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/lit/ - Literature

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650482 No.650482 [Reply] [Original]

Can /lit/ recommend any good literature in Portuguese?
Pic Related, I just read it.

>> No.650508


>> No.650507
File: 462 KB, 140x101, 1232031322_fbf0ih_th.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go read Saramago, or Fernando Sabino.
Both of them are really good authors.

>> No.650511

And, btw, Dom Casmurro is Brazilian Literature, not Portuguese.

>> No.650516


>in Portuguese

>> No.650517


Pele: The Meteoric Rise of Soccer (except in America because we know it sucks)

>> No.650521
File: 83 KB, 627x930, os-lusiadas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is supposed to be Portugal's epic or some shit, I dunno, never cared enough to give it a try.

>> No.650523


Sorry, my mistake.

>> No.650537


Luisíadas is da shit, but you have to know Portuguese pretty well, otherwise you won't be able to understand it.
Camões is like our "Shakespeare".

>> No.650544

OP asked for works "in Portuguese" as in terms of language, i think.
This >>650507, and Verissimo, Nelson Rodrigues, basically any modernist brazilian writer (1920-1950). There's a lot of good stuff before them too, but i'm not familiar with those periods.

>> No.650547

Oh, Sertões too.

>> No.650558

Op, you're into poetry or prose?
Or would you like to read both?

>> No.650568
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Thanks a bunch /lit/!

>> No.650572

I was just reading some Olavo Bilac.

>> No.650574
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I figured it was something like that.

For BR stuff, although I live here I'm not very knowledgeable about national literature. I always hear that Machado de Assis was kind of our 'Shakespeare' and Luis Fernando Verissimo and Carlos Drummond de Andrade are the shit.

Pictured: One of the few national books I've read.

>> No.650587


Cara, leia Fernando Sabino, ele é simplesmente foda.
E nada de linguagem difícil e merdas do tipo.

>> No.650604


I gotta finish Catch 22 and Fragile Things, and I'd really to make Forever War or Jonathan Strange & Mr.Norrel my next purchase...but I'll put him in my List.

>> No.650606
File: 28 KB, 250x381, Lula-gl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cut that shit

>> No.650616

OP, i have the same problem as you. Too much into non-regional stuff.
Got Clarissa because of it. Well, because of it, and because it reminds me of someone i didn't want to remember.

>> No.650636

Op here.
How many Brazilians are on /lit/ right now?
Ok I'll do that.
I thought about reading Capitães da areia just because I didn't read it in school and everyone says it's such a great book.
What does /lit/ think?

>> No.650641
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You won't be disappointed.
And good reading!

>> No.650651

Guess there are quite some Brazilian folks here, including myself.
Never read it either, although I was supposed to, last month.

>> No.650654
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>> No.650655

One here.How's Catch 22? Thinking about getting it.
And you actually like Neil Gaiman?

>> No.650663
File: 9 KB, 254x321, 1272238203084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My teacher's face when I didn't read O Cortiço.

>> No.650670

Any Portuguese people on /lit/?

>> No.650674

Brazilian Literature student fag here, OP.
Os Lusíadas is a very good book but even for us brazilians is kinda hard to understand ( Portugal's portuguese is a lot different). If you ask about brazilian literature I'd say Machado de Assis is one of the best writers. Clarice Lispector is also awesome.

>> No.650684

(I'm awful at describing stuff)I'm not very far in it(200 out of 500), but so far it's pretty much what I expected: Insane things that almost make sense, some black humor(I loved the Martial Court scene with Clevinger) and a satire of army procedures and bureaucracy in general.

Actually, I got the Neil Gaiman stuff for my little sis, I'm just borrowing it because, eh, why not? However,I plan on getting Absolute Sandman I for my birthday in a couple of weeks.

>> No.650689 [DELETED] 

S t E A l I N G I S w R O N g M R . c H r i S t o p H E R p O o L e h t t P : / / 8 8 . 8 0 . 2 1 . 1 2 /

>> No.650694

Holy shit OP, you're pretty awesome. You're not one of those indie kids, are you?

>> No.650695
File: 47 KB, 390x501, OgAAAOoyThYR6qs1PgriLNDccG0zrsgZmE_YyYHAzcApA01gI9BXD14_iJb3zTsgLbhdxCXEQw8RkfOsHbzw8Zd81HMAm1T1ULo-F0580kkojQvraGjhUHAJvJ04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night guys, I have to wake up real early tomorrow.
Good luck OP and everyone else.

>> No.650702

Yeah, i'll have to do the same OP. Fucking IBGE.
Good luck.

>> No.650709
File: 64 KB, 150x175, 1270604392335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Po kara tah de brinks neh mano?

>> No.650712

How fun...

>> No.650716

I'm not OP, I'm the guy that reccomended Lusiadas here>>650521 but thanks for the compliments. And nah, I'm just another geek('Cept for my soon-to-be, or at leastI hope, job).

Boa noite.

>> No.650720
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I'm Op.

>> No.650721

What do you think are Saramagos best novels? His best three, preferably. Where should I start?

>> No.650723

But i'm op, bro

>> No.650730

OP here some good brazilian books:

Senhora (rich girl, pretentious guy twist)
O Cortiço (good realism/naturalism)
Memórias Póstumas de Brás Cubas (another Machado de Assis great book)

>> No.650734
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>> No.650741
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Nah I'm pretty sure I'm OP..

>> No.650749
File: 65 KB, 666x666, 1271814699368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok so I'm the actual OP.
I've posted.
I've read O Cortiço and I've heard good things about Memórias Póstumas but I didn't hear very good things about Senhora, what did you think?

>> No.650752
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I'm pretty sure you're not. Then what would i be?

>> No.650766
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I think so, because that's what Mr.Mouch would say to escape the blame of a bad decision

>> No.650779
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If Atlas Shrugged ever became a movie I think that Emma should play Dagny.

>> No.650802
File: 27 KB, 413x372, 1273369750159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related.
The real Dagny Taggart..
BTW OP should read more Camões.

>> No.650808
File: 35 KB, 380x500, DuneBoardgame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do we really need a movie about uninteresting characters, doing nothing of interest, while pretending it is based on important literature? Wasn't Dune enough?

>> No.650818
File: 53 KB, 544x517, 1270678935883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's never enough...

>> No.650830
File: 17 KB, 242x251, 1272703622991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP you should read "Quem é John Galt ?"

>> No.650916

Fuck Ayn Rand bitch

>> No.651322

The Book of Disquiet by Pessoa is enjoyable.