King James Version.
The Douay Rheims OT was written after the King James, and there isn't evidence it had any bearing whatsoever on the King James NT. However, the King James was used as a point of reference for the DR OT.

>> No.6514576
File: 278 KB, 1920x1080, 1386932516662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw this webm

>> No.6514588

all wet yet ?

>> No.6514604

I would watch it to see what the fuss is about, but I'm doing No Fap with my friends and am afraid that it comes too close to pornography.

>> No.6514607
File: 285 KB, 1024x576, Ashly Burch little voices.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw the rest of this thread

>> No.6514621
File: 52 KB, 472x700, theSin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw butterfly accepts Jesus and joins the convent

>> No.6514626

>people dont realize this thread is just satire of an actual believer in 2015
>meant to display how rare the believer is today
>god is really dead in society even if membership rates are high etc. etc.

>> No.6514630

nah, try it. don't worry, it's safe to watch. it's a reverse-arousal video where they actually get dressed into something less appealing.

>> No.6514638
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>blind gf

Making love to her is like raping her, to both you and her. You have total liberty and she is totally dpeendant on you.


>> No.6514643

>I don't believe in God therefore nobody else, including strangers on the internet do either.

>> No.6514644

I just watched it, and I am still pure.

>> No.6514654
File: 8 KB, 175x175, 1424480634989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is just displaying how religion is equivalent to any other dogmatic belief or ideology

his argument for why he wants her to convert pretty much directly parallels that of the rationale behind any "scientific" dogma: eugenics, imperialism (now the spread of democracy), communism etc ETC

>> No.6514693

Was she born blind? Do her eyes move around a lot in her head?

I like the NJB and old Jerusalem Bible.

>> No.6514702
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I was born into a protestant sect (Why do you observe the sabbath on the first day of the week? The "Last supper" doesn't mean you can stop observing passover) Baptized (like Jesus, in adulthood, full submersion)

Perverted Catholics. I'd sooner join Hellenisimo and make offerings to the sweet lesbian goddess Artemis.

>> No.6514710

No, it was an accident when she was a child. She was given a braille KJB when she was in the hospital, and she didn't know how to read braille yet so she slept with it like a teddybear until she did know (she still uses that same Bible and still sleeps with it though, at least she's told me so). So it's tricky separating her from it

Thanks for the recommendations.

>> No.6514722

No Fap is not healthy, I was just reading that ejaculating once every three days reduces risk of prostate cancer

>> No.6514727

if this is a concept for a novel it sounds pretty neat

i like "slept with it like a teddybear"

>> No.6514730

All you atheists in this thread need to read Freud and Lenin on religion like now.

>> No.6514732
File: 85 KB, 720x158, BrailleBibles1-4w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't the KJB braille bible massive? Like many volumes? Pic related

>> No.6514736

Do her a favor and read the annotations along with the work in the case of Shakespeare. There's a lot of subtly lost without knowledge of the time's slang.

>> No.6514744
File: 184 KB, 640x360, gt_hawp_escapegoat_em_5-2_9pm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time enough for no fapping in your senility, anon.
Seriously degenerative behaviour.

>> No.6514755

Hers is just one volume, but it is really big.

>> No.6514800
File: 83 KB, 241x228, 1429197572370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw reading this thread
I had no idea I could covet my neighbor's wife this hard

>> No.6514974

The New Testament was a huge influence on the KJV and the English language.>>6514576

>> No.6514977


What's the deal, /lit/ not good enough for ya OP?

>> No.6514988
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>I want to get her into Catholicism

>> No.6515002

Ebin bullshit, m8. The King James Bible is basically a revision of the Geneva Bible.

>> No.6515003

No you don't. Get a job Ignatius. This isn't one of your Big Chief tablets.

>> No.6515040

>not using Young's Literal translation supplemented by Everett Fox, Robert Alter, and Jewish Publication Society translations of the OT

>> No.6515074

>np: Swans - Soundtracks For The Blind
>this thread pops in

>> No.6515103

> sinner detected


> me too though ;)

>> No.6515939

Why the fuck would you go with this thread to /autism/?

>> No.6516024

I would read this. HARD.
I don't even know what the plot would be, but I want a character, in a book, like that.

>> No.6516037

he also put one on /pol/
he has three running threads on three different boards, all on the same topic

>> No.6516040

Only one good thread I assume?

>> No.6516041


>> No.6516131

>trying to connive against and manipulate blind gf
Poor woman, do you also make faces at her?

>> No.6516142


>> No.6516146

pure ideology

>> No.6516252

Lol, is this what Catholics actually believe?

>> No.6516270

No, they're all generally okay.
I've read all three.
/pol/ is the one, though, that makes very bad jokes.

>> No.6516276



>> No.6517395

What's wrong with Catholicism?

>> No.6517400
File: 1.64 MB, 636x1092, 1429887768511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reading translations

>> No.6517430

What does she look like?

>> No.6517467

the story fuckin sux so you might as well read kjv for the prose

>> No.6517474

this, gib pics

>> No.6517519

I have only one pic of her that she took for me, and I'm not about to post it online. She's holding up a sign she made for me that I helped her with by guiding her hand that says: "God loves you and so do I."

In apperence, she looks a lot like Jennifer Connelly except with red hair and freckles

>> No.6517524

post nudes or she doesn't exist

>> No.6517532


>> No.6517539

>tfw no qt pi blind gf

Why even live

>> No.6517558

can you at least post it w/o her face?
you can scratch that out, even if it would ruin the picture.
i want to see the sign, at least.

>> No.6518778

Reasonable assumption, except several people have said she looks like that, including people we didn't even know

No, and I'll tell you why: because such a picture might become a meme and end up circulating a lot on 4chan and seep throughout the net. True, she could never see it, but I'm still not comfortable with that.

>> No.6518781

What the fuck is that video from. Please tell.

>> No.6519220


>>Reddit level retarded

>> No.6519329
File: 511 KB, 621x621, 1238912471204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread must be purged.

>> No.6519340

read the goddamn thread

>> No.6519347

not even just the sign?
why are you so afraid it'll become a meme?

>> No.6519357

A new line of lingerie https://vimeo.com/97500157

>> No.6519360

ah the always helpful butters

>> No.6519364
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>> No.6519367

Butters, do you post on [s4s]? I've seen someone with the same name there but I dunno if it's you

>> No.6519390
File: 40 KB, 128x128, 1429990753503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If there is a god why did he make you ugly and your whore blind?

Checkmate Jainists.

>> No.6519400
File: 37 KB, 213x420, hekate_04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, and /lgbt/

>> No.6519405

Ooh right, that's the other one I was thinking of.
Patrician/10 :^)

>> No.6519411

Translation of bible don't important. Fundamental of of bible is interpretation and conjectures made by priests and everyone.
And all similar in all others religions.

>> No.6519419


>> No.6519458

Now we need to know who those women are. Well, not the blond.

>> No.6519472


>> No.6519490

Ikr? The blonde underwhelmed me too.

Zeta! What've you been doing with yourself lately? Posting anonymously?

>> No.6519494

you dont wanna know man