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/lit/ - Literature

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6495797 No.6495797 [Reply] [Original]

Why study philosophy /lit/? No cop-out answers, explain even if it has to do with base urges.

>> No.6495802

So you don't end like that Russell Brand while believing in your bullshit

>> No.6495867

to develop as a Human being

>> No.6495898

To rebel against my parents

>> No.6495900

It's the only thing we can do that other animals cannot

>> No.6495942

Teaches you how to deal with concepts and theory in a way that the sciences and disciplines with independent subject matter might not. Like, if you go into a sociology or english department, you're going to meet with a lot of continental philosophy. But the way they teach it tends to be pretty weak compared with the way philosophy gets taught in a philosophy department. Lots of braod generalizations, lots of little slogans you can carry around in your pocket. If some theoretical paradigm is currently out of vogue, the reasons they give are going to be pretty superficial.

This is all because they're not engaging with theory, or concepts as such; rather, they take adopt a theoretical paradigm as part of their research project then go out and start deconstructing Proust or doing some social phenomenology or something like that. It all about the application of the theory to some research project.

When you do philosophy, you have no independent material that you can apply your theoretical paradigm to. You just have the theory and that's it. Your task is to rip it all apart and see how it works and determine if its true instead of just looking to few big theorists in your field to tell you what kind of assumptions to make about the world when you do research.

As a result, you get really fucking good at dealing with concepts and theories. And this skill applies to pretty much everything.

Also, if you enjoy it, it's really fun to study philosophy.

>> No.6495962
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I started studying philosophy because I was paralyzed with crippling self-doubt and anxiety over my future. I thought that by learning philosophy I'd be learning what the good life is and how to live it. Unfortunately, as I progressed in my studies I discovered that the study only led to more doubt and uncertainty. Intrigued by metaphysics, I thought to solve the injunction "physician, heal thyself" by becoming a metaphysician. Alas, my dreams of ever learning the true nature of the universe has been irrevocably shattered since I was diagnosed with schizophrenia and learned that I could no longer trust my metaphysical intuitions and that my intellect was doomed to desert me due to the toxic side-effects of antipsychotics. Currently I hold a BA in philosophy and have been a NEET for the past three years. I would compare philosophy to love, it is an erratic desire that drives one to ruin, madness and poverty. Nevertheless, lady philosophy was a beautiful love and I cannot regret my time with her.

>> No.6495966


>> No.6495971

If you want to be a philosopher, you need a Ph.D. to be taken seriously. That's the only reason I can think of.

>> No.6495973
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>> No.6495980

>If you want to be a philosopher

Everyone already is.

>> No.6495981

To justify my laziness to myself

>> No.6496000

Because people that study comparative literature are insufferable faggots. I don't want that laughable major to potentially ruin my interest in fiction and poetry.

>> No.6496014
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If philosophy was a girl what would she look like? Pic related IMO

>> No.6496017


Because it traverses the whole realm of logical possibility and necessity and is not limited by mere contingencies or specific subject matter.

>> No.6496026

she'd have six tits and a giant red cock perpetually swinging like a pendulum from side to side

>> No.6496034



>> No.6496059

Let's talk about categorical imperative.
Let's talk about final causes.
Let's talk about meaning in technology.
Let's talk about atheism.
Let's talk about phonetics.
Let's talk about linguistics.
Let's talk about the origins of science.
Let's talk about controversies in WW2 politics.
Let's talk about the will to power.
Let's talk about chaos.
Let's talk about martial arts.
Let's talk about Vietnam and hippies.
Let's talk about drugs.
Let's talk about metaphysics.
Let's talk about occult.
Let's talk about religion.
Let's talk about audiophilism.
Let's talk about somthing specific.
Let's talk about somthing Socratic.
Let's talk about magic.
Let's talk about what's wrong with not using /b for chuckles.
Let's talk about opposites.
Let's talk about binary logic.
Lets rock.

>> No.6496060

>Why study philosophy /lit/?

This question is second in its crudeness only to the question of the relationship between theoria and praxis. It's asked, in all seriousness, only when one is so deep in the study of philosophy that the work itself begins to threaten to overwhelm us. Asking it in a brutish fashion like this will yield no real answer.

Only when you're actually mired in the work of philosophy itself does the question have any real value. And even then, it becomes a moment of crisis, in which one's orientation in thought shifts or intensifies.

>> No.6496063

No response after this was necessary.

>> No.6496081
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>> No.6496083
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This is what she looked like

>> No.6496094


>> No.6496103

This tbh.

>> No.6496105


Give her a dick.

>> No.6496108


>> No.6496112

I doubt that.

>> No.6496133

To distract yourself from thinking about your death.

Aka the same reason we do anything.

>> No.6496141

To learn to think. Thinking is not as easy as it seems, most people are terrible at it.

>> No.6496149

underrated post

>> No.6496283

who is this immaculate ejaculate?

>> No.6497822

Because I have claimed it as my property and shall do with it as I please.

>> No.6497846

Philosophy can explain to you why you just wanna sit around on the internet and bitch for your whole life/ why you ar correct in doing so

>> No.6498153

To be a real human bean.