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6500140 No.6500140[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else get amazed at the generic personas that normies assume? I don't know whether to laugh or cringe when I see people talk about their "serious" relationships with their gf/bf when they're non-religious, 17-22, and don't plan to get married for ages. It's like they need to put this front up to justify their actions to themselves and to add a veneer of self-importance / "drama", because they want to be like the characters on tv.

You also hear tonnes of times about "fighting against slutshaming" yet who the fuck actually shames people in real life (or knows who's fucking who)? I'm fairly sure that all the "shaming" is self-inflicted by the females themselves because they feel guilty that they can't live up to the post-Christian society ideal image of a pure female that they themselves unconsciously hold up as the ideal, while not even realising why. What a lazy morality most people have!

Also I used to think that working class people were uniquely awful plebs but now I'm pretty sure that's wrong. My hometown uni that I go to is ranked within the top 20 for the UK in terms of the entry standards of people who enter... yet everyone is pleb as shit... I mean holy hell... "Netflix, dominos, game of thrones, yoonay exam stress, netflix, dominos......" The academic standards (difficulty of the work we're set) aren't even high as well. It's easy as shit and at times a joke. It's like people just jump head first in to the "omg exam stress" personalities.

We had an old run down library and no one went there except for exam weeks. It didn't have enough computers or seat yet it was barely ever half full. I even overheard a girl saying that people who go to the library are weird (yes a uni student said this). When our shiny new library was built, no doubt along with a load of aspirational looking pictures in the unversity prospectus of students studying in it, suddenly tonnes of people go there. It became a normie haven!

>> No.6500165

I also don't understand these sham marriages that people have that have no real commitment/vows and are based on a pact that is purely sentimental and can be revoked on a whim.

>> No.6500176

This is the reason why I plan on breaking up with my girlfriend.

Since she got to college she assumed the total pleb persona.

It's sad though. It was painful to watch it unfold.

>> No.6500182

How do you think these people should live their lives then?

How do you suggest they realize they fall into these "personas"?

Why do you think these "personas" are bad?

Whats wrong? Those people are feeling things just like you and I are. Don't invalidate those things they feel just because they don't make sense to you, you wouldn't want someone to do that to you.

>> No.6500183


oh yeah, that was the thought that inspired the post but I forgot to talk about it. I used to think divorcing was pure gold digging but I'm not even sure any more.

>> No.6500185

Babby's first existentialist Jean paul Sartre analyzed this. Google 'sartre, the look'

>> No.6500190

>shy girl that's ignorant of herself becoming a worldling obsessed with self-image

truly the worst of transformations

>> No.6500194

When I say sham marriage I'm talking about bf-gf relationship. It is a pretend marriage, a puppet marriage, a marriage without any real commitment. It's like watching toddlers "play grownups".

>> No.6500195


This is my post


Just because I don't plan on marrying a girl doesn't mean I should not take a relationship seriously or that it's okay to be detached from it

>> No.6500203

Monkey see monkey do. You niggerfaggot loser should mill yourself for being a pleb.

>> No.6500210


agreed. My OP is a rewrite of a similar topic I posted recently and I said something similar. I feel like a grown up child. The people at my uni seem like grown up children playing "adult"

>> No.6500211

If you try to notice, you see that its all life imitating art.
Many people today have expectation and behaviors directly taken out of pop culture.
People behave like in movies or tv shows, dress and wear haircuts like characters on tv and so on.
People even use cliches from tv and film.

The hive mind just spreads so fast now its everywhere, all the time. People cassually sitting around reading something on their phone? Is it some technical literature? Are they educating themselves? 99% of the time they are just watching shitty pop vids on youtube and then immitating that behavior an hour later with their friends.

>> No.6500212

Facebook / social media in general is the hallmark of normiedom. The way that people talk on there is so false that I can't stand it. I've never made a post on one of these sites except three or four times and those were shitty "ironic" posts. I can't stand the way people act on those sites. It's social showoffiness to the tenth degree.

>> No.6500235

>ve never made a post on one of these sites except three or four times and those were shitty "ironic" posts
Lol gotta keep that ironic distance you nigger.

>> No.6500248

>laughs at social media sites
>posts on 4chan

You hate yourself, right?

>> No.6500253

So? Why are you so butthurt about it? It's not that important.

>> No.6500254

>Just because I don't plan on marrying a girl doesn't mean I should not take a relationship seriously
Bf-gf relationship is purely sentimental and is only as "serious" as the sentiment of the individual at any time. This means that if one of them decides that they don't feel like "being in any relationship" they can lawfully terminate it without any repercussions (except maybe hurt feelings). The entire thing is a travesty and is designed to bring about brokenhearts, cynicism, lack of commitment, and arrested development.

>> No.6500270

>implying everybody else is posting out of sincerity and you were the only one being "ironic"
Self-aware sleeper agents have to be the majority by now.
We've all got some masochistic urges. If we didn't, we'd be bettering ourselves by getting swole or actually reading.

>> No.6500271


She wasn't even shy. She was just a really genuine and funny girl.

Now that her personality (and let's be honest, my personality--I've become a meaner, cynical, and neurotic asshole) has gone to shit, she's not really worth dating because I'm way better looking than her (I'm an 8, she's effectively a 4, maybe 5).

We also did the open relationship thing and that was a disaster.

>> No.6500273

No. The anonymity rescues us from having to "sell ourselves".

>> No.6500288



Continuing my post.

I think the most disgusting and depressing aspect of college thus far has been how utilitarian relationships seem to be.

"Oh, you live in the same room as me? We're friends now!"
"Oh, you drank in high school? We're friends now!"
"Oh, you smoke a lot of weed too? We're friends now!"
"Oh, you live on the same floor of the same building as me? We're friends now!"
"Oh, you're as ugly as I am? Let's fuck each other!"

Absolutely fucking disgusting.

>> No.6500293

>open relationship
Why was it a disaster?

>> No.6500298

You mean that they are based on convenience rather than solidarity?

>> No.6500304


Exactly. People are terrified of loneliness so they force themselves to be friends with people.


Basically I hated the idea of her having sex with other people, especially since they were probably unattractive. I feel like a cuck.

>> No.6500307

OP I think you are sexually depraved. You are a schizoid fuck.

>> No.6500323

>tfw you went to uni and thereby abandoned working class authenticity for middle class ironicism

we made the wrong choice
the oafs that want to prove they're stronger than you aren't a tenth as obnoxious as the smugfucks that want to prove they're more intelligent than you.

>nobody asks questions in lectures because everyone is afraid of coming across as an idiot

>> No.6500356

My mom has this funny fixation with my cousin who is a year older than me and pretty much lives the opposite life to what I live. I like her and care about her, but damn...I find her normie as hell.

>Entered and graduated college within 4.5 years
>Has a boyfriend she spends lots of time with, but no sleeping at his/her place
>Loves to be sociable and tons of friends
>Bartends to pay a debt she has with her dad
>No topics of conversation

I cannot speak to her, what the hell do I talk about? Weather? I have never ever heard her say "Oh I like reading/writing/watching movies/sports/etc." She's just a normal young woman who goes out with her girls, eats sushi and has an instagram.

Surely there must be other things than just existing, or so would I like to believe.

>> No.6500362
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Yeah OP, theyre all just phonies!

>> No.6500368

/lit/ - Literature

>> No.6500378

anti-sage bump

>> No.6500391



I'm fairly confident that watching as many films as I have has completely altered the way I view the world. Everything is filtered through my film eye's perspective.

>> No.6500393

Actually I think Op should read Franny and Zooey, not Catcher.

>> No.6500402


Franny and Zooey is one of the worst books I've ever read. Sure Catcher isn't great either but F and Z is just abominable shit

>> No.6500406


>I don't know whether to laugh or cringe when I see people talk about their "serious" relationships with their gf/bf when they're non-religious, 17-22, and don't plan to get married for ages.

Are you implying that a relationship that does not end in marriage can never be serious? I hope not.

>You also hear tonnes of times about "fighting against slutshaming"

I've honestly never heard someone say the words "today I stood up against slutshaming" in my entire life and I don't think I ever will.

>What a lazy morality most people have!

Is this a joke thread or are you abusing /lit/ as your personal "this is why I am better than fucking normies" blog?

>Also I used to think that working class people were uniquely awful plebs but now I'm pretty sure that's wrong. My hometown uni that I go to is ranked within the top 20 for the UK in terms of the entry standards of people who enter... yet everyone is pleb as shit...

I go to a pretty run-off-the-mill university in one of the lesser known cities in eastern Germany and it's just about the exact opposite of what you described. Though occasionally you do come across an "anti-learning" or "anti-intellectualism" attitude. It's rare, though. Still, what you're describing is pretty sad. The worst I've ever felt in uni was when two girls took a selfie during a lecture. I suppose it could be much, much worse.

>> No.6500410

everyone defending normies itt needs to be booted back to facebook

>> No.6500415

Pertinent to the thread though, right?

>> No.6500418

I just hate how all the people around me have a way of turning everything that's said into banal nonsense.

>> No.6500433

So you're disgusted because people have social relationship based on convenience and mutual characteristics ? How old are you ? Is your first name Arthur and your last name Schopenhauer ?

>> No.6500434

We live in a world of postmodern people. People don't feel comfortable unless they fill the role of an already established character. Even people with 'unique' personalities have built them out of very tried traits and characteristics which they have seen in pop culture.

This is why postmodernism is dying, because if you're describing people in a postmodern fashion, and the people themselves behave in a postmodern fashion, then is this not just realism?

>> No.6500435

>implying normie isn't just the Other's knee jerk reaction to being othered viz. othering the otherers

>> No.6500454


>Bf-gf relationship is purely sentimental and is only as "serious" as the sentiment of the individual at any time. This means that if one of them decides that they don't feel like "being in any relationship" they can lawfully terminate it without any repercussions (except maybe hurt feelings). The entire thing is a travesty and is designed to bring about brokenhearts, cynicism, lack of commitment, and arrested development.


"based on or resulting from feelings or emotions rather than reason or thought" (merriam-webbster)

have you ever been in a relationship? how can you make a statement that essentially reads "relationships are purely about feelings (for the significant other)" and think there is something wrong with that? are people supposed to stay in relationships with absolutely zero passion just because they feel a self-imposed sense of duty? what is wrong with being able to terminate a relationship? why should people suffer needlessly? how are relationships "designed" by anyone but the people involved? how do you not see that there is absolutely no difference between a relationship and marriage other than formalities? it is all about what people make of it. there are vapid people holding up relationships in order to fit in, in order to appeal to other people, in order to fill a void that was never really there to begin with or because they are insecure or not contempt with themselves. But there are also people who just feel for someone else, who want to spend as much time as humanyl possible with that person, who want to share everything with that person. You come off as pretty conceited and your opinions are poorly worded and thought-out.

>> No.6500473


I'm not necessarily disgusted with the idea that people have relationships based off of similar interests, but rather that just witnessing how quickly people seem to form relationships. It just makes it more evident that friendship is some sort of mechanism to maintain self-preservation, as opposed to being something that is based out of love, care, etc.

>> No.6500474


Really liked this post
hopefully OPgets it soon

>> No.6500503

sentimental can often mean phony or overwrought feelings.

from oxford dictionary:

>Having or arousing feelings of tenderness, sadness, or nostalgia, typically in an exaggerated and self-indulgent way

>> No.6500509

Thanks for sharing this on /lit/, I assure you that this thread is very relevant to literature and that this board desperately needs more insecure autists posting blogs depicting in tedious detail how they're superior to all of the 'normies'.

>> No.6500517

i would like to add to this that words can often have multiple meanings and that these meanings are not always listed in the dictionary. moreover sometimes a person grasps for the wrong word, at which time it is best to most generously interpret what they might have meant to say.

this doesn't have anything to do with the op. please carry on.

>> No.6500523

>illustrating OP's point

>> No.6500527


I'd say it is pretty hard to know whether other peoples feelings are genuine or not, especially if you only know them on a superficial level. Thanks for the remark, though. I didn't know it meant exaggerated feelings, too. I know it did in German (the word is the same, even the spelling).

>> No.6500530

>insecure autist

>> No.6500537


>> No.6500565

> It just makes it more evident that friendship is some sort of mechanism to maintain self-preservation, as opposed to being something that is based out of love, care, etc.

Do you really think the two are antagonistic or even mutually exclusive ? Caring for people around us is one way of ensuring self-preservation and species preservation.

Some relationship are grounded completely or partly on interests, other not at all. Some relationships in the first category evolve into sometimes deeper and grounded on love, while some relationships in the latter category evolve into indifference or bitter rivality. What you call "forming relationship" is merely the very beginning. It can go in every direction from that.

Of course they are shallow people who like posturing and bragging about their "friendship" so that they can delude themselves into thinking they're living something. It's sad but not really repulsive, particularly when you consider how easy it is to fall into this to an extent.

And yes, people do tend to try being on good terms with people they need or are forced to be close to, and being on good terms often involve friendly speaking. Socializing is easy, no need to be repulsed by this.

Not really. Reread those posts.

>> No.6500566
File: 46 KB, 376x401, sheeple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: pic related

Y'all niggas think you're so fucking smart.

>> No.6500567

it seems that way. i also sometimes get this eerie impression from some people who seem to expect me to behave like some character out of some shitty sitcom like friends, with "witty" replies made to everything they say, and that's how they try to act towards you. i mean making jokes is fine but the way they do it seems so contrived, man just fuck those people.

>> No.6500573

I don't know man this shit sucks

>> No.6500578


Anyone who uses the term "normies" unironically should be banned from this board.

Yes, all people shape their self image in reference to media. Our personalities don't just spring forth ex nihilo. What makes you think you're any different? Just because you fill the void of your character with tropes from anime or Dostoevsky doesn't make you better than anyone else.

Sage goes in all fields.

>> No.6500592

It actually is a relatively small amount of people who have those thoughts.

Its an even smaller amount who question why it is the case.

>> No.6500603

>Just because you fill the void of your character with tropes from anime or Dostoevsky doesn't make you better than anyone else.

>> No.6500611

>top 20 for the UK in terms of the entry standards
only the top 2 count

>> No.6500615

As someone who's watched a lot of films but also worked in the film industry, I have to agree with you but ass that there's nothing quite as sanity draining as actually being behind the lens. Things like event videography just take you out of the experience and make you feel like a ghost who's not really there. But as soon as you start writing scripts and filming your own stories, you're fucked mentally. There's something about artificially reproducing life that's so psychologically destructive. You unconsciously become less human when you tell actors to "act like you're happy" or "act like you love each other," reducing such emotions to objectives so you can get the shot. Or when you ask people you don't know to help you with a project, and they agree because a camera is involved. For a while after you finish filming, everything is just hollow and childlike for a while, you question the legitimacy of your own existence, and you just kind of want to die.

>> No.6500628


keep telling yourself that

>> No.6500639

That's not good. You shouldn't want to die.

>> No.6500644

Why do you want to tell yourself that everyone is the same?

Oh wait, you have the same complex every young marxist has.

>hurr if i cant excel above my peers then I will spend my life explaining how the concept of "excelling" is logically flawed

>> No.6500650

Is there a fallacy for not actually saying anything? Equivocation Falacy?

>> No.6500683

If you actually talked to people you'd realise that image you posted is nothing but a easy-way-out meme used as a defence mechanism. People are robots, it's true. Hell, I'm part metal myself - it's the inevitable consequence of generations and generations upon centuries of society crashing down on individualism. Think about it, why do you think so many people still lap the fuck up those Lord of the Rings movies?

>> No.6500694

I agree with your post, but what does it have to do with Lord of the Rings?

>> No.6500704

I remember my "transition," if you will, from not thinking into thinking, if such things can be put in such simple terms.

Personally, I experienced a very night and day switch from a childish unconsciousness to a philosophical consciousness in the course of about a couple weeks, when a professor gave me an assignment that totally changed how I saw things. During the beginning of the transition, I wrote things along the lines of, "Right now I recognize I am VERY different from other people (and my past self), because just a month or two before I thought similarly to other people. However, I suspect that, in the near future, I will simply forget what I was like before, and I will lose all frame of reference for how normal people think and what they normally think about." And then, along this journey I would occasionally update my progress on losing this frame of reference, and I wrote several things that ultimately amounted, "It's slipping," "It's slipping even more," "And it's almost gone," "Now it's completely gone."

If I can trust my own writing, then I simply cannot believe that picture, or if I do, then I believe people think that thought only shallowly and don't truly believe it themselves. The self I was when going through this transition solidly believed he was becoming increasingly distant from normalcy. Now that I've essentially forgotten what normalcy is, I have no specific opinion on it, though I'd reckon I'm a bit strange.

>> No.6500719

lol you sound pretty egotistical man

you must be what like 20?

>> No.6500724

>not esoterically contemplating suicide
god you're like those bitches in my poetry slam group that think wanting to kill yourself is unhealthy

>> No.6500733


A lot of people have a similar realization.

Keep in mind, when I say a lot, I don't mean most. But yea, writing "I am VERY different from other people" does make this poster sound egotistical, but I'm sure a lot of us can relate to that feeling.

And the thing is, a lot of people will never have this realisation. They may have the disposition to have it, but it is never triggered.

>> No.6500737

I like being a whiny shit as much as the next man but do you have any concrete alternatives as to how the good life should be lived and how people should generally conduct themselves or is it just about being an aimless narcissistic cynically quipping disenchanted lad that feels superior to everyone?

Because the latter is also a fun persona straight from pop culture. You're playing the 'people are so dumb but i'm not because i sometimes read a book and wear black' type, I think.

>> No.6500744

become and epucuran

>> No.6500750

That doesn't sound like OP's approach, an Epicurean would just gather a few good people around him, turn his back on the greater society he disapproves of and live a quiet life on his own terms.

>> No.6500756

You're not far off. Many people for many years have claimed that I'm arrogant, selfish, self-absorbed, self-righteous, self-important, cocky, overconfident, and yes, egotistical. But I don't believe them. You can draw your own conclusions. The only thing one has a hope of knowing is the self (though I don't even know if I believe that), and a critical way one knows the self is examining oneself, objectively and also in relation to other people. So I do spend a lot of time thinking about myself. And I hardly believe this is negative, because this is what everyone does, whether or not they're open about it. But I assure you that there is no person I hate more than me, for whatever that's worth.

>> No.6500762

i don't slam poems, i slam negativity.

>> No.6500814

>But I assure you that there is no person I hate more than me
Seek therapy

>> No.6500824

>Seek therapy

And once you acquire it, do not let it slip from your grasp.

>> No.6500853

>I spend a lot of time thinking about myself. And I hardly believe this is negative.
>But I assure you that there is no person I hate more than me

If you're saying you hate yourself, then perhaps there's some reason to it, see above.

If you're simply saying you don't hate others(at least not more than you hate yourself), then you could still see above.

>> No.6500860
File: 59 KB, 487x340, only19$99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, these sham vows baffle me too.

>> No.6500864

> People are terrified of loneliness so they force themselves to be friends with people.
this is bad, because? why the hell do you think people have friends in the first place? intellectual stimulation?

>> No.6500865

My transition began when I smoked pot one time (not the first) and I thought "what am I thinking about lol" (without the 'lol' obviously). It all went downhill from there, first steadily then self-destructively.

I never thought I was normal yet I never bothered to think about the reasons or causes for it (before that cliched event), why I thought so differently, why I couldn't just fit in with other people without feigning interests in what they were doing.

To give an example my childhood was much like the one described in "no Longer Human", but, of coarse, without that very adult-like reflection at the time.

Now I understand, I don't want to be normal, I can't anymore anyway, why others seem so normal, why some seem so normal and yet aren't or, but a little better, why they try so hard to be normal without actually being normal. The difference between me and the last group I mentioned is the realisation of the reasons thereof and my reaction to it, without this, which only ample time no regular people are normally allowed by over-indulgent parents I too would be leading a life full of double-thinking and not understanding that very concept and how to, partially, remove it.

These 3 groups I believe most people can be loosely belong to. I'll just say that I'd much rather be the 3rd or the 1st than the 2nd as that one seems like hell itself, I never want to experience that again.

I think it's tragic that people have to drag themselves through these states of mind themselves, I wish somebody wiser could've held my hand through some of it.

>> No.6500867

youre a normie tbh

>> No.6500876

you sound like a narcissist

>> No.6500880


>> No.6500889

No pissjugs = normie
I have seven and a half what about you guys

>> No.6500891

not that anon but introspection doesnt have to have a value judgement, every time someone responds to it with 'nacrissist' its quite annoying because u feel like its a taboo to talk about and end up feeling alienated

>> No.6500893

oh man kek* under8ed

*i kekked but it literally came out as a ho ho ho

>> No.6500903

kek. how about shit jars?

>> No.6500907

>My hometown uni that I go to is ranked within the top 20 for the UK

Hahahaha you say that like it's a good thing? The UK does not have very many good universities.

The only elite ones are Oxbridge and Cambridge with LSE, imperial and UCL behind (and even then LSE has some soft subjects that they let idiots in for like sociology).
If your university isn't even in the top 10 then of course most of the students are going to average.

>> No.6500909

yeah ok maybe a little too harsh

>> No.6500910

Great blog post OP, I'm sure glad I subscribed.

>> No.6500917

its second best ranked country after us though

>> No.6500922

It's called overconception or romancising, anon

>> No.6500926

that's not it. there's probably not a (in)formal fallacy name for it, because it's the lowest form of just being a fucking retard

>> No.6500932

Man I'm sure sorry you're a bitter asshole and your relationship didn't work out, but please go blog elsewhere.

>> No.6500939

I've esoterically contemplated suicide and the teacher, when looking at the piece which sprung from that, asked if she should worry about me, or if I needed to go to guidance, or something. I laughed at it, at her, right then and there.

>> No.6500943

even so 20 is a large number when you consider the shape of a normal istribution and that there are relatively small numbers of students that are noticeably above-average compared to the total number of students, and those noticeably-above-average students would fill up a small number of universities.
Saying that your university is "top 20" only means something if you're talking world wide or in America.

>> No.6500946

It's a trilogy that captures the essence of society over the individual. I think it's sad that it's the "artists" that sometimes endorses this decaying life. Best part is that they don't even realize it.

>> No.6500951

It seems like you're envious that you're just an autistic fuck then.

I prefer deeper relationships as well but if superficial relationships work for people, then power to them. Every relationship starts out with the two parties barely knowing each other anyway, sperg.

>> No.6500953

I've kinda wanted for a while to just go to a therapy session w/ a therapist/psychologist just to see what it would be like, how it would make me feel, maybe, hopefully, better. I don't know.

>> No.6500954

how does one esoterically contemplate suicide?

>> No.6500957

OP is an absolute trainwreck.

I would feel sorry for him if he wasn't such a self-satisfied arsehole.

>> No.6500965

Unlike most people here, he has something to say, and this is a more interesting thread than the autistic Harris or Stirner shit.

if you are unhappy with this thread nobody's forcing you to participate in it

>> No.6500973

You're probably one of the basic NPCs he is talking about.
You'll realize just before you die.

>> No.6500983

>To give an example my childhood was much like the one described in "no Longer Human"
For sure man

>> No.6500987

I was just using the guy's wording, but I imagine it means something like thinking about how (when, where, what instrument, etc.) would go about one's suicide, and the effects of it, on your immediate family/surroundings, and such, and why one in general would go about committing suicide (kindly disregard the cliché phrase that seems to define suicide per se as a crime viz. 'commit a crime'), and what reasons are appropriate, or if there need to be reasons, and whether it's a logical choice, or sprung from depression, i.e. the suicidal are mentally ill, which seems to me incorrect, etc. It's probably just philosophically considering suicide. I.e., one is going about the motions of being suicidal w/o actually being suicidal. I think that's what is meant. That's what I meant, at least.

>> No.6500994

It has perhaps something to do with the facts rankings are mostly asian rateporn with little relevance to a university's actual worth.

>> No.6501000

>wuh my girlfriend and I don't get along because I'm so far up my own bumhole that my bloated ego completely inhibits my ability to connect to people
>people who make friends easily are inferior to me, Anonymous
Wow yeah what great content. Go whine about your ex somewhere else.

>> No.6501008

Okay OP

>> No.6501012

Try it mang. If you can afford it, that is. Or any form of examination that doesn't only involve you or a close relative. Meet some smart girl in a bar and have her analyze you.

>> No.6501015

>tfw when most people can't even relate to the simple statement of "if i could i would be a NEET".

>> No.6501041

>I am an insecure autist who has utterly failed to connect to the world because of my massive superiority complex; allow me to make a thread venting my insecurities and blaming others for my own miseries in the hopes that some other bitter faggot will validate my inadequacy and reassure me that my own unhappiness is due to "normies" being "plebs" and not because I am a negative, cynical asshole nobody wants to be around

OP you really should do your peers a favor and kill yourself.

>> No.6501053


>> No.6501084

Imagine it. I imagine lots of others feel the same way. Judging from quite a lot of other books, which have not-so-hidden autobiographical content disguised as simple fiction, that it's not so uncommon. Like I said earlier, the ones that don't feel all that normal aren't all that different, it might be why people find literature so compelling, don't you think so? Or are you part of the group that think people are all very much the same, on a fundamental level?

>> No.6501097

Be very careful with any open flames. You might accidentally set fire to the enormous straw man you just built.

Why not just respond with an actual counter argument if OP's thing was dumb?

>> No.6501101
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>> No.6501107

>"Hurr durr, shut up and conform!"

>> No.6501135

OP's attitude is run of the mill young adult cynicism, it's not very nonconformist.

>> No.6501152

Man, the thoughts expressed by OP are entry level.

Everyone posting on 4chan, and /lit/ above all, already agree with the aforementioned sentiments.

Fuck off we don't need to talk about it.

>> No.6501157
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I have a complicated relationship with myself, pic related. I hate myself because I have a progress complex, and I'm never making enough progress. I could always be working harder or longer, but I'm not. So I'm stuck with mediocrity, or what I perceive to be mediocrity anyway. But I love myself because, in some way, I'm satisfied with who I am. But don't ask me to be consistent. This isn't a consistent line of reasoning.

I am very much like you. In a way, I scorn normalcy and I respect my own eccentricities. I love them because they are what make me who I am. But I would kill everything that is anon if it meant being normal. Unfortunately, that's impossible. I know there is no hope for me ever becoming "normal," so I take a kind of pleasure in this pain of exile.

When I say "esoterically contemplate suicide," I mean a lot what the other anon said when he said "philosophically contemplate suicide." As in, I would never actually kill myself because I feel bad. That's ridiculous. Life is about feeling bad. Life is about being depressed. But, I can examine suicide in a detached way. Does suicide make sense? Is suicide a rational course of action? What would I be saying about the value of life if I committed suicide? What kind of repercussions could I imagine for committing suicide?

I don't know if you've really lived until you've esoterically contemplated suicide. Until then, life is just a given that you never question.

>> No.6501166

I'm not OP, check for yourself
>hurr durr strawman
You can do better than this

>> No.6501194

>Fuck off we don't need to talk about it.
Nobody ever wants to. Maybe that's why he's here. Like you've said, we've all gone through this. But most, I know I, went through it myself without uttering a word to anybody, not even online. Imagine doing this in real life? People will outcast you on the spot, almost literally, by way of avoidance or whatever. We've all been there, we can all relate, and, maybe not like you but, some of us haven't evolved into perfect Übermensche yet (excuse me using this word), we could use some the digression that stems from OP's somewhat juvenile post.

>> No.6501206

Yooooo this tho

>> No.6501217

I trust your judgement so much that in no way can I conceive the fact that you even slightly might be convinced by your own post. Quite frankly, if you have never experienced the abyssal social and cityscape solitude we are talking about here, than you either are a liar or need to open your eyes to the world a little bit more.

It is painfully obvious that kids, teenagers and young adults all play the pretend game, they all try to put some butter, some crinkly and tatsy drama on their lives, in a desperate attempt to escape the mundane reality they are the actors and product of. It is nothing else than escapism. We romancize every aspect of our existence, reshaping them much like you reshape arguments for us to better handle them, and we even go as far as too screw our nostalgia glasses on too tight to convince ourselves that our past selves were even remotely interesting.

Yet it soon shatters and we are confronted to the truth when we watch videos, photographs of what our life really is, and with a little bit of setback we can contemplate our own mediocrity.

Have you never even talked to a teenager or a college kid ?

They are all clunky and cute in their little costumes and armors, each behind their own shield, be it ego, art, literature, sexuality, social justice. Look at me, I'm someone ! But in reality they only fool the mirror. Until life hits them in the face with a bat, the death of a parent, bills, AIDS, the neverending mediocrity of their daily lives and they soon have no energy to keep this going.

And you know what ? It's fine. Everyone does it. Everyone, it's part of growing up, it's a perfectly logical social process. You want sparkles in your existence, you want to demark yourself from others. Sadly much like the XKCD comic up there, this reasoning is the same for everyone. We are all on the same road. This is why I cannot believe that you honestly fail to understand this thread. Or you are very young and shouldn't be posting here.

Being on the good side of the fence, the "cool" party of this matter should be the least of your problems. Next time you wonder if it's better to be a normalfag or a weirdfag, try to be a youfag instead of buliding your comprehension of reality around a vietnamese weapons trading imageboard.

>> No.6501219

>I hate myself today
>I love myself tomorrow

Great summary. I can emphasize with you to quite an extent. Extent I don't try to be "normal", just to have genuine relationship with the world and people around me which, as it turns out, is hard as fuck.

>> No.6501252

It's like the cave allegory. Is it possible to escape the cave?

>> No.6501266

>genuine relationship with the world and people around me which, as it turns out, is hard as fuck.


>> No.6501269

hell yeah when some fine ass philosopher
holds our hand and shows us the way out

>> No.6501281

they still haven't convinced the masses that we're, still in fact, in the fucking cave

>> No.6501284

The more you have experienced, the more you understand.
Ask your parents; if communication wasn't so hard and if telling you all this wasn't so pointless, they would have predicted your whole evolution from the getgo.

Only a naive child can believe that the rest of the world doesn't reflect him.

I just contemplate the world and gaze at it's beauty, and wonder what epiphany will fall on my head next so I can laugh of how stupid I was a few months ago.

>> No.6501333

>have a genuine relationship with the world around me which, as it turns out, is hard as fuck
This so much, so hard, and for so long.

Perhaps nothing in life is as difficult to do with total genuineness than relationships, I have found. Any relationship, not just romantic. My brother — how can I say I never knew him but want to build a relationship with him, even if it's ten years too late? My "best friend" — how can I say I would rather live with him than live alone? My ex-girlfriend — how can I say I think of her like a sister and I never wanted our relationship to be so sour? A random girl — how can I say she inspired some of my artwork though I never knew her personally?

I want to be honest. I want to just say what I mean and tell people how I feel. And I want people to know they can do the same around me. But we're trapped underneath all of this social pressure that taboos speaking honestly. I always have to play this game of choosing the subtle words that merely hint at my meaning and intention. And if I get the smallest thing wrong — a single misspoken word, a barely missed cue — then the entire relationship has been destroyed. And when I'm not unintentionally destroying relationships, I'm paralyzed from beginning new ones due to fear of whether it would be "awkward" or "inappropriate."

I know everyone hates this. Everyone hates this. How could someone not? But we adorn these masks and hope we can slowly chip off our masks, inch by inch, around our true friends, instead of being honest and sincere from the beginning. It's eternally frustrating.

>> No.6501359

>was high af
>"realized" everyone's personality is a deliberate construction
>everyone around me is "phony"
>what does that say about me
>have all of my actions or personalitybeen a concious effort to push some kind of idea of me?
>who am I then?
>horrible panic attack ensues
>quit smoking
>weeks later
>wait a minute our personalities can't be formed in a vacuum

we don't just naturally become ourselves. The sensory experience we take in factor everything, and from there we can make conscious choices on who we want to be. Are there a lot of fake ass people out there? For sure. Fuckem. Just don't let them be part of your life. Although yes, I agree, people like being characters in movies. Idk, gives em meaning in their life. Let them do what they want.

>> No.6501366

Why is Pink Floyd so Godly?

>> No.6501369

Grow up. Wow, people are superficial and shit, amazing. Who fucking cares? Why should OP give so much of a fuck about what other people are doing that he has to piss and moan that other people are not like himself? Oh em gee my peers don't like reading and actually date people and are annoying feminists. Boo fucking hoo. What is bitching about it going to accomplish? Nothing.

This is real /r9k/ tier shit too and I sincerely hope OP fucks back off to there where he can pretend to be superior to other people because he's oh-so-different despite there being hundreds, if not thousands, of lonely, cynical misanthropic faggots just like him. Get the fuck over yourselves. This is literally "stop like things I don't like", the blog.

I don't care if the autist feels that way, it's the passage of negative judgment and the smug sense of superiority that he clearly feels the need to be validated if he's blogging on /lit/. I'm well aware there are plenty of other miserable people in the world, hence why I said he was probably fishing for other faggots to agree with him and his shitty attitude towards other people.

If he's this fucking vocal irl about how other people are plebes and don't understand his pitiful existence it's no small wonder he feels alone, because nobody wants to stick to someone who is perpetually disgusted.

>> No.6501370

because it resonates easily with people who are undergoing the transformation >>6501217 talked about

and it reminds older ppl of the time they were such people

>> No.6501371

>Only a naive child can believe that the rest of the world doesn't reflect him.
ooph. 10/10

>> No.6501372

>Imagine doing this in real life? People will outcast you on the spot, almost literally, by way of avoidance or whatever.
Only if you fuck up the presentation. A lot of people love to have that one literate cynical quipper friend to add to their circles.

>> No.6501373
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>> No.6501375

I'm not a pet

>> No.6501379

Why not? People love pets.

>> No.6501383

We all transform to a point but there's no end to it. Or, I can't see it. I don't see other prople seeing it. I think it's a little presumptuous of anybody thinking they've come out on the other side. Mind you I'm not a youngster, I too am/have dealt with this. Or do you have the answer? I'd pay for it.

>> No.6501384

The examples you have given are ones that a straightforward honest approach will work with. For example, if you miscommunicate with your brother, lay out the problem and try again.

>> No.6501386

Do u go to manchester?

>> No.6501393

They have those on YouTube? Wow.

>> No.6501394

The transformation never ends, but you can still look back at you a few years ago and extract some conclusions from it.

Unless you haven't properly documented your existence.

>> No.6501396
File: 999 KB, 500x286, cat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being a pet is pretty cool. People love you for your company, and they don't want anything else from you than rejoicing in what you are and how you act.

It's the purest form of appreciation really. It means more than when you're actually useful to them.

>> No.6501408

>Unless you haven't properly documented your existence.
A bit of isolation and my memory does wonders. I could write an autobiography from nothing but it, I'm sure most of us could.

>> No.6501413

Pets do not like people

>> No.6501415
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you take that back

>> No.6501419

That's a very nice skill to have, but your writing would still be altered by who you are right now.

Surely writing in the live of the moment must produce work of great historical values when you read them years later.

I enjoy it a lot at least

>> No.6501422

This. I've been a pet for years and I love it. It can be frustrating when everyone sees you only as a pet, you better be careful to have "pet" and "non-pet" circles of friends. Also this doesn't work to get girls (not alone at least).

>> No.6501429 [SPOILER] 
File: 42 KB, 419x632, 1430881883416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love to be someone's pet.

>> No.6501437

Can confirm this. My friends treat me like a pet since I am the funniest out of all of them. I get free rein to say whatever shit comes to me no matter how fucked up it is because they always end up laughing. I also get all the girls to talk to me because of how cute I am but I never do anything with them because I'm an autistic fucking retard. Oh well, still living the based funny cute pet friend life ;)

>> No.6501443

why is this thread still open when it has nothing to do with /lit/

>> No.6501449


What the fuck I didnt know /lit/ was into submission and femdomme

>> No.6501452

Why do these threads survive but not Marxism ones?

>> No.6501459
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Femdom is my life.

>> No.6501460

I detect sarcasm there. I feel like NO ONE likes a cynical quipper, some asshole that likes to talk put everything down around him as if he's any different. A smidgeon of self-awareness would make OP realize that.

>> No.6501464
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maybe you should try it yourself.

>> No.6501467

everything OP says is obviously true, and really very few people here would actually disagree with it, but appearing bitter over it just seems pathetic in its pettiness.

>> No.6501486
File: 500 KB, 500x300, petlife.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you're sitting on the floor at a friend's house and one of the pretty girls on the couch absent mindedly pets your head while she's talking to her friend

>> No.6501487

it works until they realize you're just an asshole that complains about how shitty everything is.

>> No.6501495

I thought this was satire but you fucks are actually serious lol

>> No.6501498

Pet-friending (let's call it like that from now on) doesn't necessarily entail submission, it just means you're some kind of lovable clown, you put on a rhetorical role that will make people laugh.

Contrary to the laughingstock or the butt-monkey, the pet isn't laughed at, he's laughed with, he's like someone who can make jokes simply by walking or ordering food at a restaurant.
It takes some observational eye, a sense of delivery, a natural awkwardness and most importantly an unconventional take on self-image (one must see becoming ridiculous at will as a skill for instance) to be achieved.

And the cake is you don't have to be a clown all the time, simply often enough that parties are made funnier when you're around. When done right, it's a very entertaining and creative form of buffonery with no hint of self-hatred or unhealthiness.

I won't lie to you, though, often the good pets are former or current self-hating people who learned to make fun of it.

>> No.6501499

Seems like you're not quipping witty enough, lads.

>> No.6501502

>Implies that marriage is the be all and end all of interpersonal sexual relationships
Kill yourself
>Implies that talking about your relationship when the intended end result is not marriage is somehow an attempt to mimic TV personalities
Run the bath and open your wrists
>Then goes on to complain about a phenomenon that is rarely seen outside of said television
Strong rope is cheap and easy to come by
>Proceeds to complain about how narcissistic and plebeian his peers are whilst funnily enough implying that his intellect is superior
It's a shame that fedoras no longer have small explosive devices sewn into their brims.
Anon I appreciate where you are coming from but you come off like a massively arrogant douche, no better than those whom your post was designed to shun. People are dicks, it doesn’t matter what kind of score they get in their finals they will always be intellectually uninspired shits who wont get anywhere in life bar a loathsome job and an equally loathsome family. Unfortunately Anon, you seem to be one of those people.

>> No.6501510

Sounds like a defeated version of a buffoon

>> No.6501511

It's a normal stage. Then they'll find out that everyone else feels that way and deals with it interacting with other people.
We all thin we're special at some point.

>> No.6501515

worthless rhetoric + reading comprehension

>> No.6501520

lol both posts are by me. just get rekt. But yeah maybe Im not witty, maybe I'm just a douche.

>> No.6501526

Ohhh yeah.

>> No.6501531
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>having girls rub your belly and feed you

>> No.6501535

No joke, back in middle school some girl just started feeling through my hair one day during indoor recess. She made some remark to her friend about how soft my hair was and all of a sudden there was like four or five girls running their hands through my hair for a good 10 minutes. It was incredible.

>> No.6501536

wot chu torkin bout' mang

>> No.6501543

I guess... so?

But I would hardly consider that an important takeaway from the trilogy. It seems more like the story is just so vast that it incorporates whole societies in its narrative.

Frodo and the fellowship do all that they do to save society, but they also have their own characteristics and it is these unique characteristics that make them fit to save their society in the first place.

I agree that many writers do try to break down notions of individuality but I wouldnt have gone for LotR

>> No.6501548

I'm >>6501422. I'm never "humorously" complaining in public about how everything shitty is, that's a rude and improductive behaviour, and doing that is disrepectful to your friends and to yourself. It casts you either as some kind of resigned but remorseful accomplice or as some undercover denouncer of wrongs, which in both cases has the nice side effect of making your friends look like accomplices themselves.

If you want to complain about something being shitty, complain openly and on topic in a way that your friends can discuss with you. If you want to be funny, be actually funny, not funny-to-hide-the-real-despair-inside which is a passive-aggressuve way to showcase the fake despair to everyone. If you want to complain about absolutely everything being shitty wait until you go home and write. If complaining about everything being shitty alone is too hard, find a penmate or be actually funny about depressing things (which is the opposite of being depressing while pretending to be funny).

>> No.6501553

This thread is rapidly becoming a marxist one.

Look at the little conformists.

>> No.6501566

I only conform ironically. It's all part of my "plan."

>> No.6501575

Riding the tiger I see?

>> No.6501581

In a way except there is no real power constraint. The key is that you shouldn't be only a clown in your friends' eyes, but someone who's a clown and also a friend. There are nights when I'm not funny at all but it's still okay. About the defeated part I don't know. Once you realize you can actually be funny the angst start to seem much less important and overwhelming. So I'd say it's a way of being less of a faggot. Which of course can be considered a form of dedeat.

>> No.6501592
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>all of a sudden there was like four or five girls running their hands through my hair for a good 10 minutes. It was incredible.
Iktf, when one starts petting you the others want in on the action.

>> No.6501602

>when a curious girl takes you down there for a cheeky lick

Is there a more literary lifestyle than the life of a pet?

>> No.6501617

Damn, I was hoping OP was going more in the direction of discussing the creation of novel, original personas as opposed to the "generic" kind. Sort of like the "character" John Stuart Mill talks about who is a "completely fashioned will." Maybe building from Sartre's existential freedom or Nietzsche's "becoming" or w/e.

Still, I think it's true that people do a lot of acting these days and pop culture is obviously the dominant influence. People legitimately develop their affects and personalities based on TV characters. The adolescent mistake is to hold yourself highly above these people without having accomplished anything yourself or reflecting on which idols you may mimic without realizing. How much of an actor are you, OP?

I'm not sure if this age is scarred by simulacra or mimesis or symbolism, etc. Thousands of words have already been spent on these considerations. The more interesting discussion would be, in light of the idea that people can sort of create or mimic "bad" or "genetic" personas which shape their lives, how might one create a more interesting, maybe more independent, stronger persona in these times? What would that involve doing more of? What would it involve cutting out?

>> No.6501641
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>tfw a girl is reading next to you on the bed when you wake up from a nap and you rub yourself against her until she gets the hint starts caressing your underbelly

There really isn't.

>> No.6501664
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OP couldn't discuss the creation of characters because he's still blinded by the generalities. He needs to see beyond it to actually be able to create believable units.

>> No.6501692
File: 54 KB, 255x320, court-jester2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds more like a court jester than a pet tbh. Which is also great.

>> No.6501705

Deliberate acting in the "act the way you want to be and soon you will be the way you act" way sounds like existentialist praxis.

>> No.6501708

Just want to laugh at OP for the library comment. You're upset that people didn't go to the shitty library that didn't have enough seating or computers and then are amazed that people will suddenly use it once it's renovated? This bothers you?

Here's a suggestion - Take the Fight Club poster off of your dorm wall and eat it.

>> No.6501726

I guess the difference is not big if you're quite enough.

But yeah, being a court jester sounds patrish as fuck.

>> No.6501737

In the end, aren't you just a normal friend who also happens to have humor ?

>> No.6502425

So Plato was right about acting all along.
Based Plato.

>> No.6502472


>Have you never even talked to a teenager or a college kid ?
>They are all clunky and cute in their little costumes and armors, each behind their

Reminds me of the Bloc Party song, Uniform

>> No.6502485


Lmao, anti OP attempted edginess that is desperate