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File: 176 KB, 600x327, butler-library-columbia-university.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6504251 No.6504251 [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys think of this? http://www.theinternet.io/pages/columbia-university-to-add-new-text-to-literature-humanities-course-for-2016.html

>> No.6504256

>A source that wishes to remain anonymous has told me
So no source then

>> No.6504270
File: 206 KB, 600x706, 474.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking sjw bullshit like usual

>> No.6504302

I went there. Probably a good idea to add something like bell hooks to the curriculum. You read a large variety of pretty same-y liberal perspectives (Locke, Mill, Smith) so why not mix it up.

>> No.6504309

So what do most people think of the class?

>> No.6504312

>I went there

You don't have to lie, anon.

>> No.6504315
File: 63 KB, 672x419, mattress_student_1a0cl2b_1a0cl2f_1a1c8jg-1a1cf9q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya this is the same place with all of that matress girl stuff going on

>> No.6504331

touring campus doesn't count as going there

>> No.6504344

fucking reactionary thought police

>> No.6504348

anti-SJW in a nutshell

>I reject your new taboos, I want my old ones back

>> No.6504349

Fuck you guys are dumb. Did you even look at the syllabus for the class? It is pretty much only European males.

>> No.6504366

>I reject your new taboos, I want my old ones back

>> No.6504369

eh seems reasonable to me

>> No.6504375

Lit Hum or Contemporary Civ? I thought this was about CC at first but I guess it's for Lit Hum. Anyway it varies hugely depending on how good your prof and your class is. My Lit Hum class was amazing, CC was okay. Most people choose the school because they like the idea of a big core curriculum, so both classes are pretty well liked..

>> No.6504389

>Lit Hum or Contemporary Civ
Wait what is the difference?

>> No.6504415
File: 18 KB, 343x450, 129958-004-C9B8B89D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Western Canon
>not including Mein Kampf

>> No.6504422

European males just happened to write some dank shit. I don't get why you should discount all of them because of their race and gender.

>> No.6504424

Broadly, Lit Hum is supposed to be something like "history of western writing/humanities" and CC is supposed to be "history of western thought/philosophy." All the fiction goes in Lit Hum (Don Quixote, Crime & Punishment, etc.) and all the pure philosophy (Kant, Hegel) goes in CC. Freshmen take Lit Hum and sophomores take CC.

There's overlap, but basically: you read Augustine's Confessions in Lit Hum; you read Augustine's City of God in CC.

>> No.6504442

It's not discounting them because of their race and gender. It is just finding a better balance. There are marvelous literary works that have also been written by non-European women. They haven't had as much of an opportunity to be revered because of such a Euro male centric view that the literary community had for so long.

>> No.6504446

Fills all the criteria except for being a woman.

>> No.6504451

Lol someone start a petition. 3/4 ain't bad.

>> No.6504462

I agree with your point, but you can't include female non-European writers without excluding works written by the 'Euro Male,' so they are in fact being discounted due to their race and gender.

>> No.6504473

Have you even read OP's link?

>to add a more modern text


>to remove text

>> No.6504476 [SPOILER] 
File: 703 KB, 500x332, 1430945337282.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you considered the fact that they just might not be all that worthwhile?

>> No.6504484
File: 9 KB, 250x360, kincaid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No because I've read plenty that have been worthwhile. Jamaica Kincaid is one of my favorite authors.

>> No.6504489

How do you know zhe didn't identify as a non-gender conforming person? You can't know if zhe didn't. Fucking bigot.

>> No.6504544

Why is the race and sex of a person even taken into consideration when talking about books?
Why not have have the books be judged by their content?

Good black etc writers will just be harmed by this as they will be looked upon as the same as shit black etc writers who only got in because of quotas.

The only people who can gain something from this are shit black etc writers
Equity is a cancer

>> No.6504550

worthwhile how?

>> No.6504579

I bet you 'don't see race'

>> No.6504602

Hitler was almost certainly not a cis-gendered male.

Probably a homosexual, or maybe even one of the various special snowflake LGBTBBQ buzzword sexual identities.

>> No.6504612

homosexuals can be cis-gendered males

>> No.6504614

>something like bell hooks

Yes, and hopefully they are as ambivalent about their selection as you are. As long as it makes you feel better about yourself.

>> No.6504616

One can be "cis" and also be homosexual.

>> No.6504618

Harold Bloom calls her garbage

>> No.6504621

The concept is okay, the problem is that this new book is going to be the only thing written in the past 90 years to be included in the curriculum.

>> No.6504628

fuicking owned...i've been fucking owned for using the phrase 'something like'

>> No.6504645

Hitler was 100% a cisgendered male. He was a male, born a male. That's cisgendered.

>> No.6504690

The last 90 years have been a philosophical and literary graveyard.

In the realm of fiction, virtually every possible combination of plot and characterization had already been developed fully, and had been executed in more articulate prose than modern fiction authors tend to employ.

In terms of non-fiction, the last 90 years have given us little of worth that is not strictly technical writing or critique of previous authors' works. We simply aren't seeing any new comprehensive philosophical works like Hobbes' "Leviathan" or Aristotle's "Politics" written anymore. Maybe "Simulacra and Simulation" could be worth including as a truly novel 20th century work, but that would fail the university's little diversity test.

>> No.6504789


>> No.6504849

Who is this matress actress?

>> No.6504870

I agree wholeheartedly with the criterion (except maybe the 3rd one). It seems like that class does need some diversity.

>> No.6504874

Emma Sulkowicz. Super controversial stuff.

>> No.6504875


>> No.6504899

Thanks for contributing to the discussion, pal! :^)

>> No.6504911

He's right and that's obvious to everyone that isn't an SJW faggot.

>> No.6504936

I have never heard this before and cannot find any evidence for this on the internet. Want to actually back up your claims?

>> No.6504958

He's wrong:

>My Introduction praises Jamaica Kincaid’s prose poetry and her skill at
fantasia, which places me at odds with all the contributors to this volume,
who value her primarily upon an ideological basis

from "Jamaica Kincaid (Bloom's Modern Critical Views), New Edition"

>> No.6504960

You sound intelligent!

>> No.6504965

Thank you for providing some real info.

>> No.6504978

don't you understand how culture formation works? or do you need someone to spell it out even more?

>> No.6504979

>Why not have have the books be judged by their content?
Because then it would be all white males with very similar viewpoints.

>> No.6504984

>implying everyone falls into the same ideological bias as you

>> No.6505027

>bell hooks

Into the trash it goes.

>> No.6505030


>> No.6505041

Why? I think bell hooks would be a great fit for Columbia.

>> No.6505054

It's like the only person who could meet the criteria anyway.

>> No.6505073

You dont

>> No.6505206

no u

>> No.6505359

disgusting and unforgivable

>> No.6507074

I am so happy they are reading Virginia Woolf. God I love that woman.