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File: 115 KB, 837x627, dsfhdfhgj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6503771 No.6503771 [Reply] [Original]

What are you reading today?

>> No.6503781

2 many shitposts, dude :(

>> No.6503793
File: 444 KB, 480x362, 1410996919484.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using your books as drink coasters
>drinking chilled tea

>> No.6503796

that is some tactical shitposting

>> No.6503827
File: 84 KB, 1080x1776, 70570556-6436-4555-a6b6-b47a77536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6503835

The Grapes of Wrath

It's good so far.

>> No.6503842
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>> No.6503885
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>> No.6504148
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I know who I want to take me home
take me hooome

>> No.6504420
File: 536 KB, 1269x1753, 00001579[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my first Roth. Hope it's not all just poo-poo pee-pee jokes

>> No.6504502

I noticed my bed frame was starting to sag in the middle because of my immense weight, so I took the books from my Women in Literature class and used them to prop up my bed.

I'm about to continue reading my graphic novels right after I order some new beard oil from Etsy.

I like to post a live stream of my reactions to what I'm reading on facebook because a lot of my facebook friends are better off if I let them in on my incredibly intelligent insights on what I'm reading.

For instance the biblical (lol sorry to make a fictional analogy but comme si comme ca ) metaphors in the X-Men: Prelude to Apocalypse graphic novel go WAY over most people's heads, such as the connections between Magento and (Milton's) Lucifer, Cyclops as a Noah/ Gilgamesh mythical character, the obvious biblical reference to Legion, and the Christ figure presented in the character of Professor X, just to name a few.

I also post my thoughts to my personal subreddit which is closed to the public and invitation-only.

Good-day, gentlemen, and happy reading to you!

>> No.6504528

Essays of Walter Benjamin

>> No.6504581


boring shit tbh

>> No.6504906


The Life and Death of St. Kilda.

I'm on a whole Non-fiction thing at the moment, not in the mood to find meaning in stuff I just wanna learn shit.

>> No.6504912


at least you didn't include yourself in the picture

>> No.6504918

Portnoy is poo poo pee pee
You should have started with American Pastoral

>> No.6504924

>Hope it's not all just poo-poo pee-pee jokes

Nah, it's even more boring than that. It's about a Jewish kid jerking off a lot, catching his load in his mouth. It's trash, really, and I'm not even judging it in some prudish, moralistic way.

>> No.6504925

I'm going to say For Whom the Bell Tolls is Hemingway's best; what's more, i'll say it's best by a fair margin.

>> No.6504930

The Journey to the Center of the Earth

>> No.6505014
File: 109 KB, 1280x720, Starship Troopers and Thoreau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6505052


Contre Sainte-Beuve of Proust.

>> No.6505302


>> No.6505324


>> No.6505328

right in the cognitive dissonance

>> No.6505336

So is heroism worth it when you're bleeding out in the grass and there's nobody there to witness it?

>> No.6505365

Death is the main focus of the novel, man. Jordan explicitly states early on that he'd either fight to the death or kill himself to avoid capture, and the end is an examination of our reactions to our inevitable end. He mulls over offing himself, but in the end decides to stick it out and appreciate what he's gotten out of the last days of his life. I don't think heroism was what Hemingway was going for as much as defiance and a bit of disdain for mortality. Funny, considering his end, but still interesting none the less.

>> No.6505371

Station 11

>> No.6505467

a novelization of an Icelandic saga

it's not bad

>> No.6505506

Dharma Bums and The Panama Affair.

>> No.6505530

Cloud NIne

>> No.6505555

>muh obscurity
>muh I can't tell anyone the title because I am pretentious faggot
I know what it is, but I just wanted to let you know you're a faggot

>> No.6505560

Love in the Time of Cholera

>> No.6505563

I thought no one would have heard of the book but might have heard of Icelandic sagas

I'm sorry I made you so mad though

>> No.6505571

That book made me angry and left me unsatisfi- dammit wait that's the point isn't it

>> No.6505573

>I thought no one would have heard of the book
Fuck off, hipster.
The ebook has been shared on this board numerous times.
>muh sekrit club

>> No.6505575


>> No.6505581

Then tell us the title you hypocritical shitbird

>> No.6505582

got something to say?

>> No.6505590

>gets called out for being a pretentious hipster faggot
>i-i-i was only pretending to be retarded
>ho-how about you do the work for me

>> No.6505591

the bible

man why does abraham keep trying to trick people by telling them sarah is his sister. god even intervenes at some point to straighten shit out.

>> No.6505592
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Sure I would be happy if I were reading my Crime and Punishment copy, but I have a Biology test tomorrow, so I'm reading about sponges.

>> No.6505617

He's afraid they'll kill him for his wife. If they're only siblings then there's no need to go through him for her.

The fact God gets so pissed off about it (he seals off the wombs of household where Sarah is being kept) is an important character development: in the OT, he plays heavy favorites. "Chosen people" and all that.

>> No.6505629

I'm studying for my linguistics final which is tomorrow. I thought it was friday, so now I am cramming. On the final, my professor said we have to analyze 4chan's greentext as a language that has its own rules governing it. Apparently, we will be analyzing spaghetti greentexts. I'm totally not prepared for this final because it is cumaltive and now curve (I need a 90 to pass the class so I can graduate)

>> No.6505648


Oh that makes sense. But there's also that moment where God intervenes not on behalf of Abraham, but on behalf of the Pharaoh that takes Sarah. That's what I thought was kind of funny, almost as if God was getting fed up with Abraham's hijinxes.

>> No.6505769
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>implying I'm that guy

Good fuck, take the dildos out of your mouth and talk the talk instead of gobble the cock

>> No.6505797

nice blog post

>> No.6505798

East of Eden.

>> No.6505820

Thanks, faggot. At least you read it. Now kill yourself.

>> No.6505854
File: 43 KB, 640x1027, David_Ricardo_-_On_the_principles_of_political_economy_and_taxation_(1817,_title).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrapping my head around Ricardo at the moment.

>> No.6506439

it's Saga by Jeff Janoda and I want everyone to play nice from now on

>> No.6506509

underrated post

>> No.6506554

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.

Honestly thought it was going to be complete shit but I'm enjoying it. Not saying it should be regarded as a "classic" next to Moby Dick or what-have-you, but I'm not dropping it, either.

>> No.6506559
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it's horrible

>> No.6506567

Thoughts? I've read Catch-22, Picture This, and Something Happened and I really enjoy Heller. The bookstore I frequent has had a copy of Closing Time sitting there and I think about getting it every time I go there, but they've marked it a price where I can always get two or three books at the same price so I haven't bitten yet. I think I'll try and talk them into letting it go for cheaper the next time I'm in there.

>> No.6506569

thanks for not spoilering that you fucking fags

>> No.6506571

Using a fucking 1st edition Hemingway from Scribners as a coaster.


>> No.6506574

This was good bait until you blew your cover hard on that last line.


>> No.6506579
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>> No.6506584
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How'd I do fam?

>> No.6506591

Your desk is way too cluttered

>> No.6506592


Dance to the Music of Time by Powell

it's so amazing

>> No.6506602

I know. See the fucking lightbulb?

>> No.6506725


>> No.6506737

What's the appeal of reading that instead of the original?

>> No.6506778
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>> No.6506782

>that terrible Bulgakov cover

>> No.6506796
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I'm gonna read Benito Cereno then I'll get started on this bad boy

>> No.6507289

Sounds about right, read it a long time ago. Still I remember he says something about how your death is always your own. I guess he just wanted to show that dying is never so romantic and instead is a very private experience.

>> No.6507292

The Death of Ivan Ilyich

>> No.6507293


>> No.6507297

>not liking it when your books are a little beat up and stained

>> No.6507298

I'm starting 'The Theoretic Arithmetic of the Pythagoreans'

>> No.6507306

Plato's Symposium and Russell's History of Western Philosophy. The former is excellent, the latter is meh

>> No.6507341

> City of God isn't deserving of my coffee stains.
> Most apologetic works even deserve to support my table leg.

>> No.6507350


Did you know Russell wrote that book in 2 months because he had crippling debt? That's why the passages on e.g. Hegel and Nietzsche are so bad.

>> No.6507459

excellent beverage choice OP. I really like the southern style Arnie Palmers that are sweet tea mixed with pink lemonade. Where did you get the regular sized can though? I only ever see Arizona tallboys.

I'm reading some shitty self-help book that I'm editing.

>> No.6507555
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Slow day at work allowing me time to finally get some reading done.

>> No.6507566

im about a third of the way through infinite jest now, but last night i found a paperback of childhoods end at work and read the first hundred pages on my break. ill probably read the rest of it tonight before going back to IF

>> No.6507570

IJ i mean

>> No.6507640


>> No.6507643

legacy of totalitarianism in a tundra

>> No.6507681

Well the cat only wanted to take the tramway.

>> No.6507693

>dat Regular Show hat
Damn, I want one.

>> No.6507964

characters get the type of psychological depth you'd expect from a novel, instead of just being impenetrable actors in an arbitrary chronicle

both ways are cool though

>> No.6507975

>hey, I like to spend my money on stupid bullshit, too!


>> No.6508003

>doesn't like spending money on stupid bullshit
>probably buys physical copies of his books instead of using an ereader
Haha okay buddy

>> No.6508008

The Count of Monte Cristo

>> No.6508011

>probably buys physical copies of his books instead of using an ereader

Try again.

The fucking Regular Show. Jesus. You must might be too dumb to think.

>> No.6508042

I started 1984 two dass ago
Im half through and i dont like it too much.
I can relate how it became classic but i dont enjoy it if im honest.

>> No.6508062
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Childrens books but what you gonna do, not like I got to read it as a child.
Also old edition with nigger because I'm edgy.

>> No.6508066

But physical copies are superior.

>> No.6508069

32% of 504 pages, lots of extra stuff.
I'm on chapter 28(?)

>> No.6508080
File: 137 KB, 220x358, 1264956703232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually I just got my e-reader but having it instead of heavy books is great, my arm always get tired when reading long books.

Also I don't have any place for books anymore, and as a student I don't have much money (excuses). I'd like a real copy but what you gonna do, I adapt to the real world and make the best of it.

>> No.6508093

it's not tho

>> No.6508098


Saul Bellow's Herzhog

Basically it's about this Jewish man who complains about stuff, feels like I'm reading something Woody Allen wrote.

>> No.6508099
File: 109 KB, 870x1280, loomis-dean.william-burroughs-on-bed-in-beat-hotel.1959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Junky by Burroughs.

>> No.6508104

>spends money on a useless gadget instead of recycling old copies from second hand bookstores?
Regular Show is the epitome of gauche 90's counter-culture. Hidden within the antics of its Beavis-and-Butthead like protagonists is a deeply affectionate nostalgia for a bygone era, and a sincerity which is completely lost to modern media. The new cartoons seek only to be gritter and more realistic than their counterparts.

If you can't appreciate the camp, then I feel bad for you, as you're either dead inside or (and this is so much more likely) just too young to appreciate it.

>> No.6508131
File: 63 KB, 767x554, Beavis-and-Butthead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beavis and Butthead is fucking amazing bro.
Best thing to come out of the 90's

>> No.6508134


But it and Daria were grunge-movement pastiche, not 90's nostalgia. Apples and oranges.

>> No.6508144

I do like Daria as well but you are the one who is right.
I want to be the who is right and true to the gods.

>you are now my nemesis

>> No.6508158


Starting my scifi binge with Windup Girl. Alright so far

>> No.6508159


Take your trash somewhere else.

>> No.6508177
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>> No.6508180


>> No.6508190
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I got The Odyssey for Christmas. Tried to make a real go of it January but put it down midway through. Stuck in bed sick now with a backup in case I bail out again.

everything God does relating to Abraham (punishing him or other people) is about exposing Abraham's lies/weaknesses (sins) and setting him on the right track. Think "part of God's larger plan", Abraham is just a mere mortal who fucks up. Also God in the old testament is a dick, a real fire and brimstone kinda guy.

I could never finish Dharma Bums, is it just me or is that overrated even for Kerouac?

>> No.6508192
File: 390 KB, 1000x751, IMG_20150507_192647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to finish this today, 10 pages left.

>> No.6508195

Inferno, it's a good time

>> No.6508207


>> No.6508214

Holy fuck wash your mug properly.

>> No.6508222
File: 41 KB, 396x396, 1275415288958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hot water and baking powder, leave it in the cup and after that you can wash. Most of that crap will come right off.

>> No.6508229

It used to trigger my ex flatmate as well.

That's 3 months of 2 or 3 cups of coffe daily. Luckily you cannot see the spoon in the picture.

>> No.6508273

you must find enjoyment in showing people your disgusting ass coffee mug, pathetic

>> No.6508291
File: 1.15 MB, 2560x1920, 2015-05-07 15.00.57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starting Infinite Summer a bit early

>> No.6508297

I have about 4 cups of that size of coffee each day for the past year at least and my cup looks nothing like that. Do you just rinse it with water each time or something?

>> No.6508298


Cool Zero Gravity Tea Ceremony.

>> No.6508301

I'm reading the serial number on my condom as it slides in your mom's ass.

>> No.6508313

You drink fucking Heineken? Gtfo pleb

>> No.6508321
File: 32 KB, 468x330, pohjantahti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Under the North Star by Linna.

Essential Finnish lit.

>> No.6508767

Yes, just a rinse. Fuck Fairy liquid.

>> No.6508813
File: 33 KB, 302x508, 1421700771552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing, I've fallen into an epistemic crisis where I can't decide if logic actually can prove truth or if truth can only be found in mathematics.


>> No.6508828

Does "editing my own shitty attempt at a novel" count?

>> No.6508835
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>> No.6508852
File: 624 KB, 2484x891, only-lovers-left-alive-heroes-all.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try.

Have you seen the movie "Only Lovers Left Alive"? One of the vampires have portraits of canonical artists. One of them is Burroughs.

PIC related (no. 19).

>> No.6509056

I'm honestly only on the first 100 pages, I was just starting it when I posted this picture. Seems good so far, just very different in content (it happens ~50 years later...)

>> No.6509087

Finished Solaris just now, was alright.

>> No.6509090

Chosmky. I've got a lingüistics midterm on saturday.

>> No.6509122

if logic actually can prove truth or if truth can only be found in mathematics.

You are autistic right?

>> No.6509162

If truth can only be found in empirical mathematics, then proving the statement "Logic can't prove truth" would be just as impossible as disproving it, creating an epistemic paradox where it becomes impossible to believe that nothing is true, because that is said under the implication that the statement "nothing is true" is itself true. If I logically prove that logic can't find truth, haven't I proven myself wrong just by my mode of argument?

>> No.6509199

"logic can't prove truth" is an insufficiently specific statement for this purpose. (is it "not all truths are knowable by logic"? is it "logic cannot arrive at any conclusions"? if it's the former, check out Godel)

>> No.6509216
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It's not very pretentious, but it is funny as fuck.

Maybe I should get the French version so I can be all superior and look down my nose at people.

>> No.6509286

LOL what made you even buy it dude

>> No.6509299

>check out Godel
Thanks anon, it's a little embarrassing but I doubt it's unusual to have this kind of thought crisis this early on in my study of philosophy. I wouldn't mind some recommendations like this, or else I'll end up damning myself to a life of STEM just out of contorted epistemic principles.

>> No.6509322
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30 pages in, i like it.
not much has happened so far so there isn't much i can tell

>> No.6509331

Unless you're a grad student studying logic, you probably don't have the required knowledge to even begin deliberating over this stuff.

>> No.6509347
File: 734 KB, 1750x2737, 8145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monte Cristo and Being and Time currently. The former might be one of the fattest novels I've read in a while. During the school I tend to stick shorter stuff.

>> No.6509379

Laughter and forgetting by kundera.

I like it.

>> No.6509403
File: 35 KB, 334x500, 51dmwhFgvxL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started pic related. Drank some fine cola and ate some timbits.

>> No.6509487

I was really disappointed after reading Monte Cristo. I felt for the length there just wasn't the pay off, as in the writing was good but not great, and the plot was interesting but not so much as a page turner, and the ideas weren't groundbreaking.

Reading Gravity's Rainbow and feeling somewhat similar, though the writing is fantastic.

>> No.6509524

Mason & Dixon

It's solid.

>> No.6509614

Your post wasn't really related but I'm responding anyone just because analyzing green text stories as a language actually sounds pretty interesting

>> No.6509651
File: 96 KB, 420x541, 1424798966790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>analyzing language used on a Mongolian toboggan sleighing image board

>> No.6509666

The Vorrh. It's great.

>> No.6509669

i felt the same way about farenheit 451. i get the appeal but how its still considered a classic is weird to me.

>> No.6509676

how is this? i liked naked lunch

>> No.6509695

Excellent. So good.

>> No.6509712

started reading My Twisted World because I saw a lot of folks mention it. truly surprised by how bad and not even interesting it is.

>> No.6509744
File: 1.97 MB, 2432x4320, IMG_20150507_214915513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been procrastinating like hell to finish this short book, last picked up before today was about two or three months.

>> No.6509746
File: 35 KB, 552x464, my nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6509758

A good book, enjoy

>> No.6509795

>Im Eggscellent
Austism, the hat. Plus it looks like you strategically placed it in the photo to show off your meme cap

>> No.6510872


pardon me for reading the books on my shelf

>> No.6510881

I was surprised to find this book at my small town Canadian library, is it popular?

>> No.6511043

Naked lunch depicts a reality deformed by Burroughs' twisted "fantasy" and humor. Junky and Queer, his first two novels, lack this "fantasy" and are autobiographical.

>> No.6511057


I only found out about the author because of the sticky. Dunno how popular she is in Canada, she's translated at least.


Queer has a little bit of Naked Lunch esque humor.

>> No.6512326


just finished that book

is it me or hesse always repeats the same formula?

>> No.6512350

Hemingway is overrated.

My god that fisherman and the fish nearly killed me with boredom.