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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 54 KB, 727x541, stirner 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6499608 No.6499608 [Reply] [Original]

Once you have read Stirner, where do you go? Once do you go from the realization you're not actually alive, you're just some fucking void floating around creating shit?

>> No.6499652


>maybe the internet will give me a non spook answer

>> No.6499663

Sort of yeah

>> No.6499678

You can go literally anywhere, nothing is in your way from becoming a god.

>> No.6499718

why is this board so fucking obsessed with some obscure german philosopher

>> No.6499845

Got me. I just started him. Haveing a hard time with his prose.

>> No.6499853



This might help. I'm skimming this before actually reading him

>> No.6499884

It started as a memey joke, but people thought it was semi-serious like SS+GOMAD

>> No.6499898


>> No.6499900
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>> No.6499918


Sure, he isn't one of the most well known philosophers, but i wouldn't call him obscure.

>> No.6500043

Still, the amount of attention /lit/ devotes to Stirner is way out of proportion. How many Stirner threads are there right now? There are at least three new threads everyday about him.

>> No.6500394

Sextus Empiricus and Hume

>> No.6500400

Because Stirner is the best. Why not read him?

>> No.6500403

You can still read philosophy and get a bunch from it. Just because Stirner shows you don't have to obey spooks, doesn't mean you can't logically explore the phenomenology of spooks.

>> No.6500404

Why does Pynchon get attention?

People want to find flaws, inability to do so causes egoistic fervor that wants to argue until they will be able to do so. Then others get interested in all the fuss and want to test the worth of the work, only to come out to even further the arguing or to praise it and use its philosophy, for example, calling everything spooks and causing even more stir.

>> No.6500420

this post does a great job highlighting the differences between the literatureposters and the philosophyposters here

Pynchon is a meme because he's inventive and bizarre and a prose genius. Stirner is a meme because it's fun to post that drawing of him and say spooks.

>> No.6500421

> going

That's a spook.

Welcome to the retardation and uselessness of Stirner's philsophy. It's appealing only because it's so fucking easy to discuss, "DUDE, SPOOKS LMAO" And it's hard at first glance to disprove anything because he's not putting forth any real claims.

Then you live (or not live, I dunno) according to this anti-spook philosophy and realize it does nothing for you (I'm not using 'nothing' in Stirnerist sense here) and maybe fighting off spooks incessantly isn't the most satisfying life.

When you decide to stop turning your life into a meme you read Aristotle.

>> No.6500431

>Pynchon is a meme because he's inventive and bizarre and a prose genius. Stirner is a meme because it's fun to post that drawing of him and say spooks.
Yeah but, memes are spooks, all there really is are images and made-up universals that don't actually explain the particulars.

If you were not completely uneducated, and knew Stirner's relation to the philosophy around him, you'd be incapable of making such a stupid claim.

>> No.6500443

How? Stirner is very easy to read

>> No.6500492
File: 56 KB, 328x429, Nagarjuna[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start with the Tibetans.

>> No.6500494

>fighting off spooks incessantly isn't the most satisfying life.
Doing something for your satisfaction is spooky

He doesn't want to fight off spooks, he observes them and says what they are, makes people conscious of their egoism. He even advocates using spooks for his own want, without spooks he couldn't appreciate literature or even accept recognize dictionary words.

I agree that Stirner philosophy is quite useless, but it does a great job at making us understand that we shouldn't tremble from and tacitly agree with fixated ideas. If anything, it urges me to investigate spooks to consider if they are what I want to use.

>> No.6500502

>Doing something for your satisfaction is spooky

Isnt satisfaction a key part of serving your own cause/ego?

>> No.6500511

>If anything, it urges me to investigate spooks to consider if they are what I want to use.
are you even aware of the meaning behind property for stirner? it's one fucking book, just read it.

>> No.6500539
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because it easily allows the posters to dismiss ideas they don't like with a wave of the hand
because the idea of the egoist who does what he wants is very romantic and attractive
because it's a funny meme with a funny cartoon philosopher
seriously, stirner would not be posted half as much if the depictions of him were normal old photos like everyone else, the amateur doodles of engels grants a certain character and uniqueness to him

>> No.6500552

Shouldnt it be Hegel or a German Humanist in that pick rather than bakunin?

>> No.6500649

what you didn't get about "it urges me"?

>are you even aware of the meaning behind property for stirner?
Yes. Though I don't see your point here.

The chances are that you are incapable contriving stuff you want on the same level and in same excess as the people surrounded by you. You accept/use a certain spook because you don't know a position, no matter it is better or worse, or you can't think of a position that you would want to follow opposite to the provided.

Chivalrous man dies for his lady. People say it was spooky to lose your head because of a women, a spooky ideal of one, but they fail to realize that the chivalrous man died for the spook because he wanted it and chose it contrary to a position where he wouldn't lay his head for them.

Satisfaction shouldn't be a goal because that is a fixated idea, an idea which has attributes of values such as what is considered satisfactory to it. We could say that everything we do is to satisfy us, but that would make "fighting off spooks incessantly isn't the most satisfying life." wrong because fighting off spooks would still be the most satisfying action the individual takes.

>> No.6500677


>Chivalrous man dies for his lady. People say it was spooky to lose your head because of a woman, a spooky ideal of one, but they fail to realize that the chivalrous man died for the spook because he wanted it and chose it contrary to a position where he wouldn't lay his head for it.

>Satisfaction shouldn't be a goal because that is a fixated idea, an idea which has attributes of values, such as what is considered "satisfactory", to it. We could say that everything we do is to satisfy us, but that would make "fighting off spooks incessantly isn't the most satisfying life." wrong because fighting off spooks would still be the most satisfying action the individual takes.

fixing some errors in case someone doesn't find it understandable because of them

>> No.6500710

How do your serve your own interest absent satisfaction?

>> No.6500739

classic stirner thread

>> No.6500760

I managed to fit Stirner in my dissertation. I'm happy.

>> No.6500765

>not 'Tackle the Tibetans'

>> No.6500778

Satisfaction is too narrow

Just be open to anything that takes your fancy, after all; you are a creative nothing.

>> No.6501947
File: 69 KB, 998x766, 1425931836439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


can I read it

>> No.6502167


>> No.6502486

it's a common object for the retarded unaccomplished shitposters of lit to possess with (and over) one another. it's like mlp bronies when you think about it. surely it won't be long before there's a stirner-fag meetup.

>> No.6502505

Stirner see through all of the obvious bullsh*t of other philosophers. He hasn't become popular because his ideas are dangerous and could tear the very fabric of civilization to shreds if more people read his work.

>> No.6502511

Sam Harris.

>> No.6502519

When I wrote about The Moral Landscape in my ethics class the professor wrote all of her angry opinions about him on my paper. She took the obvious bait. Still got an A on the essay, though.

>> No.6502530


can i take this rare stirner?

>> No.6502554

You learned nothing, did you?

You cannot take it, since it is mine.

>> No.6502562

He hasn't become popular simply because he was dismissed at his time and never really "rediscovered" since no one wanted to be as extreme as him.

>> No.6502570

He can use it though, which would make it his.

>> No.6502705

Why do people think Stirner should be treated as an authority on how to act and behave? He never directly stated a "you should" or "you must". He never even told you to get rid of spooks - such an ideal would again turn into a spook. Stirner just makes fun of the world that is full of spooks, but thinks itself free of them, and ultimately just decides what is the best for him.

>> No.6502960

>anti-spook philosophy

that's a spooky way of thinking about egoism, anon.

>When you decide to stop turning your life into a meme you read Aristotle.

>> No.6503314

>Why do people think Stirner should be treated as an authority on how to act and behave?

Stirner is cool, which you obviously haven't grasped yet. Do you like milkshakes?

Why aren't you a professor at an all-girls school yet?

>> No.6504731


Stirner DOES NOT advocate any kind of "lifestyle". He is simply telling you the way things are. He makes no suggestions, and is careful not to, on how to live or what you should do. And really, egoism in general is about utilizing spooks rather than being utilized by them.

>> No.6506416

no one will meet up.
no one meets up for either
-- rare pepes, like the meme he is
-- philosophers, like allegedly he is
there's no point in it.
meet-ups are mostly a shame anyway.
at least for static subject matters.
if it's for sports or games or discussions, that's an actual active participatory activity, but what do you even do at mlp/reddit meetups?
they seem so lame and uninspired.

>> No.6506424

>professor at all-girls school
holy fuck I just realized I could do this.
>tfw I have the mere possibility of getting my hands on unlimited poontang w/ so many impressionable women

>> No.6506435

For half of one semester before one of the little cunts rats you out and gets you fired and blacklisted.

Still, hell of an eight weeks.

>> No.6506456

>because it easily allows the posters to dismiss ideas they don't like with a wave of the hand
But spooks you actually can wave away, tard.

>> No.6506465

Man you're really butthurt about Stirner aren't you?

>> No.6506520

I always assumed they just had sex in costumes like Furries do.

You're now imagining five or six under and overweight NEET's wearing Stirner masks going at it family-style in a motel room.

no thanks necessary.

>> No.6506595
File: 550 KB, 954x1600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turn up those memes son

>> No.6506966


We call them 'Marxposters' m8