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/lit/ - Literature

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6503488 No.6503488[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>taking AP literature test
>mfw there's a new sincere passage from 2009

>> No.6504772

>There are people in this board who didn't write about Infinite Jest in their free-response section

>> No.6504833

>tfw you wrote about deleuze on your psat

>> No.6504843
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>be me
>taking AP literature test
>do everything perfectly, write some of the best essays i've ever written in my life
>know im going to get a perfect score
>two months later waiting for results and they lost everyone's test


>> No.6504856

So many kids on this board.

>> No.6504858

holy shit I thought I was the only one. I actually did both of those things. The Deleuze one I wrote was shit, of course. Also fuck these food categorizing captchas.

>> No.6504867

the test was easy as fuck.

>> No.6504872

Took this this morning, does anyone who took it today know the source on the passage with adam and hetty?

>> No.6504889

My brother. What'd you write about for Infinite Jest?

>> No.6504890

I woke up late and missed it.

>> No.6504934

>All these high schoolers

I actually miss AP Lit class

I'm a CS major now and the classes will never be nearly as fun as AP Lit was

>> No.6504941

I wrote about reading IJ as a bildungsroman and how autistic Hal was. What did you write on it?

>> No.6504947

I got a 9 on every essay you stupid fucking kids

>> No.6504962

>tfw CS major
>tfw surrounded by even bigger autists than me
>tfw I have sold my soul to technology

>> No.6504974

>mfw he wants to fuck the pony

>> No.6504977

Adam Bede. George Eliot

>> No.6504987

What the fuck. They're putting Deleuze on exams?

>> No.6504994


>> No.6505004

yeah its those cultural marxists running the schools I'm tellin ya!
nah you just have to analyze some prompt and I chose to use Deleuze's concepts

>> No.6505009

Idk why you mentioned cultural Marxism. I like deleuze. Hmm, interesting:
Didn't think a snot nose brat had the capability to understand deleuze. What concepts?

>> No.6505013

>tfw using Nietzsche's apollonian and dionysian dichotomy in the essay about The Beet Queen

Am I pleb or no /lit/

>> No.6505015

The pony actually wants to fuck him. That's its hidden intention.

>> No.6505020
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I wrote about how Hal was an addict to tennis and that his obsession with smoking marijuana wasn't so much an addiction to the smoking of marijuana but instead the thrill of doing it in private, to suggest that, for Hal, the ingestion of drugs is intertwined with the act of playing tennis. And I explained that that's why DFW places the 'yrstruly' on- off chapter so close to Hal's explanation to why Schlitt abuses the students, in order to draw parallels to Hal's addictive nature by juxtaposing it to yrstruly's abject state.

And then for the concluding paragraph I drew a very detailed picture of pic related and then wrote in very big letters "THIS IS WATER". My final sentence reminisced that I should've wrote about Gravity's Rainbow instead and then I drew a picture of Stirner and titled it "Spooks". And then I stood up in the middle of the exam and shouted "The fall (bababadalgharaghtakamminarronnkonnbronntonner-
ronntuonnthunntrovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoordenenthurnuk!)" Brékkek Kékkek Kékkek Kékkek! Kóax Kóax Kóax! Ualu Ualu Ualu! Quáouauh!.
Okay the last part might not have happened, but I wished I that.

>> No.6505026

>taking AP Lang.
>There's a passage about Breaking 2: Electric Boogaloo

>> No.6505032

King of. That's quite possibly Nietzsche's most famous concepts: in terms of originality, you're pleb, but I would have to read it.

>> No.6505035

thanks anon. I just finished Narcissus and Goldmund so it was hot on my mind

>> No.6505049

>be me
>taking AP literature test
>mfw there's a new sincere passage from 2009
>mfw OP is me

>> No.6505051

oh I didn't understand! that was two years ago though. It was something analyzing some metaphors from some old poem in relation to Deleuze's becoming-animal (which I still don't really understand, but I do understand more of his work since I'm not a dilettante pothead anymore at least)

>> No.6505053

Guys you're not supposed to discuss the questions with anyone at any time. You may be forcing me to contact the office of testing integrity.

>> No.6505057

please don't tell on me anon.

>> No.6505074

>Get 5 on AP Lang test
>Straight A's in AP Lit course
>Just now getting into literature, enjoyed grammar etc. before
>Haven't read much yet, reading Gargantua and Pantagruel, Portrait of the Artist, and short works by Beckett, Melville, and Raymond Carver all at the same time
>tfw can't remember 1984 enough for essay
>tfw I wrote a halfass essay about The Kite Runner even though that's what everyone else wrote about

If only I had started reading earlier. I was just hoping I would be able to write about Brave New World but it didn't really fit the prompt.

>> No.6505094
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>hidden intentions of the pony

>> No.6505098

youngin here

finished first year of english major. it was incredibly easy. how much harder is it probably going to get? i imagine quite hard, (though I'm aware it largely depends on school/prof/etc.) and if so I'll probably just drop out and work at burger king.

>> No.6505101

Dude you were in a literature class for an entire year and the best book you read, that you wrote an essay about, was the fucking Kite Runner? Kill yrself nigger.

>> No.6505117

Worst interpretation I've ever heard

>> No.6505121

It was the worst book I read in the class but it fit the prompt

>> No.6505125

lol his face look like ping tip
ding faced lulu cherry boy

>> No.6505126

Well how do you interpret it?

>> No.6505127

>not writing "When adults say, "Teenagers think they are invincible" with that sly, stupid smile on their faces, they don't know how right they are. We need never be hopeless, because we can never be irreparably broken. We think that we are invincible because we are. We cannot be born, and we cannot die. Like all energy, we can only change shapes and sizes and manifestations. They forget that when they get old. They get scared of losing and failing. But that part of us greater than the sum of our parts cannot begin and cannot end, and so it cannot fail." for all your essay questions

>> No.6505136

Wanted-to-be-a-writer-but-sold-out-for-safer-degree-in-CS boys report in
How are you guys doing
I graduate in a couple weeks and plan to use my jobhunting time to write the novel I've been working on
It's epic fantasy :3

>> No.6505137 [SPOILER] 
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You got that right!

>> No.6505141
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Smells like mayonnaise down here in Australia today.

>> No.6505152

Anyone take the Physics AP today?
What the fuck was that?

>> No.6505160

>writing last essay
>see that it's a rambly mess
>notice that there's some space left on the last line of the first paragraph
>squeeze in a sentence that ties the work together with another sentence at the end
it's perfect

>> No.6505162


Agreed, what in the fuck? How can the dark marks left by a fucking eraser be quantified and used in an equation?

>> No.6505179
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>these fags don't take physics C
Have fun with your bio major plebs

>> No.6505183
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Where my IB homies at

>> No.6505184
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>going to a school with AP courses
>tfw your school never had them, even before "MUH TAXES", when your school was one of the best in the state, let alone after the tax levy hadn't been raised for 5 years
>tfw more beer to drink
>tfw factory job in the morning
>tfw Moby Dick is a great book to read

>> No.6505186

Are you taking Physics C: Mechanics or Electricity?

>> No.6505188

lol looks like grum the gay boy.

>> No.6505189

I self studied both in 11th grade. I did the same in 10th grade.

>> No.6505193

It does sort of....

>> No.6505194

sorry I meant did the same with physics B in 10th. But plebs in high school now don't know about physics b since they got rid of it.

>> No.6505197

>tfw you thought grammar was all bullshit when you were little
>tfw you realize it actually is bullshit
>tfw the only thing holding you back from totally falling in love with literature was the retarded teachers making me learn my own language

>> No.6505198

lol Grumm!!! Get off that truck hood!!!
great vid

>> No.6505199

>mfw I left a message in my prompt booklet today
>mfw that message is Jet Fuel Can't Melt Steel Beams

>> No.6505210

>Clerk ID: Anne
was she a qt or not? stop holding out on us

>> No.6505212

where do you go to college?

>> No.6505214

>CS major writing epic fantasy

woah no way

>> No.6505217
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Grum be twerking on his dads truck.

>> No.6505219

I may be a loser but
>ogling the women behind the counter while purchasing literature
> are you even reading?

>> No.6505221

Who's Grum

>> No.6505226

The gay black boy who got shot at some laundromat or something.

>> No.6505228

Gay black boy dancing barefoot on a truck hood.

>> No.6505238
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>> No.6505246

Who /AP World History and Environmental Science/ here? What'd you guys get? I got a 5s :3

>> No.6505250

>I got a 5s
yeah and i got a 6s fag

>> No.6505256
File: 36 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spill seed on stinky gay black foot

>> No.6505260

Get a load of THIS guy....

>> No.6505265
File: 527 KB, 400x264, 90Ptiur.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you got a 7
My dick is ready to be sucked

>> No.6505267

Lol fucking nerd

>> No.6505286

Read through this whole thread (sadly) and I have one question. Who's Grum?

>> No.6505291

I got a 2 on the AP Lang. and Comp so I tried really hard on this one. Got a 3 on AP Euro and a 1 on AP Chemistry. Still got AP Stats but I should pass it. I feel stupid compared to a lot of you.

>> No.6505305

It takes a week for a chapter to slowly erode till it's good. Try the Hollywood chapters, the first few Danny chapters and maybe the Steve P. chapters.
I do like the Nicolas Cage chapter even if it's pretty new, though.

>> No.6505313

Sorry to hear that m8, sounds like you spread yourself too thin with 5 APs though. Good luck on stats!

>> No.6505315

I need to hurry up and think of something edgy to write. My 15 minutes of fame can be being a part of this utter faggotry.

>> No.6505320
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>> No.6505333
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>> No.6505341
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I dunno if you've ever visited /pol/, but on the board they sometimes bring up something called a "power-level". It can basically be defined as how much you know.
Keep this in mind for just a moment.

Now say you're talking with a friend. What you gotta realize is that your knowledge of a subject is contingent upon their knowledge of the subject. You can't hold a conversation, you can't right talk about something if you're friend doesn't know what the heck you're talking about.
Keep this in mind too for a moment.

You ever been to a foreign neighborhood? If'n you're rich you ever been to a poor neighborhood? If'n you're poor you ever been to a rich neighborhood? You tend to--or at least you should--modify your behavior in a way that's typical to the foreign surroundings.

Now modifying your behavior as such doesn't mean becoming a different person entirely. What you do is, speak and act in a way that can translate your genuine nature and your knowledge of a subject ("power-level") into a manner that others (foreigners( people that don't know what you know of a subject)) can understand.

So when speaking to someone who may not know what you know, you can't just speak in terms, with terms, which only you understand. You can't have a conversation like that because you are just speaking gibberish like a retard to them (and not that it is gibberish in general, but because it is gibberish to them).

That make sense?

>> No.6505345
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Laws of physics are getting fucked up the ass all day erry day these days so science hasn't objectively proven shit.

The whole idea of science is actually testing things all the time using new methods and theories. Just because a theory is ironclad for hundreds of years, doesn't mean it can't be proven wrong when the field advances.

That being said, I've never heard anything about this guy before anywhere, and he made a lot of outlandish claims so the whole thing's probably a hoax or joke.

>> No.6505349
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>> No.6505351
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And Knausgaard’s approach is far from original. This is a book that copies and steals – though, as a thief, Knausgaard is kind of a genius. He dares to pilfer from the most untouchable of literary predecessors. He shows us that Proust doesn’t own the zoomed-in, rambling, multivolume autobiography, just as Joyce isn’t the only one who can give a literary account of a bowel movement. He shows us that Hitler doesn’t hold exclusive rights to the title My Struggle (in Norwegian, Knausgaard’s novels are called Min Kamp). He heeds the siren song of fiction – Write like Hemingway! It’s easy and sounds cool! – and somehow gets away with it. In a scene in Dancing in the Dark, the young Knausgaard reads Hemingway’s story Indian Camp and decides to adopt its “very straightforward” manner, but to apply it “to today’s world.” No fuss, no muss, literary style established, and it’s on to the next erection.

>> No.6505358

My AP class was a joke. Our teacher was maybe starting to go senile, copied all of her lesson plans and homework questions from the first google result for "(INSERT BOOK TITLE HERE) lesson plan and questions." I read a lot that year, which I enjoyed, but the class itself was pretty useless.

>> No.6505363

Grum is lost and Hitler is my nigga. hmm

>> No.6505367

Am I the only one that wrote about Dante for question 3?

Also I realized in the middle of my essay that Heart of Darkness was probably better and that was the last book my class read so everyone else did that. Whatever... I think Dante worked just fine.

>> No.6505372

UF, I probably could have gotten into somewhere better but it's cheaper and I know people there.

>> No.6505374

I used Lolita. It was a shit essay because I spent like an hour on the poem, so I had like only twenty minutes to write it. Not that this one was particularly a very hard one; one of my friends when looking at it, allegedly, in the first couple minutes of the free response section, looked at it, and slammed his hands down on the table, and clapped furiously, laughing hysterically at how easy it would be to write it.

>> No.6505375

>underage: the thread

no wonder every board on this site is so shit, everyone's a fucking brat

>> No.6505377

>tfw the only person who wrote about The Brothers Karamazov for question 3
Though it could have been worse. I could have written about A Thousand Splendid Suns like every other privilege checking memelord in my class.

>> No.6505378

fuck off old man

>> No.6505379


>> No.6505381

what the fuck you doing m88
you literally copied that from a review
that I had read
when that other thread was about him
what are you doing
I don't understand your intentions
This is already seen, déjà vu
It hurts to see

>> No.6505382

Your reaction is the reason I mentioned it :3
Speaking of :3, I might include a furry race c:

>> No.6505386

I didn't even take the AP Lit test but I got a 3 on the AP Physics, in other words, You aren't alone!

also, good test scores does not equal intelligence

>> No.6505388 [SPOILER] 
File: 485 KB, 957x673, 1430960529770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a funny face man :)

>> No.6505389

I know a Connor, but I think he's kinda lame.
A quiet fellow that barely ever talks.
A ginger w/ cringey eyebrows and eyes that always look down.
Alone, bored. But never doing anything about it.

The friend was Hunter. I am Matthew.
hello, friend
would you like some tea?
while we're exchanging such pleasantries.

>> No.6505393

which ap physics?

>> No.6505395

I pretty much did that too. My plan going in was to try to fit the prompt to Dante and I think that prompt was just as good as any for it.

>> No.6505409

How? this is basically the most obvious, not-an-interpretation-as-much-as-what-DFW-did-didactically interpretation there is.

>> No.6505411
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The mature Knausgaard doesn’t deviate from this path: He writes straightforwardly and he writes about today’s world. Perhaps it’s here, in its contemporaneity, its unfussy nowness, that the Knausgaardian magic lies. In one sense, My Struggle is exactly what the digital age was supposed to have killed off: an extraordinarily long, detailed, basically plotless, diffuse, serious, weighty literary novel. But it somehow manages to be absolutely addictive – Zadie Smith got it right when she compared it to crack. There’s a lesson here. Yes, we are distracted, by a million gadgets and screens, by zillions of bite-sized info-nuggets. But we are also unbelievably curious and willing to put our lives on hold for something that rewards our curiosity. We don’t want one episode per week, we want a whole series in one night! We don’t want a tidy novel with a contrived plot and plastic characters – we want a man’s entire life, every relationship, entirely unadorned and true, every thought, every second, all of it! Fans disappointed with Knausgaard’s third volume, Boyhood Island, will find Dancing in the Dark a return to form. In the first two books, Knausgaard wrote without any sense of an audience, with no inkling that his words would become a sensation. Completed before any part of My Struggle had been published, those books have a free and improvised structure: A childhood memory gives way to a digression on a painting, which leads to a conversation with a friend, which moves on to the present and the moment of writing. By the third volume, Knausgaard is aware he’s being watched and is much more guarded in his movements. Boyhood Island is hermetic: a chronological sequence with almost no intrusions from the writer. In Dancing in the Dark, the middle-aged Knausgaard returns, breaking up the action to mock his younger self, to question the accuracy of his memories and occasionally to question the ethical and artistic merits of his autobiographical undertaking.

>> No.6505412

just assume everyone on the internet is lying about everything.

>> No.6505414

dae beloved

>> No.6505416

not him but I got a 3 on the Physics Mechanics C in fuckin...2005

>> No.6505424

The reason I'm pissed at the physics test is because I woke up this morning thinking I'd only be writing three essays.

As it turns out, AP has decided that physics FRQs will be almost exclusively writing now.

Those graders will probably kill themselves.

>> No.6505427

Does anyone remember the name of the new sincerity passage? I really liked it and want to read the whole thing.

>> No.6505431
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Knausgaard works hard to cast this spell of intimacy, but takes equal delight in breaking it. Whenever you start to identify too strongly with him he does something to remind you that you’re not him – and that your readerly voyeurism is as ethically fraught as his writerly betrayals. In the finale of this volume, we are rewarded, after 550 pages, with a description of the moment when Knausgaard finally loses his virginity. He and his girlfriend are drunk out of their minds, in a tent at a music festival, their fornication punctuated by vomited wine. It’s unseemly, disgusting and extremely unsexy. Here Knausgaard flips the focus and has some questions for us: Why are you so interested in my life? What about my book do you find so addictive? Why do you keep reading?

>> No.6505441
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Just want to laugh at OP for the library comment. You're upset that people didn't go to the shitty library that didn't have enough seating or computers and then are amazed that people will suddenly use it once it's renovated? This bothers you?

Here's a suggestion - Take the Fight Club poster off of your dorm wall and eat it.

>> No.6505444

How the fuck do you get anything other than a 5 in Mech?

>> No.6505446
File: 989 KB, 380x299, 1430883863574.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw a girl is reading next to you on the bed when you wake up from a nap and you rub yourself against her until she gets the hint starts caressing your underbelly

There really isn't.

>> No.6505449
File: 63 KB, 523x452, 1430883060116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having girls rub your belly and feed you

>> No.6505451

very carefully

>> No.6505457
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>>6501493 (OP)
That file-name
My god leave, leave now.

>> No.6505459

Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.6505468
File: 3 KB, 93x125, 1426743594348s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw if I get a 5 on my lit and calc APs i get into Oxford.

I sure hope I dont fuck this up.

>> No.6505472
File: 458 KB, 500x282, 1430884476949.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw reading back your earlier work and it's actually pretty good but everything you write now is shit


>> No.6505475

Is that man a penis?

>> No.6505480
File: 6 KB, 93x125, ssssfff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol twing!

>> No.6505481

My senior year AP lit was my first class with a patrician teacher. Why would anyone that is capable of grading all those papers and reading good literature and poetry would want to be a teacher in my state is beyond me.

>> No.6505493 [DELETED] 
File: 200 KB, 500x400, tumblr_inline_nl45anBieM1ql902b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to have to get my tittys reduced.
Big hangin moo moo utters keeping my mule spin a hurtin. pull that wagon bitch lol.

>> No.6505503
File: 107 KB, 273x302, wFEDzPn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these highschoolers talking about APs
>tfw that was me one year ago
>tfw lit major
>just finished first year of college
>unhappy, feel like I wasted the past eight months of my life
>applied as transfer student to a better school
>just got the rejection email today
>now feeling totally aimless as to my future
I envy you underage. High school was the happiest time of my life, and now it feels a hundred miles away.

>> No.6505505

Anyone else having a hard time on the 2nd esasy? And don't call me pleb because doing multiple choice and that poem is like putting your brain through a cheese grater.

Ok, you can call me pleb, but be nice about it

>> No.6505508
File: 35 KB, 500x461, You+re+not+alone+bro+sister+_daf59680c622f0eb1dd32b9ea72478c5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6505522

anyone else on /lit/ a high school dropout?

>> No.6505523

Was that the one with the music station?

>> No.6505525


>> No.6505528

Dropped out in 9th grade. School is just tedium.

>> No.6505532


>> No.6505533

I found the poem really easy to write to and made a 5-paragrapher easily in about 40 minutes. The prose was a bit tougher, just because there wasn't enough literary material, but I was able to write to the prompt otherwise quite well. I think that was my lowest scoring essay, as I only spent about 30 minutes on it total (giving 50 for the open which I completely used up in a massive 4-paragraph discussion of Grushenka)

>> No.6505534

Which one is it, exactly?
'New Sincerity' doesn't really point to anything.
The one about Adam, or the one about the radio station?

>> No.6505540

Sag Harbor: A Novel // Colson Whitehead

>> No.6505541

Thank you.

>> No.6505548


>> No.6505556


>> No.6505565

I don't think it works like that.

>> No.6505566

Well guess who's back in the motherfucking high
With a point 4 for your motherfucking mouth
Hoes recognize and niggas do too
Your girl fuck me cause your dick is boo boo
So what that shit do, you really don't know?
Be a bunch of paper bro, trust no hoe
It's silly as v to fall in love with a bitch
If I can make her come if I got a big enough chips
4 to bounce for, got dick for days
Got em wondering, how long, l.a. ballin
We getting my pow on,
Now a nigga looking for some pussy to chal on
On so wassup, I'm with that nasty shit
Pop a pill turning nothin to a nasty trick
Tequila in my system and a half of zip
For how you bust it like a massive clip, good lord!

Feel you baby, yeah I'm tryina feel you baby
That inside do, tryina put this inside you
But first you gotta bend over
And just twerk, twerk, twerk, twerk, twerk
Twerk, twerk, twerk, twerk, twerk, right in my sight

Hey, how you doin lil mama, let me whisper in your ear
Tell you something that you might like to hear
Got a sexy lil body and your ass look fat?
Hmm, can I hit that?
I'm a take it from here then
My pimping friend told me I should break her from here then
Asked for her name before she opened her mouth
I snatched her keys bought a purse and like she taking me out
I gotta do it, do it, do it, do it, do it,
She like the music, I like her
She like the music, I like her
Fuck it, we go together, like the weather when I change my mind
That boy got the bizz, come to your house ignore the kids

Where the fuck is the fridge
Won't you twerk it for a real and let me do my stuff
And if you put that p down let this d go up

Feel you baby, yeah I'm tryina feel you baby
That inside do, tryina put this inside you
But first you gotta bend over
And just twerk, twerk, twerk, twerk, twerk
Twerk, twerk, twerk, twerk, twerk, right in my sight

Now you wanna bust it, bust it open, keep it real
Don't be actin all shy, go hed blame it on the pill
Go head blame it on the liquor, while you licking on that girl you came with
I went down you came quick
Got that hall of fame did, got that hit your brain did
Got that know I fucked your friends
They gonn let me bang it
Leave that boy you came with
Money talkin, money talkin, he don't speak my language
Pills make me so dangerous,
Hold up baby give you bop bop, boppin like the speakers is gone
Leave a million on the floor by the end of this song
D boys going nuts, throwing dollars like crazy
Keep twerkin like that you gonn be having my baby
Yeah you gonn be havin my baby
Yeah keep twerkin like that you gonn be having my baby
Yeah you gonn be havin my baby
Yeah keep twerkin like that you gonn be having my baby
Yeah you gonn be havin my baby

Feel you baby, yeah I'm tryina feel you baby
That inside do, tryina put this inside you
But first you gotta bend over
And just twerk, twerk, twerk, twerk, twerk
Twerk, twerk, twerk, twerk, twerk, right in my sight.

>> No.6505574

What were the name and author of the Muse poem?

>> No.6505584

Bad Lucc

>> No.6505588

My name is Hunter. I don't think I knew that Connor though.

>> No.6505603

Wow, this yo folk Soulja Boy Tell 'Em!
I'm in the buildin', everybody get on the dance floor
This girl gotta donk, she finna shake it all night
Wow, wow, wow!

She got a donk, she got a donk
She got a donk, she got a donk

She got a donk, she got a donk
She got a donk, she got a donk
She got a donk, she got a donk
She got a donk, she got a donk

Shake some with it, shake some with it
Shake some with it, shake some with it
Shake some with it, shake some with it
(Wow, wow, wow)
Shake some with it, shake some with it
(Wow, wow, wow)

She got a donk, watch it hit the floor
I like the way she move and the way she snap and roll
Yeah, it's goin' down, I got five thousands ones
Me, you and you, we 'bout to have fun

Now gone make it clap
Get right there, sippin' on some that match my shirt
I like her, her, her, her and her
I want them to do that over her

She got a donk, she got a donk
She got a donk, she got a donk

She got a donk, she got a donk
She got a donk, she got a donk
She got a donk, she got a donk
She got a donk, she got a donk

Shake some with it, shake some with it
Shake some with it, shake some with it
Shake some with it, shake some with it
(Wow, wow, wow)
Shake some with it, shake some with it
(Wow, wow, wow)

It's two, I'm back in this thang
I see that apple bottom hangin' out that g-strang
I'm on fire, hot-tamale, Soulja Boy Tell 'Em
Me and my compadres

Stacks on deck, girls on deck
Now that I'm on, Arab up next
Hung up my phone then I cash my check
Now it's time to party, girl, get soakin' wet, wow

She got a donk, she got a donk
She got a donk, she got a donk

She got a donk, she got a donk
She got a donk, she got a donk
She got a donk, she got a donk
She got a donk, she got a donk

Shake some with it, shake some with it
Shake some with it, shake some with it
Shake some with it, shake some with it
Shake some with it, shake some with it

Get low to the floor, lower
Get low to the floor, lower
Get low to the floor, lower
Get low to the floor

Bend it, get it, get it, get it
Bend it, get it, get it, get it
Bend it, get it, get it, get it
Bend it, get it, get it, get it

Do the grown man
Do the grown man
Do the grown man
Do the grown man
Do the grown man

Throw the towel in, give up
Throw the towel in, give up
Throw the towel in, give up
Throw the towel in, give up

She got a donk, she got a donk
She got a donk, she got a donk

She got a donk, she got a donk
She got a donk, she got a donk
She got a donk, she got a donk

>> No.6505605

My senile teacher just wrote encouraging happy notes. There was another teacher that inherited the job from the old professor when the administration realized she was going senile, and she was actually really qualified, but she had a stupid ass folder system (I remember because I took a course with her two years before AP English). I don't know why she did that. I had to spend about a day a month trying to remember how she wanted everything organized just so I could get credit for the work I already did in her class. If she ever gets over that hang up (Maybe she already has?), then she'll be a stellar teacher. She had a creepy bf with a pony tail though.

>> No.6505609

fuck nigga where you at

>> No.6505612

Ohio? I went to school in Kentucky for a year. I knew a Connor there that wanted to be a blues musician, wrote really terrible fantasy stories, and was also studying to be a premed. He got into a bad med school.

>> No.6505632

I used to drop famous quotes and pedantic easter eggs in all of my work in high school. My teacher never got any of them. I also used non-euclidean geometry to outsmart half of my math test. The teacher gave me an A+ on the assignment and recommended me some books.

>> No.6505657
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Thanks for sharing bud! Mind sharing your iq?

>> No.6505660


That blows, bud. What place where you applying to?

>> No.6505676

I was an english minor and it was pretty easy, but I like to read and talk about books. I also was friendly with most of the english department

The last english class I took was a required 100 level writing class that I took my final semester and I wrote every paper high and later went to the bar with the professor, college was fun

>> No.6505678

wait what
what did you mean to ask, when you asked, connor?
if I was connor?
but if he's in a med school, how could that match up w/ the fact which should be apparent that I took the AP Lit exam this morning?
I'm in Florida.
The Hunter I know is a quirky sumbitch that is about the funniest and most naturally witty person I've ever met.
This has been a fun conversation, which statement I fully believe to be sincere.

>> No.6505698

Not the anon you've been conversing with but
>Narcissus and Gokdmund

What'd ya think? I remember enjoying it greatly but am fuzzy on the details of why. I read it years ago and was doing a lot of boozing and drugs at the time.

>> No.6505715

It's a long story. When I was in high school, I applied to University of Chicago and got accepted with a small scholarship. It was sorta my dream school. My parents, though, were very much against my going there mostly because of the cost. They're of the mind that you can get a good education anywhere. Mostly because of their pressure, I declined to go.

I didn't fit in very well at college and decided to apply as a transfer to U. of C. My parents eventually came around to trust my judgement in this case. Unfortunately, UChicago's transfer acceptance rate is ridiculously tiny and I did not get in. I partly feel angry at myself for not trying harder on my application and partly angry at my parents for robbing me of my chance to go a year ago.

But really I just feel super put out about the whole situation. It's made me question exactly what I want to achieve with my education. I feel as if I have no idea where I'm going.

>> No.6505720


>> No.6505730


>> No.6505734

I wrote about Inferno. It was a fucking wreck.

>> No.6505745

Blood Meridian was the obvious choice. The whole fucking thing is about cruelty, violence, and war.

>> No.6505767


Eh, yeah that sucks, but w/o getting too terribly cliche, it's not getting knocked down, it's getting back up that matters, &c, &c.

Realize that in a few short years you'll be 30, then 50, then dead.

>> No.6505773

That much is true. As much as the past year sucked, it certainly went by faster than any I've had before.

>> No.6505792


Is your writing getting better at least?

>> No.6505801

Yes, though my motivation has gotten worse. The stuff I write for myself has gotten better, but most of the stuff I turn in for school is last-minute drivel. I'm a good enough writer that it gets me good grades, but I still feel bad about it. If I can't bring myself to write a good five-page essay for American Lit, then how should I expect myself to finish that novel?

>> No.6505814

well yeah, probably, but it's not a book I've read yet. I know I should, probably soon, but I couldn't've used it today, etc.

>> No.6505818
File: 38 KB, 335x336, 1340046503329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AP literature test

You know, it's one thing having teenagers post on /v/ but this is unacceptable.

>> No.6505822

Let out a silent sigh of amusement during the test, laughed my fucking ass off after it was done

>> No.6505869

I may just be a pleb but I felt like the first essay poem had no literary merit. No matter how hard I tried to analyze it, it felt like it all boiled down to: "I had a happy childhood in somewhere other than America! Let me tell you about it. :)" And that was it. Can someone please enlighten me as to how one could answer that question with some substance? Or did that one give everyone some trouble?

>> No.6505880
File: 10 KB, 215x276, 1418152059032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good choice, I wrote about Crime and Punishment whenever I took my AP lit exam
I have a friend who just finished her AP lit course and she's trying to get me to read A Thousand Splendid Suns

>> No.6505913

I agree that the first essay poem was pretty eh. I wrote about how the contrast between dark (as represented by the setting) and light (as represented by the elderly lady) diction served to distinguish the memory. But then I went on to say that the dichotomy between the dark and the light was that of a paradoxical nature and that the speaker mixes the two together in order to present both an unified yet contrasting atmosphere. And that the reason the memory is so potent is because of this atmosphere.

>> No.6505929

>Be me
>Senior year of high school
>Get 9's on every practice essay
>Teacher tells me she's never seen such a brilliant writer who could perform so perfectly so consistently
>Get 5
>Now in college
>Write a paper critiquing one of Obama's speeches from a literary and rhetorical standpoint
>liberal bitch phd student gives me a 70%
>tfw I'm stuck at a shit university
>tfw I'll never been in high school again

>> No.6505934

when in doubt: how does the form relate to content?
you have the basic gist of the content. why is it delineated into a poem? what literary devices does the poet employ? list them. connect them to the content/theme(s).

>> No.6505948


What school is this? I am going to a pretty left-leaning school myself and I have written some scorchers about Obama's misuse of rhetoric that netted fine grades.

>> No.6505953

Oh I'm just drunk. Sorry.

>> No.6505954

>engaging with mainstream politicians unironically
that's like pelting toddlers with dodgeballs. i don't even understand the motivation. it's low-hanging fruit. your topic lacks ambition.

>b-but my HS teacher said i'm genius level
>academia is liberal conspiracy because i can't shit out a paper showing the rhetorical failures of a shifty demagogue and get 100%
>why can't the whole world be like my small pond????

>> No.6505960

>What school is this?

>your topic lacks ambition.
She assigned the topic

We did peer reviews of the paper after she finished grading them. I got a paper from someone that was near illiterate, as in misspellings every sentence, shitty grammar, and a complete lack of coherent ideas. That person got a perfect score, despite the fact that they should not have been accepted to a university in the first place. Their entire paper was incomprehensible babble praising our lord and savior Obama.

>> No.6505963

why didn't you go to a better school if ur so smart

>> No.6505964

then appeal your grade with the dean

>> No.6505971

I have no money. If I could have gone to the schools I worked to get accepted into, I would have.
It's a little late now, that happened three semesters ago.

>> No.6505983


/li/ related, I have "Kubla Khan" memorized so I wrote that into spaces I didn't know the answer.

>> No.6506000

God hates me, never keep my banger on safety
My mother raised me alone, you can't break me
My hearts pumpin' the blood of Royce Gracie
My thoughts dumpin' the slug and point straightly
You rhyme fakely, you still scarred
I'm studying deep thoughts like Bill Maher
I'm real raw, we just dumbin it out
And y'all ain't sayin' nothin' with a gun in yo mouth
That's what I'm about, but Vinnie Paz go deeper
Y'all still under the spell of dose ether
The Grim Reaper, its all nature
And every word from Allah is on paper
We all hate ya, we can't stand you
Chapter 8, verse 3, book of Daniel
You like a candle, you just burn
You never worship Allah, you can't learn

>> No.6506007

and how does that work, friend?

>> No.6506021


>How can you use a spring, cart, motion detector, and some motherfucking string to derive the equation Uspring=(1/2)Cx^2?

"In Xanadu did Kubla Khan a stately pleasure-dome decree..." etc.

>> No.6506027

That's some Citizen Kane shit right there.

>> No.6506048
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Ended up working my ass off and managed to make solid grades and get into ideal uni, but had I taken AP I could have both had easier classes and walked away with college credit afterwards; colleges don't give a shit if you do AP or IB. The fucking CAS, EE, IB exams, shit aged me 10 years, such a fucking waste of time for the sake of muh universality.
I remember being excited for TOK because I was le philosophical teenager back in 9/10th grade, but we got the shittiest teacher with a "only the best can pass" attitude and a total of eighteen people (class of ~150) passed the class, only one or two with As. He ended up getting fired after junior year, so our replacement was the TOK guy from several years back, who barely remembered the material and had apparently not bothered to re-learn it. I ended up doing so poorly on the official exams that I barely passed the program, even when taking HL art for 6th subject and HL Spanish, basically free extra points.
Fuck man you triggered me.