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File: 102 KB, 474x616, marx (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6498528 No.6498528[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What exactly is "cultural Marxism" and why do rightists go on about it all the time?

>> No.6498561

Basically the idea that Marxist ideas about class struggle and a proletariat revolution to bring in an era of equality have been adapted by modern political thinkers, with class being replaced with minority (or anything non-CIS).

They thus no longer fear the revolution of the working class (as it's largely gone or at least heavily diminished in most of the modern, western world), but a cultural revolution where the traditional ideals/values/spooks/whatever (marriage between husband and wife, heterosexuality, capitalism, eurocentrism etc.) are replaced by a culture that instead pushes things like multiculturalism, homosexuality, promiscuity etc. as the set goals and ideals.

Tumblr feminazis, glorification of rap artists and their open condonement of drugs and violence, and everything that makes /pol/ go "muh degeneracy" is thus seen as an attack on Tradition (which rightists love to talk about, despite rarely defining it clearly).

>> No.6498565

Cultural Marxism was an influential but short lived political fad. It was a combination of Psychoanalysis and Marxism. The idea was that the reason that there wasnt a communist uprising was because people were still clinging to false identities, race, gender, family, religion ect. instead of identify with the class struggle. The point of their criticism was to break down these things that were getting in the way of the working class revolting.

The reason /pol/ flips out about it is because theyre idiots who base their worldview on maymays and 10 minute youtube videos.

Rightists like to throw around the word Cultural Marxism to describe the Social Justice movement(along with everything else they dont like). The problem with this is that the Social Justice movement is based on two things, post-structuralism and identity politics. Post-structuralism is about the rejection of grand narratives. Marxism is about as grand a narrative as you can get and Identity politics is literally the exact opposite of what Cultural Marxism was trying to accomplish.

If a Cultural Marxist and a SJW got into a discussion the CM would accuse the SJW of being a bourgeois tool of capitalism and the SJW would accuse the CM of being a priv denying shitlord. But that will never happen because, like I said, Cultural Marxism was a very very short lived movement. Everyone that was a part of it eventually moved on to other things and most of them are dead now anyways.

But that wont stop people from throwing it around as a buzzword.

>> No.6498572

>They thus no longer fear the revolution of the working class (as it's largely gone or at least heavily diminished in most of the modern, western world)
Fucking what, when did the majority start owning the means of production?

>> No.6498576

it's a general and diffuse attempt to characterise the perceived focus (either cynical or misguided) of postwar leftism and progressivism on eroding 'traditional structures' of society or morality

in the genetic sense it's pretty simple to trace the origin of the term to a not entirely incorrect belief that postwar marxists and 'related' leftists became frustrated and disillusioned with purely economic formulations of class relations and oppression, and with stalinism in particular, and so abstracted their critiques of oppressive structures to include culture and group psychology, subtler things that can't be addressed simply by redistributing wealth, straightforwardly organising labour, or seizing the means of production

because the right and left are 99.9% mobs of plebeians who don't read books, and being on Team Red means you put a checkmark next to [Everyone should stop being such a pussy] while being on Team Blue means [No one should be able to hurt anyone's feelings], it's mostly used by Team Red to say 'trannies weird me out, why are you making me pay extra tax money to house trannies??', in the same way that Team Blue uses 'fascist' to mean 'why doesn't the state pay me to have gay anal sex with trannies whenever i want?'

>> No.6498589

Are there many signs of class struggle in today's society, with factory workers threatening with revolt if they don't get their working conditions improved?
inb4 american wal-mart workers, we're talking developed countries here

>> No.6498594

Today is Marx birthday

>> No.6498596

If you switched the colors around for the teams this would make more sense, red being communism and blue being capitalism (or were you thinking red as republicans and blue as democrats?)

>> No.6498602

Did you buy cake

>> No.6498604

That has nothing to do with the size or existence of the working class.

>> No.6498612
File: 60 KB, 389x212, Imagen 78.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a very funny topic because everything called "cultural marxism" can be traced down to Carl Schmitt and his methods to suppress the chances of a marxist uprising by dividing the masses and making them interested in petty issues instead of unifying.If anything "cultural marxism" is anti-marxist.

>> No.6498621


What is called "cultural marxism" by edgy fedoratippers is literally the exact opposite of what Cultural Marxism was about.

>> No.6498624

Another great chance for a sticky wasted. /lit/ has the absolute worst mods.

>> No.6498629

It is a manifestation of the West's desire to make everyone and everything equal, to make the impossible possible. No other culture in the history of the world has ever been so obsessed with egalitarianism.

>> No.6498632

Birthdays is the opiate of the masses. Fuck Marx.
You forgot to say anything.

>> No.6498638

that's why I kept using quotations.

>> No.6498646

>No other culture in the history of the world has ever been so obsessed with egalitarianism.
Nigger, please... If our culture is so obsessed with egalitarianism how come unequality between the poor and the rich has NEVER been so high?

>> No.6498650

True, superior Chinese proletarians celebrate all their births at the end of the year. That's creating class identity.

>> No.6498654


>> No.6498656

This is actually a really good post, and essentially outlines why CM and SJW are incompatible. Identity politics is the antithesis of cultural marxism because it seeks to destroy non-class based identity.

>> No.6498661

Yes, obviously, but this is exactly the reason why this culture doesn't give a fuck about equality. Anyone complaining about our culture being focused on egalitarianism is an extremely ignorant fuck.

>> No.6498666

Our culture TALKS about egalitarianism and makes token gestures to it. In practice we couldnt be farther from it.

>> No.6498693

I didn't say focused, I said obsessed. Capitalism won the economic argument because in theory it provides equal opportunity for all.

>> No.6498704

No it doesn't.

>> No.6498710

Well how about that.

>> No.6498723
File: 1.57 MB, 1315x946, truthaboutculturalmarxism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frankfurt school has nothing to do with cultural Marxism.
If there's anything that could be called "cultural Marxism" it's pic related, that is capitalism using a marxist narrative to sell products to those who identify as left.
Because that pacifys them into "normal" consumers, who express their political identity through consuming mass produced products.

>> No.6498729

its compatible with SJW.
CM doesnt want "oldschool" identities and instead creates a bunch of new small ones that cant cooperate.
and SJW love hijacking institutions, just like CM-daddy Gramsci imagined.

>> No.6498732

Basically this;


>> No.6498734

>Tradition (which rightists love to talk about, despite rarely defining it clearly)

Right, most right-wing ideologies pine for a past that never existed. A lot of National Socialists say they want to brink Europe back to a supposed age where racist Vikings were running around, volkisch strength through joy, stuff like that, even though the idea that one ethnic group was intrinsically better than another was a product of Enlightenment-era thinking. Anything pre-Enlightenment, no one gives two shits about ethnicity.

>> No.6498739

That's called recuperation

>> No.6498747

That's exactly what Adorno warns about you stupid fuck

>> No.6498752

But as we have seen over the past 5 years, these movements have been co-opted by the sedentary class of well to do University kids. The revolutionary vigour has been quelled quite brilliantly by the focus on gender, race, sexuality, and all these other identity based groupings that class barely has a look in. The real vanguard of any Western revolution is set upon (that is, the working man) either if he is white because he is white, or if not because he is a man. Really Gramsci and the rest are outmoded as you would expect, because the same un-co-operational methods he envisaged bringing down the state have in fact brought down the revolutionary class, and the very idea of revolution.

>> No.6498754

>Anything pre-Enlightenment, no one gives two shits about ethnicity.

I'm not saying you're wrong, but is there a book you could recommend that talks about this?

>> No.6498756

I also find it funny how modern NatSocs base their white supremacist ideology on Nazi Germany, when in reality Hitler only cared about the German people, not the white race as a whole. A core part of their ideology is based on a so-called "Jewish" defamation that Hitler was a white supremacist.

>> No.6498765

I guess that CM is recuperation then.
We can all agree that right-wing sees CM as a ideology that is distributed through popular culture, so that those who align with them would consume it.

>That's exactly what Adorno warns about you stupid fuck
Your point being?
I said that Frankfurt school has nothing to do with CM. And you just proved that Adorno was aware of the trappings of marxism in (post)-modern capitalism.
Again I'm basing on what right-wingers believe about CM, which is pretty much capitalism recuperating the leftist market, though selling of marxist ideology through products.

>> No.6498770

Im talking about the actual movement that called itself "Cultural Marxism". But now that /pol/ has gotten a hold of the word I guess it means anything now.

>> No.6498778


>> No.6498779

But that isn't even what right wingers think about CM because they're explicitly critical of the Frankfurt School because lol jews
I mean go to any /pol/ thread on it

>> No.6498787

Was there ever even a movement called Cultural Marxism? Because if you search for cultural marxism on Wikipedia, it will redirect you to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frankfurt_School#Conspiracy_theory

Yeah you're right. /pol/ is FS = CM, because oy vey da Jews!

>> No.6498799


>factory workers

as you pointed out in spoilers like an idiot, the working class doesn't work with their hands anymore, we have machines now. the nature of the thing is exactly the same.

>> No.6498805

Ever actually read the Turner Diaries?

>The Organization nukes the entirety of Asia to shit
>zero mention of inevitable wind shifting all this nuclear fallout from there to Europe and North America
>all the white people on Earth die a painful death due to radiation poisoning

I'm starting to think white supremacists don't give two shits about the survival of "the white race," that that's all just posturing.

>> No.6498807

other anon here, probably he meant these

>> No.6498810

The thing I don't get is that even if it was the Jews controlling everything wouldn't the correct response still be to seize and democratize the means of production?

>> No.6498824

>Enlightenment, no one gives two shits about ethnicity.

Well that is pure bullshit. Just look at how Greeks talk about non-Greeks, or how Vikings often viewed non-Scandic folk as subhuman etc... This is especially common in cultures with the Warrior ethos.

>> No.6498828

Thank you.

>> No.6498839

I think by ethnicity he means race.

>> No.6498845
File: 934 KB, 1575x945, chariot3 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anything pre-Enlightenment, no one gives two shits about ethnicity.

>> No.6498858
File: 1.03 MB, 1082x936, 1426617574901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jews want to control everything and keep the white man down by giving workers, including white workers, the means of production
>Jews want to hoard all the money by making everyone socialist so they want to push to a communist society until money doesn't even exist
>Jews want to flood Europe with Muslim immigrants until European countries become majority Muslim, thus creating more states that are critical of Israel

Do you expect anti-semitic conspiracy theorists to make a lick of sense?

>> No.6498862

They were talking about cultures, not races. Cultural conflict has always been a thing and always will be a thing. If a smelly barbarian's son was adopted by a wealthy Greek family and raised as such, nobody would know the difference.

>> No.6498866

Those niggas are just lower class because they have no family or financial ties to the upper class.

>> No.6498868

It's a buzzword notion made up by the American right.

>> No.6498880

This is depiction of a war m8.

>> No.6498892

Can you really brush over the innuendo of racial superiority in the depiction?

>> No.6498908

From a stela near the egyptian nubian border from 2000 b.c. :

>Southern boundary, made in the year 8, under the majesty of the king of Upper and Lower Egypt, Sesostris III, … in order to prevent that any Black should cross it, by water or by land, with a ship, or any herds of the Blacks; except a Black who shall come to do trading in Iken, or with a commission. Every good thing shall be done with them but without allowing a ship of the Blacks to pass by Heh, going down stream, forever

>> No.6498909

Yes. Because:

1) Its a depiction of war. Does The Pacific have an innuendo of racial superiority?

2) It cannot be a depiction of racial superiority because the Egyptians had no concept of race. Race is a scientific concept that starts with Spencer/Darwin. How the hell could Egyptians be racist when they had no concept of race.

>> No.6498911
File: 81 KB, 435x331, Egyptian_races.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I will add this of course.

>the ancient egyptians had no concept of race!

>> No.6498920

It's a translation you dumb fuck

>> No.6498926

Yeah, I'm sure "black" didn't refer to the nubians living near the southern boundary of egypt. It obviously meant something else

>> No.6498929

>Jews want to flood Europe with Muslim immigrants until European countries become majority Muslim, thus creating more states that are critical of Israel

No wonder the far right is anti-intellectual. I doubt anyone who believes that has ever read a book. NatSocs talk about a massive cultural Marxist infiltration of the education system for the same reason Scientology hates psychiatrists. Of course they do. To be a NatSoc you have to be an idiot and to be willing to keep yourself that way, and to be a Scientologist you have to do the same with your poor mental health.

>> No.6498930

These are Nubians you fucktard, they weren't treated as inferiors specifically because of their blackness but because of their being Nubians. I meant they had goddamn black kings for centuries at one point.

>> No.6498939

>black kings

Im out, fact check yourself nigger.

>> No.6498941

I never said that.
Obviously they had concept of a race, they lived in a multiracial empire.
Who's to say it was the same concept as we have today? There were entire dynasties of Nubian Pharaohs, so at least this means they didn't saw Nubians as inherently lower to themselves.

Modern concept of nation was formed by romantic liberal nationalist at the end of 18th to the middle of 19th century. Think of Spring of Nations as an good example of first wave of modern nationalism.

>> No.6498943

The point is there were other blacks. Contrary to popular American belief there is no such thing as a black race, there are many, many ethnicities that are more different from each other than with whites. But Americans think they all look the same because of "muh African Americans" and their blatant lack of culture.

>> No.6498949
File: 14 KB, 225x183, 30rock_tracy_225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>painting of multiple people with different hair colors, fully acknowledging some people are blond, some have brown hair, some have red
>"See, this is clearly evidence of an elaborate hierarchy based on hair color."

>> No.6498956

>gets triggered by facts
>decides to leave this hostile toxic place for safety of a hugbox, probably /pol/

>> No.6498958
File: 17 KB, 225x225, 1430672667560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Even if that's true, you condemn the people you're projecting on them anyways.

>> No.6498961

Nubian kings did rule over Egypt, among other foreigners.

>> No.6498967

>But Americans
I resent that, NatSoc's have 13% representation in my country's parliament.

>> No.6498970
File: 807 KB, 1378x647, 1409860446114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The point is there were other blacks
What do you mean?

Are you implying that the ancient egyptians were black?

You claimed that the belief of racial superiority originated in europe in modern times. What do you think of pic related?

>> No.6498982

What do I care about the opinions of a bunch of Arabs in the Middle Ages? After all they were slavers too, one needs to justify and rationalize it somehow.

>> No.6498987
File: 20 KB, 291x271, slavery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There were entire dynasties of Nubian Pharaohs, so at least this means they didn't saw Nubians as inherently lower to themselves.
Nubia was originally an egyptian colony. The nubian upper castes would have been egyptian.

The few blacks living in Egypt were slaves.

Nobody claimed the ancient egyptians were white.

>> No.6498996

>What do I care about the opinions of a bunch of Arabs in the Middle Ages?

Because it proves this assertion (don't know if it's yours) wrong : >>6498734

>> No.6498998

Only one of those refers to race, the other refers to culture. They're also quotes of individuals from entirely different centuries, which certainly doesn't prove that there's any common public sentiment of the sort.

>> No.6499003
File: 41 KB, 450x373, 1430267171112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you implying that the ancient egyptians were black?

I see this argument being used by /pol/ a lot, but any other circumstance they would label the people they project as "Egyptian" onto the historical Egyptians as shit skin degenerative leeches anyways so I don't exactly buy it.

Besides the point, a majority of the Ancient Egyptian population would be considered "black" because you don't discriminate in real life to such specifications. If you actually do you're creepy as fuck.


>Nobody claimed the ancient egyptians were white.

No, you're just claiming they're white-er

>> No.6499005

>You claimed that the belief of racial superiority originated in europe in modern times.
Actually I'm not the one, you were arguing with before. I just wanted to make sure, you know that that picture was a depiction of war, and not depiction of some kind of racial relation.

And about Arabs, I'm pretty sure you could find very similar descriptions of Vikings.

>> No.6499006

egypt is in africa
how could ancient africans not be black lmao

>> No.6499007

>Are you implying that the ancient egyptians were black?
What does that even mean you faggot, Ancient Egypt went from a bunch of little neolithic kingdoms to a Roman protectorate while being invaded, split and unified several times. Why are you trying to apply your 20th century racialist views to a culture that literally spanned millenia?

And no, I wasn't even implying that. I'm talking about all the myriad of "black" ethnicities that existed at the time (and still exist).

>> No.6499011

>Nubia was originally an egyptian colony. The nubian upper castes would have been egyptian.
>The few blacks living in Egypt were slaves.
Sounds like you're the one needed to do the fact checking.

>> No.6499014

>I see this argument being used by /pol/ a lot, but any other circumstance they would label the people they project as "Egyptian" onto the historical Egyptians as shit skin degenerative leeches anyways so I don't exactly buy it.
Nice strawman you're attacking there.

Perhaps if you lurk /pol/ you should try reading the sticky, you might learn a thing or two.

>Besides the point, a majority of the Ancient Egyptian population would be considered "black" because you don't discriminate in real life to such specifications
Rofl, so people don't know how to distinguish between semites and negroes? Are you being serious?

It's "immoral" to notice that arabs and negroes don't look similar? Top fucking kek.

>No, you're just claiming they're white-er
Well of course, semites are whiter than negroes.

>> No.6499015

>blatant lack of culture
They don't have a culture because slave traders didn't bother to record where they were getting their slaves from, thus no genealogical record. Black people in America don't know their specific ancestry, so they have to make do with what they can. That's why it's Black History Month or Black Pride. If they had that genealogy, they'd go for it. Igbo-American History Month. Yoruba Pride parades. Xhosa festivals. White people do have that benefit of genealogy. We have St. Patrick's Day parades, Oktoberfest, Scottish games, all sorts of great festivals and cultural appreciation (in theory, don't put the reality of these festivals on me, I'm not condoning vomiting green Coors on 44th Street) on specific European heritages. That's why we don't celebrate White Pride. Only stormfags do that.

>> No.6499019

What does slaver-driven hatred have to do with volkisch strength through joy and all that shit?

>> No.6499025

Cultural Marxism is actually a misnomer. There is no Cultural Marxism as such and you'd b laughed by anyone in academia for saying so because it's a scare term created by right-wing pundits to lump a bunch of their fears together.

When people speak of Cultural Marxism they probably mean the Frankfurt School who combined Marx and Freud and did examine cultural practices and products. There was no unified theory and a lot of the thinkers disagreed between and amongst themselves.

And a lot of their ideas really are not scary. There's no big agenda to push multiculturalism, political correctness, etc.

Again, right-wing pundits lump a bunch of disparate things together to dismiss them as a bogeymen. It also doesn't help that Adorno, Benjamin, Horkheimer, and Fromm have Jewish names. People like to look for connections like that as evidence of a grand conspiracy.

>> No.6499029

>Actually I'm not the one, you were arguing with before. I just wanted to make sure, you know that that picture was a depiction of war, and not depiction of some kind of racial relation
I never contested that. I'm not the one who posted that picture.

>And about Arabs, I'm pretty sure you could find very similar descriptions of Vikings.
Arabs actually describe Vikings as the most physically beautiful people.

>What does that even mean you faggot,
It means : "do you believe that the ancient egyptian's ethnicity clustered with those found in sub saharan africa?"

>Why are you trying to apply your 20th century racialist views to a culture that literally spanned millenia?
Pictures have debunked the claim that ancient egyptians had no idea what race was.

>And no, I wasn't even implying that. I'm talking about all the myriad of "black" ethnicities that existed at the time (and still exist).
Collectively known as "nubians".

Prove me wrong then.

Yeah sure, they refer to "culture".

>They're also quotes of individuals from entirely different centuries
Which shows that this belief was shared throughout the ages.

>> No.6499031

I was referring to the lack of culture of Americans in general. I mean it's a country literally built on native genocide, slave labour and ethnic replacement. People in Europe have ancient monuments, old history, etc. What do Americans have? "Oh my great-great-great-grandfather whipped niggers to death and my grandmother is an Irish potato famine refugee." Big whoop.

>> No.6499039

It's too easy to chalk it off to "slaver-driven hatred". White christians were also slaves in the various arabic empires and never were they referred at as negatively as blacks.

>> No.6499044

>I was referring to the lack of culture of Americans in general. I mean it's a country literally built on native genocide, slave labour and ethnic replacement. People in Europe have ancient monuments, old history, etc. What do Americans have? "Oh my great-great-great-grandfather whipped niggers to death and my grandmother is an Irish potato famine refugee." Big whoop.

not sure if trolling

>> No.6499047

>I mean it's a country literally built on native genocide, slave labour and ethnic replacement.

Hey OP, here's some of that cultural marxism you were inquiring about.

>> No.6499053

>It means : "do you believe that the ancient egyptian's ethnicity clustered with those found in sub saharan africa?"
But there is no such thing as a sub saharan africa cluster

>Pictures have debunked the claim that ancient egyptians had no idea what race was.
Moving the goalpost much? We're talking about race hierarchy.

>Collectively known as "nubians".

>Prove me wrong then.

>Which shows that this belief was shared throughout the ages.
It doesn't. What is sample bias?

>> No.6499056

>Nice strawman you're attacking there.

Who's strawman am I attacking?

>Perhaps if you lurk /pol/ you should try reading the sticky, you might learn a thing or two.


>Rofl, so people don't know how to distinguish between semites and negroes? Are you being serious?

First of all, don't say rofl, bad manners.

This implies you have a distunigished difference between the two outside of convenience or if the term had any relevance over 1,000 years ago in a civilization that lasted over such a period of time.

You don't seem to be well educated.

>It's "immoral" to notice that arabs and negroes don't look similar? Top fucking kek.

No, it's creepy to look over everyone you see for defining racial characteristics and place value judgement on them like the individualist wretch you are.

Also I implore you to stop saying kek, it's irritating.

>Well of course, semites are whiter than negroes.

It's a good thing American politics have no bearing several thousand years ago and you're wrong in every single possible way a trailer dwelling hick could be wrong.

>> No.6499057

Actually cultural marxism would have us consider all cultures equal. I don't think American "culture" even comes near that of any European country. Or African country for that matter, because at least they have millenium-old oral traditions and monuments.

>> No.6499058

>That's why we don't celebrate White Pride. Only stormfags do that.

For all the posturing white supremacists give about preserving white culture, they always phrase it "white culture". Not cultures, culture. The idea that all those interesting and unique European cultures should assimilate into a boring beige bland "white culture" is a thousand times more damaging to said cultures than letting brown people into your country.

>> No.6499061

Also by the way, the Egyptian slave owning shit was proven myth for a long time now

>> No.6499065

>It's "immoral" to notice that arabs and negroes don't look similar? Top fucking kek.
"Negroes" don't even look similar to each other you idiot.

>> No.6499072

I'm actually reading Vikings: A Very Short Introduction right now and I just finished reading a longer history book called Inheritance of Rome that addresses such concerns.

Pre-Enlightenment societies often had a mentality where they thought foreigners were stupid or talked funny. These ideas weren't held by all in that society, though. It's definitely different from Enlightenment ideas of racial superiority.

To simplify, Franks would laugh at Vikings for their funny way of talking. They had conflicts, but they also had land exchange, alliances, etc.

Even before this Rome was a pretty cosmopolitan and diverse place. Sure, the patricians had a sense of superiority because of their shared values and culture (Homer, Virgil, and later the Bible and Augustine).

But this is a far cry from Enlightenment whites thinking there was something innately superior because of the colour of their skin, and later attempts at romanticizing past societies for the purpose of ideology.

>> No.6499073

>But there is no such thing as a sub saharan africa cluster
You cannot be serious. You refute the idea that the various ethnicities living south of the sahara (except bushmen) don't look similar to each other, and could be grouped in a category called "the black race"?

>Moving the goalpost much? We're talking about race hierarchy.
All right

Prove it.

From your link :
>Ancient Egypt conquered Nubian territory in various eras, and incorporated parts of the area into its provinces.

>It doesn't. What is sample bias?
All right, show me positive arabic depictions of africans.

>> No.6499078

It's an American thing. White culture, black culture, asian culture, white race, black race, asian race. They don't have any culture so they can't possibly perceive that of others beyond their own preconceived notions. Go tell a Vietnamese that they're the same as Cambodians, go tell a Burkinabé that they're the same as a Congolese, go tell a Finn that they're the same as a Swede. See if each of them doesn't punch you in the face or stabs you in the case of the Finn

>> No.6499079

>we have machines now

Pro-tip: foreigners aren't machines

>> No.6499084

>You cannot be serious. You refute the idea that the various ethnicities living south of the sahara (except bushmen) don't look similar to each other, and could be grouped in a category called "the black race"?
Not only they don't look similar, but they aren't ancestrally similar in the slightest. If they look the same to you, it's because you don't go out much. It's basic genetics, do your research.

>Prove it.
There were other blacks than the Nubians in Africa.

>> No.6499088

From the same article:
>In the New Kingdom, Nubians and Egyptians were often so closely related that some scholars consider them virtually indistinguishable, as the two cultures melded and mixed together.

>> No.6499091

To simplify further:

"Haha, they sound funny" is not the same as "I'm white I'm innately superior."

>> No.6499093

>Who's strawman am I attacking?

All right, remain ignorant. That's the word you niggers like to overuse, isn't it?

>First of all, don't say rofl, bad manners.

>This implies you have a distunigished difference between the two outside of convenience or if the term had any relevance over 1,000 years ago in a civilization that lasted over such a period of time.
Well of course there's a distinguished difference. Ancient Egypt created the first anti-immigration laws by banning niggers from moving northwards.

>No, it's creepy to look over everyone you see for defining racial characteristics and place value judgement on them like the individualist wretch you are.
This creepyness can be the difference between life and death though. Around blacks never relax.

>Also I implore you to stop saying kek, it's irritating.

>It's a good thing American politics have no bearing several thousand years ago and you're wrong in every single possible way a trailer dwelling hick could be wrong.
What the fuck are you rambling about?

>> No.6499097

Its a conspiracy theory

>> No.6499100

Cultural marxism makes an exception of western culture. All western culture is bad for them.

>> No.6499101

Gotta love how you conveniently omitted the very first sentence that follows:
>The Nubians in turn were to conquer Egypt under its 25th Dynasty.
And all the rest about Nubia and Egypt being close to each other and mixing.

>> No.6499108

So if I lined up against a wall a white person and a negroe, it would be impossible to tell which is which? Is that what you're trying to claim?

>> No.6499110

>western culture
There is no such thing, American.

>> No.6499113

Oh, do they?

Can you please point me to the works of these "cultural Marxists"?

>> No.6499115

>Yeah sure, they refer to "culture".
They do. "Zanj" doesn't refer to "blacks," it refers to a specific area inhabited by blacks. They are not talking about the "black race," they are talking about the culture of the inhabitants of that area. "Their nature is that of wild animals. They are extremely black" are not connected, they are two separate observations regarding the inhabitants of Zanj: they are regarded, by this one man among millions, as culturally inferior, and as physically black. In fact, re-reading it, not a single one of the quotes imply anything about any race. The last quote notes that some blacks are lacking the civilized tendencies of certain other blacks, which means that there is blacks who are civilized and therefore should be considered human beings. Therefore the non-human state of the latter blacks is a consequence of their lack of civilization, which is a matter of culture, not of any idea of race.

>> No.6499119


>All right, remain ignorant. That's the word you niggers like to overuse, isn't it?

Posting on an open webforum for anyone to post on without any kind of academic credibility is to remain ignorant.



Don't put your elbows on the table.

>Well of course there's a distinguished difference. Ancient Egypt created the first anti-immigration laws by banning niggers from moving northwards.

This is in all definitions of the word, false, untrue, bullshit, asspulled, inaccurate, moronically not true, untrue, didn't happen, this didn't happen.

>This creepyness can be the difference between life and death though. Around blacks never relax.

Whites kill whites more than blacks kill whites.


stop saying kek, it's irritating.

>What the fuck are you rambling about?

>It's a good thing American politics have no bearing several thousand years ago and you're wrong in every single possible way a trailer dwelling hick could be wrong.

>> No.6499121
File: 105 KB, 597x539, 1410092151294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not only they don't look similar, but they aren't ancestrally similar in the slightest. If they look the same to you, it's because you don't go out much. It's basic genetics, do your research.
Pic related, you dumb nigger. All niggers cluster together.

>There were other blacks than the Nubians in Africa.
Perhaps, but the Egyptians refered to them collectively as "nubian". I guess it was their word for "nigger".

Well of course, the egyptian colonizers would have preserved egyptian customs.

>> No.6499129

>all niggers cluster together
You don't know what you're talking about. Source of the pic?

>> No.6499130
File: 257 KB, 415x476, 1430689702625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>attempting to fuse the genetic with the social
>attempting to put the value on the flesh

>> No.6499131

Interesting where do I start with him?

>> No.6499132

>all blacks aren't alike
>therefore all blacks are indistinguishable from whites

>> No.6499136

>Perhaps, but the Egyptians refered to them collectively as "nubian".
Prove it.

>Well of course, the egyptian colonizers would have preserved egyptian customs.
It's like you didn't even read the wikipedia article I quoted. Nubian kings did rule over Egypt too.

>> No.6499141

nice try schlomo

>> No.6499143

Only white people in American would say something like "asian culture", though. Black culture is definitely a thing, and is evident everywhere. What I think is really interesting is how distinct Indian tribes have developed a sort of universal culture (not that there still aren't distinct differences between different tribes) as a result of the Indian removal process in the 19th century.

the only "white culture" that exists in the US is consumerism. almost all ethnic european celebrations have only a tenuous connection to the real thing, and are mostly an excuse to binge drink while wearing funny outfits

>> No.6499144

Very interesting posts.

What are your thoughts on the Jewish peoples?

>> No.6499145

>team red is rightists

>> No.6499148
File: 88 KB, 897x1587, 1408809137997.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not american, I'm french.

Yes, the egyptian colonizers of nubia were in turn to conquer egypt.

Was the american revolution a revolt led by native americans? Of course not.

Pick up any social justice book

>"Zanj" doesn't refer to "blacks," it refers to a specific area inhabited by blacks
The two terms became interchangeable.

> They are not talking about the "black race," they are talking about the culture of the inhabitants of that area.
That's wishful thinking.

>"Their nature is that of wild animals. They are extremely black" are not connected, they are two separate observations regarding the inhabitants of Zanj: they are regarded, by this one man among millions, as culturally inferior, and as physically black.
That's the most ludicrous assumption I've heard in a long time.

>> No.6499157

>This is in all definitions of the word, false, untrue, bullshit, asspulled, inaccurate, moronically not true, untrue, didn't happen, this didn't happen.
I linked to it in my first post : >>6498908

>Whites kill whites more than blacks kill whites.
Not per capita

>stop saying kek, it's irritating.
kekkity kek kek

>> No.6499158

> equal opportunity for all
more like the exact opposite, my friend

>> No.6499159

>Black culture is definitely a thing, and is evident everywhere.
It's not. What you're referring to is African American culture and it's really specific to America.

No, there's really no such thing. I know French culture, I know German culture, I know Spanish culture, I know Italian culture but I don't know anything that relates to Western "culture". Show me something that is "westerner" as I have never seen anything like it.

>> No.6499161
File: 770 KB, 680x576, 1430691498024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>someone is this hurt by the blacks

Who cucked you?

>> No.6499166


>> No.6499167

that pic clearly proves they gave 0 shits about race my negro

>> No.6499168

>I'm French
Putain t'es encore plus con alors pour parler de "culture occidentale".

>Yes, the egyptian colonizers of nubia were in turn to conquer egypt.
C'est du délire complet, tout comme le reste de ton post. Lis des bouquins poteau.

>> No.6499172

>Not per capita
Your point being? This isn't some private tracker ratio bullshit.

>> No.6499174

>The two terms became interchangeable.
I would like to see proof of this.
>That's wishful thinking.
That's not an argument.
>That's the most ludicrous assumption I've heard in a long time.
This also isn't an argument. If asked to describe a certain woman, I say, "She was fucked up in the head. She had big boobs," I am not saying either is a consequence of the other. It's of course possible there's something outside of the quotes which makes your assertion true, but then it's certainly up to you to explain or post it.

>> No.6499176


I looked up such a stella and I do not find any results besides sensationalist websites.

Can you please cite a source for this before I rip it a new anus?

>Not per capita

Yes per capita.

>kekkity kek kek

stop saying kek, it's irritating.

>> No.6499182

>You don't know what you're talking about.
I do.

>Source of the pic?
You can find plenty of similar pics on the internet. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_genetic_variation

I'm not the one who brought genes up. The other guy did.

>Prove it.
Honestly I'm too lazy. Let's drop the argument, since it's pretty much irrelevant.

>It's like you didn't even read the wikipedia article I quoted. Nubian kings did rule over Egypt too.
Was George Washington a native american? Nubia had been ruled by Egypt for millenia. Its upper castes were entirely egyptian.

To paraphrase Churchill : "There are three types of jews, two good and one bad. The two good types are patriotic jews and zionist jews. The bad type is the internationalist bolshevik jew".

>> No.6499185

Only if said economic theory does away with the concept of private inheritance. A person who inherits ten million and one who inherits ten thousand are not theoretically on equal economic footing.

>> No.6499188
File: 110 KB, 287x318, 1430266590473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>quoting fucking churchill like he was a goddamn academic like a community college polisci major

>> No.6499189

how come there's a bigger gap between Spaniards and Moors (Africans) than between Spaniards and Native Americans??

>> No.6499193

>I do.
No you don't. I actually work in the field.

>You can find plenty of similar pics on the internet.
How about you find one on a fucking peer-reviewed paper from a post-next-gen-sequencing year? Because that would contradict years of GWAS and SNP clustering studies which all prove the opposite.

>> No.6499195

capitalism =/= meritocracy

>> No.6499197

>It's not. What you're referring to is African American culture and it's really specific to America.
I was talking specifically about the US, should have clarified. The point is that "Black culture" in the US specifically exists mostly independently of whatever a person's African origins may be.

>> No.6499199

>almost all ethnic european celebrations have only a tenuous connection to the real thing, and are mostly an excuse to binge drink while wearing funny outfits
Wow, just like in Europe

>> No.6499202

This picture is horseshit or probably doesn't have anything to do with actual genetics clustering.

>> No.6499207
File: 13 KB, 479x269, whats-a-nubian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6499209

>The point is that "Black culture" in the US specifically exists mostly independently of whatever a person's African origins may be.
Listen to more blues and hiphop, there are distinct stylistic and thematic differences between not only states, but also towns.

>> No.6499211
File: 99 KB, 403x580, Yan Guiming (阎贵明) 1974, October The situation is gratifying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

such a good idea

>> No.6499212

"cultural marxism" is not really a thing. it's a term only right wingers use. basically nobody self identifies as one

>> No.6499214

>muh dick
Even with edumucation, the nigger goes back to his primitive ways when intellectually cornered.

It proves that they were aware of racial differences, which already a lot of people ITT deny.

>Putain t'es encore plus con alors pour parler de "culture occidentale".
Tu renie le fait que les cultures des pays de l'Europe de l'ouest ne sont pas similaires entre elles? Que l'on ne peut pas les regrouper?

>C'est du délire complet, tout comme le reste de ton post. Lis des bouquins poteau.
Super utile comme commentaire. Merci.

That I'm more likely to get murdered whenever I encounter a nigger instead of a white guy.

>I would like to see proof of this.

>That's not an argument.
Neither are your ludicrous claims that calling blacks "barely human" is a criticism of their culture.

It's pointless to carry out this conversation. Whenever confronted with a negative depiction of blacks you will claim "oh but it had nothing to do with race".

>I looked up such a stella and I do not find any results besides sensationalist websites.
stela with one l.

>Yes per capita.
No. Victimization studies refute this.

>> No.6499220

>>Even with edumucation, the nigger goes back to his primitive ways when intellectually cornered.

You make cuck jokes all the time, now it's not fair that it's being used against you?

>stela with one l.

I did some looking up and all I found was one stela with one UK (probably museum bound) Mark-Jan Nederhof who's findings are counter to every other Egyptian scholar suggests.

>No. Victimization studies refute this.

Whites kill more whites than blacks kill whites this is FBI record.

>> No.6499221

Are you jelly that I'm fluent in french though? :^)

Moors weren't black. That's another nigger afrocentrist meme.

Moors = morrocans, i.e. north african berbers, i.e. semites.

>No you don't. I actually work in the field.
And I work at nintendo.

>How about you find one on a fucking peer-reviewed paper from a post-next-gen-sequencing year? Because that would contradict years of GWAS and SNP clustering studies which all prove the opposite.
Post said studies?

>> No.6499222

What are some good books I can read on your ideology?

>> No.6499224

>It proves that they were aware of racial differences, which already a lot of people ITT deny.

No one here's saying race doesn't exist, it does, but who gives a shit?

>> No.6499227
File: 154 KB, 413x295, I'm sorry sensei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've only seen him in secondary material, and he has a fuckton of stuff. If anything I'm seconding your desire for a rec list of Carl Schmitt.

>> No.6499229


>Are you jelly that I'm fluent in french though? :^)


>And I work at nintendo.

Even if he's bullshitting that doesn't stop the fact you have no understanding of philosophy and genetics and yet attempt to fuse the two together.

>> No.6499230

>You make cuck jokes all the time, now it's not fair that it's being used against you?
Fair enough

>Whites kill more whites than blacks kill whites this is FBI record.
But there are way more whites than blacks.

Hence why "per capita" is the relevant metric here.

>> No.6499237

I don't have any ideology. I'm only interested in facts.

>> No.6499240


But your argument isn't that there are more whites than blacks it's that blacks kill more whites than whites kill whites. That is, according to what you just said, wrong.

>> No.6499242

>Tu renie le fait que les cultures des pays de l'Europe de l'ouest ne sont pas similaires entre elles? Que l'on ne peut pas les regrouper?
Mais bien sûr. Va dire à un Suisse que c'est juste un Français à peu de choses près pour voir.

>Super utile comme commentaire. Merci.
Mais c'est de l'éducation de base ducon, n'importe quel clampin avec un bouquin d'histoire à la main sait que c'est du délire.

>Post said studies?
Regarde GWAS sur pubmed.

>> No.6499243
File: 51 KB, 374x354, 1427678122213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/lit/ thread that isn't about reading a book
>only /lit/ thread that /pol/dancers seem welcome to post in

I'm just saying, man.

>> No.6499245
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>I'm only interested in facts.

>> No.6499247

Even when you use per capita, whites still get shot more by cops.

>> No.6499249

>No one here's saying race doesn't exist, it does, but who gives a shit?
Smart people who realize that some races are intellectually inferior to others.

I have a hard time believing that

>Even if he's bullshitting that doesn't stop the fact you have no understanding of philosophy and genetics and yet attempt to fuse the two together.
I never attempted to do that. I was reluctant to bring genetics into the conversation. I was forced to when I had to reply to this post : >>6499084

>> No.6499251

>That I'm more likely to get murdered whenever I encounter a nigger instead of a white guy.
Ah donc tu es une merde en stats en plus de l'histoire et de la génétique. Bravo mec.

>> No.6499257

Well this thread went nowhere.
Just a reminder:

>> No.6499259

I'm sorry, it appears I'm unable to find the passage where it's stated that "Zanj" began to refer to all black people.

>> No.6499260

> that blacks kill more whites than whites kill whites
per capita.

Which they do.

If you are walking down an alley and encounter a black person, you are statistically far more likely to be murdered than if you had encountered a white person.

>> No.6499261

>Pick up any social justice book

So you can't.

>> No.6499263


>> No.6499264

Pure as fuck. Hilarious.

>> No.6499265

>they were aware of racial differences
just like every human ever
>they gave a shit
pic proves it

>> No.6499273

>Smart people who realize that some races are intellectually inferior to others.

This is the only /lit/ thread you feel comfortable posting in because it's not about what we thought of a book, a discussion that would only be possible if its participants are able to read books. Don't talk about intellect unless you want to go there.

>> No.6499278

>If you are walking down an alley and encounter a black person, you are statistically far more likely to be murdered than if you had encountered a white person.
Depends on the country. Where I'm from, we literally no black criminals. And the biggest chance to get killed here is getting killed by your closest family or by suicide.

>> No.6499279

If you are OP then read this if you want insight into what the european and american new right mean by cultural marxism.

>> No.6499282


>> No.6499284

*we literally have no black criminals

>> No.6499285

>Implying Marxism isn't Eurocentric/intellectually European as fuck

It's literally a secularised version of Christianity. What could be more European than that?

>> No.6499289

>Moors weren't black. That's another nigger afrocentrist meme.
Pic says "Africa" and moors are African
Nobody mentioned negroes
And btw berbers are NOT semitic

>> No.6499298


>> No.6499300

Just report the thread and move on.

>> No.6499310
File: 19 KB, 236x331, races.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mais bien sûr. Va dire à un Suisse que c'est juste un Français à peu de choses près pour voir.
Je pense qu'un Suisse serais assez d'accord avec moi lorsque je dis que la culture suisse est plus proche de la culture française que de la culture chinoise ou papoue. Je ne pense pas qu'il objecterai si j'insinuais que la culture suisse appartenait à la civilisation occidentale.

>Mais c'est de l'éducation de base ducon, n'importe quel clampin avec un bouquin d'histoire à la main sait que c'est du délire.
Non, ce n'est pas de l'éducation de base du tout. C'est même un sujet encore à controverse aujourd'hui.

>Regarde GWAS sur pubmed.
pas accès

Da troof

Way to shift the goalposts

Ha bon? Prouve que j'ai tort alors!

If Zanj doesn't refer to black people, how do you explain the term "Zanj rebellion"?

Sisi, je t'assure!

I am being serious

I guess this pic proves that white europeans in the late 19th century didn't hold any biases towards other races.

I contribute in many /lit/ threads. I don't often talk about race though.

Whenever you agree with a post, you might be agreeing with the post of an evil racist! How creepy is that!

I'm talking about the USA obviously.

>It's literally a secularised version of Christianity.
Yeah it's totally not jewish

It means subsaharan africa obviously. Use your brain you idiot.
All right, that's all for tonight folks. Hope I managed to entertain you and perhaps sow a bit of doubt in you.

>> No.6499314

>>If you are walking down an alley and encounter a black person, you are statistically far more likely to be murdered than if you had encountered a white person.
No, that's not how it works. A person is a murderer or he is not. A person's homicidal tendencies is not determined by percentages. A black individual isn't ten percent more murderer just because a group composed of people with his skin colour also contains individuals who are more likely likely to commit murders.

>> No.6499324

>If Zanj doesn't refer to black people, how do you explain the term "Zanj rebellion"?
A rebellion by black people who originated from the Zanj region, which is where most blacks in Arab territory originated from.

>> No.6499327

>I contribute in many /lit/ threads. I don't often talk about race though.

That's a statement that can't be proven true, so fuck you. If you were a tripfag, maybe, but that's not the case.

>> No.6499330

That's what I was trying to say.
The frenchfag tried to claim it's universal truth, even if he backpedalled and said it only applies to the US.
Even in US, if you'd look at data, I bet most blacks incarcerated would be for stupid things like three strikes laws and possession of things like weed and stuff and for murder.
It's just a racist stereotype, that somehow blacks are all murderous brutes.

>> No.6499331

that pic proves nothing, it's just 5 faces

>> No.6499333

You can discuss actual Marxism here

>> No.6499336

>It means subsaharan africa obviously.
obviously? why?

>> No.6499343

>Yeah it's totally not jewish


Are you stupid or just pretending? I was talking about the moral/intellectual character of leftism, not whether it's a j00ish gonsbiragy or not.

>> No.6499357

Sorry, linked to the wrong post.

>> No.6499360

>If Zanj doesn't refer to black people, how do you explain the term "Zanj rebellion"?
Maybe because it happened there? Just a wild guess, my friend :^)

>> No.6499390

Present-day Iraq, actually.

>> No.6499391


Except that only a small, but vocal majority of blues actually hold the views you attribute to them, while there's a huge swath of the American population that swallows red ideology wholesale.

>> No.6499424

This post seems like it was written by someone who hasn't read much Marxist literature.

>> No.6499430

yet some sioux indian tribes warred against each other based on concepts of (demonstrations of) "racial" superiority, etc.

>> No.6499435

>the way the artist painted the chief
wow that's some white guilt if i've ever seen it. he might be more handsome than the white man in this painting.

>> No.6499436

I'm more into post-marxism, so yeah I guess?
I mean I didn't gave much thought to it, I'm open to criticism.

>> No.6499453

Hey buddy I found something here
libgen org or libgen in
The Nomos of the Earth

I think this is what we're looking for.

>> No.6499481
File: 7 KB, 239x200, 1383818693310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow this thread got very aggressively derailed by a couple of dis-info dudes just now, didn't it? That almost never happens here

>> No.6499490

I'm more interested in his political theory than his historicity but thank you for the recommendation.

>> No.6499502

Then read Concept of the Political.