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/lit/ - Literature

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6495824 No.6495824[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's more important to the society, the scientist or the artist?

>> No.6495834

the scientist.

I could shit on a canvas and call it "art"

>> No.6495837

>I could shit on a canvas and call it "art"

>> No.6495841

Enjoy your pseudo-problem and the shit storm it creates, OP

>> No.6495842


>> No.6495846

and that is a bad thing?

>> No.6495849

What's more important to man, shitting or fucking? - Chuck Bukowski

>> No.6495852
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>still carrying about spooks
The artist, because they satisfy my ego more yah a scientist does.

>> No.6495854

> the ego isn't a spook

>> No.6495862

The military

>> No.6495874

>implying that I'm spooked enough to care

>> No.6495877

a balance of both. what is needed more right now is the artist because of society's infatuation with technology.

>> No.6495879

>that's a bad thing?


I seriously cant wait

>> No.6495886
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>> No.6495891

The artist. Science is only a means, art is an end.

>> No.6495902

You've got that one wrong, friend. Art is a means of keeping the masses sedated so that the real end, Science, can be pursued unhindered.

>> No.6495903

>pseudo-intellectual hogwash

>> No.6495908

>confusing art with entertainment
i see the brainwash has been working wonders

>> No.6495919
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>entertaining the thought that one's deep appreciation for Art is anything but entertainment

>> No.6495921


>DAE better 'n more important to society, a bridge or the a book? :^)

>> No.6495922
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mods pls

>> No.6495928

Thank god for art. Where would we be now if our hunter/gatherer ancestors never invented shading or bead necklaces? Fuck those STEMfaggots and their agriculture and germ theory. Art is way more important.

>> No.6495930


>> No.6495939

yeah thank god for science, just look how great the world has become because of it :)

>> No.6495979

>u wot m8?

This is the most peaceful time in human history

>> No.6495987

this is actually important because in June Congress is voting to ban either science or art

>> No.6496056

>implying peace makes the world great

>> No.6496065

yeah but you wouldn't be taken seriously by the artistic community since you would have demonstrated you know nothing of art

>> No.6496066


>> No.6496070

The end game of the scientist is to develop a world so technologically advanced that its denizens can spend all their time creating art. You tell me.

>> No.6496076

It all makes sense now

>> No.6496080

the AI nearly always votes for arts funding though so we can all enjoy our -33% great scientist, great merchant, and great engineer spawning

>> No.6496102

Most of you fags wouldn't even survived among the competence of a world without science. /thread

>> No.6496106

Well to society, clearly the scientist, because societal structures need agriculture and contain cities which need architecture. But what does society matter? The only opinion I have is my own, and I'll take art.
I don't value society that much, though I have no problem with taking advantage of it.

>> No.6496115

the scientist would still be better than the artist if society was no thing. scientist could build the best weapons to kill artist and take all her berries while she paints meaningless symbols on the cave walls

>> No.6496122

And I could study phrenology and call it science.

>> No.6496125
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All art is quite worthless

>> No.6496126

Yikes. Science is great, but increase in food productivity and sanitary measures are still only a means allow us to live longer and produce more art.

>> No.6496128

>value statements
Do you even know where you are?

>> No.6496129

first learn how to write, then learn the difference between science and technology, and after that consider how if you change the conditions from the start the posterior characteristics will be different.

>> No.6496145

If you call something art, it is literally art.

>> No.6496152

Which scientist? Which artist? Many of each are worthless, some of each are even harmful.

>> No.6496156

the basics food and sex das it

>> No.6496157

that's not the definition of art sadly

>> No.6496161

what if I think science is an art?

checkmate atheists

>> No.6496169

Both are superfluities. In a luxurious state, science is more important because people want to maximize pleasure and convenience. However, art offers insight that is more useful and applicable in interpersonal relations. So you can either prefer STEM and be a decadent, bourgeois faggot, or art and be a critical thinker likely to be capable of empathy. Finally, note that in a natural state neither exist, but philosophy is still important.

>> No.6496174

I fucking hate you all.

>> No.6496179


>> No.6496189


>critical thinker likely to be capable of empathy

Those two don't always go at hand

>> No.6496200

True, but anyone who puts a decent amount of thought into ethics ought to come to the conclusion that empathy is the master virtue. I am not saying either are dependent on one another, but critical thinking when applied to ethics is likely to value empathy.

>> No.6496202

>the master virtue

Critical thinking everyone

>> No.6496207
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>> No.6496213

Stupid question...

>> No.6496215

Art is a way of influencing people to control their opinions/behaviors. Most great works of art are the attempt by a person or people to persuade others that their perception of the world is correct and that you should believe what they believe and do as they say.

Eventually though science will figure out a more efficient and logical way to accomplish persuasion such that their is no guess work or genius enigmatic artist necessary.

>> No.6496220

The Bible, for example, is a work of literary art that was extremely powerful and is far more than 'cave symbols' on a wall. Art is tool used by leaders and charismatic individuals to leverage their power through the masses.

>> No.6496266

In 2015?
The artist

The scientist, and only because of medicine.

>> No.6496402

The arts are understanding humanity; the sciences are understanding the world.
Both are equally important to society and important to study. The problem is that we're producing bachelors of art too stupid for the sciences and bachelors of science too stupid to understand the arts.

>> No.6496493

>I could shit on a canvas and call it "art"
Only in this brief dark age of liberalism, and only in a handful of countries. For most of human history, and in virtually all places, that would at best earn you ridicule and might land you a trip to the insane asylum or the gallows.

Once the West gets past the bizarre teenage temper-tantrum that was the last century, the arts will gradually be restored to their proper place in society and people will marvel that anyone ever believed in today's nihilistically subjective definition of what counts as art.

>> No.6496505
File: 46 KB, 200x338, 200px-Bateson_Gregory_Steps_to_an_Ecology_of_Mind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you people need this

>> No.6496506

And who was it that called out phrenology for the bullshit that it was? It was scientists.

/lit/ is the most anti-science board on 4chan.

>> No.6496511

Science is a mean, Art is an end.
Only the latter is truly useful.

>> No.6496559

The artist.

Look back at antiquity, when the arts flourished and science barely existed at all. Societies back then built sculptures and monuments so wonderful that we continue to preserve them and marvel at their beauty to this day.

Now look at the modern era, when the achievements of science are virtually limitless, but the arts are no longer seen as a serious matter. How many people in future ages do you think will want to visit the crumbling ruins of strip malls and computer factories?

>> No.6496574

To be fair is the artist. Our civilization can get rid of all scientists and live only with engineers, since many ills of the world are cured.
Can you replace artists? No.

>> No.6496585

a quote: "rigor alone is paralytic death, imagination alone is insanity"

>> No.6496587
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>being this ignorant

>> No.6496598

to what end would the scientist kill the artist.. what is the point of living in a world with no art, no matter how much technology makes you more powerful or live longer. Without cinema, art, music, hell television shows these days can be considered "art" Why would you want to live in a world without any art

>> No.6496604

it's like a teenager who justifies his smoking habit by saying "i want to die anyway"

>ignoring the years of pain prior to death

>> No.6496609

Science is a symptom of modernity. For all the good it's done it's also seen a lot of euphoric fedorists who have devolved it into little more than dogma.

>> No.6496619

those sculptures and monuments built back then are admired today because they were able to do so much with so little. Do you really think Stonehenge would be admired the way it is if it was built in the present? Of course not. It's ridiculous to think that the artist is more important. Do you really think people will value a nice painting more than a cure for cancer?

>> No.6496630

whats the point of a cure for cancer though? If you live in a world without any art then a cure for cancer would be a bad thing

>> No.6496632

You really haven't thought about this problem at all, have you ?

>> No.6496635

Philosopher is more important

>> No.6496637

>what color is better red or blue

>> No.6496643

Art isn't the only thing worth living for...

>> No.6496650
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the scientist

>> No.6496660

what else is there to live for?

>> No.6496668

>gene wolfe
An average fedora tipper but
>Fuzzy and nerual apporaches in engineering
Spotted the STEM undergrad. Have fun shitposting on /sci/.

>> No.6496669

>Do you really think people will value a nice painting more than a cure for cancer?
They literally do.

Famous paintings can sell for hundreds of millions of dollars, while people bitch about a hospital bill costing more than a few thousand for even the most serious condition.

>> No.6496670

Tell me then what else is there in life

>> No.6496671

playing vidya
>inb4 video games are art

>> No.6496677

art: the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination

>> No.6496683

I don't think playing video games is something worth living for.

>> No.6496684

That's a hard question. The scientist makes it easier for us to survive and harder to die which robs us of our autonomy and makes us scared of death while the artist gives us false hope which discourages us from killing ourselves and ending all suffering once and for all. They're both horrible.

>> No.6496687

>fuzzy and neural approaches in engineering
>Spotted the STEM undergrad
thats actually for a grad course

>> No.6496690
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Different tools for different purposes, OP. Both have effective applications, but I say from my own personal experience that it's more exciting and fulfilling to be an artist.

If you wanna chase cash money, be an engineer or an accountant.

>> No.6496691

Literature is a form of art you fucking mong

>> No.6496695

Your post is worthless teenage mumbo jumbo.
If you believe in your own nonsense, why do you not end your existence right now ?

>> No.6496698

I've found tens of stem undergrads reading that book because "it's cool and mind-blowing".

>> No.6496710

Science is the genre fiction of disciplines.

>> No.6496715

Well using that definition science is a form of art, so this entire thread is meaningless.
I know, I was just kidding. Seriously though, your friends and family, physical activities, and stuff like that. I guess it depends on your definition of art. I don't consider movies or video games art, but some people may. In the end science has given us too much for it to take a back seat to art. In a world without science, you'd have great literature and paintings etc. but you'd be living in a primitive world. Also, to the post I was originally responding to
>Look back at antiquity, when the arts flourished and science barely existed at all
This isn't true. Science has always existed. It was just in its infancy and not nearly as sophisticated as it is now

>> No.6496716

hm i've never heard of it before taking this class. i'd imagine we're only using the book because the professor is the author. its not really cool or mind-blowing either. the concepts it covers are pretty basic

>> No.6496721

Haven't you just proved that art is everywhere and the very salt of the world ?

>> No.6496730

>all these objective defininitions of what science implies to a society
>all these opinions about what art does for a society

This thread is cancer

>> No.6496738

>being STEM
>not being a critical thinker

Clearly you're retarded

>> No.6496743

I have a deep compassion for the worlds suffering so I want to help everyone else to die too. As long as art exists people will irrationally cling to life so my life's goal is try to sabotage all forms of creative expression.

>> No.6496747

awww the STEM thinks he can think critically... soo cute

>> No.6496750

Come back when you are an adult, you ridicule yourself.

>> No.6496762


>> No.6496775

Art is everywhere, and its influence can be seen all over the world, i'm not denying that. But the main point of this thread was: is the artist or scientist more important to society. This very question depends on what you consider art.
Take this >>6496671 for example.
Using this definition, science is a form of art, meaning an artist and a scientist are one in the same. But for me, I consider art to be literature, painting, sculptures, and things like that. Whereas science refers more to the technology and medicine we have today. I could live without art if I had the comforts of modern society science has provided me. With science, I don't have to bear 100 F temp where I live during the summer. I don't have to hunt for my food, and I don't have to worry about most of the diseases that would kill people 1000 years ago.

>> No.6496786

Shit, I quoted the wrong person, I meant to quote this guy>>6496677
for his definition of art

>> No.6496791

Just letting you faggots know you're on the side of suffering.

>> No.6496795

so you would eat and survive for the sole purppose of simply existing

>> No.6496798

I would add that art cannot be fortuitous or contingent

>> No.6496809

I am not an NPC.

>> No.6496820

I always felt inclined to say "the scientist" for I couldn't find a reasonable justification for artist's importance to society... Heh, took me a while, but I finally see that art is something more than I deemed it to be. It may sound a bit reductionist, but I think that for the most part science fulfills our primitive desires which are extensions of a will to live, a will to survive. Art isn't about survival. Art is about transcendence. Rising above the animal kingdom and becoming humans.

>> No.6496831

I agree with your point of view and congratulates you on being able to change your opinion on such important matters.

>> No.6496835

Modern science is qualitatively different from what science was in the ancient world. It's like calling the personal computer a sophisticated abacus.

>> No.6496857

>the artist gives us false hope which discourages us fr killing ourselves

Not the art/artists I pay attention to, quite the opposite

>> No.6496862


Thank you. I also wanted to note that this proposition I made is only true if there's an aesthetic value to art... Shit on canvas invoked by someone early in the thread. I know that modern world will howl at me for this, but I genuinly for the reasons mentioned above.. I don't think constitutes art in the slightest.

>> No.6496870

>Can you replace artists?

Why the hell not? Theoretically you could get rid of every profession. We'd still survive, it would just be an extremely shit existence.

>> No.6496883

Your not making much sence

>> No.6496923
File: 606 KB, 1338x895, LHC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're comparing high-level art ('wonderful' sculptures and monuments) with low-level knockoffs of scientific advances (strip malls and computer factories). I guarantee whatever society exists in a thousand years will consider the Large Hadron Collider worth visiting.

>> No.6496925

Are you a native english speaker ?

>> No.6496928
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>strip malls and computer factories
you are a fucking idiot

>> No.6496935
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Horrible hypothetical question.

>> No.6496963

When did I say I was STEM?

>> No.6496980

i loved that megadeth album

>> No.6496994

>just found out one of the most iconic shots of the LHC was used for a shitty heavy metal album

Well, fuck.

>> No.6497150
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Ancient Greece > Culture-less Utopia

>> No.6497158

Underrated post

>> No.6497180

i can't even believe there are people saying the artist is more important

>> No.6497183
File: 3.63 MB, 2587x1793, Nehalem_Die_Shot_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>computer factories
I am sure the factories and the foundries that build this are boring

>> No.6497187

>Culture-less Utopia

Wouldn't a utopia by definition need a culture, assuming you consider culture a positive trait?

>> No.6497195

Equal importance. Happiness is really the true goal of humanity, if you think through it far enough. Art makes people appreciate beauty, which causes happiness. Science brings technology, which also makes people happy.

Science without art creates a robotic society with humanity living desensitized and unhappy. Art without science creates a subsistence environment where the dull reality of life makes people unhappy.

Equal importance.

Also, I'd cum in that woman's mouth for the rest of my life if I could.

>> No.6497199 [DELETED] 

The artist is more important. We can live without all scientific advancements. Basic stuff like construction has been around far before science as we know it, as has agriculture. Without art, however, enriches our lives. Some sort of pressure must exist; the artist exists because the world is not perfect. Art would be useless if the world were perfect, as man wouldn’t look for harmony but would simply live in it. Art is born out of an ill-designed world. Browning famously said, "Take away love and our earth is a tomb!" I say, Take away art and our earth is a tomb!"

>> No.6497202

> implying there's no overlap

>> No.6497204

A scientist who does art
and also an Artist who does science

versality is underrated
over-specialization is stupid

>> No.6497209
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>> No.6497276


Without artists, there would be no scientists.

>> No.6497291

neither, humanity would exist without both. yet both are distinctly human traits. art is nurishment for the 'soul' and science for the mind...
>muh rhetorical responses

>> No.6497401

Scientist. How is this even a question. Art isn't worth jack crap.

>> No.6497642

Artists of course, scientists by themselves would promptly kill us all including themselves. True artists serve no paradigm but their innate intelligence, they attempt wisdom. Scientist attempt to channel intelligence and they search for knowledge. There's an expression of highest honor when one is called a artist something. They are not mutually exclusive but you asked so there's the answer.

>> No.6497659

What's more important to the body, the head or the heart?

>> No.6497678


Artists. The results of scientific advancement are taken for granted most of the time barring life threatening situations etc.

Creative media, on the other hand, is widely loved, celebrated and appreciated. People literally get on their knees and grovel in praise of books written before we knew science was a thing.

>> No.6497706
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The singularity is feel-good bullshit for a godless age. Kill yourself if you're falling for that bullshit. The only reason Ray Kurzweil was hired by Google was to get more investors to fall for the AI bullshit and take it seriously.

We don't even understand human consciousness in the slightest, there's no reason to assume that AI will ever become "self-aware", at least not in the sense science fiction leads you to believe. They type of consciousness they will have is no different than the type of "consciousness" computers already have.

Grow the fuck up. You are going to die and that's the end of it all. If that upsets you than become a spiritual hippie faggot or religious retard, if it's too hard for you to accept.

>> No.6497716

you answered correctly, but you got it wrong

>> No.6497717

Artists are only important if they engage in something important, and modern artists focus exclusively on trivialities. Thus artists are irrelevant to modern society.

However, scientists are gay, so they are irrelevant as well.

>> No.6497722

If you think that art and science are two separate things you are ignorant in both. God I hate everyone in this thread.

>> No.6497723

Science is a result of human curiosity about the mechanisms of reality.
The scientific method, these days, is on its own branch, expressing one kind of curiosity.
Art is on another.
It wasn't always so. Curiosity used to be expressed in a more general way, less refined and less specialized.
Art and technology constantly work together.
Both art science and technology are a direct result of our particular existence and experience of the world.
Science mostly deals with the interaction of non conscious objects while art deals directly with the perceptions of conscious beings.

>> No.6497726

You're wrong on both accounts: computers, dolphins and and monkeys do create art but that doesn't demean art in the least.

>> No.6497735

Fine, but this presumption needed to be explored. The idea that human feces that we have evolved to detest on a physiological level can be elevated and given the stature of a cultural symbol is an idea that was explored.

Shitting on canvas can also be seen as a protest or a statement about the state of art.
i.e. shit on a canvas can be a statement against a previous art movement by way of exaggeration.

One of the important features of art is its interpretative deferring nature.
If we didnt shit on a canvas and posed it as art, and would not later protest abot it like you are doing now would we not have lost something?

>> No.6497738

you cant be a great scientist or and a great artists by not specializing in any. For every scinetists who also pursues art there will be a scientists who spends all his time on science. Same with art of course.

>> No.6497742

Our generation will live forever anon, stop with all this negativity, the singularity is coming.

>> No.6497747

>What's more important to the society, the scientist or the artist?

Society is neither presently nor historically homogenous, so it would be difficult to pin down what is valuable to society as a whole. Obviously, the art-dealer is more economically concerned with art than the electrical engineer, but either of them could dabble as a hobbyist in the professional concerns of the other. We'll call that the 'special relativity' of the question, and next address its 'general relativity'. If in a certain society there was a paucity of artistic expression and an abundance of scientific achievement, the relative value of artists would necessarily increase. This does not, of course, indicate that such a society would value the artist more than the scientist, but only that they would value the artist more than they otherwise might.

In short, because 'society' is not a set value, a 'correct' answer does not exist.

>> No.6497748

The artist to proselytize for the scientist.

>> No.6498122

trick question.
scientists are artists and artists are scientists

science requires creativity and experimentation to find truth in the material world
art requires creativity and experimentation to find truth in morality

eventually artists and scientists will go by the same name and the disciplines will merge, probably when the brain is figured out and we can understand emotions and thoughts at a mechanical level.

>> No.6498150

>when the brain is figured out and we can understand emotions and thoughts at a mechanical level

Perish the thought.

>> No.6498156

Neither. The most important one is the autist who can only think in dichotomies.

>> No.6498171

Are you literally retarded?

>> No.6498187

sex you fucking faggot. literally the only thing your existence is for is to make people.

>> No.6498195

whats this girls name again?

>> No.6498203


>> No.6498242
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>art is more important than science

>> No.6498254

what if scientist and artist?

>> No.6498260

without art, society would be boring
without science, we'd still have to hunt and gather for survival

>> No.6498315


Just because there are shit forms of art it does not mean that art is shit, there are shit forms of science (homeopathy, astrology), and likewise that does not make science shit.

Science just deals in what it deems to be objective and art deals in what it knows to be subjective.

One thing that people who live only in science (being a scientist these are ~80% of the people I know) seem to forget is that when they think of art they /want/ to immediately dismiss it as being shit /because/ shit art exists, also scientists are stubborn as fuck when it comes to describing subjective, abstract concepts to them.

>> No.6498332

>(homeopathy, astrology)
not science so..

>> No.6498341

Any worthwhile society values both.

>> No.6498349

Homeopathy and astrology are not science.

>> No.6498351

Neither is important. There are societies without either.

>> No.6498353

This basically.

>> No.6498357


They claim to be science. I could have listed any kind of pseudo, quasi, or Bad science I just picked the most recognisable...

>> No.6498359

Is a worthwhile society defined by its valuing of both scientist and artist, or are you going to define it somehow?

>> No.6498365

Imagine a society without science
Imagine a society without art

which is worse?

>> No.6498371

>They claim to be science
oh, silly me, i forgot that basless claims were in fact reality. so that means /sci/ truly is the most intelligent board, bigfoot exists, and my roommate really did have a 7-way with 6 chicks. good to know

>> No.6498380

So what does that tell you about those that claim to make art?

>> No.6498386

Depends on if you want to bog things down in realistic concerns, such as poverty and hunger. But ignoring those, I'd say that a society that holds art and science in equal regards is more worthwhile than a society that eschews one in favor of the other.

>> No.6498388

art isn't real

>> No.6498389


What? No that's not what I meant at all! I don't know how you took what I said to mean that I was on science's "side" in this. I believe in what:
said, that both must exist together.

The issue is that THE FACT THEY CLAIM TO BE SCIENCE does not by itself mean science is bad. Just like how 'bad art' CLAIMS TO BE ART and therefore scientists use it as examples to dismiss all art as bad.

I really can't see why you got so angry about that!

>> No.6498390

Please, bog things down.

>> No.6498400

Man I wish to have a 7-way with 6 chicks. I want your roommate to be right because I want to believe

>> No.6498423

Buy KFC.

>> No.6498437

You're particularly dense.

>> No.6498438

It starts becoming vague when you have to deal with scarcity. For example, you have two societies who both hold science and art in equal regard, but spread out their resources in different ways. One has an upper class of intellectual elites and a lower class of uneducated, starving peasants. The other only has a single moderately educated class which everyone is a part of. The first society's upper class can produce great individual achievements due to their greater education, while the lower class generates virtually no art or scientific progress. The other society's middle class produces lesser works compared to first society, but in a much greater volume. Which is more worthwhile? Is it fair to say either is more worthwhile?

>> No.6498440

>implying /sci/ isn't the most intelligent board

>> No.6498543

They're both tools (I mean in the functional sense, not the modern insult) so their worth is dependent on how each is used.

>> No.6498546
File: 169 KB, 640x578, 1430757365934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In order of importance:
Philosophy >>>> POWER GAP >>>> Science >= Art.

Math is more interesting than all of them though.

>> No.6498559

I don't know, you're the one who was supposed to explain what makes it worthwhile.

>> No.6498560

Are you Russian?

>> No.6498567


>> No.6498568

science: tool to describe thing-thing relationships

art: describes human-thing and human-human relationships

science stays out of those last two because of postructuralist identity crisis in humanities

>> No.6498577

What about it?

>> No.6498623
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>> No.6498627


>> No.6498649
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What? Are you a buttblasted "muh science" nigra or an anally devastated "muh arts" peasant?

>> No.6498674


>> No.6498685

I played a game recently when they didn't. I was shocked to the very core, I decided to burn the computer because it was obviously possessed by STEMlordDemons.

>> No.6498691

Nice to see that there are a lot of teenage lurkers on this board

>> No.6498701
File: 73 KB, 779x530, 1406993495300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What order relation are you using?
In terms of importance or how interesting they are?

>> No.6498703

importance of courshe

>> No.6498705

definitely not importance, since the sperg has math first

engineering >= science > math >= philosophy >>>>art

>> No.6498707

>What's more important to maintain your life, breathing or eating?


>> No.6498716

obviously breathing, since it takes much longer to die from lack of food than it does from lack of oxygen

>> No.6498730


>> No.6498746

Both supply two separate necessities to life, it doesn't matter the rapidity in which death happens in the absence of the one or the other--especially since breathing while dying of starvation doesn't seem all that beneficial.

>> No.6498749
File: 39 KB, 340x358, piero-manzoni-shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You do realize that pic related, by Manzoni, was lauded, put in a museum, and that subsequent cans were literally sold at their weight in gold, right?

You do have a working understanding of the last hundred years of art, right?

You know about these things?

>> No.6498772


>underrated post

>> No.6498781

>I could shit on a canvas and call it "art"
No you couldn't, you don't have connections in the money laundering/capital gains avoidance world.

>> No.6498811
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So this is phrased like a fucking freshman vis arts major wrote it, but the concept is there.

Anon, what you want to say is that in order to succeed in the art world, you'll need to be able to network and secure patronage much more than you'll need to actually be a decent artist. The first renders you the second, relative to the market. Then you can do whatever you want and call it art because you'll have the proper platform.

But, just so we're clear, this has never not been the case in the art world, ever. Ever. If you think that Art as a business, or a game of patronage, is a new concept, you're a fucking idiot and should read a goddamn book. Nobody gets where they are by being good. They get there by knowing the right people, and then (sometimes) being good.

>> No.6498871

True. Singularity is like an artists / hollywood rendering of what's going on in cognitive science. Hence, science.

>> No.6498900
File: 169 KB, 315x450, Woman3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The catholic church were infinitely better patrons than the Jews are now. pic related is what Jews find beautiful.

>> No.6498921

To be the producer, not the consumer.

>> No.6498950
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That has nothing to do with what he said and early Christian art looks like it was drawn by a five year old. The shifting of Paradigms in the art world has nothing to do with the jews.

>> No.6498972
File: 858 KB, 1018x1599, art world decline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure thing, shlomo. Ask /ic/. They have regular modern art and Jew hating threads.

Expression over craft is a Jewish thing.

>> No.6499026

It has everything to do with the jews taking over every humanities department and forcing artists to conform to jewish beauty standards where oppressed minorities are the most beautiful people and the white oppressors the most ugly. I'm an architecture student and the very first lecture I had with my jewish professor involved him showing us slides of the holocaust and telling us how much the world sucks because jews were oppressed. To get into my program I had to write a precis about the state of Israel. They're not even trying to be subtle about it.

>> No.6499398

Depends on the society. In the modern era, science is most useful for Man to provide weapons of war and fulfill Man's desire to leave the Earth and expand. Once we're comfortable, science will once again fall out of favour, as people realize all their expansion is for nothing with materialism alone.

>> No.6499452

Literally every leader of the tech industry believes in the singularity

>> No.6499454

You're right, you put it in 90 cans.

>> No.6499520


Literally ever philosopher of the 15th century believed in God.

>> No.6499550

My professor who has a PhD. in Irish literature said that he's unsure if his profession really has any benefit to society.
Ima go with science because they make cool shit

>> No.6499556

Was Nabokov one?

>> No.6499567

I know this is unrelated but how the fuck did Nabokov acquire such an amazing English vocabulary? II'm a freshman at my university and everything I write seems so plain and boring.
How do I into an academic vocabulary?

>> No.6499569


I hope youre right man

>> No.6499589

He learnt English at a particularly young age (and self-taught I heard). He was practically a native speaker.
Also, he had that 'vein' no-one will ever have in 100 years. I don't think there is a secret method, his brain worked that way and that's about it.

>> No.6499661

>capable of empathy
>capable of critical thought
this has to be bait, because your post is bereft of both.

>> No.6499672


Just like shitting on a canvas isn't art

>> No.6499675

>Implying humanity isn't going to ruin itself before the "singularity" is a thing
Anyway, i swear transcendece is dumb as fuck. Face it people, we'll live in "1984"'s state or be eaten by nanomachines before we become gods. You better enjoy it while you can

>> No.6499685
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lel, top pleb

>> No.6499699

>making fun of art
>on an art board

>> No.6499716
File: 30 KB, 368x516, the-thinker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me think....
All depends on whether you want to live in a modern, comfortable technological society or live in a prehistoric cave doing cave painting.

>> No.6499717

>muh art
you'd be dead without science you pleb

>> No.6499722

scientist, of course

>> No.6499758

Both are equally important I think. Without the input of the artist, the Scientist might never find the curiosity to discover. Without the Scientist, the artist may never be able to preform their form of art.

>> No.6499775
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>> No.6499784

You're not being fair since there's art in your modern society. A better comparison would be between the prehistoric society and a society were there's no literature, music, movies or TV shows. Everyone wears there's the same mass-produced clothing because there's no fashion and buildings are designed only with efficiency in mind.

>> No.6499795

Thanks for opening my eyes, anon. That makes a lot of sense

>> No.6499797

depends on what kind of society you want

>> No.6499821


>Who's more important to society?

The Soldier.

>> No.6499832

>people that still hold on to a 19th century transcendental view of art that raises it to communication with the divine
>not realizing that the entire history of 20th century art was a reaction against this notion

art isn't an end in itself, shitlords; that would be to make a god, i.e. an idol, out of art, you filthy pagan scum.

>> No.6499860

>romanticizing the military

>> No.6499871

You put it like they're opposed to each other

>> No.6499875

He doesn't do it for the money, there are bills that he can't pay

>> No.6499906

It's pretty hard to say.

One is involved in making life possible, the other is involved in making life worth living.

To 'compare' them is like comparing up and down... They're two sides of the same coin.

>> No.6499912


Americaaan sooooldier!


>> No.6499975

The most important thing is religion and the altar is the centre of all culture. Art is merely altar decoration. When a society abandons its altar and the decoration of the altar, the "art", is more adored than the altar itself, the society is declining into decadence. All the best art comes from piety; piety towards God, piety towards country, piety towards family. Europe produced a lot of great art because of the Catholic religion. However, as faith declined and people were left with all this beautiful decoration about the altar but with no devotion to the altar itself, people began to worship the decoration for its own sake. This is the Romantic period of European art where art is its own religion; artists were seen as divinely inspired seers. This is when people began to speak of "genius"; before that art was the production of "wit" or of "craftsmanship", but "creative genius" is a Romantic concept. Big orchestras, sublime painting, and profound poetry replaced the holy sacraments as the operations through which men communicated with divinity.
In reality, art has only relative importance, and not the absolute importance that Romantics would give it. Science has only relative importance too, if we are talking about material science and not the highest kind of contemplation which is practically an end in itself.

>> No.6499992

Haha, God's not real you ばか!

>> No.6500003
File: 193 KB, 1091x1300, milan-pieta-21668538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When people gather in museums to admire the statues that people used to worship as gods, and the paintings of people used to revere as saints or as heroes, they are missing the point entirely. They are not experiencing it as it was originally experiencing it; they are admiring its corpse. If you have never prayed to the Virgin Mary then you can't appreciate this statue. You can't appreciate Palestrina unless you have the Catholic faith.
If you are able to "appreciate" the art of all cultures then you have no culture of your own except Bourgeois dilettantism.

>> No.6500174

you can't compare a single painting to a cure for cancer