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6508366 No.6508366[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What makes people like the smart kid in class and what makes them hate him? I noticed two types of smart people. One is hated cause he makes you feel stupid. The other one you want to be around and learn from. What do these two do differently?

>> No.6508377


Likeable smart kids don't feel the need to show they're smart; they don't have Lisa Simpson syndrome. They don't ask those insufferable questions that are really not so much a question as a display of what they know. The likeable smart kids it takes a long time to find out that they're smart, because they would never tell you.

>> No.6508379

One is a cunt who thinks he's a genuis and looks down on everyone
The other is chill about it and really humble, willing to give advice and, you know, not a cunt.
The third type is that kid who does not give a fuck and skips most lessons, does drugs but gets A*s.

>> No.6508387

>One is hated cause he makes you feel stupid.
The tryhard student
>The other one you want to be around and learn from.
The dedicated professor

One has something to prove.

>> No.6508395

Third kid master race reporting.

Although to be fair there is a fine line between aloof intelligence and just being a dumb slacker.

>> No.6508408

I was/am probably the first kind tbh, been working on being less arrogant and not looking down on people as much, seems to have worked quite well since when I was younger, people used to despise me for being a know-it-all cunt but now they seem to be allright with me and don't find me as annoying

>> No.6508437


In my experience, as you get older when you are that " smart" kid that is chill and doesn't try as hard, people will devalue your opinion,

it doesn't matter the content of your words, they won't think its true cause they already formed an opinion.

This is true to students as well as teachers.

>> No.6508451

that's because lots of people are dumb as fuck tho

>> No.6508525
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>be in highschool
>skip more classes than anyone else
>don't even bother talking to other students in class, only chat with the teacher
>had one other friend who Id smoke cigarettes and talk about rock music with
>spend my free time watching uni lectures and reading textbooks so I'd understand what was going on in class
>by the end of the year even the douchy valedictorian was on my jock

Just b urself op

>> No.6508557

The first one is either a pretentious cunt or someone who tries too hard to show off that they're smart

The second one is more like a regular person who hides their power level and only brings it out when necessary

>> No.6508581

What about being that smart kid that nobody cares about...but still is known

>> No.6508629

The key difference is social intelligence. The unlikable smarty pants is oblivious to the jimmies he rustles. The likeable one dumbed him or herself down a long time ago.

I don't know if I fit into either category, but I was the class clown type who stopped caring after freshman year. IIRC, I got a 1560 on the SAT without a calculator or any tutoring.

I think my ex-gf used the phrase "seemingly dumb class clown whose surprisingly witty".

Anyway, I think I'm a dumbass.

>> No.6508644

ITT: the art of the humble-brag

>> No.6508648

The difference between annoying and likable when actions are fairly constant is jawline.

>> No.6508660

>I got a 1560 on the SAT without a calculator or any tutoring.
So you're the dumbass who never challenged himself but thought he was really smart because he never felt challenged?
>Not stupidly simple
>Implying that's even a good score

>> No.6508672


I'm one of those humble guys that doesn't feel the need to broadcast their intelligence. Now let me tell you about how intelligent I am.

>> No.6508855

>having reading comprehension this bad
Read his post again. He had no calculator or tutoring.

>> No.6508877

I got a 2040 without tutoring. I had a calculator, don't know how much of a difference that makes though.

But a 1580 really isnt anything to talk about.
It's kind of shit really.

>> No.6508882

He said he thinks he's a dumbass. I think y'all are misinterpreting his post.

>> No.6508888


Nigga I seriously hope that's a math + CR score

>> No.6508899

The guy meant out of 1600, I think

I never took the SAT, but I got a 35 on the ACT w/o studying or tutoring

>> No.6508905
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>> No.6508911

Likeable smart kids are "smart." They spend most of their time not educating themselves, so they remain relatable to most people. The only thing going for these types is their IQ. Hatable smart kids are not as much "smart" as they are knowledgeable. They actually know more than most people instead of just having a high IQ, and everybody hates when somebody knows more than them.

>> No.6508920

>just want to shut up and get good grades and go home
>there is a participation segment of the grade
>forced to manufacture technically good questions or statements that make me look like i'm being pretentious
>really they're just manufactured that way so i can say the bare minimum to get the A+ on the participation segment and go back to shutting up

>> No.6508926

>implying IQ is still at all relevant in the year 2015
>implying the gawky chess club chub is more intelligent than the social paragon

>> No.6508944

And I got a similar score under the same conditions. Having to use a meaningless score from a simple test you took one time is pretty stupid though

>> No.6508948


I tip my fedora to you sir but you appear to belong in /sci/ with our other brethren

>> No.6508957

Low IQ fag detected

>> No.6508965
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>critisizing the throne makes you a peasant

>> No.6509010

Implying the ACT is hard

>> No.6509127

Implying you did any better

>> No.6509132

tbh a lot of the big motherfuckers in a variety of fields (math, music, basically whatever you want) were known for being huge assholes who made everyone feel like idiots. i don't really see a problem with somebody being an elitist asshole as long as they are actually elite.

>> No.6509136

most people are masochists who want you to call them idiots. but you have to do it in the right way

>> No.6510179

exactly, you are only truly an ass when you think you are the best and you aren't

if you think you are better and you truly are, the idiots are just jealous

>> No.6512082


Being better is not an excuse to be a dick. Manners and common courtesy are a thing. Even when speaking to the lowest of the low, you should be polite.

>> No.6512116

That only works in highschool, though.

>> No.6512136

There is no difference other than how social one is compared to the other, or how much one conforms to social norms. I find it funny how many people in this thread assume malice when answering about the unsociable one in the comparison, the projection is real.

>> No.6512139

The problem with it is that if that elitism never makes you any money you won't have much sex or have many friends.

>> No.6512144

People don't hate smart kids for being introverts–it's the exact opposite, actually. Strange kids are just ignored.

>> No.6512146

What about the kid who's smart but is lazy in school and gets looked down by people who are dumber than him?

>> No.6512150

a lot chicks love being talked down to as long as it's by someone who is actually above them

>> No.6512155

The unsociable smart kid IS viewed as strange in most cases regardless of how they act. People will assume all kinds of things about them, just look at this thread.

>> No.6512158

first kid, transitioned into third kid and now have an opiate addiction

>> No.6512167

Yeah I got interrupted and hit the post button, I meant to post "...whose surprisingly witty jokes go well with his enormous dick". The interruption was when my new girlfriend offered me a blowjob btw.

>> No.6512169

Yes, but they won't hate them. They'll hate the one who attempts an argument with the teacher every day.

They love being talked down to, yeah. But not by some nerd who read Stirner's wiki page a couple times.

>> No.6512172

The hated one flaunts his vanity, so it offends the vanity of the others.

>The vanity of others offends our taste only when it offends our vanity.

The liked one either pretends to be less vain about his intellect or really is more humble.

>> No.6512174

doubt it considering your pitiful reading comp. lol

>> No.6512179

Nope. Uni is a piece of piss, all you need to do is show up (sober or smashed) and they spoon feed it to you. how do you explain the hoards of dumb fucks with degrees otherwise?

>> No.6512181

In all seriousness, you're probably disliked for reasons that have nothing to do with intellect.

>> No.6512182


>> No.6512194

>Nope. Uni is a piece of piss, all you need to do is show up (sober or smashed) and they spoon feed it to you. how do you explain the hoards of dumb fucks with degrees otherwise?
what field ?

>> No.6512207

>a lot chicks love being talked down to as long as it's by someone who is actually above them
by a handsome man only

>> No.6512259

I studied engineering first then professional writing. That is irrelevant though, the proof is in the graduates filling jobs incompetently.

>> No.6512273

>the proof is in the graduates filling jobs incompetently.

Graduates are no more incompetent than the fat baby boomers they're replacing.

>> No.6512377

Unfortunately that is true, to a certain extent. It is also true that the level of competency required for graduation has dropped over the years. I know a handful of lecturers who have quit (or were asked to quit) because they refused to pass students who shouldn't have even been accepted into higher education.

Universities pride themselves, and are funded by sucessful graduation rate. This does not encourage thorough examination of students

>> No.6512422

what uni?

>> No.6512495


>> No.6512511

Jesus Christ. /lit/ is honestly more autistic than any other board.

>> No.6512515

TBH the university system is going to be replaced by online self-study and for-pay certification exam proctoring anyway

>> No.6512520

High schools have the same obligation to pass students who shouldn't be passed. It has become a racket.

>> No.6512523
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>> No.6512531

reminder that your grandchildren are going to grow up in a world where they don't have to go to class and basically collect pokemon badges for every subject area exam they pass after studying on their own or with their friends on their own time