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/lit/ - Literature

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6494316 No.6494316 [Reply] [Original]

Meanwhile, on bizarro /lit/...

>> No.6494320

Hello friends, do you love reading as much as I love reading?

>> No.6494325

I'm not a leftist

>> No.6494329

Women are just as capable of writing good books as men.

>> No.6494331

Dear fellow lover of /lit/erature, kindly consider the following carefully-examined perspectives on this wonderful piece of literature, and let us engage in enlightening discussion.

>> No.6494335

I'm interested in the writings of Stirner because of a genuine intellectual persuit, not because internet memes where he looks super-badass

>> No.6494340

I secretly hate Wallace

I can admit that most of Joyce is too hard for me to be nice to read

I know what I'm talking about when I post in philosophy threads

>> No.6494342

There are no bizzaro /lit/ threads

>> No.6494343

It is OK for you to like things that I don't, and it is also OK for you to not like things that I do.

>> No.6494354

A Song of Ice and Fire is a well written and consistent piece of literature and should be held along with the works of Homer and Shakespeare.

>> No.6494361

your poetry is good

>> No.6494376

Hegel is the most concise and clear of all modern philosophers.

>> No.6494393

Boy howdy. I tell ya, Stephanie Meyer writes a gripping supernatural tale with Twilight. I never thought vampires and werewolves could be made to be so interesting and deep.

>> No.6494401

I hear ya. Divergent is just as awesome!

>> No.6494405

Literature is entirely subjective, so there cannot be any 'good or 'bad' writers.

>> No.6494417

I know what I'm talking about.

>> No.6494420

/phil/ - Philosophy

>> No.6494435
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>there are seriously people identifying with continentals

>> No.6494443


>> No.6494446

but anon..

>> No.6494502

I hate Marx, and everything he stood for.

>should be held along with the works of Homer and Shakespeare.

>> No.6494512

Start with the Africans.

>> No.6494533

Hey guys, what are your favourite authors? Mine are George Orwell, JK Rowling and GRRM :)

>> No.6494570
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Ughhh, how can anyone stand to read Hebert's Dune? His son Brian did a much better job with the series. Thinking machine wars were so cool.

>> No.6494618

[TEXTUAL REFERENCE] proves that [Author] is irreductible to a stupid strawman, as he clearly states that [CONCEPT] is deduced and not found empirically.

What would be /lit/'s point of view on my commentary ?

>> No.6494649

Your life is not very interesting

>> No.6494979

The Wheel of Time isn't long enough

>> No.6494984

This has been great! And though I enjoy our discussions, it's time for me to read!

>> No.6494991

I agree with anon

>> No.6495497

*silence as everyone is too engaged in their reading*

>> No.6495505

marx was actually a pretty cool guy

>> No.6495521

Start with Dawkins and Chomsky.

>> No.6495526
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Translated literature is just as good as the original

>> No.6495544
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What a time to be alive!

>> No.6495613
File: 787 KB, 1600x1036, 1426610986153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are the best. So friendly, so empathetic, so helpful. There's a real sense of camaraderie here. Everyone's so mindful of the community and the ecosystem. There's never any shitposting, baiting, flaming, or trolling. There's a great sense of collegiality here as well. I know I can engage in serious, unfettered discussion here about literature, philosophy, religion and theology, culture, and the classics without having to restrain myself for fear of ridicule or abuse. Everyone here is such a content expert, and has their own niche. Unlike most every other board in which the vast majority of folks know just enough to get into trouble, here everyone's an expert.

>> No.6495620

Foucault is an amazing tripposter.

>> No.6495635

Why is Stephen King so underrated?

>> No.6495640

That's a banal platitude my good friend, but I'll acept it.

>> No.6495657

I just love how fun literary fiction is, so much more fun than that banal genre fiction. I fucking hate genre ficiton, the only people who read it a re pretentious snobs...
>muh art
>Muh themes

>> No.6495670

Katie still has a youtube channel.

>> No.6495687

>tfw David not Dead

>> No.6495693

:, (

>> No.6495715
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Stephen King is an amazing storyteller that has an incredibly precise command of the english language.

>> No.6495742

r/books is a wonderful place I wish more of their user base would come here and talk about subjects they clearly know a lot about.

>> No.6495769 [SPOILER] 
File: 121 KB, 594x400, 1430783361323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Foucault the tripfag has an impressive chin

>> No.6495800

Holy heck, /lit/, I just got published! I want to take a second to thank all of you who helped me get here, because without your kindness and support, I would have never been able to keep up with my writing day in and day out! You've always kept me motivated and never distracted, always reminding me of what I work for!

Thanks for everything, guys! :)

>> No.6495816

I'm not a virgin

>> No.6495833

I fucked my oneitis yesterday because my friend left me alone with her because he is not a douchebag and he really wants to help me with her.

Because of this, I'm in an enthusiastic, happy, optimistic and glorious mood to study for this fucking important exam of tomorrow and not shitposting in /lit/

>> No.6495857
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I'm not sure who is more carrying on the spirit of brownbear, evola kid or Foucault

>> No.6495871

Thomas Pynchon is a difficult author, and I didn't understand at least half of the things that he said

>> No.6495890

It is extremely hard to spot a tripfaggot samefaggoting their faggottrip on this board, for they are subtle and crafty.

>> No.6495911
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>> No.6495931

I don't feel comfortable criticizing Infinite Jest, since I never finished it.

>> No.6495935


>> No.6495936

Why doesn't anyone talk about Max Stirner or Friedrich Nietzsche despite everyone here having fully read and understood these authors?

>> No.6495947

Oh boy, a Sam Harris thread!

>> No.6495960

>seriously why are they not playing steve reich
lost it

>> No.6497078


>> No.6497095

When is Feminister coming back? I loved her insight.

>> No.6497111

/lit/ is such a great bored that's not full of petty, petulant children

>> No.6497587

>tfw gf

>> No.6497602

I am happy to have Foucault and ΟΥΤΙΣ around. They make great contributions to threads. It's clear both of them are very knowledgeable (as a fascist, ΟΥΤΙΣ seems to be a real expert on Marx). I assume they do a lot of reading.

>> No.6497608

I have regained my sides

>> No.6497700

What book have you read the most, why, & how has it changed as you've aged?

Have you read it 2 times? 5 times? 1000? Why?

How has your understanding of the book changed?

Have you found that you love/hate a character more? A storyline? Does the book evolve with you? If so, how? Did themes or scenes make more sense as you re-read it? Did they disgust you? Make you yearn for other times?

Please and thank you! I really enjoy hearing from all you well-read folk. :)

>> No.6497725

Although I disagree with your opinion, I respect it and I understand where you are coming from.

>> No.6497731

It's frustrating because I actually need to learn about Stirner for what I've been writing about, but because of the memes I don't know where to start.

>> No.6497733

Start reading his main work.

>> No.6497910
File: 95 KB, 700x574, Fruit of Paradise - Red.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm running out of things to reads, guys!

What should I read next? :D

>> No.6497961

Got me to chuckle

>> No.6497969 [SPOILER] 
File: 247 KB, 857x302, 1430834560840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Guys!

My thread isn't getting any hits! Mind checking it out?


>> No.6497983


>> No.6498011

Don't read
Post feet

>> No.6498058

Kant has been misunderstanded till today, it's all a farce.

>> No.6498250

I'm a mentally healthy and amiable fellow. I enjoy A Song of Ice and Fire because of it's clever dialogue and intriguing plot.

>> No.6498554

I can't even imagine being bored by the prospect of seeing yet another dismissal of ASOIAF, tendered as they all are without respect to the self-image their authors imagine they will project.

Each new instance is a fresh delight, revealing some previously unexposed facet of its innumerable imperfections.

>> No.6499763

Obama was a bad writer.